* initial commit- wip, working on testing and library
* wip working on testing library functioon to get poointer
* working on nil reference for testing
* tests wip
* wip-working on getting tests to work
* working on tests
* put test passes
* working on test- need to export
* created pdclient, and now working on testing function
* tests working for list- getting object back
* wip - got derived piece id
* fixed making grpc public
* fixed linter errors and minor added method for size
* need to work on testing, added random integer function
* got psc server working for testing
* working on ranger test and ranger method
* testing creds for new computer
* working on getting segment metadata
* get random stripe
* added caveat to random fn
* fixed data types
* modified library to have one public function that returns a random stripe
* removed extra comments
* added commons.go file for audit
* added last path to be remembered
* changed random function to cryto/rand/ & worked on tests passing
* working on testing to get analysis of randomness
* changed to track last item in pagination
* finished testing randomness, cleaned up code
* fixed rebase errors
* removed error, kept common file
* fixed travis errors
* attempt to fix overlay issue
* fixed travis error
* updated pointer parameters
* made smaller functions, renamed audit
* made changes per suggestions
* removed gosum
* fixed pr per suggestions
* removed comment