// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc. // See LICENSE for copying information. package storagenodedb import ( "database/sql" "fmt" "math/rand" "os" "path/filepath" "sync" "time" "github.com/zeebo/errs" "go.uber.org/zap" monkit "gopkg.in/spacemonkeygo/monkit.v2" "storj.io/storj/internal/dbutil" "storj.io/storj/internal/migrate" ) // ErrInfo is the default error class for InfoDB var ErrInfo = errs.Class("infodb") // InfoDB implements information database for piecestore. type InfoDB struct { db *sql.DB bandwidthdb bandwidthdb pieceinfo pieceinfo } // newInfo creates or opens InfoDB at the specified path. func newInfo(path string) (*InfoDB, error) { if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), 0700); err != nil { return nil, err } db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", "file:"+path+"?_journal=WAL&_busy_timeout=10000") if err != nil { return nil, ErrInfo.Wrap(err) } dbutil.Configure(db, mon) infoDb := &InfoDB{db: db} infoDb.pieceinfo = pieceinfo{InfoDB: infoDb, space: spaceUsed{used: 0, once: sync.Once{}}} infoDb.bandwidthdb = bandwidthdb{InfoDB: infoDb, bandwidth: bandwidthUsed{used: 0, mu: sync.RWMutex{}, usedSince: time.Time{}}} return infoDb, nil } // NewInfoInMemory creates a new inmemory InfoDB. func NewInfoInMemory() (*InfoDB, error) { // create memory DB with a shared cache and a unique name to avoid collisions db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", fmt.Sprintf("file:memdb%d?mode=memory&cache=shared", rand.Int63())) if err != nil { return nil, ErrInfo.Wrap(err) } // Set max idle and max open to 1 to control concurrent access to the memory DB // Setting max open higher than 1 results in table locked errors db.SetMaxIdleConns(1) db.SetMaxOpenConns(1) db.SetConnMaxLifetime(-1) mon.Chain("db_stats", monkit.StatSourceFunc( func(cb func(name string, val float64)) { monkit.StatSourceFromStruct(db.Stats()).Stats(cb) })) infoDb := &InfoDB{db: db} infoDb.pieceinfo = pieceinfo{InfoDB: infoDb, space: spaceUsed{used: 0, once: sync.Once{}}} infoDb.bandwidthdb = bandwidthdb{InfoDB: infoDb, bandwidth: bandwidthUsed{used: 0, mu: sync.RWMutex{}, usedSince: time.Time{}}} return infoDb, nil } // Close closes any resources. func (db *InfoDB) Close() error { return db.db.Close() } // CreateTables creates any necessary tables. func (db *InfoDB) CreateTables(log *zap.Logger) error { migration := db.Migration() return migration.Run(log.Named("migration"), db) } // RawDB returns access to the raw database, only for migration tests. func (db *InfoDB) RawDB() *sql.DB { return db.db } // Begin begins transaction func (db *InfoDB) Begin() (*sql.Tx, error) { return db.db.Begin() } // Rebind rebind parameters func (db *InfoDB) Rebind(s string) string { return s } // Schema returns schema func (db *InfoDB) Schema() string { return "" } // Migration returns table migrations. func (db *InfoDB) Migration() *migrate.Migration { return &migrate.Migration{ Table: "versions", Steps: []*migrate.Step{ { Description: "Initial setup", Version: 0, Action: migrate.SQL{ // table for keeping serials that need to be verified against `CREATE TABLE used_serial ( satellite_id BLOB NOT NULL, serial_number BLOB NOT NULL, expiration TIMESTAMP NOT NULL )`, // primary key on satellite id and serial number `CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pk_used_serial ON used_serial(satellite_id, serial_number)`, // expiration index to allow fast deletion `CREATE INDEX idx_used_serial ON used_serial(expiration)`, // certificate table for storing uplink/satellite certificates `CREATE TABLE certificate ( cert_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, node_id BLOB NOT NULL, -- same NodeID can have multiple valid leaf certificates peer_identity BLOB UNIQUE NOT NULL -- PEM encoded )`, // table for storing piece meta info `CREATE TABLE pieceinfo ( satellite_id BLOB NOT NULL, piece_id BLOB NOT NULL, piece_size BIGINT NOT