@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
-- AUTOGENERATED BY storj.io/dbx
CREATE TABLE accounting_rollups (
id bigserial NOT NULL ,
node_id bytea NOT NULL ,
start_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
put_total bigint NOT NULL ,
get_total bigint NOT NULL ,
get_audit_total bigint NOT NULL ,
get_repair_total bigint NOT NULL ,
put_repair_total bigint NOT NULL ,
at_rest_total double precision NOT NULL ,
) ;
CREATE TABLE accounting_timestamps (
name text NOT NULL ,
value timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( name )
) ;
CREATE TABLE bucket_bandwidth_rollups (
bucket_name bytea NOT NULL ,
project_id bytea NOT NULL ,
interval_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
interval_seconds integer NOT NULL ,
action integer NOT NULL ,
inline bigint NOT NULL ,
allocated bigint NOT NULL ,
settled bigint NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( bucket_name , project_id , interval_start , action )
) ;
CREATE TABLE bucket_storage_tallies (
bucket_name bytea NOT NULL ,
project_id bytea NOT NULL ,
interval_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
inline bigint NOT NULL ,
remote bigint NOT NULL ,
remote_segments_count integer NOT NULL ,
inline_segments_count integer NOT NULL ,
object_count integer NOT NULL ,
metadata_size bigint NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( bucket_name , project_id , interval_start )
) ;
CREATE TABLE coinpayments_transactions (
id text NOT NULL ,
user_id bytea NOT NULL ,
address text NOT NULL ,
amount bytea NOT NULL ,
received bytea NOT NULL ,
status integer NOT NULL ,
key text NOT NULL ,
timeout integer NOT NULL ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
) ;
CREATE TABLE consumed_serials (
storage_node_id bytea NOT NULL ,
serial_number bytea NOT NULL ,
expires_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( storage_node_id , serial_number )
) ;
CREATE TABLE coupons (
id bytea NOT NULL ,
project_id bytea NOT NULL ,
user_id bytea NOT NULL ,
amount bigint NOT NULL ,
description text NOT NULL ,
type integer NOT NULL ,
status integer NOT NULL ,
duration bigint NOT NULL ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
) ;
CREATE TABLE coupon_usages (
coupon_id bytea NOT NULL ,
amount bigint NOT NULL ,
status integer NOT NULL ,
period timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( coupon_id , period )
) ;
CREATE TABLE credits (
user_id bytea NOT NULL ,
transaction_id text NOT NULL ,
amount bigint NOT NULL ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( transaction_id )
) ;
CREATE TABLE credits_spendings (
id bytea NOT NULL ,
user_id bytea NOT NULL ,
project_id bytea NOT NULL ,
amount bigint NOT NULL ,
status integer NOT NULL ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
) ;
CREATE TABLE graceful_exit_progress (
node_id bytea NOT NULL ,
bytes_transferred bigint NOT NULL ,
pieces_transferred bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
pieces_failed bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( node_id )
) ;
CREATE TABLE graceful_exit_transfer_queue (
node_id bytea NOT NULL ,
path bytea NOT NULL ,
piece_num integer NOT NULL ,
root_piece_id bytea ,
durability_ratio double precision NOT NULL ,
queued_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
requested_at timestamp with time zone ,
last_failed_at timestamp with time zone ,
last_failed_code integer ,
failed_count integer ,
finished_at timestamp with time zone ,
order_limit_send_count integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
PRIMARY KEY ( node_id , path , piece_num )
) ;
CREATE TABLE injuredsegments (
path bytea NOT NULL ,
data bytea NOT NULL ,
attempted timestamp with time zone ,
num_healthy_pieces integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 52 ,
PRIMARY KEY ( path )
) ;
CREATE TABLE irreparabledbs (
segmentpath bytea NOT NULL ,
segmentdetail bytea NOT NULL ,
pieces_lost_count bigint NOT NULL ,
seg_damaged_unix_sec bigint NOT NULL ,
repair_attempt_count bigint NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( segmentpath )
) ;
id bytea NOT NULL ,
address text NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ' ,
last_net text NOT NULL ,
last_ip_port text ,
protocol integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
type integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
email text NOT NULL ,
wallet text NOT NULL ,
free_disk bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT - 1 ,
piece_count bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
major bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
minor bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
patch bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
hash text NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ' ,
timestamp timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0001-01-01 00:00:00+00 ' ,
release boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false ,
latency_90 bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
audit_success_count bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
total_audit_count bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
vetted_at timestamp with time zone ,
uptime_success_count bigint NOT NULL ,
total_uptime_count bigint NOT NULL ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp ,
updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp ,
last_contact_success timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT ' epoch ' ,
last_contact_failure timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT ' epoch ' ,
contained boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false ,
