uplink: integrate new Metainfo calls (#2640)
This commit is contained in:
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ type ListOptions = storj.ListOptions
func (b *Bucket) ListObjects(ctx context.Context, cfg *ListOptions) (list storj.ObjectList, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if cfg == nil {
cfg = &storj.ListOptions{Direction: storj.Forward}
cfg = &storj.ListOptions{Direction: storj.After}
return b.metainfo.ListObjects(ctx, b.bucket.Name, *cfg)
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ func (p *Project) OpenBucket(ctx context.Context, bucketName string, access *Enc
segmentStore := segments.NewSegmentStore(p.metainfo, ec, rs, p.maxInlineSize.Int(), maxEncryptedSegmentSize)
streamStore, err := streams.NewStreamStore(segmentStore, cfg.Volatile.SegmentsSize.Int64(), access.store, int(encryptionParameters.BlockSize), encryptionParameters.CipherSuite, p.maxInlineSize.Int())
streamStore, err := streams.NewStreamStore(p.metainfo, segmentStore, cfg.Volatile.SegmentsSize.Int64(), access.store, int(encryptionParameters.BlockSize), encryptionParameters.CipherSuite, p.maxInlineSize.Int())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ func initEnv(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, planet *testplanet.Planet) (mini
blockSize := rs.StripeSize()
inlineThreshold := 4 * memory.KiB.Int()
strms, err := streams.NewStreamStore(segments, 64*memory.MiB.Int64(), encStore, blockSize, storj.EncAESGCM, inlineThreshold)
strms, err := streams.NewStreamStore(m, segments, 64*memory.MiB.Int64(), encStore, blockSize, storj.EncAESGCM, inlineThreshold)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ func TestBeginCommitListSegment(t *testing.T) {
Position: storj.SegmentPosition{
Index: 0,
MaxOderLimit: memory.MiB.Int64(),
MaxOrderLimit: memory.MiB.Int64(),
require.NoError(t, err)
@ -858,9 +858,9 @@ func (client *Client) ListObjects(ctx context.Context, params ListObjectsParams)
// BeginSegmentParams parameters for BeginSegment method
type BeginSegmentParams struct {
StreamID storj.StreamID
Position storj.SegmentPosition
MaxOderLimit int64
StreamID storj.StreamID
Position storj.SegmentPosition
MaxOrderLimit int64
func (params *BeginSegmentParams) toRequest() *pb.SegmentBeginRequest {
@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ func (params *BeginSegmentParams) toRequest() *pb.SegmentBeginRequest {
PartNumber: params.Position.PartNumber,
Index: params.Position.Index,
MaxOrderLimit: params.MaxOderLimit,
MaxOrderLimit: params.MaxOrderLimit,
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ func newMetainfoParts(planet *testplanet.Planet) (*kvmetainfo.DB, streams.Store,
const stripesPerBlock = 2
blockSize := stripesPerBlock * rs.StripeSize()
inlineThreshold := 8 * memory.KiB.Int()
streams, err := streams.NewStreamStore(segments, 64*memory.MiB.Int64(), encStore, blockSize, storj.EncAESGCM, inlineThreshold)
streams, err := streams.NewStreamStore(metainfo, segments, 64*memory.MiB.Int64(), encStore, blockSize, storj.EncAESGCM, inlineThreshold)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import (
@ -174,15 +175,16 @@ func (db *DB) ListObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket string, options storj.List
var startAfter, endBefore string
switch options.Direction {
case storj.Before:
// before lists backwards from cursor, without cursor
endBefore = options.Cursor
case storj.Backward:
// backward lists backwards from cursor, including cursor
endBefore = keyAfter(options.Cursor)
case storj.Forward:
// forward lists forwards from cursor, including cursor
startAfter = keyBefore(options.Cursor)
// TODO for now we are supporting only storj.After
// case storj.Before:
// // before lists backwards from cursor, without cursor
// endBefore = options.Cursor
// case storj.Backward:
// // backward lists backwards from cursor, including cursor
// endBefore = keyAfter(options.Cursor)
// case storj.Forward:
// // forward lists forwards from cursor, including cursor
// startAfter = keyBefore(options.Cursor)
case storj.After:
// after lists forwards from cursor, without cursor
startAfter = options.Cursor
@ -243,34 +245,21 @@ func (db *DB) getInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket string, path storj.Path) (obj
return object{}, storj.Object{}, err
pointer, err := db.metainfo.SegmentInfo(ctx, bucket, encPath.Raw(), -1)
objectInfo, err := db.metainfo.GetObject(ctx, metainfo.GetObjectParams{
Bucket: []byte(bucket),
EncryptedPath: []byte(encPath.Raw()),
if err != nil {
if storage.ErrKeyNotFound.Has(err) {
err = storj.ErrObjectNotFound.Wrap(err)
return object{}, storj.Object{}, err
var redundancyScheme *pb.RedundancyScheme
if pointer.GetType() == pb.Pointer_REMOTE {
redundancyScheme = pointer.GetRemote().GetRedundancy()
} else {
// TODO: handle better
redundancyScheme = &pb.RedundancyScheme{
Type: pb.RedundancyScheme_RS,
MinReq: -1,
Total: -1,
RepairThreshold: -1,
SuccessThreshold: -1,
ErasureShareSize: -1,
redundancyScheme := objectInfo.Stream.RedundancyScheme
lastSegmentMeta := segments.Meta{
Modified: pointer.CreationDate,
Expiration: pointer.GetExpirationDate(),
Size: pointer.GetSegmentSize(),
Data: pointer.GetMetadata(),
Modified: objectInfo.Created,
Expiration: objectInfo.Expires,
Size: objectInfo.Size,
Data: objectInfo.Metadata,
streamInfoData, streamMeta, err := streams.TypedDecryptStreamInfo(ctx, lastSegmentMeta.Data, fullpath, db.encStore)
@ -320,7 +309,7 @@ func objectFromMeta(bucket storj.Bucket, path storj.Path, isPrefix bool, meta ob
func objectStreamFromMeta(bucket storj.Bucket, path storj.Path, lastSegment segments.Meta, stream pb.StreamInfo, streamMeta pb.StreamMeta, redundancyScheme *pb.RedundancyScheme) (storj.Object, error) {
func objectStreamFromMeta(bucket storj.Bucket, path storj.Path, lastSegment segments.Meta, stream pb.StreamInfo, streamMeta pb.StreamMeta, redundancyScheme storj.RedundancyScheme) (storj.Object, error) {
var nonce storj.Nonce
var encryptedKey storj.EncryptedPrivateKey
if streamMeta.LastSegmentMeta != nil {
@ -359,14 +348,7 @@ func objectStreamFromMeta(bucket storj.Bucket, path storj.Path, lastSegment segm
SegmentCount: numberOfSegments,
FixedSegmentSize: stream.SegmentsSize,
RedundancyScheme: storj.RedundancyScheme{
Algorithm: storj.ReedSolomon,
ShareSize: redundancyScheme.GetErasureShareSize(),
RequiredShares: int16(redundancyScheme.GetMinReq()),
RepairShares: int16(redundancyScheme.GetRepairThreshold()),
OptimalShares: int16(redundancyScheme.GetSuccessThreshold()),
TotalShares: int16(redundancyScheme.GetTotal()),
RedundancyScheme: redundancyScheme,
EncryptionParameters: storj.EncryptionParameters{
CipherSuite: storj.CipherSuite(streamMeta.EncryptionType),
BlockSize: streamMeta.EncryptionBlockSize,
@ -277,10 +277,11 @@ func TestListObjectsEmpty(t *testing.T) {
_, err = db.ListObjects(ctx, bucket.Name, storj.ListOptions{})
assert.EqualError(t, err, "kvmetainfo: invalid direction 0")
// TODO for now we are supporting only storj.After
for _, direction := range []storj.ListDirection{
// storj.Before,
// storj.Backward,
// storj.Forward,
} {
list, err := db.ListObjects(ctx, bucket.Name, storj.ListOptions{Direction: direction})
@ -391,235 +392,238 @@ func TestListObjects(t *testing.T) {
options: options("a/", "xaa", storj.After, 2),
more: true,
result: []string{"xb", "xbb"},
}, {
options: options("", "", storj.Forward, 0),
result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa", "b", "b/", "bb", "c"},
}, {
options: options("", "`", storj.Forward, 0),
result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa", "b", "b/", "bb", "c"},
}, {
options: options("", "b", storj.Forward, 0),
result: []string{"b", "b/", "bb", "c"},
}, {
options: options("", "c", storj.Forward, 0),
result: []string{"c"},
}, {
options: options("", "ca", storj.Forward, 0),
result: []string{},
}, {
options: options("", "", storj.Forward, 1),
more: true,
result: []string{"a"},
}, {
options: options("", "`", storj.Forward, 1),
more: true,
result: []string{"a"},
}, {
options: options("", "aa", storj.Forward, 1),
more: true,
result: []string{"aa"},
}, {
options: options("", "c", storj.Forward, 1),
result: []string{"c"},
}, {
options: options("", "ca", storj.Forward, 1),
result: []string{},
}, {
options: options("", "", storj.Forward, 2),
more: true,
result: []string{"a", "a/"},
}, {
options: options("", "`", storj.Forward, 2),
more: true,
result: []string{"a", "a/"},
}, {
options: options("", "aa", storj.Forward, 2),
more: true,
result: []string{"aa", "b"},
}, {
options: options("", "bb", storj.Forward, 2),
result: []string{"bb", "c"},
}, {
options: options("", "c", storj.Forward, 2),
result: []string{"c"},
}, {
options: options("", "ca", storj.Forward, 2),
result: []string{},
}, {
options: optionsRecursive("", "", storj.Forward, 0),
result: []string{"a", "a/xa", "a/xaa", "a/xb", "a/xbb", "a/xc", "aa", "b", "b/ya", "b/yaa", "b/yb", "b/ybb", "b/yc", "bb", "c"},
}, {
options: options("a", "", storj.Forward, 0),
result: []string{"xa", "xaa", "xb", "xbb", "xc"},
}, {
options: options("a/", "", storj.Forward, 0),
result: []string{"xa", "xaa", "xb", "xbb", "xc"},
}, {
options: options("a/", "xb", storj.Forward, 0),
result: []string{"xb", "xbb", "xc"},
}, {
options: optionsRecursive("", "a/xbb", storj.Forward, 5),
more: true,
result: []string{"a/xbb", "a/xc", "aa", "b", "b/ya"},
}, {
options: options("a/", "xaa", storj.Forward, 2),
more: true,
result: []string{"xaa", "xb"},
}, {
options: options("", "", storj.Backward, 0),
result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa", "b", "b/", "bb", "c"},
}, {
options: options("", "`", storj.Backward, 0),
result: []string{},
}, {
options: options("", "b", storj.Backward, 0),
result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa", "b"},
}, {
options: options("", "c", storj.Backward, 0),
result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa", "b", "b/", "bb", "c"},
}, {
options: options("", "ca", storj.Backward, 0),
result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa", "b", "b/", "bb", "c"},
}, {
options: options("", "", storj.Backward, 1),
more: true,
result: []string{"c"},
}, {
options: options("", "`", storj.Backward, 1),
result: []string{},
}, {
options: options("", "aa", storj.Backward, 1),
more: true,
result: []string{"aa"},
}, {
options: options("", "c", storj.Backward, 1),
more: true,
result: []string{"c"},
}, {
options: options("", "ca", storj.Backward, 1),
more: true,
result: []string{"c"},
}, {
options: options("", "", storj.Backward, 2),
more: true,
result: []string{"bb", "c"},
}, {
options: options("", "`", storj.Backward, 2),
result: []string{},
}, {
options: options("", "a/", storj.Backward, 2),
result: []string{"a"},
}, {
options: options("", "bb", storj.Backward, 2),
more: true,
result: []string{"b/", "bb"},
}, {
options: options("", "c", storj.Backward, 2),
more: true,
result: []string{"bb", "c"},
}, {
options: options("", "ca", storj.Backward, 2),
more: true,
result: []string{"bb", "c"},
}, {
options: optionsRecursive("", "", storj.Backward, 0),
result: []string{"a", "a/xa", "a/xaa", "a/xb", "a/xbb", "a/xc", "aa", "b", "b/ya", "b/yaa", "b/yb", "b/ybb", "b/yc", "bb", "c"},
}, {
