// node table contains information about storagenodes. model node ( key id index ( name node_last_ip fields last_net ) index ( name nodes_dis_unk_off_exit_fin_last_success_index fields disqualified unknown_audit_suspended offline_suspended exit_finished_at last_contact_success ) index ( // N.B. the index doesn't have a name which clarifies its purpose because // it was created in the production DBs as it's before being added here name nodes_type_last_cont_success_free_disk_ma_mi_patch_vetted_partial_index fields type last_contact_success free_disk major minor patch vetted_at where node.disqualified = null where node.unknown_audit_suspended = null where node.exit_initiated_at = null where node.release = true where node.last_net != "" ) index ( // N.B. the index doesn't have a name which clarifies its purpose because // it was created in the production DBs as it's before being added here name nodes_dis_unk_aud_exit_init_rel_type_last_cont_success_stored_index fields disqualified unknown_audit_suspended exit_initiated_at release type last_contact_success where node.disqualified = null where node.unknown_audit_suspended = null where node.exit_initiated_at = null where node.release = true ) // id is the storj.NodeID of the storagenode. field id blob // address is how to contact the node, this can be a hostname or IP and it contains the port field address text ( updatable, default "" ) // TODO: use compressed format // last_net is the /24 of IPv4 or /64 subnet of IPv4. e.g for an IP of it is going to be 1.2.3. field last_net text ( updatable ) // last_ip_port is the IP and port of the storagenode, as it was last resolved. // This is used as a shortcut to avoid overloading DNS. // Connections will fall back to using 'address' if a connection here fails. field last_ip_port text ( updatable, nullable ) // country_code is the ISO 3166 2-letter country code indicating where the node is located, according to geoip lookup. // It is updated anytime we update last_ip_port. field country_code text ( updatable, nullable ) // protocol refers to pb.NodeTransport. TCP+TLS = 0, QUIC+RPC = 1, TCP+NOISE+RPC = 2. // This field seems unused at the moment. field protocol int ( updatable, default 0 ) // type refers to pb.NodeType. It is deprecated, because the table only contains storage nodes. field type int ( updatable, default 0 ) // email is the storage node operators contact email. field email text ( updatable ) // wallet is the text version of the Ethereum (or other) wallet address. field wallet text ( updatable ) // wallet_features is the comma delimited list of wallet features. field wallet_features text ( updatable, default "" ) // free_disk is the amount of free space that the storagenode has reported. field free_disk int64 ( updatable, default -1 ) // piece_count is an estimate on the number of pieces the storagenode stores. field piece_count int64 ( autoinsert, updatable, default 0 ) // major is the version major release. field major int64 ( updatable, default 0 ) // minor is the version minor release. field minor int64 ( updatable, default 0 ) // patch is the version patch release. field patch int64 ( updatable, default 0 ) // hash is the hash of the release. field hash text ( updatable, default "" ) // timestamp is the timestamp the release was built. field timestamp timestamp ( updatable, default "0001-01-01 00:00:00+00" ) // release indicates whether the storagenode is running a release version. field release bool ( updatable, default false ) // latency_90 is the 90 percentile estimate of latency. // This column is unused. field latency_90 int64 ( updatable, default 0 ) // vetted_at is the time the storagenode gained sufficient reputation to be trusted with more data. field vetted_at timestamp ( updatable, nullable ) // created_at is the time the storagenode first made a successful contact. field created_at timestamp ( autoinsert, default current_timestamp ) // updated_at is the time the details have been last updated. field updated_at timestamp ( autoinsert, autoupdate, default current_timestamp ) // last_contact_success is the most recent time the storagenode was successfully contacted. field last_contact_success timestamp ( updatable, default "epoch" ) // last_contact_failure is the most recent time the storagenode checked in, but the satellite wasn't able to ping it back. field last_contact_failure timestamp ( updatable, default "epoch" ) // disqualified is set when the node fails too many audits or is offline for too long. // Reputation table has a cached value of this field. field disqualified timestamp ( updatable, nullable ) // disqualification_reason contains information about why the node was disqualified. // This corresponds to overlay.DisqualificationReason. // 