disqualified timestamp with time zone ,
suspended timestamp with time zone ,
audit_reputation_alpha double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 ,
audit_reputation_beta double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
unknown_audit_reputation_alpha double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 ,
unknown_audit_reputation_beta double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
uptime_reputation_alpha double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 ,
uptime_reputation_beta double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
exit_initiated_at timestamp with time zone ,
exit_loop_completed_at timestamp with time zone ,
exit_finished_at timestamp with time zone ,
exit_success boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false ,
) ;
CREATE TABLE nodes_offline_times (
node_id bytea NOT NULL ,
tracked_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
seconds integer NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( node_id , tracked_at )
) ;
id serial NOT NULL ,
name text NOT NULL ,
description text NOT NULL ,
award_credit_in_cents integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
invitee_credit_in_cents integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
award_credit_duration_days integer ,
invitee_credit_duration_days integer ,
redeemable_cap integer ,
expires_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
status integer NOT NULL ,
type integer NOT NULL ,
) ;
CREATE TABLE peer_identities (
node_id bytea NOT NULL ,
leaf_serial_number bytea NOT NULL ,
chain bytea NOT NULL ,
updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( node_id )
) ;
CREATE TABLE pending_audits (
node_id bytea NOT NULL ,
piece_id bytea NOT NULL ,
stripe_index bigint NOT NULL ,
share_size bigint NOT NULL ,
expected_share_hash bytea NOT NULL ,
reverify_count bigint NOT NULL ,
path bytea NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( node_id )
) ;
CREATE TABLE pending_serial_queue (
storage_node_id bytea NOT NULL ,
bucket_id bytea NOT NULL ,
serial_number bytea NOT NULL ,
action integer NOT NULL ,
settled bigint NOT NULL ,
expires_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( storage_node_id , bucket_id , serial_number )
) ;
CREATE TABLE projects (
id bytea NOT NULL ,
name text NOT NULL ,
description text NOT NULL ,
usage_limit bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
rate_limit integer ,
partner_id bytea ,
owner_id bytea NOT NULL ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
) ;
CREATE TABLE registration_tokens (
secret bytea NOT NULL ,
owner_id bytea ,
project_limit integer NOT NULL ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( secret ) ,
UNIQUE ( owner_id )
) ;
CREATE TABLE reported_serials (
expires_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
storage_node_id bytea NOT NULL ,
bucket_id bytea NOT NULL ,
action integer NOT NULL ,
serial_number bytea NOT NULL ,
settled bigint NOT NULL ,
observed_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( expires_at , storage_node_id , bucket_id , action , serial_number )
) ;
CREATE TABLE reset_password_tokens (
secret bytea NOT NULL ,
owner_id bytea NOT NULL ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( secret ) ,
UNIQUE ( owner_id )
) ;
CREATE TABLE serial_numbers (
id serial NOT NULL ,
serial_number bytea NOT NULL ,
bucket_id bytea NOT NULL ,
expires_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
) ;
CREATE TABLE storagenode_bandwidth_rollups (
storagenode_id bytea NOT NULL ,
interval_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
interval_seconds integer NOT NULL ,
action integer NOT NULL ,
allocated bigint DEFAULT 0 ,
settled bigint NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( storagenode_id , interval_start , action )
) ;
CREATE TABLE storagenode_payments (
id bigserial NOT NULL ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
node_id bytea NOT NULL ,
period text NOT NULL ,
amount bigint NOT NULL ,
receipt text ,
notes text ,
) ;
CREATE TABLE storagenode_paystubs (
period text NOT NULL ,
node_id bytea NOT NULL ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
codes text NOT NULL ,
usage_at_rest double precision NOT NULL ,
usage_get bigint NOT NULL ,
usage_put bigint NOT NULL ,
usage_get_repair bigint NOT NULL ,
usage_put_repair bigint NOT NULL ,
usage_get_audit bigint NOT NULL ,
comp_at_rest bigint NOT NULL ,
comp_get bigint NOT NULL ,
comp_put bigint NOT NULL ,
comp_get_repair bigint NOT NULL ,
comp_put_repair bigint NOT NULL ,
comp_get_audit bigint NOT NULL ,
surge_percent bigint NOT NULL ,
held bigint NOT NULL ,
owed bigint NOT NULL ,
disposed bigint NOT NULL ,
paid bigint NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( period , node_id )
) ;
CREATE TABLE storagenode_storage_tallies (
node_id bytea NOT NULL ,
interval_end_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
data_total double precision NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( interval_end_time , node_id )
) ;
CREATE TABLE stripe_customers (
user_id bytea NOT NULL ,
customer_id text NOT NULL ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( user_id ) ,
UNIQUE ( customer_id )
) ;
CREATE TABLE stripecoinpayments_invoice_project_records (
id bytea NOT NULL ,
project_id bytea NOT NULL ,
storage double precision NOT NULL ,
egress bigint NOT NULL ,
objects bigint NOT NULL ,
period_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
period_end timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
state integer NOT NULL ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( id ) ,