options: options("a", "", storj.Backward, 0),
result: []string{"xa", "xaa", "xb", "xbb", "xc"},
}, {
options: options("a/", "", storj.Backward, 0),
result: []string{"xa", "xaa", "xb", "xbb", "xc"},
}, {
options: options("a/", "xb", storj.Backward, 0),
result: []string{"xa", "xaa", "xb"},
}, {
options: optionsRecursive("", "b/yaa", storj.Backward, 5),
more: true,
result: []string{"a/xc", "aa", "b", "b/ya", "b/yaa"},
}, {
options: options("a/", "xbb", storj.Backward, 2),
more: true,
result: []string{"xb", "xbb"},
}, {
options: options("", "", storj.Before, 0),
result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa", "b", "b/", "bb", "c"},
}, {
options: options("", "`", storj.Before, 0),
result: []string{},
}, {
options: options("", "a", storj.Before, 0),
result: []string{},
}, {
options: options("", "b", storj.Before, 0),
result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa"},
}, {
options: options("", "c", storj.Before, 0),
result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa", "b", "b/", "bb"},
}, {
options: options("", "ca", storj.Before, 0),
result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa", "b", "b/", "bb", "c"},
}, {
options: options("", "", storj.Before, 1),
more: true,
result: []string{"c"},
}, {
options: options("", "`", storj.Before, 1),
result: []string{},
}, {
options: options("", "a/", storj.Before, 1),
result: []string{"a"},
}, {
options: options("", "c", storj.Before, 1),
more: true,
result: []string{"bb"},
}, {
options: options("", "ca", storj.Before, 1),
more: true,
result: []string{"c"},
}, {
options: options("", "", storj.Before, 2),
more: true,
result: []string{"bb", "c"},
}, {
options: options("", "`", storj.Before, 2),
result: []string{},
}, {
options: options("", "a/", storj.Before, 2),
result: []string{"a"},
}, {
options: options("", "bb", storj.Before, 2),
more: true,
result: []string{"b", "b/"},
}, {
options: options("", "c", storj.Before, 2),
more: true,
result: []string{"b/", "bb"},
}, {
options: options("", "ca", storj.Before, 2),
more: true,
result: []string{"bb", "c"},
}, {
options: optionsRecursive("", "", storj.Before, 0),
result: []string{"a", "a/xa", "a/xaa", "a/xb", "a/xbb", "a/xc", "aa", "b", "b/ya", "b/yaa", "b/yb", "b/ybb", "b/yc", "bb", "c"},
}, {
options: options("a", "", storj.Before, 0),
result: []string{"xa", "xaa", "xb", "xbb", "xc"},
}, {
options: options("a/", "", storj.Before, 0),
result: []string{"xa", "xaa", "xb", "xbb", "xc"},
}, {
options: options("a/", "xb", storj.Before, 0),
result: []string{"xa", "xaa"},
}, {
options: optionsRecursive("", "b/yaa", storj.Before, 5),
more: true,
result: []string{"a/xbb", "a/xc", "aa", "b", "b/ya"},
}, {
options: options("a/", "xbb", storj.Before, 2),
more: true,
result: []string{"xaa", "xb"},
// TODO commented until we will decide if we will support direction for object listing
// {
// options: options("", "", storj.Forward, 0),
// result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa", "b", "b/", "bb", "c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "`", storj.Forward, 0),
// result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa", "b", "b/", "bb", "c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "b", storj.Forward, 0),
// result: []string{"b", "b/", "bb", "c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "c", storj.Forward, 0),
// result: []string{"c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "ca", storj.Forward, 0),
// result: []string{},
// }, {
// options: options("", "", storj.Forward, 1),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"a"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "`", storj.Forward, 1),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"a"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "aa", storj.Forward, 1),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"aa"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "c", storj.Forward, 1),
// result: []string{"c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "ca", storj.Forward, 1),
// result: []string{},
// }, {
// options: options("", "", storj.Forward, 2),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"a", "a/"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "`", storj.Forward, 2),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"a", "a/"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "aa", storj.Forward, 2),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"aa", "b"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "bb", storj.Forward, 2),
// result: []string{"bb", "c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "c", storj.Forward, 2),
// result: []string{"c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "ca", storj.Forward, 2),
// result: []string{},
// }, {
// options: optionsRecursive("", "", storj.Forward, 0),
// result: []string{"a", "a/xa", "a/xaa", "a/xb", "a/xbb", "a/xc", "aa", "b", "b/ya", "b/yaa", "b/yb", "b/ybb", "b/yc", "bb", "c"},
// }, {
// options: options("a", "", storj.Forward, 0),
// result: []string{"xa", "xaa", "xb", "xbb", "xc"},
// }, {
// options: options("a/", "", storj.Forward, 0),
// result: []string{"xa", "xaa", "xb", "xbb", "xc"},
// }, {
// options: options("a/", "xb", storj.Forward, 0),
// result: []string{"xb", "xbb", "xc"},
// }, {
// options: optionsRecursive("", "a/xbb", storj.Forward, 5),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"a/xbb", "a/xc", "aa", "b", "b/ya"},
// }, {
// options: options("a/", "xaa", storj.Forward, 2),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"xaa", "xb"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "", storj.Backward, 0),
// result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa", "b", "b/", "bb", "c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "`", storj.Backward, 0),
// result: []string{},
// }, {
// options: options("", "b", storj.Backward, 0),
// result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa", "b"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "c", storj.Backward, 0),
// result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa", "b", "b/", "bb", "c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "ca", storj.Backward, 0),
// result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa", "b", "b/", "bb", "c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "", storj.Backward, 1),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "`", storj.Backward, 1),
// result: []string{},
// }, {
// options: options("", "aa", storj.Backward, 1),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"aa"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "c", storj.Backward, 1),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "ca", storj.Backward, 1),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "", storj.Backward, 2),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"bb", "c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "`", storj.Backward, 2),
// result: []string{},
// }, {
// options: options("", "a/", storj.Backward, 2),
// result: []string{"a"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "bb", storj.Backward, 2),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"b/", "bb"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "c", storj.Backward, 2),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"bb", "c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "ca", storj.Backward, 2),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"bb", "c"},
// }, {
// options: optionsRecursive("", "", storj.Backward, 0),
// result: []string{"a", "a/xa", "a/xaa", "a/xb", "a/xbb", "a/xc", "aa", "b", "b/ya", "b/yaa", "b/yb", "b/ybb", "b/yc", "bb", "c"},
// }, {
// options: options("a", "", storj.Backward, 0),
// result: []string{"xa", "xaa", "xb", "xbb", "xc"},
// }, {
// options: options("a/", "", storj.Backward, 0),
// result: []string{"xa", "xaa", "xb", "xbb", "xc"},
// }, {
// options: options("a/", "xb", storj.Backward, 0),
// result: []string{"xa", "xaa", "xb"},
// }, {
// options: optionsRecursive("", "b/yaa", storj.Backward, 5),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"a/xc", "aa", "b", "b/ya", "b/yaa"},
// }, {
// options: options("a/", "xbb", storj.Backward, 2),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"xb", "xbb"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "", storj.Before, 0),
// result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa", "b", "b/", "bb", "c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "`", storj.Before, 0),
// result: []string{},
// }, {
// options: options("", "a", storj.Before, 0),
// result: []string{},
// }, {
// options: options("", "b", storj.Before, 0),
// result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "c", storj.Before, 0),
// result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa", "b", "b/", "bb"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "ca", storj.Before, 0),
// result: []string{"a", "a/", "aa", "b", "b/", "bb", "c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "", storj.Before, 1),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "`", storj.Before, 1),
// result: []string{},
// }, {
// options: options("", "a/", storj.Before, 1),
// result: []string{"a"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "c", storj.Before, 1),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"bb"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "ca", storj.Before, 1),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "", storj.Before, 2),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"bb", "c"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "`", storj.Before, 2),
// result: []string{},
// }, {
// options: options("", "a/", storj.Before, 2),
// result: []string{"a"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "bb", storj.Before, 2),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"b", "b/"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "c", storj.Before, 2),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"b/", "bb"},
// }, {
// options: options("", "ca", storj.Before, 2),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"bb", "c"},
// }, {
// options: optionsRecursive("", "", storj.Before, 0),
// result: []string{"a", "a/xa", "a/xaa", "a/xb", "a/xbb", "a/xc", "aa", "b", "b/ya", "b/yaa", "b/yb", "b/ybb", "b/yc", "bb", "c"},
// }, {
// options: options("a", "", storj.Before, 0),
// result: []string{"xa", "xaa", "xb", "xbb", "xc"},
// }, {
// options: options("a/", "", storj.Before, 0),
// result: []string{"xa", "xaa", "xb", "xbb", "xc"},
// }, {
// options: options("a/", "xb", storj.Before, 0),
// result: []string{"xa", "xaa"},
// }, {
// options: optionsRecursive("", "b/yaa", storj.Before, 5),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"a/xbb", "a/xc", "aa", "b", "b/ya"},
// }, {
// options: options("a/", "xbb", storj.Before, 2),
// more: true,
// result: []string{"xaa", "xb"},
// },
} {
errTag := fmt.Sprintf("%d. %+v", i, tt)
@ -3,36 +3,27 @@
package kvmetainfo
import (
// TODO: known issue:
// this is incorrect since there's no good way to get such a path
// since the exact previous key is
// append(previousPrefix(cursor), infinite(0xFF)...)