0=unknown, 1=audit failures, 2=suspended for too long, 3=offline for too long. // Reputation table has a cached value of this field. field disqualification_reason int ( updatable, nullable ) // unknown_audit_suspended is set when the node is placed under inspection. // This happens when it has too many unknown-error audits. field unknown_audit_suspended timestamp ( updatable, nullable ) // offline_suspended is set when the node is offline for too many audits. field offline_suspended timestamp ( updatable, nullable ) // under_review is set when the node is marked for offline, this marks the node for review // so it can be checked later. field under_review timestamp ( updatable, nullable ) // exit_initiated_at indicates whether and when the storagenode has started an graceful exit. field exit_initiated_at timestamp ( updatable, nullable ) // exit_loop_completed_at indicates when the satellite has collected all the pieces that need to be transferred. field exit_loop_completed_at timestamp ( updatable, nullable ) // exit_finished_at indicates when the storagenode finished the graceful exit. field exit_finished_at timestamp ( updatable, nullable ) // exit_success is whether the graceful exit ended successfully. field exit_success bool ( updatable, default false ) // contained indicates when and whether the storagenode has been placed into containment mode. field contained timestamp ( updatable, nullable ) // last_offline_email indicates when the last offline email was sent to the storagenode operator. field last_offline_email timestamp ( updatable, nullable ) // last_software_update_email indicates when the last software update email was sent to the storagenode operator. field last_software_update_email timestamp ( updatable, nullable ) // noise_proto is the noise protocol version that the storagenode has implemented. field noise_proto int ( updatable, nullable ) // noise_public_key is the last known public key for the storagenode. field noise_public_key blob ( updatable, nullable ) // debounce_limit is the limit of the number of identical messages this // node can defend against. this is not the limit of messages, just the // limit of how many of the same message can be debounced. field debounce_limit int ( updatable, default 0 ) // features is a bitmask of pb.NodeAddress_Feature values. field features int ( updatable, default 0 ) ) update node ( where node.id = ? ) update node ( where node.id = ? noreturn ) update node ( where node.id = ? where node.disqualified = null where node.exit_finished_at = null noreturn ) // "Get" query; fails if node not found read one ( select node where node.id = ? ) read all ( select node.id ) read paged ( select node ) read all ( select node.id node.piece_count where node.piece_count != 0 ) // node_api_version is a table for storing the supported API. // This information is updated during order settlement. model node_api_version ( key id // id is the storj.NodeID of the storagenode. field id blob // api_version refers to the satellite/nodeapiversion.Version value. field api_version int ( updatable ) // created_at is the time the version was first added. field created_at timestamp ( autoinsert ) // updated_at is the time the version was last updated. field updated_at timestamp ( autoinsert, autoupdate ) ) create node_api_version ( noreturn replace ) read has ( select node_api_version where node_api_version.id = ? where node_api_version.api_version >= ? ) update node_api_version ( where node_api_version.id = ? where node_api_version.api_version < ? noreturn ) // node_event table contains information that the storagenode should be updated about. // This information is collected to avoid sending too many messages to node operators. model node_event ( key id index ( name node_events_email_event_created_at_index fields email event created_at where node_event.email_sent = null ) // id is a UUID for this event. field id blob // emails is the storagenode operators contact address. field email text // node_id is the storagenode storj.NodeID. field node_id blob // event is the event kind, which refers to satellite/nodeevents.Type. field event int // created_at is when this event was added. field created_at timestamp ( default current_timestamp ) // last_attempted is when nodeevents chore last tried to send the email. field last_attempted timestamp ( nullable, updatable ) // email_sent when the email sending succeeded. field email_sent timestamp ( nullable, updatable ) ) create node_event() read one ( select node_event where node_event.id = ? ) read first ( select node_event where node_event.email = ? where node_event.event = ? orderby desc node_event.created_at ) delete node_event ( where node_event.created_at < ? )