UNIQUE ( project_id , period_start , period_end )
) ;
CREATE TABLE stripecoinpayments_tx_conversion_rates (
tx_id text NOT NULL ,
rate bytea NOT NULL ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( tx_id )
) ;
id bytea NOT NULL ,
email text NOT NULL ,
normalized_email text NOT NULL ,
full_name text NOT NULL ,
short_name text ,
password_hash bytea NOT NULL ,
status integer NOT NULL ,
partner_id bytea ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
) ;
CREATE TABLE value_attributions (
project_id bytea NOT NULL ,
bucket_name bytea NOT NULL ,
partner_id bytea NOT NULL ,
last_updated timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( project_id , bucket_name )
) ;
CREATE TABLE api_keys (
id bytea NOT NULL ,
project_id bytea NOT NULL REFERENCES projects ( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE ,
head bytea NOT NULL ,
name text NOT NULL ,
secret bytea NOT NULL ,
partner_id bytea ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( id ) ,
UNIQUE ( head ) ,
UNIQUE ( name , project_id )
) ;
CREATE TABLE bucket_metainfos (
id bytea NOT NULL ,
project_id bytea NOT NULL REFERENCES projects ( id ) ,
name bytea NOT NULL ,
partner_id bytea ,
path_cipher integer NOT NULL ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
default_segment_size integer NOT NULL ,
default_encryption_cipher_suite integer NOT NULL ,
default_encryption_block_size integer NOT NULL ,
default_redundancy_algorithm integer NOT NULL ,
default_redundancy_share_size integer NOT NULL ,
default_redundancy_required_shares integer NOT NULL ,
default_redundancy_repair_shares integer NOT NULL ,
default_redundancy_optimal_shares integer NOT NULL ,
default_redundancy_total_shares integer NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( id ) ,
UNIQUE ( name , project_id )
) ;
CREATE TABLE project_invoice_stamps (
project_id bytea NOT NULL REFERENCES projects ( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE ,
invoice_id bytea NOT NULL ,
start_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
end_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( project_id , start_date , end_date ) ,
UNIQUE ( invoice_id )
) ;
CREATE TABLE project_members (
member_id bytea NOT NULL REFERENCES users ( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE ,
project_id bytea NOT NULL REFERENCES projects ( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( member_id , project_id )
) ;
CREATE TABLE stripecoinpayments_apply_balance_intents (
tx_id text NOT NULL REFERENCES coinpayments_transactions ( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE ,
state integer NOT NULL ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( tx_id )
) ;
CREATE TABLE used_serials (
serial_number_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES serial_numbers ( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE ,
storage_node_id bytea NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( serial_number_id , storage_node_id )
) ;
CREATE TABLE user_credits (
id serial NOT NULL ,
user_id bytea NOT NULL REFERENCES users ( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE ,
offer_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES offers ( id ) ,
referred_by bytea REFERENCES users ( id ) ON DELETE SET NULL ,
type text NOT NULL ,
credits_earned_in_cents integer NOT NULL ,
credits_used_in_cents integer NOT NULL ,
expires_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( id ) ,
UNIQUE ( id , offer_id )
) ;
CREATE INDEX accounting_rollups_start_time_index ON accounting_rollups ( start_time ) ;
CREATE INDEX bucket_bandwidth_rollups_project_id_action_interval_index ON bucket_bandwidth_rollups ( project_id , action , interval_start ) ;
CREATE INDEX bucket_bandwidth_rollups_action_interval_project_id_index ON bucket_bandwidth_rollups ( action , interval_start , project_id ) ;
CREATE INDEX consumed_serials_expires_at_index ON consumed_serials ( expires_at ) ;
CREATE INDEX injuredsegments_attempted_index ON injuredsegments ( attempted ) ;
CREATE INDEX injuredsegments_num_healthy_pieces_index ON injuredsegments ( num_healthy_pieces ) ;
CREATE INDEX node_last_ip ON nodes ( last_net ) ;
CREATE INDEX nodes_offline_times_node_id_index ON nodes_offline_times ( node_id ) ;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX serial_number_index ON serial_numbers ( serial_number ) ;
CREATE INDEX serial_numbers_expires_at_index ON serial_numbers ( expires_at ) ;
CREATE INDEX storagenode_payments_node_id_period_index ON storagenode_payments ( node_id , period ) ;
CREATE INDEX storagenode_paystubs_node_id_index ON storagenode_paystubs ( node_id ) ;
CREATE INDEX storagenode_storage_tallies_node_id_index ON storagenode_storage_tallies ( node_id ) ;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX credits_earned_user_id_offer_id ON user_credits ( id , offer_id ) ;
INSERT INTO " accounting_rollups " ( " id " , " node_id " , " start_time " , " put_total " , " get_total " , " get_audit_total " , " get_repair_total " , " put_repair_total " , " at_rest_total " ) VALUES ( 1 , E ' \\367M\\177\\251]t/\\022\\256\\214\\265\\025\\224\\204:\\217\\212\\0102<\\321\\374\\020&\\271Qc\\325\\261\\354\\246\\233 ' : : bytea , ' 2019-02-09 00:00:00+00 ' , 1000 , 2000 , 3000 , 4000 , 0 , 5000 ) ;