func keyBefore(cursor string) string {
if cursor == "" {
return ""
before := []byte(cursor)
if before[len(before)-1] == 0 {
return string(before[:len(before)-1])
// TODO commented until we will decide if we will support direction for objects listing
// func keyBefore(cursor string) string {
// if cursor == "" {
// return ""
// }
before = append(before, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f)
return string(before)
// before := []byte(cursor)
// if before[len(before)-1] == 0 {
// return string(before[:len(before)-1])
// }
// before[len(before)-1]--
func keyAfter(cursor string) string {
return cursor + "\x00"
// before = append(before, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f)
// return string(before)
// }
// getSegmentPath returns the unique path for a particular segment
func getSegmentPath(encryptedPath storj.Path, segNum int64) storj.Path {
return storj.JoinPaths(fmt.Sprintf("s%d", segNum), encryptedPath)
// func keyAfter(cursor string) string {
// return cursor + "\x00"
// }
@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ import (
@ -19,6 +17,7 @@ var _ storj.ReadOnlyStream = (*readonlyStream)(nil)
type readonlyStream struct {
db *DB
id storj.StreamID
info storj.Object
bucket string
encPath storj.Path
@ -47,21 +46,14 @@ func (stream *readonlyStream) segment(ctx context.Context, index int64) (segment
isLastSegment := segment.Index+1 == stream.info.SegmentCount
if !isLastSegment {
segmentPath := getSegmentPath(storj.JoinPaths(stream.bucket, stream.encPath), index)
_, meta, err := stream.db.segments.Get(ctx, segmentPath)
if err != nil {
return segment, err
segmentMeta := pb.SegmentMeta{}
err = proto.Unmarshal(meta.Data, &segmentMeta)
_, segmentEnc, err := stream.db.segments.Get(ctx, stream.id, int32(index), stream.info.RedundancyScheme)
if err != nil {
return segment, err
segment.Size = stream.info.FixedSegmentSize
copy(segment.EncryptedKeyNonce[:], segmentMeta.KeyNonce)
segment.EncryptedKey = segmentMeta.EncryptedKey
segment.EncryptedKeyNonce = segmentEnc.EncryptedKeyNonce
segment.EncryptedKey = segmentEnc.EncryptedKey
} else {
segment.Size = stream.info.LastSegment.Size
segment.EncryptedKeyNonce = stream.info.LastSegment.EncryptedKeyNonce
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ func SetupProject(m *metainfo.Client) (*Project, error) {
// TODO: https://storjlabs.atlassian.net/browse/V3-1967
encStore := encryption.NewStore()
strms, err := streams.NewStreamStore(segment, maxBucketMetaSize.Int64(), encStore, memory.KiB.Int(), storj.EncAESGCM, maxBucketMetaSize.Int())
strms, err := streams.NewStreamStore(m, segment, maxBucketMetaSize.Int64(), encStore, memory.KiB.Int(), storj.EncAESGCM, maxBucketMetaSize.Int())
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.New("failed to create streams: %v", err)
@ -7,11 +7,10 @@ import (
@ -43,11 +42,9 @@ type ListItem struct {
// Store for segments
type Store interface {
Meta(ctx context.Context, path storj.Path) (meta Meta, err error)
Get(ctx context.Context, path storj.Path) (rr ranger.Ranger, meta Meta, err error)
Put(ctx context.Context, data io.Reader, expiration time.Time, segmentInfo func() (storj.Path, []byte, error)) (meta Meta, err error)
Delete(ctx context.Context, path storj.Path) (err error)
List(ctx context.Context, prefix, startAfter, endBefore storj.Path, recursive bool, limit int, metaFlags uint32) (items []ListItem, more bool, err error)
Get(ctx context.Context, streamID storj.StreamID, segmentIndex int32, objectRS storj.RedundancyScheme) (rr ranger.Ranger, encryption storj.SegmentEncryption, err error)
Put(ctx context.Context, streamID storj.StreamID, data io.Reader, expiration time.Time, segmentInfo func() (int64, storj.SegmentEncryption, error)) (meta Meta, err error)
Delete(ctx context.Context, streamID storj.StreamID, segmentIndex int32) (err error)
type segmentStore struct {
@ -72,133 +69,102 @@ func NewSegmentStore(metainfo *metainfo.Client, ec ecclient.Client, rs eestream.
