// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc. // See LICENSE for copying information. package stripecoinpayments import ( "context" "time" "github.com/stripe/stripe-go/v72" "github.com/zeebo/errs" "storj.io/common/uuid" "storj.io/storj/satellite/payments" ) // ensures that accounts implements payments.Accounts. var _ payments.Accounts = (*accounts)(nil) // accounts is an implementation of payments.Accounts. // // architecture: Service type accounts struct { service *Service } // CreditCards exposes all needed functionality to manage account credit cards. func (accounts *accounts) CreditCards() payments.CreditCards { return &creditCards{service: accounts.service} } // Invoices exposes all needed functionality to manage account invoices. func (accounts *accounts) Invoices() payments.Invoices { return &invoices{service: accounts.service} } // Setup creates a payment account for the user. // If account is already set up it will return nil. func (accounts *accounts) Setup(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, email string, signupPromoCode string) (couponType payments.CouponType, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx, userID, email)(&err) couponType = payments.FreeTierCoupon _, err = accounts.service.db.Customers().GetCustomerID(ctx, userID) if err == nil { return couponType, nil } params := &stripe.CustomerParams{ Email: stripe.String(email), } if signupPromoCode == "" { params.Coupon = stripe.String(accounts.service.StripeFreeTierCouponID) customer, err := accounts.service.stripeClient.Customers().New(params) if err != nil { return couponType, Error.Wrap(err) } // TODO: delete customer from stripe, if db insertion fails return couponType, Error.Wrap(accounts.service.db.Customers().Insert(ctx, userID, customer.ID)) } promoCodeIter := accounts.service.stripeClient.PromoCodes().List(&stripe.PromotionCodeListParams{ Code: stripe.String(signupPromoCode), }) var promoCode *stripe.PromotionCode if promoCodeIter.Next() { promoCode = promoCodeIter.PromotionCode() } else { couponType = payments.NoCoupon } // If signup promo code is provided, apply this on account creation. // If a free tier coupon is provided with no signup promo code, apply this on account creation. if promoCode != nil && promoCode.Coupon != nil { params.Coupon = stripe.String(promoCode.Coupon.ID) couponType = payments.SignupCoupon } else if accounts.service.StripeFreeTierCouponID != "" { params.Coupon = stripe.String(accounts.service.StripeFreeTierCouponID) } customer, err := accounts.service.stripeClient.Customers().New(params) if err != nil { return couponType, Error.Wrap(err) } // TODO: delete customer from stripe, if db insertion fails return couponType, Error.Wrap(accounts.service.db.Customers().Insert(ctx, userID, customer.ID)) } // Balance returns an integer amount in cents that represents the current balance of payment account. func (accounts *accounts) Balance(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) (_ payments.Balance, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx, userID)(&err) customerID, err := accounts.service.db.Customers().GetCustomerID(ctx, userID) if err != nil { return payments.Balance{}, Error.Wrap(err) } c, err := accounts.service.stripeClient.Customers().Get(customerID, nil) if err != nil { return payments.Balance{}, Error.Wrap(err) } accountBalance := payments.Balance{ Coins: -c.Balance, } return accountBalance, nil } // ProjectCharges returns how much money current user will be charged for each project. func (accounts *accounts) ProjectCharges(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, since, before time.Time) (charges []payments.ProjectCharge, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx, userID, since, before)(&err) // to return empty slice instead of nil if there are no projects charges = make([]payments.ProjectCharge, 0) projects, err := accounts.service.projectsDB.GetOwn(ctx, userID) if err != nil { return nil, Error.Wrap(err) } for _, project := range projects { usage, err := accounts.service.usageDB.GetProjectTotal(ctx, project.ID, since, before) if err != nil { return charges, Error.Wrap(err) } projectPrice := accounts.service.calculateProjectUsagePrice(usage.Egress, usage.Storage, usage.SegmentCount) charges = append(charges, payments.ProjectCharge{ ProjectUsage: *usage, ProjectID: project.ID, Egress: projectPrice.Egress.IntPart(), SegmentCount: projectPrice.Segments.IntPart(), StorageGbHrs: projectPrice.Storage.IntPart(), }) } return charges, nil } // CheckProjectInvoicingStatus returns error if for the given project there are outstanding project records and/or usage // which have not been applied/invoiced yet (meaning sent over to stripe). func (accounts *accounts) CheckProjectInvoicingStatus(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) year, month, _ := accounts.service.nowFn().UTC().Date() firstOfMonth := time.Date(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) // Check if an invoice project record exists already err = accounts.service.db.ProjectRecords().Check(ctx, projectID, firstOfMonth.AddDate(0, -1, 0), firstOfMonth) if errs.Is(err, ErrProjectRecordExists) { record, err := accounts.service.db.ProjectRecords().Get(ctx, projectID, firstOfMonth.AddDate(0, -1, 0), firstOfMonth) if err != nil { return err } // state = 0 means unapplied and not invoiced yet. if record.State == 0 { return errs.New("unapplied project invoice record exist") } // Record has been applied, so project can be deleted. return nil } if err != nil { return err } return nil } // CheckProjectUsageStatus returns error if for the given project there is some usage for current or previous month. func (accounts *accounts) CheckProjectUsageStatus(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) error { var err error defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) year, month, _ := accounts.service.nowFn().UTC().Date() firstOfMonth := time.Date(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) // check current month usage and do not allow deletion if usage exists currentUsage, err := accounts.service.usageDB.GetProjectTotal(ctx, projectID, firstOfMonth, accounts.service.nowFn()) if err != nil { return err } if currentUsage.Storage > 0 || currentUsage.Egress > 0 || currentUsage.SegmentCount > 0 { return errs.New("usage for current month exists") } // check usage for last month, if exists, ensure we have an invoice item created. lastMonthUsage, err := accounts.service.usageDB.GetProjectTotal(ctx, projectID, firstOfMonth.AddDate(0, -1, 0), firstOfMonth.AddDate(0, 0, -1)) if err != nil { return err } if lastMonthUsage.Storage > 0 || lastMonthUsage.Egress > 0 || lastMonthUsage.SegmentCount > 0 { err = accounts.service.db.ProjectRecords().Check(ctx, projectID, firstOfMonth.AddDate(0, -1, 0), firstOfMonth) if !errs.Is(err, ErrProjectRecordExists) { return errs.New("usage for last month exist, but is not billed yet") } } return nil } // Charges returns list of all credit card charges related to account. func (accounts *accounts) Charges(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) (_ []payments.Charge, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx, userID)(&err) customerID, err := accounts.service.db.Customers().GetCustomerID(ctx, userID) if err != nil { return nil, Error.Wrap(err) } params := &stripe.ChargeListParams{ Customer: stripe.String(customerID), } params.Filters.AddFilter("limit", "", "100") iter := accounts.service.stripeClient.Charges().List(params) var charges []payments.Charge for iter.Next() { charge := iter.Charge() // ignore all non credit card charges if charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Type != stripe.ChargePaymentMethodDetailsTypeCard { continue } if charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card == nil { continue } charges = append(charges, payments.Charge{ ID: charge.ID, Amount: charge.Amount, CardInfo: payments.CardInfo{ ID: charge.PaymentMethod, Brand: string(charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Brand), LastFour: charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Card.Last4, }, CreatedAt: time.Unix(charge.Created, 0).UTC(), }) } if err = iter.Err(); err != nil { return nil, Error.Wrap(err) } return charges, nil } // StorjTokens exposes all storj token related functionality. func (accounts *accounts) StorjTokens() payments.StorjTokens { return &storjTokens{service: accounts.service} } // Coupons exposes all needed functionality to manage coupons. func (accounts *accounts) Coupons() payments.Coupons { return &coupons{service: accounts.service} }