INSERT INTO " accounting_timestamps " VALUES ( ' LastAtRestTally ' , ' 0001-01-01 00:00:00+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " accounting_timestamps " VALUES ( ' LastRollup ' , ' 0001-01-01 00:00:00+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " accounting_timestamps " VALUES ( ' LastBandwidthTally ' , ' 0001-01-01 00:00:00+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " nodes " ( " id " , " address " , " last_net " , " protocol " , " type " , " email " , " wallet " , " free_disk " , " piece_count " , " major " , " minor " , " patch " , " hash " , " timestamp " , " release " , " latency_90 " , " audit_success_count " , " total_audit_count " , " uptime_success_count " , " total_uptime_count " , " created_at " , " updated_at " , " last_contact_success " , " last_contact_failure " , " contained " , " disqualified " , " suspended " , " audit_reputation_alpha " , " audit_reputation_beta " , " unknown_audit_reputation_alpha " , " unknown_audit_reputation_beta " , " uptime_reputation_alpha " , " uptime_reputation_beta " , " exit_success " ) VALUES ( E ' \\153\\313\\233\\074\\327\\177\\136\\070\\346\\001 ' , ' ' , ' ' , 0 , 4 , ' ' , ' ' , - 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , ' ' , ' epoch ' , false , 0 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 5 , ' 2019-02-14 08:07:31.028103+00 ' , ' 2019-02-14 08:07:31.108963+00 ' , ' epoch ' , ' epoch ' , false , NULL , NULL , 50 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 100 , 5 , false ) ;
INSERT INTO " nodes " ( " id " , " address " , " last_net " , " protocol " , " type " , " email " , " wallet " , " free_disk " , " piece_count " , " major " , " minor " , " patch " , " hash " , " timestamp " , " release " , " latency_90 " , " audit_success_count " , " total_audit_count " , " uptime_success_count " , " total_uptime_count " , " created_at " , " updated_at " , " last_contact_success " , " last_contact_failure " , " contained " , " disqualified " , " suspended " , " audit_reputation_alpha " , " audit_reputation_beta " , " unknown_audit_reputation_alpha " , " unknown_audit_reputation_beta " , " uptime_reputation_alpha " , " uptime_reputation_beta " , " exit_success " ) VALUES ( E ' \\006\\223\\250R\\221\\005\\365\\377v>0\\266\\365\\216\\255?\\347\\244\\371?2\\264\\262\\230\\007<\\001\\262\\263\\237\\247n ' , ' ' , ' ' , 0 , 4 , ' ' , ' ' , - 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , ' ' , ' epoch ' , false , 0 , 0 , 0 , 3 , 3 , ' 2019-02-14 08:07:31.028103+00 ' , ' 2019-02-14 08:07:31.108963+00 ' , ' epoch ' , ' epoch ' , false , NULL , NULL , 50 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 100 , 0 , false ) ;
INSERT INTO " nodes " ( " id " , " address " , " last_net " , " protocol " , " type " , " email " , " wallet " , " free_disk " , " piece_count " , " major " , " minor " , " patch " , " hash " , " timestamp " , " release " , " latency_90 " , " audit_success_count " , " total_audit_count " , " uptime_success_count " , " total_uptime_count " , " created_at " , " updated_at " , " last_contact_success " , " last_contact_failure " , " contained " , " disqualified " , " suspended " , " audit_reputation_alpha " , " audit_reputation_beta " , " unknown_audit_reputation_alpha " , " unknown_audit_reputation_beta " , " uptime_reputation_alpha " , " uptime_reputation_beta " , " exit_success " ) VALUES ( E ' \\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\014 ' , ' ' , ' ' , 0 , 4 , ' ' , ' ' , - 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , ' ' , ' epoch ' , false , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ' 2019-02-14 08:07:31.028103+00 ' , ' 2019-02-14 08:07:31.108963+00 ' , ' epoch ' , ' epoch ' , false , NULL , NULL , 50 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 100 , 0 , false ) ;
INSERT INTO " nodes " ( " id " , " address " , " last_net " , " protocol " , " type " , " email " , " wallet " , " free_disk " , " piece_count " , " major " , " minor " , " patch " , " hash " , " timestamp " , " release " , " latency_90 " , " audit_success_count " , " total_audit_count " , " uptime_success_count " , " total_uptime_count " , " created_at " , " updated_at " , " last_contact_success " , " last_contact_failure " , " contained " , " disqualified " , " suspended " , " audit_reputation_alpha " , " audit_reputation_beta " , " unknown_audit_reputation_alpha " , " unknown_audit_reputation_beta " , " uptime_reputation_alpha " , " uptime_reputation_beta " , " exit_success " ) VALUES ( E ' \\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\015 ' , ' ' , ' ' , 0 , 4 , ' ' , ' ' , - 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , ' ' , ' epoch ' , false , 0 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 , ' 2019-02-14 08:07:31.028103+00 ' , ' 2019-02-14 08:07:31.108963+00 ' , ' epoch ' , ' epoch ' , false , NULL , NULL , 50 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 100 , 1 , false ) ;
INSERT INTO " nodes " ( " id " , " address " , " last_net " , " protocol " , " type " , " email " , " wallet " , " free_disk " , " piece_count " , " major " , " minor " , " patch " , " hash " , " timestamp " , " release " , " latency_90 " , " audit_success_count " , " total_audit_count " , " uptime_success_count " , " total_uptime_count " , " created_at " , " updated_at " , " last_contact_success " , " last_contact_failure " , " contained " , " disqualified " , " suspended " , " audit_reputation_alpha " , " audit_reputation_beta " , " unknown_audit_reputation_alpha " , " unknown_audit_reputation_beta " , " uptime_reputation_alpha " , " uptime_reputation_beta " , " exit_success " ) VALUES ( E ' \\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\016 ' , ' ' , ' ' , 0 , 4 , ' ' , ' ' , - 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , ' ' , ' epoch ' , false , 0 , 300 , 400 , 300 , 400 , ' 2019-02-14 08:07:31.028103+00 ' , ' 2019-02-14 08:07:31.108963+00 ' , ' epoch ' , ' epoch ' , false , NULL , NULL , 300 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 300 , 100 , false ) ;