// Meta retrieves the metadata of the segment
func (s *segmentStore) Meta(ctx context.Context, path storj.Path) (meta Meta, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
bucket, objectPath, segmentIndex, err := splitPathFragments(path)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, err
pointer, err := s.metainfo.SegmentInfo(ctx, bucket, objectPath, segmentIndex)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, Error.Wrap(err)
return convertMeta(pointer), nil
// Put uploads a segment to an erasure code client
func (s *segmentStore) Put(ctx context.Context, data io.Reader, expiration time.Time, segmentInfo func() (storj.Path, []byte, error)) (meta Meta, err error) {
func (s *segmentStore) Put(ctx context.Context, streamID storj.StreamID, data io.Reader, expiration time.Time, segmentInfo func() (int64, storj.SegmentEncryption, error)) (meta Meta, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
redundancy := &pb.RedundancyScheme{
Type: pb.RedundancyScheme_RS,
MinReq: int32(s.rs.RequiredCount()),
Total: int32(s.rs.TotalCount()),
RepairThreshold: int32(s.rs.RepairThreshold()),
SuccessThreshold: int32(s.rs.OptimalThreshold()),
ErasureShareSize: int32(s.rs.ErasureShareSize()),
peekReader := NewPeekThresholdReader(data)
remoteSized, err := peekReader.IsLargerThan(s.thresholdSize)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, err
var path storj.Path
var pointer *pb.Pointer
var originalLimits []*pb.OrderLimit
if !remoteSized {
p, metadata, err := segmentInfo()
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, Error.Wrap(err)
path = p
pointer = &pb.Pointer{
CreationDate: time.Now(),
Type: pb.Pointer_INLINE,
InlineSegment: peekReader.thresholdBuf,
SegmentSize: int64(len(peekReader.thresholdBuf)),
ExpirationDate: expiration,
Metadata: metadata,
} else {
// early call to get bucket name, rest of the path cannot be determine yet
p, _, err := segmentInfo()
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, Error.Wrap(err)
bucket, objectPath, _, err := splitPathFragments(p)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, err
// path and segment index are not known at this point
limits, rootPieceID, piecePrivateKey, err := s.metainfo.CreateSegment(ctx, bucket, objectPath, -1, redundancy, s.maxEncryptedSegmentSize, expiration)
segmentIndex, encryption, err := segmentInfo()
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, Error.Wrap(err)
sizedReader := SizeReader(peekReader)
successfulNodes, successfulHashes, err := s.ec.Put(ctx, limits, piecePrivateKey, s.rs, sizedReader, expiration)
err = s.metainfo.MakeInlineSegment(ctx, metainfo.MakeInlineSegmentParams{
StreamID: streamID,
Position: storj.SegmentPosition{
Index: int32(segmentIndex),
Encryption: encryption,
EncryptedInlineData: peekReader.thresholdBuf,
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, Error.Wrap(err)
p, metadata, err := segmentInfo()
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, Error.Wrap(err)
path = p
pointer, err = makeRemotePointer(successfulNodes, successfulHashes, s.rs, rootPieceID, sizedReader.Size(), expiration, metadata)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, Error.Wrap(err)
originalLimits = make([]*pb.OrderLimit, len(limits))
for i, addressedLimit := range limits {
originalLimits[i] = addressedLimit.GetLimit()
return Meta{}, nil
bucket, objectPath, segmentIndex, err := splitPathFragments(path)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, err
savedPointer, err := s.metainfo.CommitSegment(ctx, bucket, objectPath, segmentIndex, pointer, originalLimits)
segmentIndex, encryption, err := segmentInfo()
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, Error.Wrap(err)
return convertMeta(savedPointer), nil
segmentID, limits, piecePrivateKey, err := s.metainfo.BeginSegment(ctx, metainfo.BeginSegmentParams{
StreamID: streamID,
MaxOrderLimit: s.maxEncryptedSegmentSize,
Position: storj.SegmentPosition{
Index: int32(segmentIndex),
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, Error.Wrap(err)
sizedReader := SizeReader(peekReader)
successfulNodes, successfulHashes, err := s.ec.Put(ctx, limits, piecePrivateKey, s.rs, sizedReader, expiration)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, Error.Wrap(err)
uploadResults := make([]*pb.SegmentPieceUploadResult, 0, len(successfulNodes))
for i := range successfulNodes {
if successfulNodes[i] == nil {
uploadResults = append(uploadResults, &pb.SegmentPieceUploadResult{
PieceNum: int32(i),
NodeId: successfulNodes[i].Id,
Hash: successfulHashes[i],
err = s.metainfo.CommitSegmentNew(ctx, metainfo.CommitSegmentParams{
SegmentID: segmentID,
SizeEncryptedData: sizedReader.Size(),
Encryption: encryption,
UploadResult: uploadResults,
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, Error.Wrap(err)
return Meta{}, nil
// Get requests the satellite to read a segment and downloaded the pieces from the storage nodes
func (s *segmentStore) Get(ctx context.Context, path storj.Path) (rr ranger.Ranger, meta Meta, err error) {
func (s *segmentStore) Get(ctx context.Context, streamID storj.StreamID, segmentIndex int32, objectRS storj.RedundancyScheme) (rr ranger.Ranger, _ storj.SegmentEncryption, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
bucket, objectPath, segmentIndex, err := splitPathFragments(path)
info, limits, err := s.metainfo.DownloadSegment(ctx, metainfo.DownloadSegmentParams{
StreamID: streamID,
Position: storj.SegmentPosition{
Index: segmentIndex,
if err != nil {
return nil, Meta{}, err
return nil, storj.SegmentEncryption{}, Error.Wrap(err)
pointer, limits, piecePrivateKey, err := s.metainfo.ReadSegment(ctx, bucket, objectPath, segmentIndex)
if err != nil {
return nil, Meta{}, Error.Wrap(err)
switch pointer.GetType() {
case pb.Pointer_INLINE:
return ranger.ByteRanger(pointer.InlineSegment), convertMeta(pointer), nil
case pb.Pointer_REMOTE:
needed := CalcNeededNodes(pointer.GetRemote().GetRedundancy())
switch {
case len(info.EncryptedInlineData) != 0:
return ranger.ByteRanger(info.EncryptedInlineData), info.SegmentEncryption, nil
needed := CalcNeededNodes(objectRS)
selected := make([]*pb.AddressedOrderLimit, len(limits))
perm := s.rng.Perm(len(limits))
@ -218,84 +184,52 @@ func (s *segmentStore) Get(ctx context.Context, path storj.Path) (rr ranger.Rang
redundancy, err := eestream.NewRedundancyStrategyFromProto(pointer.GetRemote().GetRedundancy())
fc, err := infectious.NewFEC(int(objectRS.RequiredShares), int(objectRS.TotalShares))
if err != nil {
return nil, Meta{}, err
return nil, storj.SegmentEncryption{}, err
rr, err = s.ec.Get(ctx, selected, piecePrivateKey, redundancy, pointer.GetSegmentSize())
es := eestream.NewRSScheme(fc, int(objectRS.ShareSize))
redundancy, err := eestream.NewRedundancyStrategy(es, int(objectRS.RepairShares), int(objectRS.OptimalShares))
if err != nil {
return nil, Meta{}, Error.Wrap(err)
return nil, storj.SegmentEncryption{}, err
return rr, convertMeta(pointer), nil
return nil, Meta{}, Error.New("unsupported pointer type: %d", pointer.GetType())
// makeRemotePointer creates a pointer of type remote
func makeRemotePointer(nodes []*pb.Node, hashes []*pb.PieceHash, rs eestream.RedundancyStrategy, pieceID storj.PieceID, readerSize int64, expiration time.Time, metadata []byte) (pointer *pb.Pointer, err error) {
if len(nodes) != len(hashes) {
return nil, Error.New("unable to make pointer: size of nodes != size of hashes")
var remotePieces []*pb.RemotePiece
for i := range nodes {
if nodes[i] == nil {
rr, err = s.ec.Get(ctx, selected, info.PiecePrivateKey, redundancy, info.Size)
if err != nil {
return nil, storj.SegmentEncryption{}, Error.Wrap(err)
remotePieces = append(remotePieces, &pb.RemotePiece{
PieceNum: int32(i),
NodeId: nodes[i].Id,
Hash: hashes[i],
pointer = &pb.Pointer{
CreationDate: time.Now(),
Type: pb.Pointer_REMOTE,
Remote: &pb.RemoteSegment{
Redundancy: &pb.RedundancyScheme{
Type: pb.RedundancyScheme_RS,
MinReq: int32(rs.RequiredCount()),
Total: int32(rs.TotalCount()),
RepairThreshold: int32(rs.RepairThreshold()),
SuccessThreshold: int32(rs.OptimalThreshold()),
ErasureShareSize: int32(rs.ErasureShareSize()),
RootPieceId: pieceID,
RemotePieces: remotePieces,
SegmentSize: readerSize,
ExpirationDate: expiration,
Metadata: metadata,
return rr, info.SegmentEncryption, nil
return pointer, nil
// Delete requests the satellite to delete a segment and tells storage nodes
// to delete the segment's pieces.
func (s *segmentStore) Delete(ctx context.Context, path storj.Path) (err error) {
func (s *segmentStore) Delete(ctx context.Context, streamID storj.StreamID, segmentIndex int32) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
bucket, objectPath, segmentIndex, err := splitPathFragments(path)
if err != nil {
return err
limits, privateKey, err := s.metainfo.DeleteSegment(ctx, bucket, objectPath, segmentIndex)
segmentID, limits, privateKey, err := s.metainfo.BeginDeleteSegment(ctx, metainfo.BeginDeleteSegmentParams{
StreamID: streamID,
Position: storj.SegmentPosition{
Index: segmentIndex,
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
if len(limits) == 0 {
// inline segment - nothing else to do
if len(limits) != 0 {
// remote segment - delete the pieces from storage nodes
err = s.ec.Delete(ctx, limits, privateKey)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
// remote segment - delete the pieces from storage nodes
err = s.ec.Delete(ctx, limits, privateKey)
err = s.metainfo.FinishDeleteSegment(ctx, metainfo.FinishDeleteSegmentParams{
SegmentID: segmentID,
// TODO add delete results
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
@ -303,94 +237,24 @@ func (s *segmentStore) Delete(ctx context.Context, path storj.Path) (err error)
return nil
// List retrieves paths to segments and their metadata stored in the metainfo
func (s *segmentStore) List(ctx context.Context, prefix, startAfter, endBefore storj.Path, recursive bool, limit int, metaFlags uint32) (items []ListItem, more bool, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
bucket, strippedPrefix, _, err := splitPathFragments(prefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, Error.Wrap(err)
list, more, err := s.metainfo.ListSegments(ctx, bucket, strippedPrefix, startAfter, endBefore, recursive, int32(limit), metaFlags)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, Error.Wrap(err)
items = make([]ListItem, len(list))
for i, itm := range list {
items[i] = ListItem{
Path: itm.Path,
Meta: convertMeta(itm.Pointer),
IsPrefix: itm.IsPrefix,
return items, more, nil
// CalcNeededNodes calculate how many minimum nodes are needed for download,
// based on t = k + (n-o)k/o
func CalcNeededNodes(rs *pb.RedundancyScheme) int32 {
func CalcNeededNodes(rs storj.RedundancyScheme) int32 {
extra := int32(1)
if rs.GetSuccessThreshold() > 0 {
extra = ((rs.GetTotal() - rs.GetSuccessThreshold()) * rs.GetMinReq()) / rs.GetSuccessThreshold()
if rs.OptimalShares > 0 {
extra = int32(((rs.TotalShares - rs.OptimalShares) * rs.RequiredShares) / rs.OptimalShares)
if extra == 0 {
// ensure there is at least one extra node, so we can have error detection/correction
extra = 1
needed := rs.GetMinReq() + extra
needed := int32(rs.RequiredShares) + extra
if needed > rs.GetTotal() {
needed = rs.GetTotal()
if needed > int32(rs.TotalShares) {
needed = int32(rs.TotalShares)
return needed
// convertMeta converts pointer to segment metadata
func convertMeta(pr *pb.Pointer) Meta {
return Meta{
Modified: pr.GetCreationDate(),
Expiration: pr.GetExpirationDate(),
Size: pr.GetSegmentSize(),
Data: pr.GetMetadata(),
func splitPathFragments(path storj.Path) (bucket string, objectPath storj.Path, segmentIndex int64, err error) {
components := storj.SplitPath(path)
if len(components) < 1 {
return "", "", -2, Error.New("empty path")
segmentIndex, err = convertSegmentIndex(components[0])
if err != nil {
return "", "", -2, err
if len(components) > 1 {
bucket = components[1]
objectPath = storj.JoinPaths(components[2:]...)
