#!/usr/bin/env bash set -ueo pipefail source $(dirname $0)/utils.sh TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX) IDENTS_DIR=$TMPDIR/identities CERTS_DIR=$TMPDIR/certificates CERTS_ADDR= CERTS_ADDR_PRIV= AUTHS_HTTP_ADDR= kill_certificates_server() { kill $CERTS_PID } cleanup() { if [[ -n $(ps | grep "certificates") ]]; then kill_certificates_server fi rm -rf "$TMPDIR" echo "cleaned up test successfully" } trap cleanup EXIT INT _certificates() { subcommand=$1 shift ident_dir="${IDENTS_DIR}/certificates" ca_cert_path="${ident_dir}/ca.cert" ca_key_path="${ident_dir}/ca.key" rev_dburl="bolt://${CERTS_DIR}/revocations.db" # NB: `--identity-dir` and `--config-dir` flags are only bound globally to subcommands exec certificates --identity-dir "$ident_dir" \ --config-dir "$CERTS_DIR" \ "$subcommand" \ --signer.cert-path "$ca_cert_path" \ --signer.key-path "$ca_key_path" \ --server.address "$CERTS_ADDR" \ --server.private-address "$CERTS_ADDR_PRIV" \ --server.revocation-dburl="$rev_dburl" \ --log.level warn \ "$@" } _identity() { subcommand=$1 rev_dburl="bolt://${IDENTS_DIR}/revocations.db" shift # NB: `--identity-dir` and `--config-dir` flags are only bound globally to subcommands identity --identity-dir "$IDENTS_DIR" \ "$subcommand" \ --signer.tls.revocation-dburl "$rev_dburl" \ --log.level info \ "$@" } _identity_create() { _identity create $1 --difficulty 0 --concurrency 1 >/dev/null } _identity_create 'certificates' _certificates setup & wait for i in {0..4}; do email="testuser${i}@mail.example" ident_name="testidentity${i}" _identity_create $ident_name if [[ i -gt 0 ]]; then _certificates auth create "$i" "$email" & wait fi done exported_auths=$(_certificates auth export --all) _certificates run --min-difficulty 0 --authorization-addr $AUTHS_HTTP_ADDR & CERTS_PID=$! sleep 1 for i in {1..4}; do email="testuser${i}@mail.example" ident_name="testidentity${i}" token=$(echo "$exported_auths" | grep "$email" | head -n 1 | awk -F , '{print $2}') _identity authorize --signer.address "$CERTS_ADDR" "$ident_name" "$token" > /dev/null done # NB: Certificates server uses bolt by default so it must be shut down before we can export. kill_certificates_server # Expect 10 authorizations total. auths=$(_certificates auth export --all) require_lines 10 "$auths" $LINENO for i in {1..4}; do email="testuser${i}@mail.example" claimed_auth_count=0 # Expect number of auths for a given user to equal the identity/email number. # (e.g. testidentity3/testuser3@mail.example should have 3 auths) match_auths=$(echo "$auths" | grep "$email" ) require_lines $i "$match_auths" $LINENO for auth in $match_auths; do claimed=$(echo "$auth" | awk -F , '{print $3}') if [[ $claimed == "true" ]]; then ((++claimed_auth_count)) continue fi # Expect unclaimed auths to have "false" as the third field. require_equal "false" "$claimed" $LINENO done # Expect 4 auths (one for each user) to be claimed. require_equal "1" "$claimed_auth_count" $LINENO done echo "TEST COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY!"