@echo off rem count # of args set argC=0 for %%x in (%*) do Set /A argC+=1 if not "%argC%"=="3" ( echo usage: %~nx0 ^ ^ ^ exit /B 1 ) rem copy the storagenode binaries to the installer project copy %1 installer\windows\storagenode.exe copy %2 installer\windows\storagenode-updater.exe rem install NuGet packages nuget install installer\windows\StorjTests\packages.config -o installer\windows\packages rem build the installer msbuild installer\windows\windows.sln /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release rem cleanup copied binaries del installer\windows\storagenode.exe del installer\windows\storagenode-updater.exe rem copy the MSI to the release dir copy installer\windows\bin\Release\storagenode.msi %3