return bucket, objectPath, segmentIndex, nil
func convertSegmentIndex(segmentComp string) (segmentIndex int64, err error) {
switch {
case segmentComp == "l":
return -1, nil
case strings.HasPrefix(segmentComp, "s"):
num, err := strconv.Atoi(segmentComp[1:])
if err != nil {
return -2, Error.Wrap(err)
return int64(num), nil
return -2, Error.New("invalid segment component: %s", segmentComp)
@ -4,212 +4,18 @@
package segments_test
import (
time "time"
storj "storj.io/storj/pkg/storj"
func TestSegmentStoreMeta(t *testing.T) {
for i, tt := range []struct {
path string
data []byte
metadata []byte
expiration time.Time
err string
{"l/path/1/2/3", []byte("content"), []byte("metadata"), time.Now().UTC().Add(time.Hour * 12), ""},
{"l/not-exists-path/1/2/3", []byte{}, []byte{}, time.Now(), "key not found"},
{"", []byte{}, []byte{}, time.Now(), "invalid segment component"},
} {
test := tt
t.Run("#"+strconv.Itoa(i), func(t *testing.T) {
runTest(t, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet, segmentStore segments.Store) {
expectedSize := int64(len(test.data))
reader := bytes.NewReader(test.data)
beforeModified := time.Now()
if test.err == "" {
meta, err := segmentStore.Put(ctx, reader, test.expiration, func() (storj.Path, []byte, error) {
return test.path, test.metadata, nil
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expectedSize, meta.Size)
assert.Equal(t, test.metadata, meta.Data)
assert.True(t, test.expiration.Equal(meta.Expiration))
assert.True(t, meta.Modified.After(beforeModified))
meta, err := segmentStore.Meta(ctx, test.path)
if test.err == "" {
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expectedSize, meta.Size)
assert.Equal(t, test.metadata, meta.Data)
assert.True(t, test.expiration.Equal(meta.Expiration))
assert.True(t, meta.Modified.After(beforeModified))
} else {
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), test.err)
func TestSegmentStorePutGet(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range []struct {
name string
path string
metadata []byte
expiration time.Time
content []byte
{"test inline put/get", "l/path/1", []byte("metadata-intline"), time.Time{}, testrand.Bytes(2 * memory.KiB)},
{"test remote put/get", "s0/test-bucket/mypath/1", []byte("metadata-remote"), time.Time{}, testrand.Bytes(100 * memory.KiB)},
} {
test := tt
runTest(t, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet, segmentStore segments.Store) {
metadata, err := segmentStore.Put(ctx, bytes.NewReader(test.content), test.expiration, func() (storj.Path, []byte, error) {
return test.path, test.metadata, nil
require.NoError(t, err, test.name)
require.Equal(t, test.metadata, metadata.Data)
rr, metadata, err := segmentStore.Get(ctx, test.path)
require.NoError(t, err, test.name)
require.Equal(t, test.metadata, metadata.Data)
reader, err := rr.Range(ctx, 0, rr.Size())
require.NoError(t, err, test.name)
content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
require.NoError(t, err, test.name)
require.Equal(t, test.content, content)
require.NoError(t, reader.Close(), test.name)
func TestSegmentStoreDelete(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range []struct {
name string
path string
metadata []byte
expiration time.Time
content []byte
{"test inline delete", "l/path/1", []byte("metadata"), time.Time{}, testrand.Bytes(2 * memory.KiB)},
{"test remote delete", "s0/test-bucket/mypath/1", []byte("metadata"), time.Time{}, testrand.Bytes(100 * memory.KiB)},
} {
test := tt
runTest(t, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet, segmentStore segments.Store) {
_, err := segmentStore.Put(ctx, bytes.NewReader(test.content), test.expiration, func() (storj.Path, []byte, error) {
return test.path, test.metadata, nil
require.NoError(t, err, test.name)
_, _, err = segmentStore.Get(ctx, test.path)
require.NoError(t, err, test.name)
// delete existing
err = segmentStore.Delete(ctx, test.path)
require.NoError(t, err, test.name)
_, _, err = segmentStore.Get(ctx, test.path)
require.Error(t, err, test.name)
require.True(t, storage.ErrKeyNotFound.Has(err))
// delete non existing
err = segmentStore.Delete(ctx, test.path)
require.Error(t, err, test.name)
require.True(t, storage.ErrKeyNotFound.Has(err))
func TestSegmentStoreList(t *testing.T) {
runTest(t, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet, segmentStore segments.Store) {
expiration := time.Now().Add(24 * time.Hour * 10)
segments := []struct {
path string
content []byte
{"l/aaaa/afile1", []byte("content")},
{"l/aaaa/bfile2", []byte("content")},
{"l/bbbb/afile1", []byte("content")},
{"l/bbbb/bfile2", []byte("content")},
{"l/bbbb/bfolder/file1", []byte("content")},
for _, seg := range segments {
segment := seg
_, err := segmentStore.Put(ctx, bytes.NewReader(segment.content), expiration, func() (storj.Path, []byte, error) {
return segment.path, []byte{}, nil
require.NoError(t, err)
// should list all
items, more, err := segmentStore.List(ctx, "l", "", "", true, 10, meta.None)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, more)
require.Equal(t, len(segments), len(items))
// should list first two and more = true
items, more, err = segmentStore.List(ctx, "l", "", "", true, 2, meta.None)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, more)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(items))
// should list only prefixes
items, more, err = segmentStore.List(ctx, "l", "", "", false, 10, meta.None)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, more)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(items))
// should list only BBBB bucket
items, more, err = segmentStore.List(ctx, "l/bbbb", "", "", false, 10, meta.None)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, more)
require.Equal(t, 3, len(items))
// should list only BBBB bucket after afile1
items, more, err = segmentStore.List(ctx, "l/bbbb", "afile1", "", false, 10, meta.None)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, more)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(items))
// should list nothing
items, more, err = segmentStore.List(ctx, "l/cccc", "", "", true, 10, meta.None)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, more)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(items))
func TestCalcNeededNodes(t *testing.T) {
for i, tt := range []struct {
k, m, o, n int32
k, m, o, n int16
needed int32
{k: 0, m: 0, o: 0, n: 0, needed: 0},
@ -223,56 +29,13 @@ func TestCalcNeededNodes(t *testing.T) {
} {
tag := fmt.Sprintf("#%d. %+v", i, tt)
rs := pb.RedundancyScheme{
MinReq: tt.k,
RepairThreshold: tt.m,
SuccessThreshold: tt.o,
Total: tt.n,
rs := storj.RedundancyScheme{
RequiredShares: tt.k,
RepairShares: tt.m,
OptimalShares: tt.o,
TotalShares: tt.n,
assert.Equal(t, tt.needed, segments.CalcNeededNodes(&rs), tag)
assert.Equal(t, tt.needed, segments.CalcNeededNodes(rs), tag)
func runTest(t *testing.T, test func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet, segmentStore segments.Store)) {
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1, StorageNodeCount: 4, UplinkCount: 1,
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
// TODO move apikey creation to testplanet
project, err := planet.Satellites[0].DB.Console().Projects().Insert(context.Background(), &console.Project{
Name: "testProject",
require.NoError(t, err)
apiKey, err := macaroon.NewAPIKey([]byte("testSecret"))
require.NoError(t, err)
apiKeyInfo := console.APIKeyInfo{
ProjectID: project.ID,
Name: "testKey",
Secret: []byte("testSecret"),
// add api key to db
_, err = planet.Satellites[0].DB.Console().APIKeys().Create(context.Background(), apiKey.Head(), apiKeyInfo)
require.NoError(t, err)
TestAPIKey := apiKey.Serialize()
metainfo, err := planet.Uplinks[0].DialMetainfo(context.Background(), planet.Satellites[0], TestAPIKey)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer ctx.Check(metainfo.Close)
ec := ecclient.NewClient(planet.Uplinks[0].Log.Named("ecclient"), planet.Uplinks[0].Transport, 0)
fc, err := infectious.NewFEC(2, 4)
require.NoError(t, err)
rs, err := eestream.NewRedundancyStrategy(eestream.NewRSScheme(fc, 1*memory.KiB.Int()), 0, 0)
require.NoError(t, err)
segmentStore := segments.NewSegmentStore(metainfo, ec, rs, 4*memory.KiB.Int(), 8*memory.MiB.Int64())
assert.NotNil(t, segmentStore)
test(t, ctx, planet, segmentStore)
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
@ -28,8 +29,8 @@ type shimStore struct {
// NewStreamStore constructs a Store.
