// AUTOGENERATED BY private/apigen // DO NOT EDIT. package example import ( "context" "encoding/json" "net/http" "time" "github.com/gorilla/mux" "github.com/spacemonkeygo/monkit/v3" "github.com/zeebo/errs" "go.uber.org/zap" "storj.io/common/uuid" "storj.io/storj/private/api" ) const dateLayout = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z" var ErrTestapiAPI = errs.Class("example testapi api") type TestAPIService interface { GenTestAPI(ctx context.Context, path string, id uuid.UUID, date time.Time, request struct{ Content string }) (*struct { ID uuid.UUID Date time.Time PathParam string Body string }, api.HTTPError) } // TestAPIHandler is an api handler that exposes all testapi related functionality. type TestAPIHandler struct { log *zap.Logger mon *monkit.Scope service TestAPIService auth api.Auth } func NewTestAPI(log *zap.Logger, mon *monkit.Scope, service TestAPIService, router *mux.Router, auth api.Auth) *TestAPIHandler { handler := &TestAPIHandler{ log: log, mon: mon, service: service, auth: auth, } testapiRouter := router.PathPrefix("/api/v0/testapi").Subrouter() testapiRouter.HandleFunc("/{path}", handler.handleGenTestAPI).Methods("POST") return handler } func (h *TestAPIHandler) handleGenTestAPI(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := r.Context() var err error defer h.mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") idParam := r.URL.Query().Get("id") if idParam == "" { api.ServeError(h.log, w, http.StatusBadRequest, errs.New("parameter 'id' can't be empty")) return } id, err := uuid.FromString(idParam) if err != nil { api.ServeError(h.log, w, http.StatusBadRequest, err) return } dateParam := r.URL.Query().Get("date") if dateParam == "" { api.ServeError(h.log, w, http.StatusBadRequest, errs.New("parameter 'date' can't be empty")) return } date, err := time.Parse(dateLayout, dateParam) if err != nil { api.ServeError(h.log, w, http.StatusBadRequest, err) return } path, ok := mux.Vars(r)["path"] if !ok { api.ServeError(h.log, w, http.StatusBadRequest, errs.New("missing path route param")) return } payload := struct{ Content string }{} if err = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&payload); err != nil { api.ServeError(h.log, w, http.StatusBadRequest, err) return } ctx, err = h.auth.IsAuthenticated(ctx, r, true, true) if err != nil { h.auth.RemoveAuthCookie(w) api.ServeError(h.log, w, http.StatusUnauthorized, err) return } retVal, httpErr := h.service.GenTestAPI(ctx, path, id, date, payload) if httpErr.Err != nil { api.ServeError(h.log, w, httpErr.Status, httpErr.Err) return } err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(retVal) if err != nil { h.log.Debug("failed to write json GenTestAPI response", zap.Error(ErrTestapiAPI.Wrap(err))) } }