// Copyright (C) 2022 Storj Labs, Inc. // See LICENSE for copying information. //go:build ignore // +build ignore package main import ( "context" "flag" "log" "os" "os/exec" "os/signal" "runtime" "strings" "syscall" "time" "storj.io/common/sync2" ) func newCommand(ctx context.Context, directory string, name string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd { cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, name, args...) cmd.Dir = directory return cmd } type Checks struct { Modules bool Copyright bool Imports bool PeerConstraints bool AtomicAlign bool Monkit bool Errors bool Static bool Monitoring bool WASMSize bool Protolock bool GolangCI bool } func main() { workDir, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { log.Fatalln("error", err) } checks := Checks{} parallel := flag.Int("parallel", runtime.NumCPU(), "specify the number of tasks to run concurrently") race := flag.Bool("race", false, "pass race to appropriate linters") flag.StringVar(&workDir, "work-dir", workDir, "specify the working directory") flag.BoolVar(&checks.Modules, "modules", checks.Modules, "check module tidiness") flag.BoolVar(&checks.Copyright, "copyright", checks.Copyright, "ensure copyright") flag.BoolVar(&checks.Imports, "imports", checks.Imports, "check import usage") flag.BoolVar(&checks.PeerConstraints, "peer-constraints", checks.PeerConstraints, "check peer constraints") flag.BoolVar(&checks.AtomicAlign, "atomic-align", checks.AtomicAlign, "ensure atomic alignment") flag.BoolVar(&checks.Monkit, "monkit", checks.Monkit, "check monkit usage") flag.BoolVar(&checks.Errors, "errs", checks.Errors, "check error usage") flag.BoolVar(&checks.Static, "staticcheck", checks.Static, "perform static analysis checks against the code base") flag.BoolVar(&checks.Monitoring, "monitoring", checks.Monitoring, "check monitoring") flag.BoolVar(&checks.WASMSize, "wasm-size", checks.WASMSize, "check the wasm file size for optimal performance") flag.BoolVar(&checks.Protolock, "protolock", checks.Protolock, "check the status of the protolock file") flag.BoolVar(&checks.GolangCI, "golangci", checks.GolangCI, "run the golangci-lint tool") flag.Parse() target := []string{"./..."} if args := flag.Args(); len(args) > 0 { target = args } ctx, halt := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) defer halt() limiter := sync2.NewLimiter(*parallel) submit := func(cmd *exec.Cmd) bool { prefix := "[" + cmd.Dir + " " + strings.Join(cmd.Args, " ") + "]" return limiter.Go(ctx, func() { start := time.Now() log.Println(prefix, "running") defer func() { log.Println(prefix, "done", time.Since(start)) }() out, _ := cmd.CombinedOutput() exitCode := cmd.ProcessState.ExitCode() if exitCode > 0 { log.Fatalln(prefix, "error", string(out)) } }) } // separate commands into two tiers to handle commands that can not be run in parallel (like staticcheck and // golangci-lint). commands := [][]*exec.Cmd{ make([]*exec.Cmd, 0, 10), make([]*exec.Cmd, 0, 1), } if checks.Modules { commands[0] = append(commands[0], newCommand(ctx, workDir, "check-mod-tidy")) } if checks.Copyright { commands[0] = append(commands[0], newCommand(ctx, workDir, "check-copyright")) } if checks.Imports { args := make([]string, 0, 2) if *race { args = append(args, "-race") } args = append(args, target...) commands[0] = append(commands[0], newCommand(ctx, workDir, "check-imports", args...)) } if checks.PeerConstraints { args := make([]string, 0, 1) if *race { args = append(args, "-race") } commands[0] = append(commands[0], newCommand(ctx, workDir, "check-peer-constraints", args...)) } if checks.AtomicAlign { commands[0] = append(commands[0], newCommand(ctx, workDir, "check-atomic-align", target...)) } if checks.Monkit { commands[0] = append(commands[0], newCommand(ctx, workDir, "check-monkit", target...)) } if checks.Errors { commands[0] = append(commands[0], newCommand(ctx, workDir, "check-errs", target...)) } if checks.Static { commands[0] = append(commands[0], newCommand(ctx, workDir, "staticcheck", target...)) } if checks.Monitoring { commands[0] = append(commands[0], newCommand(ctx, workDir, "make", "check-monitoring")) } if checks.WASMSize { commands[0] = append(commands[0], newCommand(ctx, workDir, "make", "test-wasm-size")) } if checks.Protolock { commands[0] = append(commands[0], newCommand(ctx, workDir, "protolock", "status")) } if checks.GolangCI { args := append([]string{"--config", "/go/ci/.golangci.yml", "--skip-dirs", "(^|/)node_modules($|/)", "-j=2", "run"}, target...) commands[1] = append(commands[1], newCommand(ctx, workDir, "golangci-lint", args...)) } start := time.Now() defer func() { log.Println("total time", time.Since(start)) }() for _, tier := range commands { for _, cmd := range tier { ok := submit(cmd) if !ok { log.Fatalln("error", "failed to submit task to queue") } } limiter.Wait() } limiter.Wait() }