import argparse import logging import os import subprocess import sys from enum import Enum # Setting up basic logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') class Section(Enum): GENERAL = "General" MULTINODE = "Multinode" SATELLITE = "Satellite" STORAGENODE = "Storagenode" TEST = "Test" UPLINK = "Uplink" GITHUB_LINK = "[{0}]({0})" def git_ref_field(from_ref, to_ref): """ Executes a git command to find the difference in commits between two references. Assumes 'from_ref' and 'to_ref' are valid Git references. Args: from_ref (str): The source reference. to_ref (str): The target reference. Returns: str: A string containing the git commit differences. """ cmd = ["git", "cherry", from_ref, to_ref, "-v"] try: result =, text=True, capture_output=True, check=True) return result.stdout except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logging.error(f"Error executing git command: {e.stderr}") raise def validate_git_refs(from_ref, to_ref): """ Validates the provided Git references. Args: from_ref (str): The source reference. to_ref (str): The target reference. Returns: bool: True if references are valid, False otherwise. """ for ref in [from_ref, to_ref]: result =["git", "rev-parse", "--verify", ref], text=True, capture_output=True) if result.returncode != 0: logging.error(f"Invalid Git reference: {ref}") return False return True def categorize_commit(commit, section_dict): """ Categorizes a single commit into the appropriate section. Handles unexpected commit formats by logging a warning and defaulting to the GENERAL section. Args: commit (str): A git commit message. section_dict (dict): Dictionary of sections. Returns: None """ try: commit_category = commit[42:].split(":")[0].lower() for category in section_dict: if in commit_category: section_dict[category].append(generate_line(commit)) return section_dict[Section.GENERAL].append(generate_line(commit)) except IndexError: logging.warning(f"Unexpected commit format: {commit}") section_dict[Section.GENERAL].append(generate_line(commit)) def generate_changelog(commits): """ Generates a formatted changelog from a string of commits. Args: commits (str): A string containing git commit messages. Returns: str: The formatted changelog. """ if not commits: return "No new commits found or error occurred." changelog = "# Changelog\n" section_dict = {s: [] for s in Section} for commit in commits.splitlines(): categorize_commit(commit, section_dict) for title, lines in section_dict.items(): if lines: changelog += f'### {title.value}\n' + ''.join(lines) return changelog def generate_line(commit): """ Formats a single commit line for the changelog. Args: commit (str): A git commit message. Returns: str: The formatted commit line. """ return f"- {GITHUB_LINK.format(commit[2:9])} {commit[42:]}\n" def prompt_for_refs(args): """ Prompts user for 'from_ref' and 'to_ref' if not provided. Args: args: Parsed command-line arguments. Returns: None """ if not args.from_ref: args.from_ref = input("Enter the starting Git reference (from_ref): ") if not args.to_ref: args.to_ref = input("Enter the ending Git reference (to_ref): ") def main(): """ Main function to parse arguments, validate them, and print the changelog. If run interactively, prompts the user for input. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate a sorted changelog from Git commits.") parser.add_argument("from_ref", nargs='?', help="The ref to show the path from") parser.add_argument("to_ref", nargs='?', help="The ref to show the path to") args = parser.parse_args() # Check if the script is running interactively if os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()): prompt_for_refs(args) if not (args.from_ref and args.to_ref) or not validate_git_refs(args.from_ref, args.to_ref): parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) try: commits = git_ref_field(args.from_ref, args.to_ref) changelog = generate_changelog(commits) print(changelog) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()