-- possible sources: -- * udpin(address) -- * filein(path) -- multiple sources can be handled in the same run (including multiple sources -- of the same type) by calling deliver more than once. source = udpin(":9000") -- These two numbers are the size of destination metric buffers and packet buffers -- respectively. Wrapping a metric destination in a metric buffer starts a goroutine -- for that destination, which allows for concurrent writes to destinations, instead -- of writing to destinations synchronously. If one destination blocks, this allows -- the other destinations to continue, with the caveat that buffers may get overrun -- if the buffer fills past this value. -- One additional caveat to make sure mbuf and pbuf work - they need mbufprep and -- pbufprep called higher in the pipeline. By default to save CPU cycles, memory -- is reused, but this is bad in buffered writer situations. mbufprep and pbufprep -- stress the garbage collector and lower performance at the expense of getting -- mbuf and pbuf to work. -- I've gone through and added mbuf and pbuf calls in various places. I think one -- of our output destinations was getting behind and getting misconfigured, and -- perhaps that was causing the holes in the data. -- - JT 2019-05-15 mbufsize = 10000 pbufsize = 1000 -- multiple metric destination types -- * graphite(address) goes to tcp with the graphite wire protocol -- * print() goes to stdout -- * db("sqlite3", path) goes to sqlite -- * db("postgres", connstring) goes to postgres influx_out = graphite("influx-internal.datasci.storj.io.:2003") graphite_out = graphite("graphite-internal.datasci.storj.io.:2003") v2_metric_handlers = sanitize(mbufprep(mcopy( -- send all satellite data to graphite mbuf(influx_out, mbufsize), mbuf(graphite_out, mbufsize)))) -- mbuf(graphite_out_stefan, mbufsize), -- send specific storagenode data to the db --keyfilter( --"env\\.process\\." .. --"|hw\\.disk\\..*Used" .. --"|hw\\.disk\\..*Avail" .. --"|hw\\.network\\.stats\\..*\\.(tx|rx)_bytes\\.(deriv|val)", --mbuf(db_out, mbufsize)) v3_metric_handlers = mcopy( downgrade(v2_metric_handlers) ) -- create a metric parser. metric_parser = parse( -- parse takes one or two arguments. the first argument is -- a metric handler, the remaining one is a per-packet application or -- instance filter. each filter is a regex. all packets must -- match all packet filters. versionsplit(v2_metric_handlers, v3_metric_handlers)) -- sanitize converts weird chars to underscores --packetfilter(".*", "", udpout("localhost:9002"))) --packetfilter("(storagenode|satellite)-(dev|prod|alphastorj|stagingstorj)", "")) af = "(uplink|satellite|downloadData|uploadData).*(-alpha|-release|storj|-transfersh)" af_rothko = ".*(-alpha|-release|storj|-transfersh)" -- pcopy forks data to multiple outputs -- output types include parse, fileout, and udpout destination = pbufprep(pcopy( --fileout("dump.out"), pbuf(packetfilter(af, "", metric_parser), pbufsize), -- useful local debugging pbuf(udpout("localhost:9001"), pbufsize), -- rothko pbuf(packetfilter(af_rothko, "", udpout("rothko-internal.datasci.storj.io:9002")), pbufsize) )) -- tie the source to the destination deliver(source, destination)