// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc. // See LICENSE for copying information. package satellitedb import ( "context" "database/sql" "errors" "fmt" "time" pgxerrcode "github.com/jackc/pgerrcode" "github.com/jackc/pgx/v5" "github.com/zeebo/errs" "storj.io/common/memory" "storj.io/common/pb" "storj.io/common/useragent" "storj.io/common/uuid" "storj.io/private/dbutil" "storj.io/private/dbutil/pgutil" "storj.io/private/dbutil/pgutil/pgerrcode" "storj.io/private/dbutil/pgxutil" "storj.io/private/tagsql" "storj.io/storj/satellite/accounting" "storj.io/storj/satellite/metabase" "storj.io/storj/satellite/orders" "storj.io/storj/satellite/satellitedb/dbx" ) // ensure that ProjectAccounting implements accounting.ProjectAccounting. var _ accounting.ProjectAccounting = (*ProjectAccounting)(nil) var allocatedExpirationInDays = 2 // ProjectAccounting implements the accounting/db ProjectAccounting interface. type ProjectAccounting struct { db *satelliteDB } // SaveTallies saves the latest bucket info. func (db *ProjectAccounting) SaveTallies(ctx context.Context, intervalStart time.Time, bucketTallies map[metabase.BucketLocation]*accounting.BucketTally) (err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) if len(bucketTallies) == 0 { return nil } var bucketNames, projectIDs [][]byte var totalBytes, metadataSizes []int64 var totalSegments, objectCounts []int64 for _, info := range bucketTallies { bucketNames = append(bucketNames, []byte(info.BucketName)) projectIDs = append(projectIDs, info.ProjectID[:]) totalBytes = append(totalBytes, info.TotalBytes) totalSegments = append(totalSegments, info.TotalSegments) objectCounts = append(objectCounts, info.ObjectCount) metadataSizes = append(metadataSizes, info.MetadataSize) } _, err = db.db.DB.ExecContext(ctx, db.db.Rebind(` INSERT INTO bucket_storage_tallies ( interval_start, bucket_name, project_id, total_bytes, inline, remote, total_segments_count, remote_segments_count, inline_segments_count, object_count, metadata_size) SELECT $1, unnest($2::bytea[]), unnest($3::bytea[]), unnest($4::int8[]), $5, $6, unnest($7::int8[]), $8, $9, unnest($10::int8[]), unnest($11::int8[])`), intervalStart, pgutil.ByteaArray(bucketNames), pgutil.ByteaArray(projectIDs), pgutil.Int8Array(totalBytes), 0, 0, pgutil.Int8Array(totalSegments), 0, 0, pgutil.Int8Array(objectCounts), pgutil.Int8Array(metadataSizes)) return Error.Wrap(err) } // GetTallies retrieves all tallies ordered by interval start (descending). func (db *ProjectAccounting) GetTallies(ctx context.Context) (tallies []accounting.BucketTally, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) dbxTallies, err := db.db.All_BucketStorageTally_OrderBy_Desc_IntervalStart(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, Error.Wrap(err) } for _, dbxTally := range dbxTallies { projectID, err := uuid.FromBytes(dbxTally.ProjectId) if err != nil { return nil, Error.Wrap(err) } totalBytes := dbxTally.TotalBytes if totalBytes == 0 { totalBytes = dbxTally.Inline + dbxTally.Remote } totalSegments := dbxTally.TotalSegmentsCount if totalSegments == 0 { totalSegments = dbxTally.InlineSegmentsCount + dbxTally.RemoteSegmentsCount } tallies = append(tallies, accounting.BucketTally{ BucketLocation: metabase.BucketLocation{ ProjectID: projectID, BucketName: string(dbxTally.BucketName), }, ObjectCount: int64(dbxTally.ObjectCount), TotalSegments: int64(totalSegments), TotalBytes: int64(totalBytes), MetadataSize: int64(dbxTally.MetadataSize), }) } return tallies, nil } // CreateStorageTally creates a record in the bucket_storage_tallies accounting table. func (db *ProjectAccounting) CreateStorageTally(ctx context.Context, tally accounting.BucketStorageTally) (err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) _, err = db.db.DB.ExecContext(ctx, db.db.Rebind(` INSERT INTO bucket_storage_tallies ( interval_start, bucket_name, project_id, total_bytes, inline, remote, total_segments_count, remote_segments_count, inline_segments_count, object_count, metadata_size) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )`), tally.IntervalStart, []byte(tally.BucketName), tally.ProjectID, tally.TotalBytes, 0, 0, tally.TotalSegmentCount, 0, 0, tally.ObjectCount, tally.MetadataSize, ) return Error.Wrap(err) } // GetNonEmptyTallyBucketsInRange returns a list of bucket locations within the given range // whose most recent tally does not represent empty usage. func (db *ProjectAccounting) GetNonEmptyTallyBucketsInRange(ctx context.Context, from, to metabase.BucketLocation) (result []metabase.BucketLocation, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) err = withRows(db.db.QueryContext(ctx, ` SELECT project_id, name FROM bucket_metainfos bm WHERE (project_id, name) BETWEEN ($1, $2) AND ($3, $4) AND NOT 0 IN ( SELECT object_count FROM bucket_storage_tallies WHERE (project_id, bucket_name) = (bm.project_id, bm.name) ORDER BY interval_start DESC LIMIT 1 ) `, from.ProjectID, []byte(from.BucketName), to.ProjectID, []byte(to.BucketName)), )(func(r tagsql.Rows) error { for r.Next() { loc := metabase.BucketLocation{} if err := r.Scan(&loc.ProjectID, &loc.BucketName); err != nil { return err } result = append(result, loc) } return nil }) if err != nil { return nil, Error.Wrap(err) } return result, nil } // GetProjectSettledBandwidthTotal returns the sum of GET bandwidth usage settled for a projectID in the past time frame. func (db *ProjectAccounting) GetProjectSettledBandwidthTotal(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, from time.Time) (_ int64, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) var sum *int64 query := `SELECT SUM(settled) FROM bucket_bandwidth_rollups WHERE project_id = $1 AND action = $2 AND interval_start >= $3;` err = db.db.QueryRow(ctx, db.db.Rebind(query), projectID[:], pb.PieceAction_GET, from.UTC()).Scan(&sum) if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) || sum == nil { return 0, nil } return *sum, err } // GetProjectBandwidth returns the used bandwidth (settled or allocated) for the specified year, month and day. func (db *ProjectAccounting) GetProjectBandwidth(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, year int, month time.Month, day int, asOfSystemInterval time.Duration) (_ int64, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) var egress *int64 startOfMonth := time.Date(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) var expiredSince time.Time if day < allocatedExpirationInDays { expiredSince = startOfMonth } else { expiredSince = time.Date(year, month, day-allocatedExpirationInDays, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) } periodEnd := time.Date(year, month+1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) query := `WITH egress AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN interval_day < ? THEN egress_settled ELSE egress_allocated-egress_dead END AS amount FROM project_bandwidth_daily_rollups WHERE project_id = ? AND interval_day >= ? AND interval_day < ? ) SELECT sum(amount) FROM egress` + db.db.impl.AsOfSystemInterval(asOfSystemInterval) err = db.db.QueryRow(ctx, db.db.Rebind(query), expiredSince, projectID[:], startOfMonth, periodEnd).Scan(&egress) if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) || egress == nil { return 0, nil } return *egress, err } // GetProjectDailyBandwidth returns project bandwidth (allocated and settled) for the specified day. func (db *ProjectAccounting) GetProjectDailyBandwidth(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, year int, month time.Month, day int) (allocated int64, settled, dead int64, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) interval := time.Date(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) query := `SELECT egress_allocated, egress_settled, egress_dead FROM project_bandwidth_daily_rollups WHERE project_id = ? AND interval_day = ?;` err = db.db.QueryRow(ctx, db.db.Rebind(query), projectID[:], interval).Scan(&allocated, &settled, &dead) if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return 0, 0, 0, nil } return allocated, settled, dead, err } // GetProjectDailyUsageByDateRange returns project daily allocated, settled bandwidth and storage usage by specific date range. func (db *ProjectAccounting) GetProjectDailyUsageByDateRange(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, from, to time.Time, crdbInterval time.Duration) (_ *accounting.ProjectDailyUsage, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) now := time.Now() nowBeginningOfDay := time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) fromBeginningOfDay := time.Date(from.Year(), from.Month(), from.