func NewStreamStore(segments segments.Store, segmentSize int64, encStore *encryption.Store, encBlockSize int, cipher storj.CipherSuite, inlineThreshold int) (Store, error) {
typedStore, err := newTypedStreamStore(segments, segmentSize, encStore, encBlockSize, cipher, inlineThreshold)
func NewStreamStore(metainfo *metainfo.Client, segments segments.Store, segmentSize int64, encStore *encryption.Store, encBlockSize int, cipher storj.CipherSuite, inlineThreshold int) (Store, error) {
typedStore, err := newTypedStreamStore(metainfo, segments, segmentSize, encStore, encBlockSize, cipher, inlineThreshold)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import (
@ -23,9 +22,8 @@ import (
@ -47,10 +45,10 @@ func numberOfSegments(stream *pb.StreamInfo, streamMeta *pb.StreamMeta) int64 {
// convertMeta converts segment metadata to stream metadata
func convertMeta(lastSegmentMeta segments.Meta, stream pb.StreamInfo, streamMeta pb.StreamMeta) Meta {
func convertMeta(modified, expiration time.Time, stream pb.StreamInfo, streamMeta pb.StreamMeta) Meta {
return Meta{
Modified: lastSegmentMeta.Modified,
Expiration: lastSegmentMeta.Expiration,
Modified: modified,
Expiration: expiration,
Size: ((numberOfSegments(&stream, &streamMeta) - 1) * stream.SegmentsSize) + stream.LastSegmentSize,
Data: stream.Metadata,
@ -68,6 +66,7 @@ type typedStore interface {
// streamStore is a store for streams. It implements typedStore as part of an ongoing migration
// to use typed paths. See the shim for the store that the rest of the world interacts with.
type streamStore struct {
metainfo *metainfo.Client
segments segments.Store
segmentSize int64
encStore *encryption.Store
@ -77,7 +76,7 @@ type streamStore struct {
// newTypedStreamStore constructs a typedStore backed by a streamStore.
func newTypedStreamStore(segments segments.Store, segmentSize int64, encStore *encryption.Store, encBlockSize int, cipher storj.CipherSuite, inlineThreshold int) (typedStore, error) {
func newTypedStreamStore(metainfo *metainfo.Client, segments segments.Store, segmentSize int64, encStore *encryption.Store, encBlockSize int, cipher storj.CipherSuite, inlineThreshold int) (typedStore, error) {
if segmentSize <= 0 {
return nil, errs.New("segment size must be larger than 0")
@ -86,6 +85,7 @@ func newTypedStreamStore(segments segments.Store, segmentSize int64, encStore *e
return &streamStore{
metainfo: metainfo,
segments: segments,
segmentSize: segmentSize,
encStore: encStore,
@ -104,44 +104,54 @@ func (s *streamStore) Put(ctx context.Context, path Path, pathCipher storj.Ciphe
// previously file uploaded?
err = s.Delete(ctx, path, pathCipher)
if err != nil && !storage.ErrKeyNotFound.Has(err) {
if err != nil && !storj.ErrObjectNotFound.Has(err) {
// something wrong happened checking for an existing
// file with the same name
return Meta{}, err
m, lastSegment, err := s.upload(ctx, path, pathCipher, data, metadata, expiration)
m, lastSegment, streamID, err := s.upload(ctx, path, pathCipher, data, metadata, expiration)
if err != nil {
s.cancelHandler(context.Background(), lastSegment, path, pathCipher)
s.cancelHandler(context.Background(), streamID, lastSegment, path, pathCipher)
return m, err
func (s *streamStore) upload(ctx context.Context, path Path, pathCipher storj.CipherSuite, data io.Reader, metadata []byte, expiration time.Time) (m Meta, lastSegment int64, err error) {
func (s *streamStore) upload(ctx context.Context, path Path, pathCipher storj.CipherSuite, data io.Reader, metadata []byte, expiration time.Time) (m Meta, lastSegment int64, streamID storj.StreamID, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
var currentSegment int64
var streamSize int64
var putMeta segments.Meta
var objectMetadata []byte
derivedKey, err := encryption.DeriveContentKey(path.Bucket(), path.UnencryptedPath(), s.encStore)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, currentSegment, streamID, err
encPath, err := encryption.EncryptPath(path.Bucket(), path.UnencryptedPath(), pathCipher, s.encStore)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, currentSegment, streamID, err
streamID, err = s.metainfo.BeginObject(ctx, metainfo.BeginObjectParams{
Bucket: []byte(path.Bucket()),
EncryptedPath: []byte(encPath.Raw()),
ExpiresAt: expiration,
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, currentSegment, streamID, err
defer func() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
s.cancelHandler(context.Background(), currentSegment, path, pathCipher)
s.cancelHandler(context.Background(), streamID, currentSegment, path, pathCipher)
derivedKey, err := encryption.DeriveContentKey(path.Bucket(), path.UnencryptedPath(), s.encStore)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, currentSegment, err
encPath, err := encryption.EncryptPath(path.Bucket(), path.UnencryptedPath(), pathCipher, s.encStore)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, currentSegment, err
eofReader := NewEOFReader(data)
for !eofReader.isEOF() && !eofReader.hasError() {
@ -149,7 +159,7 @@ func (s *streamStore) upload(ctx context.Context, path Path, pathCipher storj.Ci
var contentKey storj.Key
_, err = rand.Read(contentKey[:])
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, currentSegment, err
return Meta{}, currentSegment, streamID, err
// Initialize the content nonce with the segment's index incremented by 1.
@ -158,24 +168,24 @@ func (s *streamStore) upload(ctx context.Context, path Path, pathCipher storj.Ci
var contentNonce storj.Nonce
_, err := encryption.Increment(&contentNonce, currentSegment+1)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, currentSegment, err
return Meta{}, currentSegment, streamID, err
encrypter, err := encryption.NewEncrypter(s.cipher, &contentKey, &contentNonce, s.encBlockSize)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, currentSegment, err
return Meta{}, currentSegment, streamID, err
// generate random nonce for encrypting the content key
var keyNonce storj.Nonce
_, err = rand.Read(keyNonce[:])
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, currentSegment, err
return Meta{}, currentSegment, streamID, err
encryptedKey, err := encryption.EncryptKey(&contentKey, s.cipher, derivedKey, &keyNonce)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, currentSegment, err
return Meta{}, currentSegment, streamID, err
sizeReader := NewSizeReader(eofReader)
@ -184,7 +194,7 @@ func (s *streamStore) upload(ctx context.Context, path Path, pathCipher storj.Ci
// If the data is larger than the inline threshold size, then it will be a remote segment
isRemote, err := peekReader.IsLargerThan(s.inlineThreshold)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, currentSegment, err
return Meta{}, currentSegment, streamID, err
var transformedReader io.Reader
if isRemote {
@ -193,81 +203,62 @@ func (s *streamStore) upload(ctx context.Context, path Path, pathCipher storj.Ci
} else {
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(peekReader)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, currentSegment, err
return Meta{}, currentSegment, streamID, err
cipherData, err := encryption.Encrypt(data, s.cipher, &contentKey, &contentNonce)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, currentSegment, err
return Meta{}, currentSegment, streamID, err
transformedReader = bytes.NewReader(cipherData)
putMeta, err = s.segments.Put(ctx, transformedReader, expiration, func() (storj.Path, []byte, error) {
if !eofReader.isEOF() {
segmentPath, err := createSegmentPath(ctx, currentSegment, path.Bucket(), encPath)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
if s.cipher == storj.EncNull {
return segmentPath, nil, nil
segmentMeta, err := proto.Marshal(&pb.SegmentMeta{
EncryptedKey: encryptedKey,
KeyNonce: keyNonce[:],
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
return segmentPath, segmentMeta, nil
lastSegmentPath, err := createSegmentPath(ctx, -1, path.Bucket(), encPath)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
streamInfo, err := proto.Marshal(&pb.StreamInfo{
DeprecatedNumberOfSegments: currentSegment + 1,
SegmentsSize: s.segmentSize,
LastSegmentSize: sizeReader.Size(),
Metadata: metadata,
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
// encrypt metadata with the content encryption key and zero nonce
encryptedStreamInfo, err := encryption.Encrypt(streamInfo, s.cipher, &contentKey, &storj.Nonce{})
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
streamMeta := pb.StreamMeta{
NumberOfSegments: currentSegment + 1,
EncryptedStreamInfo: encryptedStreamInfo,
EncryptionType: int32(s.cipher),
EncryptionBlockSize: int32(s.encBlockSize),
putMeta, err = s.segments.Put(ctx, streamID, transformedReader, expiration, func() (_ int64, segmentEncryption storj.SegmentEncryption, err error) {
if s.cipher != storj.EncNull {
streamMeta.LastSegmentMeta = &pb.SegmentMeta{
EncryptedKey: encryptedKey,
KeyNonce: keyNonce[:],
segmentEncryption = storj.SegmentEncryption{
EncryptedKey: encryptedKey,
EncryptedKeyNonce: keyNonce,
lastSegmentMeta, err := proto.Marshal(&streamMeta)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
return lastSegmentPath, lastSegmentMeta, nil
return currentSegment, segmentEncryption, nil
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, currentSegment, err
return Meta{}, currentSegment, streamID, err
streamInfo, err := proto.Marshal(&pb.StreamInfo{
DeprecatedNumberOfSegments: currentSegment + 1,
SegmentsSize: s.segmentSize,
LastSegmentSize: sizeReader.Size(),
Metadata: metadata,
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, currentSegment, streamID, err
// encrypt metadata with the content encryption key and zero nonce
encryptedStreamInfo, err := encryption.Encrypt(streamInfo, s.cipher, &contentKey, &storj.Nonce{})
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, currentSegment, streamID, err
streamMeta := pb.StreamMeta{
NumberOfSegments: currentSegment + 1,
EncryptedStreamInfo: encryptedStreamInfo,
EncryptionType: int32(s.cipher),
EncryptionBlockSize: int32(s.encBlockSize),
if s.cipher != storj.EncNull {
streamMeta.LastSegmentMeta = &pb.SegmentMeta{
EncryptedKey: encryptedKey,
KeyNonce: keyNonce[:],
objectMetadata, err = proto.Marshal(&streamMeta)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, currentSegment, streamID, err
@ -275,7 +266,15 @@ func (s *streamStore) upload(ctx context.Context, path Path, pathCipher storj.Ci
if eofReader.hasError() {
return Meta{}, currentSegment, eofReader.err
return Meta{}, currentSegment, streamID, eofReader.err
err = s.metainfo.CommitObject(ctx, metainfo.CommitObjectParams{
StreamID: streamID,
EncryptedMetadata: objectMetadata,
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, currentSegment, streamID, err
resultMeta := Meta{
@ -285,7 +284,7 @@ func (s *streamStore) upload(ctx context.Context, path Path, pathCipher storj.Ci
Data: metadata,
return resultMeta, currentSegment, nil
return resultMeta, currentSegment, streamID, nil
// Get returns a ranger that knows what the overall size is (from l/<path>)
@ -299,17 +298,20 @@ func (s *streamStore) Get(ctx context.Context, path Path, pathCipher storj.Ciphe
return nil, Meta{}, err
segmentPath, err := createSegmentPath(ctx, -1, path.Bucket(), encPath)
object, err := s.metainfo.GetObject(ctx, metainfo.GetObjectParams{
Bucket: []byte(path.Bucket()),
EncryptedPath: []byte(encPath.Raw()),
if err != nil {
return nil, Meta{}, err
lastSegmentRanger, lastSegmentMeta, err := s.segments.Get(ctx, segmentPath)
lastSegmentRanger, _, err := s.segments.Get(ctx, object.StreamID, -1, object.RedundancyScheme)
if err != nil {
return nil, Meta{}, err
streamInfo, streamMeta, err := TypedDecryptStreamInfo(ctx, lastSegmentMeta.Data, path, s.encStore)
streamInfo, streamMeta, err := TypedDecryptStreamInfo(ctx, object.Metadata, path, s.encStore)
if err != nil {
return nil, Meta{}, err
@ -327,11 +329,6 @@ func (s *streamStore) Get(ctx context.Context, path Path, pathCipher storj.Ciphe
var rangers []ranger.Ranger
for i := int64(0); i < numberOfSegments(&stream, &streamMeta)-1; i++ {
currentPath, err := createSegmentPath(ctx, i, path.Bucket(), encPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, Meta{}, err
var contentNonce storj.Nonce
_, err = encryption.Increment(&contentNonce, i+1)
if err != nil {
@ -340,7 +337,10 @@ func (s *streamStore) Get(ctx context.Context, path Path, pathCipher storj.Ciphe
rangers = append(rangers, &lazySegmentRanger{
segments: s.segments,
path: currentPath,
streamID: object.StreamID,
segmentIndex: int32(i),
rs: object.RedundancyScheme,
m: streamMeta.LastSegmentMeta,
size: stream.SegmentsSize,
derivedKey: derivedKey,
startingNonce: &contentNonce,
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ func (s *streamStore) Get(ctx context.Context, path Path, pathCipher storj.Ciphe
rangers = append(rangers, decryptedLastSegmentRanger)
catRangers := ranger.Concat(rangers...)
