pipeline { agent { dockerfile { filename 'Dockerfile.jenkins' args '-u root:root -v "/tmp/gomod":/go/pkg/mod' } } options { timeout(time: 10, unit: 'MINUTES') } stages { stage('Build') { steps { checkout scm sh 'mkdir .build' // make a backup of the mod file in case, for later linting sh 'cp go.mod .build/go.mod.orig' // download dependencies sh 'go mod download' sh 'go install -v -race ./...' sh 'make install-sim' sh 'service postgresql start' } } stage('Verification') { parallel { stage('Lint') { steps { sh 'go run ./scripts/check-copyright.go' sh 'go run ./scripts/check-imports.go -race ./...' sh 'go run ./scripts/check-peer-constraints.go -race -fail=false' sh 'go run ./scripts/protobuf.go --protoc=$HOME/protoc/bin/protoc lint' sh 'go run ./scripts/protobuf.go --protoc=$HOME/protoc/bin/protoc check-lock' sh 'bash ./scripts/check-dbx-version.sh' sh 'golangci-lint -j=4 run' sh 'go run scripts/check-mod-tidy.go -mod .build/go.mod.orig' sh 'make check-satellite-config-lock' } } stage('Tests') { environment { STORJ_POSTGRES_TEST = 'postgres://postgres@localhost/teststorj?sslmode=disable' COVERFLAGS = "${ env.BRANCH_NAME != 'master' ? '' : '-coverprofile=.build/coverprofile -coverpkg=-coverpkg=storj.io/storj/bootstrap/...,storj.io/storj/internal/...,storj.io/storj/lib/...,storj.io/storj/pkg/...,storj.io/storj/satellite/...,storj.io/storj/storage/...,storj.io/storj/storagenode/...,storj.io/storj/uplink/...,storj.io/storj/versioncontrol/...'}" } steps { sh 'psql -U postgres -c \'create database teststorj;\'' sh 'go run scripts/use-ports.go -from 1024 -to 10000 &' sh 'go test -vet=off $COVERFLAGS -timeout 9m -json -race ./... 2>&1 | tee .build/tests.json | go run ./scripts/xunit.go -out .build/tests.xml' sh 'go run scripts/check-clean-directory.go' } post { always { sh script: 'cat .build/tests.json | tparse -all -top -slow 100', returnStatus: true archiveArtifacts artifacts: '.build/tests.json' junit '.build/tests.xml' script { if(fileExists(".build/coverprofile")){ sh script: 'go run ./scripts/cover-remove-generated.go < .build/coverprofile > .build/clean.coverprofile', returnStatus: true sh script: 'gocov convert .build/clean.coverprofile > .build/cover.json', returnStatus: true sh script: 'gocov-html < .build/cover.json > .build/cover.html', returnStatus: true publishHTML target: [ allowMissing: false, alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false, keepAll: false, reportDir: '.build', reportFiles: 'cover.html', reportName: 'Coverage Details' ] sh script: 'gocov-xml < .build/cover.json > .build/cobertura.xml', returnStatus: true cobertura coberturaReportFile: '.build/cobertura.xml' } } } } } stage('Integration') { environment { // use different hostname to avoid port conflicts STORJ_NETWORK_HOST4 = '' STORJ_NETWORK_HOST6 = '' STORJ_SIM_POSTGRES = 'postgres://postgres@localhost/teststorj2?sslmode=disable' } steps { sh 'psql -U postgres -c \'create database teststorj2;\'' sh 'make test-sim' } } } } } post { always { sh "chmod -R 777 ." // ensure Jenkins agent can delete the working directory deleteDir() } } }