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) toEndOfDay := time.Date(to.Year(), to.Month(), to.Day(), 23, 59, 59, 0, time.UTC) allocatedBandwidth := make([]accounting.ProjectUsageByDay, 0) settledBandwidth := make([]accounting.ProjectUsageByDay, 0) storage := make([]accounting.ProjectUsageByDay, 0) err = pgxutil.Conn(ctx, db.db, func(conn *pgx.Conn) error { var batch pgx.Batch expiredSince := nowBeginningOfDay.Add(time.Duration(-allocatedExpirationInDays) * time.Hour * 24) storageQuery := db.db.Rebind(` WITH project_usage AS ( SELECT interval_start, DATE_TRUNC('day',interval_start) AS interval_day, project_id, bucket_name, total_bytes FROM bucket_storage_tallies WHERE project_id = $1 AND interval_start >= $2 AND interval_start <= $3 ) -- Sum all buckets usage in the same project. SELECT interval_day, SUM(total_bytes) AS total_bytes FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON (project_id, bucket_name, interval_day) project_id, bucket_name, total_bytes, interval_day, interval_start FROM project_usage ORDER BY project_id, bucket_name, interval_day, interval_start DESC) pu ` + db.db.impl.AsOfSystemInterval(crdbInterval) + ` GROUP BY project_id, bucket_name, interval_day `) batch.Queue(storageQuery, projectID, fromBeginningOfDay, toEndOfDay) batch.Queue(db.db.Rebind(` SELECT interval_day, egress_settled, CASE WHEN interval_day < $1 THEN egress_settled ELSE egress_allocated-egress_dead END AS allocated FROM project_bandwidth_daily_rollups WHERE project_id = $2 AND (interval_day BETWEEN $3 AND $4) `), expiredSince, projectID, fromBeginningOfDay, toEndOfDay) results := conn.SendBatch(ctx, &batch) defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, results.Close()) }() storageRows, err := results.Query() if err != nil { if pgerrcode.FromError(err) == pgxerrcode.InvalidCatalogName { // this error may happen if database is created in the last 5 minutes (`as of systemtime` points to a time before Genesis). // in this case we can ignore the database not found error and return with no usage. // if the database is really missing --> we have more serious problems than getting 0s from here. return nil } return err } var current time.Time var index int for storageRows.Next() { var day time.Time var amount int64 err = storageRows.Scan(&day, &amount) if err != nil { storageRows.Close() return err } if len(storage) == 0 { current = day storage = append(storage, accounting.ProjectUsageByDay{ Date: day.UTC(), Value: amount, }) continue } if current == day { storage[index].Value += amount continue } current = day index++ storage = append(storage, accounting.ProjectUsageByDay{ Date: day.UTC(), Value: amount, }) } storageRows.Close() err = storageRows.Err() if err != nil { return err } bandwidthRows, err := results.Query() if err != nil { return err } for bandwidthRows.Next() { var day time.Time var settled int64 var allocated int64 err = bandwidthRows.Scan(&day, &settled, &allocated) if err != nil { bandwidthRows.Close() return err } settledBandwidth = append(settledBandwidth, accounting.ProjectUsageByDay{ Date: day.UTC(), Value: settled, }) allocatedBandwidth = append(allocatedBandwidth, accounting.ProjectUsageByDay{ Date: day.UTC(), Value: allocated, }) } bandwidthRows.Close() err = bandwidthRows.Err() if err != nil { return err } return nil }) if err != nil { return nil, Error.New("unable to get project daily usage: %w", err) } return &accounting.ProjectDailyUsage{ StorageUsage: storage, AllocatedBandwidthUsage: allocatedBandwidth, SettledBandwidthUsage: settledBandwidth, }, nil } // DeleteProjectBandwidthBefore deletes project bandwidth rollups before the given time. func (db *ProjectAccounting) DeleteProjectBandwidthBefore(ctx context.Context, before time.Time) (err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) _, err = db.db.DB.ExecContext(ctx, db.db.Rebind("DELETE FROM project_bandwidth_daily_rollups WHERE interval_day < ?"), before) return err } // UpdateProjectUsageLimit updates project usage limit. func (db *ProjectAccounting) UpdateProjectUsageLimit(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, limit memory.Size) (err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) _, err = db.db.Update_Project_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Project_Id(projectID[:]), dbx.Project_Update_Fields{ UsageLimit: dbx.Project_UsageLimit(limit.Int64()), }, ) return err } // UpdateProjectBandwidthLimit updates project bandwidth limit. func (db *ProjectAccounting) UpdateProjectBandwidthLimit(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, limit memory.Size) (err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) _, err = db.db.Update_Project_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Project_Id(projectID[:]), dbx.Project_Update_Fields{ BandwidthLimit: dbx.Project_BandwidthLimit(limit.Int64()), }, ) return err } // UpdateProjectSegmentLimit updates project segment limit. func (db *ProjectAccounting) UpdateProjectSegmentLimit(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, limit int64) (err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) _, err = db.db.Update_Project_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Project_Id(projectID[:]), dbx.Project_Update_Fields{ SegmentLimit: dbx.Project_SegmentLimit(limit), }, ) return