// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc. // See LICENSE for copying information. package console import ( "context" "errors" "time" "storj.io/common/memory" "storj.io/common/storj" "storj.io/common/uuid" ) // Projects exposes methods to manage Project table in database. // // architecture: Database type Projects interface { // GetAll is a method for querying all projects from the database. GetAll(ctx context.Context) ([]Project, error) // GetCreatedBefore retrieves all projects created before provided date. GetCreatedBefore(ctx context.Context, before time.Time) ([]Project, error) // GetByUserID returns a list of projects where user is a project member. GetByUserID(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) ([]Project, error) // GetOwn returns a list of projects where user is an owner. GetOwn(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) ([]Project, error) // Get is a method for querying project from the database by id. Get(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (*Project, error) // GetSalt returns the project's salt. GetSalt(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) ([]byte, error) // GetByPublicID is a method for querying project from the database by public_id. GetByPublicID(ctx context.Context, publicID uuid.UUID) (*Project, error) // Insert is a method for inserting project into the database. Insert(ctx context.Context, project *Project) (*Project, error) // Delete is a method for deleting project by Id from the database. Delete(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) error // Update is a method for updating project entity. Update(ctx context.Context, project *Project) error // List returns paginated projects, created before provided timestamp. List(ctx context.Context, offset int64, limit int, before time.Time) (ProjectsPage, error) // ListByOwnerID is a method for querying all projects from the database by ownerID. It also includes the number of members for each project. ListByOwnerID(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, cursor ProjectsCursor) (ProjectsPage, error) // UpdateRateLimit is a method for updating projects rate limit. UpdateRateLimit(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID, newLimit int) error // UpdateBurstLimit is a method for updating projects burst limit. UpdateBurstLimit(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID, newLimit int) error // GetMaxBuckets is a method to get the maximum number of buckets allowed for the project GetMaxBuckets(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (*int, error) // UpdateBucketLimit is a method for updating projects bucket limit. UpdateBucketLimit(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID, newLimit int) error // UpdateUsageLimits is a method for updating project's usage limits. UpdateUsageLimits(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID, limits UsageLimits) error // UpdateUserAgent is a method for updating projects user agent. UpdateUserAgent(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID, userAgent []byte) error } // UsageLimitsConfig is a configuration struct for default per-project usage limits. type UsageLimitsConfig struct { Storage StorageLimitConfig Bandwidth BandwidthLimitConfig Segment SegmentLimitConfig Project ProjectLimitConfig } // StorageLimitConfig is a configuration struct for default storage per-project usage limits. type StorageLimitConfig struct { Free memory.Size `help:"the default free-tier storage usage limit" default:"25.00GB" testDefault:"25.00 GB"` Paid memory.Size `help:"the default paid-tier storage usage limit" default:"25.00TB" testDefault:"25.00 GB"` } // BandwidthLimitConfig is a configuration struct for default bandwidth per-project usage limits. type BandwidthLimitConfig struct { Free memory.Size `help:"the default free-tier bandwidth usage limit" default:"25.00GB" testDefault:"25.00 GB"` Paid memory.Size `help:"the default paid-tier bandwidth usage limit" default:"100.00TB" testDefault:"25.00 GB"` } // SegmentLimitConfig is a configuration struct for default segments per-project usage limits. type SegmentLimitConfig struct { Free int64 `help:"the default free-tier segment usage limit" default:"10000"` Paid int64 `help:"the default paid-tier segment usage limit" default:"100000000"` } // ProjectLimitConfig is a configuration struct for default project limits. type ProjectLimitConfig struct { Free int `help:"the default free-tier project limit" default:"1"` Paid int `help:"the default paid-tier project limit" default:"3"` } // Project is a database object that describes Project entity. type Project struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id"` PublicID uuid.UUID `json:"publicId"` Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` UserAgent []byte `json:"userAgent"` OwnerID uuid.UUID `json:"ownerId"` RateLimit *int `json:"rateLimit"` BurstLimit *int `json:"burstLimit"` MaxBuckets *int `json:"maxBuckets"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` MemberCount int `json:"memberCount"` StorageLimit *memory.Size `json:"storageLimit"` BandwidthLimit *memory.Size `json:"bandwidthLimit"` UserSpecifiedStorageLimit *memory.Size `json:"userSpecifiedStorageLimit"` UserSpecifiedBandwidthLimit *memory.Size `json:"userSpecifiedBandwidthLimit"` SegmentLimit *int64 `json:"segmentLimit"` DefaultPlacement storj.PlacementConstraint `json:"defaultPlacement"` } // ProjectInfo holds data needed to create/update Project. type ProjectInfo struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` StorageLimit memory.Size `json:"storageLimit"` BandwidthLimit memory.Size `json:"bandwidthLimit"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` } // ProjectsCursor holds info for project // cursor pagination. type ProjectsCursor struct { Limit int Page int } // ProjectsPage returns paginated projects, // providing next offset if there are more projects // to retrieve. type ProjectsPage struct { Projects []Project Next bool NextOffset int64 Limit int Offset int64 PageCount int CurrentPage int TotalCount int64 } // ValidateNameAndDescription validates project name and description strings. // Project name must have more than 0 and less than 21 symbols. // Project description can't have more than hundred symbols. func ValidateNameAndDescription(name string, description string) error { if len(name) == 0 { return errors.New("project name can't be empty") } if len(name) > 20 { return errors.New("project name can't have more than 20 symbols") } if len(description) > 100 { return errors.New("project description can't have more than 100 symbols") } return nil }