meta = convertMeta(lastSegmentMeta, stream, streamMeta)
meta = convertMeta(object.Modified, object.Expires, stream, streamMeta)
return catRangers, meta, nil
@ -386,17 +386,12 @@ func (s *streamStore) Meta(ctx context.Context, path Path, pathCipher storj.Ciph
return Meta{}, err
segmentPath, err := createSegmentPath(ctx, -1, path.Bucket(), encPath)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, err
object, err := s.metainfo.GetObject(ctx, metainfo.GetObjectParams{
Bucket: []byte(path.Bucket()),
EncryptedPath: []byte(encPath.Raw()),
lastSegmentMeta, err := s.segments.Meta(ctx, segmentPath)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, err
streamInfo, streamMeta, err := TypedDecryptStreamInfo(ctx, lastSegmentMeta.Data, path, s.encStore)
streamInfo, streamMeta, err := TypedDecryptStreamInfo(ctx, object.Metadata, path, s.encStore)
if err != nil {
return Meta{}, err
@ -406,7 +401,7 @@ func (s *streamStore) Meta(ctx context.Context, path Path, pathCipher storj.Ciph
return Meta{}, err
return convertMeta(lastSegmentMeta, stream, streamMeta), nil
return convertMeta(object.Modified, object.Expires, stream, streamMeta), nil
// Delete all the segments, with the last one last
@ -418,42 +413,35 @@ func (s *streamStore) Delete(ctx context.Context, path Path, pathCipher storj.Ci
return err
lastSegmentPath, err := createSegmentPath(ctx, -1, path.Bucket(), encPath)
// TODO do it in batch
streamID, err := s.metainfo.BeginDeleteObject(ctx, metainfo.BeginDeleteObjectParams{
Bucket: []byte(path.Bucket()),
EncryptedPath: []byte(encPath.Raw()),
if err != nil {
return err
lastSegmentMeta, err := s.segments.Meta(ctx, lastSegmentPath)
// TODO handle `more`
items, _, err := s.metainfo.ListSegmentsNew(ctx, metainfo.ListSegmentsParams{
StreamID: streamID,
CursorPosition: storj.SegmentPosition{
Index: 0,
if err != nil {
return err
streamInfo, streamMeta, err := TypedDecryptStreamInfo(ctx, lastSegmentMeta.Data, path, s.encStore)
if err != nil {
return err
var stream pb.StreamInfo
if err := proto.Unmarshal(streamInfo, &stream); err != nil {
return err
var errlist errs.Group
for i := 0; i < int(numberOfSegments(&stream, &streamMeta)-1); i++ {
currentPath, err := createSegmentPath(ctx, int64(i), path.Bucket(), encPath)
if err != nil {
err = s.segments.Delete(ctx, currentPath)
for _, item := range items {
err = s.segments.Delete(ctx, streamID, item.Position.Index)
if err != nil {
errlist.Add(s.segments.Delete(ctx, lastSegmentPath))
return errlist.Err()
@ -475,11 +463,12 @@ func pathForKey(raw string) paths.Unencrypted {
func (s *streamStore) List(ctx context.Context, prefix Path, startAfter, endBefore string, pathCipher storj.CipherSuite, recursive bool, limit int, metaFlags uint32) (items []ListItem, more bool, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if metaFlags&meta.Size != 0 {
// Calculating the stream's size require also the user-defined metadata,
// where stream store keeps info about the number of segments and their size.
metaFlags |= meta.UserDefined
// TODO use flags with listing
// if metaFlags&meta.Size != 0 {
// Calculating the stream's size require also the user-defined metadata,
// where stream store keeps info about the number of segments and their size.
// metaFlags |= meta.UserDefined
// }
prefixKey, err := encryption.DerivePathKey(prefix.Bucket(), pathForKey(prefix.UnencryptedPath().Raw()), s.encStore)
if err != nil {
@ -510,29 +499,26 @@ func (s *streamStore) List(ctx context.Context, prefix Path, startAfter, endBefo
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
endBefore, err = encryption.EncryptPathRaw(endBefore, pathCipher, prefixKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
segmentPrefix, err := createSegmentPath(ctx, -1, prefix.Bucket(), encPrefix)
objects, more, err := s.metainfo.ListObjects(ctx, metainfo.ListObjectsParams{
Bucket: []byte(prefix.Bucket()),
EncryptedPrefix: []byte(encPrefix.Raw()),
EncryptedCursor: []byte(startAfter),
Limit: int32(limit),
Recursive: recursive,
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
segments, more, err := s.segments.List(ctx, segmentPrefix, startAfter, endBefore, recursive, limit, metaFlags)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
items = make([]ListItem, len(segments))
for i, item := range segments {
items = make([]ListItem, len(objects))
for i, item := range objects {
var path Path
var itemPath string
if needsEncryption {
itemPath, err = encryption.DecryptPathRaw(item.Path, pathCipher, prefixKey)
itemPath, err = encryption.DecryptPathRaw(string(item.EncryptedPath), pathCipher, prefixKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
@ -547,11 +533,11 @@ func (s *streamStore) List(ctx context.Context, prefix Path, startAfter, endBefo
path = CreatePath(prefix.Bucket(), paths.NewUnencrypted(fullPath))
} else {
itemPath = item.Path
path = CreatePath(item.Path, paths.Unencrypted{})
itemPath = string(item.EncryptedPath)
path = CreatePath(string(item.EncryptedPath), paths.Unencrypted{})
streamInfo, streamMeta, err := TypedDecryptStreamInfo(ctx, item.Meta.Data, path, s.encStore)
streamInfo, streamMeta, err := TypedDecryptStreamInfo(ctx, item.EncryptedMetadata, path, s.encStore)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
@ -561,7 +547,7 @@ func (s *streamStore) List(ctx context.Context, prefix Path, startAfter, endBefo
return nil, false, err
newMeta := convertMeta(item.Meta, stream, streamMeta)
newMeta := convertMeta(item.CreatedAt, item.ExpiresAt, stream, streamMeta)
items[i] = ListItem{
Path: itemPath,
Meta: newMeta,
@ -575,7 +561,10 @@ func (s *streamStore) List(ctx context.Context, prefix Path, startAfter, endBefo
type lazySegmentRanger struct {
ranger ranger.Ranger
segments segments.Store
path storj.Path
streamID storj.StreamID
segmentIndex int32
rs storj.RedundancyScheme
m *pb.SegmentMeta
size int64
derivedKey *storj.Key
startingNonce *storj.Nonce
@ -592,17 +581,13 @@ func (lr *lazySegmentRanger) Size() int64 {
func (lr *lazySegmentRanger) Range(ctx context.Context, offset, length int64) (_ io.ReadCloser, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if lr.ranger == nil {
rr, m, err := lr.segments.Get(ctx, lr.path)
rr, encryption, err := lr.segments.Get(ctx, lr.streamID, lr.segmentIndex, lr.rs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
segmentMeta := pb.SegmentMeta{}
err = proto.Unmarshal(m.Data, &segmentMeta)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
encryptedKey, keyNonce := getEncryptedKeyAndNonce(&segmentMeta)
lr.ranger, err = decryptRanger(ctx, rr, lr.size, lr.cipher, lr.derivedKey, encryptedKey, keyNonce, lr.startingNonce, lr.encBlockSize)
encryptedKey, keyNonce := encryption.EncryptedKey, encryption.EncryptedKeyNonce
lr.ranger, err = decryptRanger(ctx, rr, lr.size, lr.cipher, lr.derivedKey, encryptedKey, &keyNonce, lr.startingNonce, lr.encBlockSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -649,25 +634,13 @@ func decryptRanger(ctx context.Context, rr ranger.Ranger, decryptedSize int64, c
// CancelHandler handles clean up of segments on receiving CTRL+C
func (s *streamStore) cancelHandler(ctx context.Context, totalSegments int64, path Path, pathCipher storj.CipherSuite) {
func (s *streamStore) cancelHandler(ctx context.Context, streamID storj.StreamID, totalSegments int64, path Path, pathCipher storj.CipherSuite) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(nil)
encPath, err := encryption.EncryptPath(path.Bucket(), path.UnencryptedPath(), pathCipher, s.encStore)
if err != nil {
zap.S().Warnf("Failed deleting segments: %v", err)
for i := int64(0); i < totalSegments; i++ {
currentPath, err := createSegmentPath(ctx, i, path.Bucket(), encPath)
err := s.segments.Delete(ctx, streamID, int32(i))
if err != nil {
zap.S().Warnf("Failed deleting segment %d: %v", i, err)
err = s.segments.Delete(ctx, currentPath)
if err != nil {
zap.S().Warnf("Failed deleting segment %v: %v", currentPath, err)
zap.L().Warn("Failed deleting segment", zap.String("path", path.String()), zap.Int64("segmentIndex", i), zap.Error(err))
@ -710,33 +683,3 @@ func TypedDecryptStreamInfo(ctx context.Context, streamMetaBytes []byte, path Pa
streamInfo, err = encryption.Decrypt(streamMeta.EncryptedStreamInfo, cipher, contentKey, &storj.Nonce{})
return streamInfo, streamMeta, err
// createSegmentPath will create a storj.Path that the segment store expects.