err } // GetProjectStorageLimit returns project storage usage limit. func (db *ProjectAccounting) GetProjectStorageLimit(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (_ *int64, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) row, err := db.db.Get_Project_UsageLimit_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Project_Id(projectID[:]), ) if err != nil { return nil, err } return row.UsageLimit, nil } // GetProjectBandwidthLimit returns project bandwidth usage limit. func (db *ProjectAccounting) GetProjectBandwidthLimit(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (_ *int64, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) row, err := db.db.Get_Project_BandwidthLimit_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Project_Id(projectID[:]), ) if err != nil { return nil, err } return row.BandwidthLimit, nil } // GetProjectObjectsSegments returns project objects and segments number. func (db *ProjectAccounting) GetProjectObjectsSegments(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (objectsSegments accounting.ProjectObjectsSegments, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) var latestDate time.Time latestDateRow := db.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, db.db.Rebind(` SELECT interval_start FROM bucket_storage_tallies bst WHERE project_id = ? AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM bucket_metainfos bm WHERE bm.project_id = bst.project_id) ORDER BY interval_start DESC LIMIT 1 `), projectID[:]) if err = latestDateRow.Scan(&latestDate); err != nil { if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return accounting.ProjectObjectsSegments{}, nil } return accounting.ProjectObjectsSegments{}, err } // calculate total segments and objects count. storageTalliesRows := db.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, db.db.Rebind(` SELECT SUM(total_segments_count), SUM(object_count) FROM bucket_storage_tallies WHERE project_id = ? AND interval_start = ? `), projectID[:], latestDate) if err = storageTalliesRows.Scan(&objectsSegments.SegmentCount, &objectsSegments.ObjectCount); err != nil { return accounting.ProjectObjectsSegments{}, err } return objectsSegments, nil } // GetProjectSegmentLimit returns project segment limit. func (db *ProjectAccounting) GetProjectSegmentLimit(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (_ *int64, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) row, err := db.db.Get_Project_SegmentLimit_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Project_Id(projectID[:]), ) if err != nil { return nil, err } return row.SegmentLimit, nil } // GetProjectTotal retrieves project usage for a given period. func (db *ProjectAccounting) GetProjectTotal(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, since, before time.Time) (_ *accounting.ProjectUsage, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) usages, err := db.GetProjectTotalByPartner(ctx, projectID, nil, since, before) if err != nil { return nil, err } if usage, ok := usages[""]; ok { return &usage, nil } return &accounting.ProjectUsage{Since: since, Before: before}, nil } // GetProjectTotalByPartner retrieves project usage for a given period categorized by partner name. // Unpartnered usage or usage for a partner not present in partnerNames is mapped to the empty string. func (db *ProjectAccounting) GetProjectTotalByPartner(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, partnerNames []string, since, before time.Time) (usages map[string]accounting.ProjectUsage, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) since = timeTruncateDown(since) bucketNames, err := db.getBucketsSinceAndBefore(ctx, projectID, since, before) if err != nil { return nil, err } storageQuery := db.db.Rebind(` SELECT bucket_storage_tallies.interval_start, bucket_storage_tallies.total_bytes, bucket_storage_tallies.inline, bucket_storage_tallies.remote, bucket_storage_tallies.total_segments_count, bucket_storage_tallies.object_count FROM bucket_storage_tallies WHERE bucket_storage_tallies.project_id = ? AND bucket_storage_tallies.bucket_name = ? AND bucket_storage_tallies.interval_start >= ? AND bucket_storage_tallies.interval_start < ? ORDER BY bucket_storage_tallies.interval_start DESC `) totalEgressQuery := db.db.Rebind(` SELECT COALESCE(SUM(settled) + SUM(inline), 0) FROM bucket_bandwidth_rollups WHERE project_id = ? AND bucket_name = ? AND interval_start >= ? AND interval_start < ? AND action = ?; `) usages = make(map[string]accounting.ProjectUsage) for _, bucket := range bucketNames { userAgentRow, err := db.db.Get_BucketMetainfo_UserAgent_By_ProjectId_And_Name(ctx, dbx.BucketMetainfo_ProjectId(projectID[:]), dbx.BucketMetainfo_Name([]byte(bucket))) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return nil, err } var partner string if userAgentRow != nil && userAgentRow.UserAgent != nil { entries, err := useragent.ParseEntries(userAgentRow.UserAgent) if err != nil { return nil, err } if len(entries) != 0 { for _, iterPartner := range partnerNames { if entries[0].Product == iterPartner { partner = iterPartner break } } } } if _, ok := usages[partner]; !ok { usages[partner] = accounting.ProjectUsage{Since: since, Before: before} } usage := usages[partner] storageTalliesRows, err := db.db.QueryContext(ctx, storageQuery, projectID[:], []byte(bucket), since, before) if err != nil { return nil, err } var prevTally *accounting.BucketStorageTally for storageTalliesRows.Next() { tally := accounting.BucketStorageTally{} var inline, remote int64 err = storageTalliesRows.Scan(&tally.IntervalStart, &tally.TotalBytes, &inline, &remote, &tally.TotalSegmentCount, &tally.ObjectCount) if err != nil { return nil, errs.Combine(err, storageTalliesRows.Close()) } if tally.TotalBytes == 0 { tally.TotalBytes = inline + remote } if prevTally == nil { prevTally = &tally continue } hours := prevTally.IntervalStart.Sub(tally.IntervalStart).Hours() usage.Storage += memory.Size(tally.TotalBytes).Float64() * hours usage.SegmentCount += float64(tally.TotalSegmentCount) * hours usage.ObjectCount += float64(tally.ObjectCount) * hours prevTally = &tally } err = errs.Combine(storageTalliesRows.Err(), storageTalliesRows.Close()) if err != nil { return nil, err } totalEgressRow := db.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, totalEgressQuery, projectID[:], []byte(bucket), since, before, pb.PieceAction_GET) if err != nil { return nil, err } var egress int64 if err = totalEgressRow.Scan(&egress); err != nil { return nil, err } usage.Egress += egress usages[partner] = usage } return usages, nil } // GetBucketUsageRollups retrieves summed usage rollups for every bucket of particular project for a given period. func (db *ProjectAccounting) GetBucketUsageRollups(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, since, before time.Time) (_ []accounting.BucketUsageRollup, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) since = timeTruncateDown(since.UTC()) before = before.UTC() buckets, err := db.getBucketsSinceAndBefore(ctx, projectID, since, before) if err != nil { return nil, err } var bucketUsageRollups []accounting.BucketUsageRollup for _, bucket := range buckets { bucketRollup, err := db.getSingleBucketRollup(ctx, projectID, bucket, since, before) if err != nil { return nil, err } bucketUsageRollups = append(bucketUsageRollups, *bucketRollup) } return bucketUsageRollups, nil } // GetSingleBucketUsageRollup retrieves usage rollup for a single bucket of particular project for a given period. func (db *ProjectAccounting) GetSingleBucketUsageRollup(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, bucket string, since, before time.Time) (_ *accounting.BucketUsageRollup, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) since = timeTruncateDown(since.UTC()) before = before.UTC() bucketRollup, err := db.getSingleBucketRollup(ctx, projectID, bucket, since, before) if err != nil { return nil, err } return bucketRollup, nil } func (db *ProjectAccounting) getSingleBucketRollup(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, bucket string, since, before time.Time) (*accounting.BucketUsageRollup, error) { roullupsQuery := db.db.Rebind(`SELECT SUM(settled), SUM(inline), action FROM bucket_bandwidth_rollups WHERE project_id = ? AND bucket_name = ? AND interval_start >= ? AND interval_start <= ? GROUP BY action`) // TODO: should be optimized storageQuery := db.db.All_BucketStorageTally_By_ProjectId_And_BucketName_And_IntervalStart_GreaterOrEqual_And_IntervalStart_LessOrEqual_OrderBy_Desc_IntervalStart bucketRollup := &accounting.BucketUsageRollup{ ProjectID: projectID, BucketName: bucket, Since: since, Before: before, } // get bucket_bandwidth_rollup rollupRows, err := db.db.QueryContext(ctx, roullupsQuery, projectID[:], []byte(bucket), since, before) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rollupRows.Close()) }() // fill egress for rollupRows.Next() { var action pb.PieceAction var settled, inline int64 err = rollupRows.Scan(&settled, &inline, &action) if err != nil { return nil, err } switch action { case pb.PieceAction_GET: bucketRollup.GetEgress += memory.Size(settled + inline).GB() case pb.PieceAction_GET_AUDIT: bucketRollup.AuditEgress += memory.Size(settled + inline).GB() case pb.PieceAction_GET_REPAIR: bucketRollup.RepairEgress += memory.Size(settled + inline).GB() default: continue } } if err := rollupRows.Err(); err != nil { return nil, err } bucketStorageTallies, err := storageQuery(ctx, dbx.BucketStorageTally_ProjectId(projectID[:]), dbx.BucketStorageTally_BucketName([]byte(bucket)), dbx.BucketStorageTally_IntervalStart(since), dbx.BucketStorageTally_IntervalStart(before)) if err != nil { return nil, err } // fill metadata, objects and stored data // hours calculated from previous tallies, // so we skip the most recent one for i := len(bucketStorageTallies) - 1; i > 0; i-- { current := bucketStorageTallies[i] hours := bucketStorageTallies[i-1].IntervalStart.Sub(current.IntervalStart).Hours() if current.TotalBytes > 0 { bucketRollup.TotalStoredData += memory.Size(current.TotalBytes).GB() * hours } else { bucketRollup.TotalStoredData += memory.Size(current.Remote+current.Inline).GB() * hours } bucketRollup.MetadataSize += memory.Size(current.MetadataSize).GB() * hours if current.TotalSegmentsCount > 0 { bucketRollup.TotalSegments += float64(current.TotalSegmentsCount) * hours } else { bucketRollup.TotalSegments += float64(current.RemoteSegmentsCount+current.InlineSegmentsCount) * hours } bucketRollup.ObjectCount += float64(current.ObjectCount) * hours } return bucketRollup, nil } // prefixIncrement returns the lexicographically lowest byte string which is // greater than origPrefix and does not have origPrefix as a prefix. If no such // byte string exists (origPrefix is empty, or origPrefix contains only 0xff // bytes), returns false for ok. // // examples: prefixIncrement([]byte("abc")) -> ([]byte("abd", true) // // prefixIncrement([]byte("ab\xff\xff")) -> ([]byte("ac", true) // prefixIncrement([]byte("")) -> (nil, false) // prefixIncrement([]byte("\x00")) -> ([]byte("\x01", true) // prefixIncrement([]byte("\xff\xff\xff")) -> (nil, false) func prefixIncrement(origPrefix []byte) (incremented []byte, ok bool) { incremented = make([]byte, len(origPrefix)) copy(incremented, origPrefix) i := len(incremented) - 1 for i >= 0 { if incremented[i] != 0xff { incremented[i]++ return incremented[:i+1], true } i-- } // there is no byte string which is greater than origPrefix and which does // not have origPrefix as a prefix. return nil, false } // prefixMatch creates a SQL expression which // will evaluate to true if and only if the value of expr starts with the value // of prefix. // // Returns also a slice of arguments that should be passed to the corresponding // db.Query* or db.Exec* to fill in parameters in the returned SQL expression. // // The returned SQL expression needs to be passed through Rebind(), as it uses // `?` markers instead of `$N`, because we don't know what N we would need to // use. func (db *ProjectAccounting) prefixMatch(expr string, prefix []byte) (string, []byte, error) { incrementedPrefix, ok := prefixIncrement(prefix) switch db.db.impl { case dbutil.Postgres: if !ok { return fmt.Sprintf(`(%s >= ?)`, expr), nil, nil } return fmt.Sprintf(`(%s >= ? AND %s < ?)`, expr, expr), incrementedPrefix, nil case dbutil.Cockroach: if !ok { return fmt.Sprintf(`(%s >= ?:::BYTEA)`, expr), nil, nil } return fmt.Sprintf(`(%s >= ?:::BYTEA AND %s < ?:::BYTEA)`, expr, expr), incrementedPrefix, nil default: return "", nil, errs.New("unhandled database: %v", db.db.driver) } } // GetBucketTotals retrieves bucket usage totals for period of time. func (db *ProjectAccounting) GetBucketTotals(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, cursor accounting.BucketUsageCursor, before time.Time) (_ *accounting.BucketUsagePage, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) bucketPrefix := []byte(cursor.Search) if cursor.Limit > 50 { cursor.Limit = 50 } if cursor.Page == 0 { return nil, errs.New("page can not be 0") } page := &accounting.BucketUsagePage{ Search: cursor.Search, Limit: cursor.Limit, Offset: uint64((cursor.Page - 1) * cursor.Limit), } bucketNameRange, incrPrefix, err := db.prefixMatch("name", bucketPrefix) if err != nil { return nil, err } countQuery := db.db.Rebind(`SELECT COUNT(name) FROM bucket_metainfos WHERE project_id = ? AND ` + bucketNameRange) args := []interface{}{ projectID[:], bucketPrefix, } if incrPrefix != nil { args = append(args, incrPrefix) } countRow := db.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, countQuery, args...) err = countRow.Scan(&page.TotalCount) if err != nil { return nil, err } if page.TotalCount == 0 { return page, nil } if page.Offset > page.TotalCount-1 { return nil, errs.New("page is out of range") } bucketsQuery := db.db.Rebind(`SELECT name, created_at FROM bucket_metainfos WHERE project_id = ? AND ` + bucketNameRange + `ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?