// Copyright (C) 2018 Storj Labs, Inc. // See LICENSE for copying information. syntax = "proto3"; option go_package = "pb"; import "overlay.proto"; package inspector; service Inspector { // CountNodes returns the number of nodes in the cache and in the routing table rpc CountNodes(CountNodesRequest) returns (CountNodesResponse); // GetBuckets returns the k buckets from a Kademlia instance rpc GetBuckets(GetBucketsRequest) returns (GetBucketsResponse); // GetBucket returns the details of a single k bucket from the kademlia instance rpc GetBucket(GetBucketRequest) returns (GetBucketResponse); } // CountNodes message CountNodesResponse { int64 kademlia = 1; int64 overlay = 2; } message CountNodesRequest { } // GetBuckets message GetBucketsRequest { } message GetBucketsResponse { int64 total = 1; repeated bytes ids = 2; } // GetBucket message GetBucketRequest { string id = 1; } message GetBucketResponse { string id = 1; repeated overlay.Node nodes = 2; } message Bucket { repeated overlay.Node nodes = 2; } message BucketList { repeated overlay.Node nodes = 1; }