INSERT INTO " nodes " ( " id " , " address " , " last_net " , " protocol " , " type " , " email " , " wallet " , " free_disk " , " piece_count " , " major " , " minor " , " patch " , " hash " , " timestamp " , " release " , " latency_90 " , " audit_success_count " , " total_audit_count " , " uptime_success_count " , " total_uptime_count " , " created_at " , " updated_at " , " last_contact_success " , " last_contact_failure " , " contained " , " disqualified " , " suspended " , " audit_reputation_alpha " , " audit_reputation_beta " , " unknown_audit_reputation_alpha " , " unknown_audit_reputation_beta " , " uptime_reputation_alpha " , " uptime_reputation_beta " , " exit_success " ) VALUES ( E ' \\154\\313\\233\\074\\327\\177\\136\\070\\346\\001 ' , ' ' , ' ' , 0 , 4 , ' ' , ' ' , - 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , ' ' , ' epoch ' , false , 0 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 5 , ' 2019-02-14 08:07:31.028103+00 ' , ' 2019-02-14 08:07:31.108963+00 ' , ' epoch ' , ' epoch ' , false , NULL , NULL , 50 , 0 , 75 , 25 , 100 , 5 , false ) ;
INSERT INTO " nodes " ( " id " , " address " , " last_net " , " last_ip_port " , " protocol " , " type " , " email " , " wallet " , " free_disk " , " piece_count " , " major " , " minor " , " patch " , " hash " , " timestamp " , " release " , " latency_90 " , " audit_success_count " , " total_audit_count " , " uptime_success_count " , " total_uptime_count " , " created_at " , " updated_at " , " last_contact_success " , " last_contact_failure " , " contained " , " disqualified " , " suspended " , " audit_reputation_alpha " , " audit_reputation_beta " , " unknown_audit_reputation_alpha " , " unknown_audit_reputation_beta " , " uptime_reputation_alpha " , " uptime_reputation_beta " , " exit_success " ) VALUES ( E ' \\154\\313\\233\\074\\327\\177\\136\\070\\346\\002 ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , 0 , 4 , ' ' , ' ' , - 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , ' ' , ' epoch ' , false , 0 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 5 , ' 2019-02-14 08:07:31.028103+00 ' , ' 2019-02-14 08:07:31.108963+00 ' , ' epoch ' , ' epoch ' , false , NULL , NULL , 50 , 0 , 75 , 25 , 100 , 5 , false ) ;
INSERT INTO " users " ( " id " , " full_name " , " short_name " , " email " , " normalized_email " , " password_hash " , " status " , " partner_id " , " created_at " ) VALUES ( E ' \\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204", ' : : bytea , ' Noahson ' , ' William ' , ' 1email1@mail.test ' , ' 1EMAIL1@MAIL.TEST ' , E ' some_readable_hash ' : : bytea , 1 , NULL , ' 2019-02-14 08:28:24.614594+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " projects " ( " id " , " name " , " description " , " usage_limit " , " partner_id " , " owner_id " , " created_at " ) VALUES ( E ' \\022\\217/\\014\\376!K\\023\\276\\031\\311}m\\236\\205\\300 ' : : bytea , ' ProjectName ' , ' projects description ' , 0 , NULL , E ' \\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204", ' : : bytea , ' 2019-02-14 08:28:24.254934+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " projects " ( " id " , " name " , " description " , " usage_limit " , " partner_id " , " owner_id " , " created_at " ) VALUES ( E ' \\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\014 ' : : bytea , ' projName1 ' , ' Test project 1 ' , 0 , NULL , E ' \\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204", ' : : bytea , ' 2019-02-14 08:28:24.636949+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " project_members " ( " member_id " , " project_id " , " created_at " ) VALUES ( E ' \\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204", ' : : bytea , E ' \\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\014 ' : : bytea , ' 2019-02-14 08:28:24.677953+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " project_members " ( " member_id " , " project_id " , " created_at " ) VALUES ( E ' \\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204", ' : : bytea , E ' \\022\\217/\\014\\376!K\\023\\276\\031\\311}m\\236\\205\\300 ' : : bytea , ' 2019-02-13 08:28:24.677953+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " irreparabledbs " ( " segmentpath " , " segmentdetail " , " pieces_lost_count " , " seg_damaged_unix_sec " , " repair_attempt_count " ) VALUES ( ' \x49616d5365676d656e746b6579696e666f30 ' , ' \x49616d5365676d656e7464657461696c696e666f30 ' , 10 , 1550159554 , 10 ) ;
INSERT INTO " registration_tokens " ( " secret " , " owner_id " , " project_limit " , " created_at " ) VALUES ( E ' \\070\\127\\144\\013\\332\\344\\102\\376\\306\\056\\303\\130\\106\\132\\321\\276\\321\\274\\170\\264\\054\\333\\221\\116\\154\\221\\335\\070\\220\\146\\344\\216 ' : : bytea , null , 1 , ' 2019-02-14 08:28:24.677953+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " serial_numbers " ( " id " , " serial_number " , " bucket_id " , " expires_at " ) VALUES ( 1 , E ' 0123456701234567 ' : : bytea , E ' \\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\014/testbucket ' : : bytea , ' 2019-03-06 08:28:24.677953+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " used_serials " ( " serial_number_id " , " storage_node_id " ) VALUES ( 1 , E ' \\006\\223\\250R\\221\\005\\365\\377v>0\\266\\365\\216\\255?\\347\\244\\371?2\\264\\262\\230\\007<\\001\\262\\263\\237\\247n ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " storagenode_bandwidth_rollups " ( " storagenode_id " , " interval_start " , " interval_seconds " , " action " , " allocated " , " settled " ) VALUES ( E ' \\006\\223\\250R\\221\\005\\365\\377v>0\\266\\365\\216\\255?\\347\\244\\371?2\\264\\262\\230\\007<\\001\\262\\263\\237\\247n ' , ' 2019-03-06 08:00:00.000000 ' AT TIME ZONE current_setting ( ' TIMEZONE ' ) , 3600 , 1 , 1024 , 2024 ) ;