NULL, piece_expiration TIMESTAMP, -- date when it can be deleted uplink_piece_hash BLOB NOT NULL, -- serialized pb.PieceHash signed by uplink uplink_cert_id INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(uplink_cert_id) REFERENCES certificate(cert_id) )`, // primary key by satellite id and piece id `CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pk_pieceinfo ON pieceinfo(satellite_id, piece_id)`, // table for storing bandwidth usage `CREATE TABLE bandwidth_usage ( satellite_id BLOB NOT NULL, action INTEGER NOT NULL, amount BIGINT NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL )`, `CREATE INDEX idx_bandwidth_usage_satellite ON bandwidth_usage(satellite_id)`, `CREATE INDEX idx_bandwidth_usage_created ON bandwidth_usage(created_at)`, // table for storing all unsent orders `CREATE TABLE unsent_order ( satellite_id BLOB NOT NULL, serial_number BLOB NOT NULL, order_limit_serialized BLOB NOT NULL, -- serialized pb.OrderLimit order_serialized BLOB NOT NULL, -- serialized pb.Order order_limit_expiration TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, -- when is the deadline for sending it uplink_cert_id INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(uplink_cert_id) REFERENCES certificate(cert_id) )`, `CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_orders ON unsent_order(satellite_id, serial_number)`, // table for storing all sent orders `CREATE TABLE order_archive ( satellite_id BLOB NOT NULL, serial_number BLOB NOT NULL, order_limit_serialized BLOB NOT NULL, -- serialized pb.OrderLimit order_serialized BLOB NOT NULL, -- serialized pb.Order uplink_cert_id INTEGER NOT NULL, status INTEGER NOT NULL, -- accepted, rejected, confirmed archived_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, -- when was it rejected FOREIGN KEY(uplink_cert_id) REFERENCES certificate(cert_id) )`, `CREATE INDEX idx_order_archive_satellite ON order_archive(satellite_id)`, `CREATE INDEX idx_order_archive_status ON order_archive(status)`, }, }, { Description: "Network Wipe #2", Version: 1, Action: migrate.SQL{ `UPDATE pieceinfo SET piece_expiration = '2019-05-09 00:00:00.000000+00:00'`, }, }, { Description: "Add tracking of deletion failures.", Version: 2, Action: migrate.SQL{ `ALTER TABLE pieceinfo ADD COLUMN deletion_failed_at TIMESTAMP`, }, }, { Description: "Add vouchersDB for storing and retrieving vouchers.", Version: 3, Action: migrate.SQL{ `CREATE TABLE vouchers ( satellite_id BLOB PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, voucher_serialized BLOB NOT NULL, expiration TIMESTAMP NOT NULL )`, }, }, { Description: "Add index on pieceinfo expireation", Version: 4, Action: migrate.SQL{ `CREATE INDEX idx_pieceinfo_expiration ON pieceinfo(piece_expiration)`, `CREATE INDEX idx_pieceinfo_deletion_failed ON pieceinfo(deletion_failed_at)`, }, }, { Description: "Partial Network Wipe - Tardigrade Satellites", Version: 5, Action: migrate.SQL{ `UPDATE pieceinfo SET piece_expiration = '2019-06-25 00:00:00.000000+00:00' WHERE satellite_id IN (x'84A74C2CD43C5BA76535E1F42F5DF7C287ED68D33522782F4AFABFDB40000000', x'A28B4F04E10BAE85D67F4C6CB82BF8D4C0F0F47A8EA72627524DEB6EC0000000', x'AF2C42003EFC826AB4361F73F9D890942146FE0EBE806786F8E7190800000000' )`, }, }, { Description: "Add creation date.", Version: 6, Action: migrate.SQL{ `ALTER TABLE pieceinfo ADD COLUMN piece_creation TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT 'epoch'`, }, }, { Description: "Drop certificate table.", Version: 7, Action: migrate.SQL{ `DROP TABLE certificate`, `CREATE TABLE certificate (cert_id INTEGER)`, }, }, { Description: "Drop old used serials and remove pieceinfo_deletion_failed index.", Version: 8, Action: migrate.SQL{ `DELETE FROM used_serial`, `DROP INDEX idx_pieceinfo_deletion_failed`, }, }, { Description: "Add order limit table.", Version: 9, Action: migrate.SQL{ `ALTER TABLE pieceinfo ADD COLUMN order_limit BLOB NOT NULL DEFAULT X''`, }, }, }, } }