`) args = []interface{}{ projectID[:], bucketPrefix, } if incrPrefix != nil { args = append(args, incrPrefix) } args = append(args, page.Limit, page.Offset) bucketRows, err := db.db.QueryContext(ctx, bucketsQuery, args...) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, bucketRows.Close()) }() type bucketWithCreationDate struct { name string createdAt time.Time } var buckets []bucketWithCreationDate for bucketRows.Next() { var bucket string var createdAt time.Time err = bucketRows.Scan(&bucket, &createdAt) if err != nil { return nil, err } buckets = append(buckets, bucketWithCreationDate{ name: bucket, createdAt: createdAt, }) } if err := bucketRows.Err(); err != nil { return nil, err } rollupsQuery := db.db.Rebind(`SELECT COALESCE(SUM(settled) + SUM(inline), 0) FROM bucket_bandwidth_rollups WHERE project_id = ? AND bucket_name = ? AND interval_start >= ? AND interval_start <= ? AND action = ?`) storageQuery := db.db.Rebind(`SELECT total_bytes, inline, remote, object_count, total_segments_count FROM bucket_storage_tallies WHERE project_id = ? AND bucket_name = ? AND interval_start >= ? AND interval_start <= ? ORDER BY interval_start DESC LIMIT 1`) var bucketUsages []accounting.BucketUsage for _, bucket := range buckets { bucketUsage := accounting.BucketUsage{ ProjectID: projectID, BucketName: bucket.name, Since: bucket.createdAt, Before: before, } // get bucket_bandwidth_rollups rollupRow := db.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, rollupsQuery, projectID[:], []byte(bucket.name), bucket.createdAt, before, pb.PieceAction_GET) var egress int64 err = rollupRow.Scan(&egress) if err != nil { if !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return nil, err } } bucketUsage.Egress = memory.Size(egress).GB() storageRow := db.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, storageQuery, projectID[:], []byte(bucket.name), bucket.createdAt, before) var tally accounting.BucketStorageTally var inline, remote int64 err = storageRow.Scan(&tally.TotalBytes, &inline, &remote, &tally.ObjectCount, &tally.TotalSegmentCount) if err != nil { if !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return nil, err } } if tally.TotalBytes == 0 { tally.TotalBytes = inline + remote } // fill storage and object count bucketUsage.Storage = memory.Size(tally.Bytes()).GB() bucketUsage.SegmentCount = tally.TotalSegmentCount bucketUsage.ObjectCount = tally.ObjectCount bucketUsages = append(bucketUsages, bucketUsage) } page.PageCount = uint(page.TotalCount / uint64(cursor.Limit)) if page.TotalCount%uint64(cursor.Limit) != 0 { page.PageCount++ } page.BucketUsages = bucketUsages page.CurrentPage = cursor.Page return page, nil } // ArchiveRollupsBefore archives rollups older than a given time. func (db *ProjectAccounting) ArchiveRollupsBefore(ctx context.Context, before time.Time, batchSize int) (archivedCount int, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) if batchSize <= 0 { return 0, nil } switch db.db.impl { case dbutil.Cockroach: // We operate one action at a time, because we have an index on `(action, interval_start, project_id)`. for action := range pb.PieceAction_name { count, err := db.archiveRollupsBeforeByAction(ctx, action, before, batchSize) archivedCount += count if err != nil { return archivedCount, Error.Wrap(err) } } return archivedCount, nil case dbutil.Postgres: err := db.db.DB.QueryRow(ctx, ` WITH rollups_to_move AS ( DELETE FROM bucket_bandwidth_rollups WHERE interval_start <= $1 RETURNING * ), moved_rollups AS ( INSERT INTO bucket_bandwidth_rollup_archives(bucket_name, project_id, interval_start, interval_seconds, action, inline, allocated, settled) SELECT bucket_name, project_id, interval_start, interval_seconds, action, inline, allocated, settled FROM rollups_to_move RETURNING * ) SELECT count(*) FROM moved_rollups `, before).Scan(&archivedCount) return archivedCount, Error.Wrap(err) default: return 0, nil } } func (db *ProjectAccounting) archiveRollupsBeforeByAction(ctx context.Context, action int32, before time.Time, batchSize int) (archivedCount int, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) for { var rowCount int err := db.db.QueryRow(ctx, ` WITH rollups_to_move AS ( DELETE FROM bucket_bandwidth_rollups WHERE action = $1 AND interval_start <= $2 LIMIT $3 RETURNING * ), moved_rollups AS ( INSERT INTO bucket_bandwidth_rollup_archives(bucket_name, project_id, interval_start, interval_seconds, action, inline, allocated, settled) SELECT