func createSegmentPath(ctx context.Context, segmentIndex int64, bucket string, encPath paths.Encrypted) (path storj.Path, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if segmentIndex < -1 {
return "", errs.New("invalid segment index")
var raw []byte
if segmentIndex > -1 {
raw = append(raw, 's')
raw = append(raw, strconv.FormatInt(segmentIndex, 10)...)
} else {
raw = append(raw, 'l')
raw = append(raw, '/')
if len(bucket) > 0 {
raw = append(raw, bucket...)
raw = append(raw, '/')
if encPath.Valid() {
raw = append(raw, encPath.Raw()...)
raw = append(raw, '/')
return storj.Path(raw[:len(raw)-1]), nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package streams_test
import (
const (
TestEncKey = "test-encryption-key"
func TestStreamsStorePutGet(t *testing.T) {
runTest(t, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet, streamStore streams.Store) {
bucketName := "bucket-name"
err := planet.Uplinks[0].CreateBucket(ctx, planet.Satellites[0], bucketName)
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, tt := range []struct {
name string
path string
metadata []byte
expiration time.Time
content []byte
{"test inline put/get", "path/1", []byte("inline-metadata"), time.Time{}, testrand.Bytes(2 * memory.KiB)},
{"test remote put/get", "mypath/1", []byte("remote-metadata"), time.Time{}, testrand.Bytes(100 * memory.KiB)},
} {
test := tt
path := storj.JoinPaths(bucketName, test.path)
_, err = streamStore.Put(ctx, path, storj.EncNull, bytes.NewReader(test.content), test.metadata, test.expiration)
require.NoError(t, err, test.name)
rr, metadata, err := streamStore.Get(ctx, path, storj.EncNull)
require.NoError(t, err, test.name)
require.Equal(t, test.metadata, metadata.Data)
reader, err := rr.Range(ctx, 0, rr.Size())
require.NoError(t, err, test.name)
content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
require.NoError(t, err, test.name)
require.Equal(t, test.content, content)
require.NoError(t, reader.Close(), test.name)
func TestStreamsStoreDelete(t *testing.T) {
runTest(t, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet, streamStore streams.Store) {
bucketName := "bucket-name"
err := planet.Uplinks[0].CreateBucket(ctx, planet.Satellites[0], bucketName)
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, tt := range []struct {
name string
path string
metadata []byte
expiration time.Time
content []byte
{"test inline delete", "path/1", []byte("inline-metadata"), time.Time{}, testrand.Bytes(2 * memory.KiB)},
{"test remote delete", "mypath/1", []byte("remote-metadata"), time.Time{}, testrand.Bytes(100 * memory.KiB)},
} {
test := tt
path := storj.JoinPaths(bucketName, test.path)
_, err = streamStore.Put(ctx, path, storj.EncNull, bytes.NewReader(test.content), test.metadata, test.expiration)
require.NoError(t, err, test.name)
// delete existing
err = streamStore.Delete(ctx, path, storj.EncNull)
require.NoError(t, err, test.name)
_, _, err = streamStore.Get(ctx, path, storj.EncNull)
require.Error(t, err, test.name)
require.True(t, storj.ErrObjectNotFound.Has(err))
// delete non existing
err = streamStore.Delete(ctx, path, storj.EncNull)
require.Error(t, err, test.name)
require.True(t, storj.ErrObjectNotFound.Has(err))
func TestStreamStoreList(t *testing.T) {
runTest(t, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet, streamStore streams.Store) {
expiration := time.Now().Add(10 * 24 * time.Hour)
bucketName := "bucket-name"
err := planet.Uplinks[0].CreateBucket(ctx, planet.Satellites[0], bucketName)
require.NoError(t, err)
objects := []struct {
path string
content []byte
{"aaaa/afile1", []byte("content")},
{"aaaa/bfile2", []byte("content")},
{"bbbb/afile1", []byte("content")},
{"bbbb/bfile2", []byte("content")},
{"bbbb/bfolder/file1", []byte("content")},
for _, test := range objects {
test := test
data := bytes.NewReader(test.content)
path := storj.JoinPaths(bucketName, test.path)
_, err := streamStore.Put(ctx, path, storj.EncNull, data, []byte{}, expiration)
require.NoError(t, err)
prefix := bucketName
// should list all
items, more, err := streamStore.List(ctx, prefix, "", "", storj.EncNull, true, 10, meta.None)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, more)
require.Equal(t, len(objects), len(items))
// should list first two and more = true
items, more, err = streamStore.List(ctx, prefix, "", "", storj.EncNull, true, 2, meta.None)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, more)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(items))
// should list only prefixes
items, more, err = streamStore.List(ctx, prefix, "", "", storj.EncNull, false, 10, meta.None)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, more)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(items))
// should list only BBBB bucket
prefix = storj.JoinPaths(bucketName, "bbbb")
items, more, err = streamStore.List(ctx, prefix, "", "", storj.EncNull, false, 10, meta.None)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, more)
require.Equal(t, 3, len(items))
// should list only BBBB bucket after afile
items, more, err = streamStore.List(ctx, prefix, "afile1", "", storj.EncNull, false, 10, meta.None)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, more)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(items))
// should list nothing
prefix = storj.JoinPaths(bucketName, "cccc")
items, more, err = streamStore.List(ctx, prefix, "", "", storj.EncNull, true, 10, meta.None)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, more)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(items))
func runTest(t *testing.T, test func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet, streamsStore streams.Store)) {
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1, StorageNodeCount: 4, UplinkCount: 1,
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
// TODO move apikey creation to testplanet
projects, err := planet.Satellites[0].DB.Console().Projects().GetAll(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
apiKey, err := macaroon.NewAPIKey([]byte("testSecret"))
require.NoError(t, err)
apiKeyInfo := console.APIKeyInfo{
ProjectID: projects[0].ID,
Name: "testKey",
Secret: []byte("testSecret"),
// add api key to db
_, err = planet.Satellites[0].DB.Console().APIKeys().Create(context.Background(), apiKey.Head(), apiKeyInfo)
require.NoError(t, err)
TestAPIKey := apiKey.Serialize()
metainfo, err := planet.Uplinks[0].DialMetainfo(context.Background(), planet.Satellites[0], TestAPIKey)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer ctx.Check(metainfo.Close)
ec := ecclient.NewClient(planet.Uplinks[0].Log.Named("ecclient"), planet.Uplinks[0].Transport, 0)
cfg := planet.Uplinks[0].GetConfig(planet.Satellites[0])
rs, err := eestream.NewRedundancyStrategyFromStorj(cfg.GetRedundancyScheme())
require.NoError(t, err)
segmentStore := segments.NewSegmentStore(metainfo, ec, rs, 4*memory.KiB.Int(), 8*memory.MiB.Int64())
assert.NotNil(t, segmentStore)
key := new(storj.Key)
copy(key[:], TestEncKey)
encStore := encryption.NewStore()
const stripesPerBlock = 2
blockSize := stripesPerBlock * rs.StripeSize()
inlineThreshold := 8 * memory.KiB.Int()
streamStore, err := streams.NewStreamStore(metainfo, segmentStore, 64*memory.MiB.Int64(), encStore, blockSize, storj.EncNull, inlineThreshold)
require.NoError(t, err)
test(t, ctx, planet, streamStore)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user