INSERT INTO " storagenode_storage_tallies " VALUES ( E ' \\3510\\323\\225"~\\036<\\342\\330m\\0253Jhr\\246\\233K\\246#\\2303\\351\\256\\275j\\212UM\\362\\207 ' , ' 2019-02-14 08:16:57.812849+00 ' , 1000 ) ;
INSERT INTO " bucket_bandwidth_rollups " ( " bucket_name " , " project_id " , " interval_start " , " interval_seconds " , " action " , " inline " , " allocated " , " settled " ) VALUES ( E ' testbucket ' : : bytea , E ' \\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\014 ' : : bytea , ' 2019-03-06 08:00:00.000000 ' AT TIME ZONE current_setting ( ' TIMEZONE ' ) , 3600 , 1 , 1024 , 2024 , 3024 ) ;
INSERT INTO " bucket_storage_tallies " ( " bucket_name " , " project_id " , " interval_start " , " inline " , " remote " , " remote_segments_count " , " inline_segments_count " , " object_count " , " metadata_size " ) VALUES ( E ' testbucket ' : : bytea , E ' \\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\014 ' : : bytea , ' 2019-03-06 08:00:00.000000 ' AT TIME ZONE current_setting ( ' TIMEZONE ' ) , 4024 , 5024 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
INSERT INTO " bucket_bandwidth_rollups " ( " bucket_name " , " project_id " , " interval_start " , " interval_seconds " , " action " , " inline " , " allocated " , " settled " ) VALUES ( E ' testbucket ' : : bytea , E ' \\170\\160\\157\\370\\274\\366\\113\\364\\272\\235\\301\\243\\321\\102\\321\\136 ' : : bytea , ' 2019-03-06 08:00:00.000000 ' AT TIME ZONE current_setting ( ' TIMEZONE ' ) , 3600 , 1 , 1024 , 2024 , 3024 ) ;
INSERT INTO " bucket_storage_tallies " ( " bucket_name " , " project_id " , " interval_start " , " inline " , " remote " , " remote_segments_count " , " inline_segments_count " , " object_count " , " metadata_size " ) VALUES ( E ' testbucket ' : : bytea , E ' \\170\\160\\157\\370\\274\\366\\113\\364\\272\\235\\301\\243\\321\\102\\321\\136 ' : : bytea , ' 2019-03-06 08:00:00.000000 ' AT TIME ZONE current_setting ( ' TIMEZONE ' ) , 4024 , 5024 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
INSERT INTO " reset_password_tokens " ( " secret " , " owner_id " , " created_at " ) VALUES ( E ' \\070\\127\\144\\013\\332\\344\\102\\376\\306\\056\\303\\130\\106\\132\\321\\276\\321\\274\\170\\264\\054\\333\\221\\116\\154\\221\\335\\070\\220\\146\\344\\216 ' : : bytea , E ' \\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204", ' : : bytea , ' 2019-05-08 08:28:24.677953+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " offers " ( " id " , " name " , " description " , " award_credit_in_cents " , " invitee_credit_in_cents " , " expires_at " , " created_at " , " status " , " type " , " award_credit_duration_days " , " invitee_credit_duration_days " ) VALUES ( 1 , ' Default referral offer ' , ' Is active when no other active referral offer ' , 300 , 600 , ' 2119-03-14 08:28:24.636949+00 ' , ' 2019-07-14 08:28:24.636949+00 ' , 1 , 2 , 365 , 14 ) ;
INSERT INTO " offers " ( " id " , " name " , " description " , " award_credit_in_cents " , " invitee_credit_in_cents " , " expires_at " , " created_at " , " status " , " type " , " award_credit_duration_days " , " invitee_credit_duration_days " ) VALUES ( 2 , ' Default free credit offer ' , ' Is active when no active free credit offer ' , 0 , 300 , ' 2119-03-14 08:28:24.636949+00 ' , ' 2019-07-14 08:28:24.636949+00 ' , 1 , 1 , NULL , 14 ) ;
INSERT INTO " api_keys " ( " id " , " project_id " , " head " , " name " , " secret " , " partner_id " , " created_at " ) VALUES ( E ' \\334/\\302;\\225\\355O\\323\\276f\\247\\354/6\\241\\033 ' : : bytea , E ' \\022\\217/\\014\\376!K\\023\\276\\031\\311}m\\236\\205\\300 ' : : bytea , E ' \\111\\142\\147\\304\\132\\375\\070\\163\\270\\160\\251\\370\\126\\063\\351\\037\\257\\071\\143\\375\\351\\320\\253\\232\\220\\260\\075\\173\\306\\307\\115\\136 ' : : bytea , ' key 2 ' , E ' \\254\\011\\315\\333\\273\\365\\001\\071\\024\\154\\253\\332\\301\\216\\361\\074\\221\\367\\251\\231\\274\\333\\300\\367\\001\\272\\327\\111\\315\\123\\042\\016 ' : : bytea , NULL , ' 2019-02-14 08:28:24.267934+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " project_invoice_stamps " ( " project_id " , " invoice_id " , " start_date " , " end_date " , " created_at " ) VALUES ( E ' \\022\\217/\\014\\376!K\\023\\276\\031\\311}m\\236\\205\\300 ' : : bytea , E ' \\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303, ' : : bytea , ' 2019-06-01 08:28:24.267934+00 ' , ' 2019-06-29 08:28:24.267934+00 ' , ' 2019-06-01 08:28:24.267934+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " value_attributions " ( " project_id " , " bucket_name " , " partner_id " , " last_updated " ) VALUES ( E ' \\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204", ' : : bytea , E ' ' : : bytea , E ' \\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\014 ' : : bytea , ' 2019-02-14 08:07:31.028103+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " user_credits " ( " id " , " user_id " , " offer_id " , " referred_by " , " credits_earned_in_cents " , " credits_used_in_cents " , " type " , " expires_at " , " created_at " ) VALUES ( 1 , E ' \\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204", ' : : bytea , 1 , E ' \\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204", ' : : bytea , 200 , 0 , ' invalid ' , ' 2019-10-01 08:28:24.267934+00 ' , ' 2019-06-01 08:28:24.267934+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " bucket_metainfos " ( " id " , " project_id " , " name " , " partner_id " , " created_at " , " path_cipher " , " default_segment_size " , " default_encryption_cipher_suite " , " default_encryption_block_size " , " default_redundancy_algorithm " , " default_redundancy_share_size " , " default_redundancy_required_shares " , " default_redundancy_repair_shares " , " default_redundancy_optimal_shares " , " default_redundancy_total_shares " ) VALUES ( E ' \\334/\\302;\\225\\355O\\323\\276f\\247\\354/6\\241\\033 ' : : bytea , E ' \\022\\217/\\014\\376!K\\023\\276\\031\\311}m\\236\\205\\300 ' : : bytea , E ' testbucketuniquename ' : : bytea , NULL , ' 2019-06-14 08:28:24.677953+00 ' , 1 , 65536 , 1 , 8192 , 1 , 4096 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 10 ) ;