bucket_name, project_id, interval_start, interval_seconds, action, inline, allocated, settled FROM rollups_to_move RETURNING * ) SELECT count(*) FROM moved_rollups `, int(action), before, batchSize).Scan(&rowCount) if err != nil { return archivedCount, Error.Wrap(err) } archivedCount += rowCount if rowCount < batchSize { return archivedCount, nil } } } // getBucketsSinceAndBefore lists distinct bucket names for a project within a specific timeframe. func (db *ProjectAccounting) getBucketsSinceAndBefore(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, since, before time.Time) (buckets []string, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) queryFormat := `SELECT DISTINCT bucket_name FROM %s WHERE project_id = ? AND interval_start >= ? AND interval_start < ?` bucketMap := make(map[string]struct{}) for _, tableName := range []string{"bucket_storage_tallies", "bucket_bandwidth_rollups"} { query := db.db.Rebind(fmt.Sprintf(queryFormat, tableName)) rows, err := db.db.QueryContext(ctx, query, projectID[:], since, before) if err != nil { return nil, err } for rows.Next() { var bucket string err = rows.Scan(&bucket) if err != nil { return nil, errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) } bucketMap[bucket] = struct{}{} } err = errs.Combine(rows.Err(), rows.Close()) if err != nil { return nil, err } } for bucket := range bucketMap { buckets = append(buckets, bucket) } return buckets, nil } // timeTruncateDown truncates down to the hour before to be in sync with orders endpoint. func timeTruncateDown(t time.Time) time.Time { return time.Date(t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day(), t.Hour(), 0, 0, 0, t.Location()) } // GetProjectLimits returns current project limit for both storage and bandwidth. func (db *ProjectAccounting) GetProjectLimits(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (_ accounting.ProjectLimits, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) row, err := db.db.Get_Project_BandwidthLimit_Project_UsageLimit_Project_SegmentLimit_Project_RateLimit_Project_BurstLimit_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Project_Id(projectID[:]), ) if err != nil { return accounting.ProjectLimits{}, err } return accounting.ProjectLimits{ Usage: row.UsageLimit, Bandwidth: row.BandwidthLimit, Segments: row.SegmentLimit, RateLimit: row.RateLimit, BurstLimit: row.BurstLimit, }, nil } // GetRollupsSince retrieves all archived rollup records since a given time. func (db *ProjectAccounting) GetRollupsSince(ctx context.Context, since time.Time) (bwRollups []orders.BucketBandwidthRollup, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) pageLimit := db.db.opts.ReadRollupBatchSize if pageLimit <= 0 { pageLimit = 10000 } var cursor *dbx.Paged_BucketBandwidthRollup_By_IntervalStart_GreaterOrEqual_Continuation for { dbxRollups, next, err := db.db.Paged_BucketBandwidthRollup_By_IntervalStart_GreaterOrEqual(ctx, dbx.BucketBandwidthRollup_IntervalStart(since), pageLimit, cursor) if err != nil { return nil, Error.Wrap(err) } cursor = next for _, dbxRollup := range dbxRollups { projectID, err := uuid.FromBytes(dbxRollup.ProjectId) if err != nil { return nil, err } bwRollups = append(bwRollups, orders.BucketBandwidthRollup{ ProjectID: projectID, BucketName: string(dbxRollup.BucketName), Action: pb.PieceAction(dbxRollup.Action), Inline: int64(dbxRollup.Inline), Allocated: int64(dbxRollup.Allocated), Settled: int64(dbxRollup.Settled), }) } if cursor == nil { return bwRollups, nil } } } // GetArchivedRollupsSince retrieves all archived rollup records since a given time. func (db *ProjectAccounting) GetArchivedRollupsSince(ctx context.Context, since time.Time) (bwRollups []orders.BucketBandwidthRollup, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) pageLimit := db.db.opts.ReadRollupBatchSize if pageLimit <= 0 { pageLimit = 10000 } var cursor *dbx.Paged_BucketBandwidthRollupArchive_By_IntervalStart_GreaterOrEqual_Continuation for { dbxRollups, next, err := db.db.Paged_BucketBandwidthRollupArchive_By_IntervalStart_GreaterOrEqual(ctx, dbx.BucketBandwidthRollupArchive_IntervalStart(since), pageLimit, cursor) if err != nil { return nil, Error.Wrap(err) } cursor = next for _, dbxRollup := range dbxRollups { projectID, err := uuid.FromBytes(dbxRollup.ProjectId) if err != nil { return nil, err } bwRollups = append(bwRollups, orders.BucketBandwidthRollup{ ProjectID: projectID, BucketName: string(dbxRollup.BucketName), Action: pb.PieceAction(dbxRollup.Action), Inline: int64(dbxRollup.Inline), Allocated: int64(dbxRollup.Allocated), Settled: int64(dbxRollup.Settled), }) } if cursor == nil { return bwRollups, nil } } }