#!/bin/bash # This script will build libuplink-android.aar library from scratch # Required: # * ANDROID_HOME set with NDK available # * go # * gospace if [ -z "$ANDROID_HOME" ] then echo "\$ANDROID_HOME is not set" exit 1 fi OUTPUT_DIR=${1:-$PWD} OUTPUT_AAR="libuplink-android.aar" OUTPUT_JAVA_PACKAGE="io.storj.libuplink" STORJ_PATH=~/storj-for-android # set go modules to default behavior export GO111MODULE=auto # go knows where our gopath is export GOPATH=$STORJ_PATH # gospace knows where our gopath is (this is to avoid accidental damage to existing GOPATH) # you should not use default GOPATH here export GOSPACE_ROOT=$STORJ_PATH # set the github repository that this GOSPACE manages export GOSPACE_PKG=storj.io/storj # set the where the repository is located export GOSPACE_REPO=git@github.com:storj/storj.git gospace setup export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin # step can be removed after merge to master cd $GOPATH/src/storj.io/storj git checkout -q mn/java-bindings cd $GOPATH go get golang.org/x/mobile/cmd/gomobile gomobile init echo -e "\nbuilding aar" gomobile bind -target android -o $OUTPUT_DIR/libuplink-android.aar -javapkg $OUTPUT_JAVA_PACKAGE storj.io/storj/mobile echo "output aar: $OUTPUT_DIR/libuplink-android.aar"