INSERT INTO " pending_audits " ( " node_id " , " piece_id " , " stripe_index " , " share_size " , " expected_share_hash " , " reverify_count " , " path " ) VALUES ( E ' \\153\\313\\233\\074\\327\\177\\136\\070\\346\\001 ' : : bytea , E ' \\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204", ' : : bytea , 5 , 1024 , E ' \\070\\127\\144\\013\\332\\344\\102\\376\\306\\056\\303\\130\\106\\132\\321\\276\\321\\274\\170\\264\\054\\333\\221\\116\\154\\221\\335\\070\\220\\146\\344\\216 ' : : bytea , 1 , ' not null ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " peer_identities " VALUES ( E ' \\334/\\302;\\225\\355O\\323\\276f\\247\\354/6\\241\\033 ' : : bytea , E ' \\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\014 ' : : bytea , E ' \\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204", ' : : bytea , ' 2019-02-14 08:07:31.335028+00 ' ) ;
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INSERT INTO " graceful_exit_transfer_queue " ( " node_id " , " path " , " piece_num " , " durability_ratio " , " queued_at " , " requested_at " , " last_failed_at " , " last_failed_code " , " failed_count " , " finished_at " , " order_limit_send_count " ) VALUES ( E ' \\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\016 ' , E ' f8419768-5baa-4901-b3ba-62808013ec45/s0/test3/ \\240\\243\\223n \\334~b}\\2624) \\250 m\\201\\202\\235\\276\\361\\3304\\323\\352\\311 \\361\\353;\\326\\312 ' , 8 , 1 . 0 , ' 2019-09-12 10:07:31.028103+00 ' , ' 2019-09-12 10:07:32.028103+00 ' , null , null , 0 , ' 2019-09-12 10:07:33.028103+00 ' , 0 ) ;
INSERT INTO " stripe_customers " ( " user_id " , " customer_id " , " created_at " ) VALUES ( E ' \\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204", ' : : bytea , ' stripe_id ' , ' 2019-06-01 08:28:24.267934+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " graceful_exit_transfer_queue " ( " node_id " , " path " , " piece_num " , " durability_ratio " , " queued_at " , " requested_at " , " last_failed_at " , " last_failed_code " , " failed_count " , " finished_at " , " order_limit_send_count " ) VALUES ( E ' \\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\016 ' , E ' f8419768-5baa-4901-b3ba-62808013ec45/s0/test3/ \\240\\243\\223n \\334~b}\\2624) \\250 m\\201\\202\\235\\276\\361\\3304\\323\\352\\311 \\361\\353;\\326\\311 ' , 9 , 1 . 0 , ' 2019-09-12 10:07:31.028103+00 ' , ' 2019-09-12 10:07:32.028103+00 ' , null , null , 0 , ' 2019-09-12 10:07:33.028103+00 ' , 0 ) ;
INSERT INTO " graceful_exit_transfer_queue " ( " node_id " , " path " , " piece_num " , " durability_ratio " , " queued_at " , " requested_at " , " last_failed_at " , " last_failed_code " , " failed_count " , " finished_at " , " order_limit_send_count " ) VALUES ( E ' \\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\016 ' , E ' f8419768-5baa-4901-b3ba-62808013ec45/s0/test3/ \\240\\243\\223n \\334~b}\\2624) \\250 m\\201\\202\\235\\276\\361\\3304\\323\\352\\311 \\361\\353;\\326\\312 ' , 9 , 1 . 0 , ' 2019-09-12 10:07:31.028103+00 ' , ' 2019-09-12 10:07:32.028103+00 ' , null , null , 0 , ' 2019-09-12 10:07:33.028103+00 ' , 0 ) ;
INSERT INTO " stripecoinpayments_invoice_project_records " ( " id " , " project_id " , " storage " , " egress " , " objects " , " period_start " , " period_end " , " state " , " created_at " ) VALUES ( E ' \\022\\217/\\014\\376!K\\023\\276\\031\\311}m\\236\\205\\300 ' : : bytea , E ' \\021\\217/\\014\\376!K\\023\\276\\031\\311}m\\236\\205\\300 ' : : bytea , 0 , 0 , 0 , ' 2019-06-01 08:28:24.267934+00 ' , ' 2019-06-01 08:28:24.267934+00 ' , 0 , ' 2019-06-01 08:28:24.267934+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " graceful_exit_transfer_queue " ( " node_id " , " path " , " piece_num " , " root_piece_id " , " durability_ratio " , " queued_at " , " requested_at " , " last_failed_at " , " last_failed_code " , " failed_count " , " finished_at " , " order_limit_send_count " ) VALUES ( E ' \\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\016 ' , E ' f8419768-5baa-4901-b3ba-62808013ec45/s0/test3/ \\240\\243\\223n \\334~b}\\2624) \\250 m\\201\\202\\235\\276\\361\\3304\\323\\352\\311 \\361\\353;\\326\\311 ' , 10 , E ' \\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204", ' : : bytea , 1 . 0 , ' 2019-09-12 10:07:31.028103+00 ' , ' 2019-09-12 10:07:32.028103+00 ' , null , null , 0 , ' 2019-09-12 10:07:33.028103+00 ' , 0 ) ;
INSERT INTO " stripecoinpayments_tx_conversion_rates " ( " tx_id " , " rate " , " created_at " ) VALUES ( ' tx_id ' , E ' \\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci, ' : : bytea , ' 2019-06-01 08:28:24.267934+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " coinpayments_transactions " ( " id " , " user_id " , " address " , " amount " , " received " , " status " , " key " , " timeout " , " created_at " ) VALUES ( ' tx_id ' , E ' \\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204", ' : : bytea , ' address ' , E ' \\363\\311\\033w ' : : bytea , E ' \\363\\311\\033w ' : : bytea , 1 , ' key ' , 60 , ' 2019-06-01 08:28:24.267934+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " nodes_offline_times " ( " node_id " , " tracked_at " , " seconds " ) VALUES ( E ' \\153\\313\\233\\074\\327\\177\\136\\070\\346\\001 ' : : bytea , ' 2019-06-01 09:28:24.267934+00 ' , 3600 ) ;
INSERT INTO " nodes_offline_times " ( " node_id " , " tracked_at " , " seconds " ) VALUES ( E ' \\153\\313\\233\\074\\327\\177\\136\\070\\346\\001 ' : : bytea , ' 2017-06-01 09:28:24.267934+00 ' , 100 ) ;
INSERT INTO " nodes_offline_times " ( " node_id " , " tracked_at " , " seconds " ) VALUES ( E ' \\006\\223\\250R\\221\\005\\365\\377v>0\\266\\365\\216\\255?\\347\\244\\371?2\\264\\262\\230\\007<\\001\\262\\263\\237\\247n ' : : bytea , ' 2019-06-01 09:28:24.267934+00 ' , 3600 ) ;
INSERT INTO " storagenode_bandwidth_rollups " ( " storagenode_id " , " interval_start " , " interval_seconds " , " action " , " settled " ) VALUES ( E ' \\006\\223\\250R\\221\\005\\365\\377v>0\\266\\365\\216\\255?\\347\\244\\371?2\\264\\262\\230\\007<\\001\\262\\263\\237\\247n ' , ' 2020-01-11 08:00:00.000000 ' AT TIME ZONE current_setting ( ' TIMEZONE ' ) , 3600 , 1 , 2024 ) ;
INSERT INTO " coupons " ( " id " , " project_id " , " user_id " , " amount " , " description " , " type " , " status " , " duration " , " created_at " ) VALUES ( E ' \\362\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\014 ' : : bytea , E ' \\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\014 ' : : bytea , E ' \\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204", ' : : bytea , 50 , ' description ' , 0 , 0 , 2 , ' 2019-06-01 08:28:24.267934+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " coupon_usages " ( " coupon_id " , " amount " , " status " , " period " ) VALUES ( E ' \\362\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\014 ' : : bytea , 22 , 0 , ' 2019-06-01 09:28:24.267934+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " reported_serials " ( " expires_at " , " storage_node_id " , " bucket_id " , " action " , " serial_number " , " settled " , " observed_at " ) VALUES ( ' 2020-01-11 08:00:00.000000+00 ' , E ' \\006\\223\\250R\\221\\005\\365\\377v>0\\266\\365\\216\\255?\\347\\244\\371?2\\264\\262\\230\\007<\\001\\262\\263\\237\\247n ' , E ' \\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\014/testbucket ' : : bytea , 1 , E ' 0123456701234567 ' : : bytea , 100 , ' 2020-01-11 08:00:00.000000+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " stripecoinpayments_apply_balance_intents " ( " tx_id " , " state " , " created_at " ) VALUES ( ' tx_id ' , 0 , ' 2019-06-01 08:28:24.267934+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " projects " ( " id " , " name " , " description " , " usage_limit " , " rate_limit " , " partner_id " , " owner_id " , " created_at " ) VALUES ( E ' \\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\347 ' : : bytea , ' projName1 ' , ' Test project 1 ' , 0 , 2000000 , NULL , E ' \\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204", ' : : bytea , ' 2020-01-15 08:28:24.636949+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " credits " ( " user_id " , " transaction_id " , " amount " , " created_at " ) VALUES ( E ' \\362\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\014 ' : : bytea , ' transactionID ' , 10 , ' 2019-06-01 08:28:24.267934+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " credits_spendings " ( " id " , " user_id " , " project_id " , " amount " , " status " , " created_at " ) VALUES ( E ' \\362\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\275|\\342N\\347\\014 ' : : bytea , E ' \\153\\313\\233\\074\\327\\177\\136\\070\\346\\001 ' : : bytea , E ' \\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204", ' : : bytea , 5 , 0 , ' 2019-06-01 09:28:24.267934+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " pending_serial_queue " ( " storage_node_id " , " bucket_id " , " serial_number " , " action " , " settled " , " expires_at " ) VALUES ( E ' \\006\\223\\250R\\221\\005\\365\\377v>0\\266\\365\\216\\255?\\347\\244\\371?2\\264\\262\\230\\007<\\001\\262\\263\\237\\247n ' , E ' \\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\014/testbucket ' : : bytea , E ' 5123456701234567 ' : : bytea , 1 , 100 , ' 2020-01-11 08:00:00.000000+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " consumed_serials " ( " storage_node_id " , " serial_number " , " expires_at " ) VALUES ( E ' \\006\\223\\250R\\221\\005\\365\\377v>0\\266\\365\\216\\255?\\347\\244\\371?2\\264\\262\\230\\007<\\001\\262\\263\\237\\247n ' , E ' 1234567012345678 ' : : bytea , ' 2020-01-12 08:00:00.000000+00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO " injuredsegments " ( " path " , " data " , " num_healthy_pieces " ) VALUES ( ' 0 ' , ' \x0a0130120100 ' , 52 ) ;
INSERT INTO " injuredsegments " ( " path " , " data " , " num_healthy_pieces " ) VALUES ( ' here '' s/a/great/path ' , ' \x0a136865726527732f612f67726561742f70617468120a0102030405060708090a ' , 30 ) ;
INSERT INTO " injuredsegments " ( " path " , " data " , " num_healthy_pieces " ) VALUES ( ' yet/another/cool/path ' , ' \x0a157965742f616e6f746865722f636f6f6c2f70617468120a0102030405060708090a ' , 51 ) ;
INSERT INTO " injuredsegments " ( " path " , " data " , " num_healthy_pieces " ) VALUES ( ' /this/is/a/new/path ' , ' \x0a23736f2f6d616e792f69636f6e69632f70617468732f746f2f63686f6f73652f66726f6d120a0102030405060708090a ' , 40 ) ;
UPDATE " nodes " SET vetted_at = ' 2020-03-18 12:00:00.000000+00 ' where id = E ' \\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\016 ' ;
-- NEW DATA --