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// Copyright (C) 2022 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package audit
import (
// PieceLocator specifies all information necessary to look up a particular piece
// on a particular satellite.
type PieceLocator struct {
StreamID uuid.UUID
Position metabase.SegmentPosition
NodeID storj.NodeID
PieceNum int
// ReverificationJob represents a job as received from the reverification
// audit queue.
type ReverificationJob struct {
Locator PieceLocator
InsertedAt time.Time
ReverifyCount int
LastAttempt time.Time
// Outcome enumerates the possible results of a piecewise audit.
// Note that it is very similar to reputation.AuditType, but it is
// different in scope and needs a slightly different set of values.
type Outcome int
const (
// OutcomeNotPerformed indicates an audit was not performed, for any of a
// variety of reasons, but that it should be reattempted later.
OutcomeNotPerformed Outcome = iota
// OutcomeNotNecessary indicates that an audit is no longer required,
// for example because the segment has been updated or no longer exists.
// OutcomeSuccess indicates that an audit took place and the piece was
// fully validated.
// OutcomeFailure indicates that an audit took place but that the node
// failed the audit, either because it did not have the piece or the
// data was incorrect.
// OutcomeTimedOut indicates the audit could not be completed because
// it took too long. The audit should be retried later.
// OutcomeNodeOffline indicates that the audit could not be completed
// because the node could not be contacted. The audit should be
// retried later.
// OutcomeUnknownError indicates that the audit could not be completed
// because of an error not otherwise expected or recognized. The
// audit should be retried later.
// ReverifyPiece acquires a piece from a single node and verifies its
// contents, its hash, and its order limit.
func (verifier *Verifier) ReverifyPiece(ctx context.Context, locator PieceLocator) (keepInQueue bool) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(nil)
logger := verifier.log.With(
zap.Stringer("stream-id", locator.StreamID),
zap.Uint32("position-part", locator.Position.Part),
zap.Uint32("position-index", locator.Position.Index),
zap.Stringer("node-id", locator.NodeID),
zap.Int("piece-num", locator.PieceNum))
outcome, err := verifier.DoReverifyPiece(ctx, logger, locator)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("could not perform reverification due to error", zap.Error(err))
return true
var (
successes int
offlines int
fails int
pending int
unknown int
switch outcome {
case OutcomeNotPerformed:
keepInQueue = true
case OutcomeNotNecessary:
case OutcomeSuccess:
case OutcomeFailure:
case OutcomeTimedOut:
keepInQueue = true
case OutcomeNodeOffline:
keepInQueue = true
case OutcomeUnknownError:
keepInQueue = true
mon.Meter("reverify_successes_global").Mark(successes) //mon:locked
mon.Meter("reverify_offlines_global").Mark(offlines) //mon:locked
mon.Meter("reverify_fails_global").Mark(fails) //mon:locked
mon.Meter("reverify_contained_global").Mark(pending) //mon:locked
mon.Meter("reverify_unknown_global").Mark(unknown) //mon:locked
return keepInQueue
// DoReverifyPiece acquires a piece from a single node and verifies its
// contents, its hash, and its order limit.
func (verifier *Verifier) DoReverifyPiece(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, locator PieceLocator) (outcome Outcome, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
// First, we must ensure that the specified node still holds the indicated piece.
segment, err := verifier.metabase.GetSegmentByPosition(ctx, metabase.GetSegmentByPosition{
StreamID: locator.StreamID,
Position: locator.Position,
if err != nil {
if metabase.ErrSegmentNotFound.Has(err) {
logger.Debug("segment no longer exists")
return OutcomeNotNecessary, nil
return OutcomeNotPerformed, Error.Wrap(err)
if segment.Expired(verifier.nowFn()) {
logger.Debug("segment expired before ReverifyPiece")
return OutcomeNotNecessary, nil
piece, found := segment.Pieces.FindByNum(locator.PieceNum)
if !found || piece.StorageNode != locator.NodeID {
logger.Debug("piece is no longer held by the indicated node")
return OutcomeNotNecessary, nil
// TODO remove this when old entries with empty StreamID will be deleted
if locator.StreamID.IsZero() {
logger.Debug("ReverifyPiece: skip pending audit with empty StreamID")
return OutcomeNotNecessary, nil
redundancy, err := eestream.NewRedundancyStrategyFromStorj(segment.Redundancy)
if err != nil {
return OutcomeNotPerformed, Error.Wrap(err)
pieceSize := eestream.CalcPieceSize(int64(segment.EncryptedSize), redundancy)
limit, piecePrivateKey, cachedNodeInfo, err := verifier.orders.CreateAuditPieceOrderLimit(ctx, locator.NodeID, uint16(locator.PieceNum), segment.RootPieceID, int32(pieceSize))
if err != nil {
if overlay.ErrNodeDisqualified.Has(err) {
logger.Debug("ReverifyPiece: order limit not created (node is already disqualified)")
return OutcomeNotNecessary, nil
if overlay.ErrNodeFinishedGE.Has(err) {
logger.Debug("ReverifyPiece: order limit not created (node has completed graceful exit)")
return OutcomeNotNecessary, nil
if overlay.ErrNodeOffline.Has(err) {
logger.Debug("ReverifyPiece: order limit not created (node considered offline)")
return OutcomeNotPerformed, nil
return OutcomeNotPerformed, Error.Wrap(err)
pieceData, pieceHash, pieceOriginalLimit, err := verifier.GetPiece(ctx, limit, piecePrivateKey, cachedNodeInfo.LastIPPort, int32(pieceSize))
if err != nil {
if rpc.Error.Has(err) {
if errs.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
// dial timeout
return OutcomeTimedOut, nil
if errs2.IsRPC(err, rpcstatus.Unknown) {
// dial failed -- offline node
return OutcomeNodeOffline, nil
// unknown transport error
logger.Info("ReverifyPiece: unknown transport error", zap.Error(err))
return OutcomeUnknownError, nil
if errs2.IsRPC(err, rpcstatus.NotFound) {
// Fetch the segment metadata again and see if it has been altered in the interim
err := verifier.checkIfSegmentAltered(ctx, segment)
if err != nil {
// if so, we skip this audit
logger.Debug("ReverifyPiece: audit source segment changed during reverification", zap.Error(err))
return OutcomeNotNecessary, nil
// missing share
logger.Info("ReverifyPiece: audit failure; node indicates piece not found")
return OutcomeFailure, nil
if errs2.IsRPC(err, rpcstatus.DeadlineExceeded) {
// dial successful, but download timed out
return OutcomeTimedOut, nil
// unknown error
logger.Info("ReverifyPiece: unknown error from node", zap.Error(err))
return OutcomeUnknownError, nil
// We have successfully acquired the piece from the node. Now, we must verify its contents.
if pieceHash == nil {
logger.Info("ReverifyPiece: audit failure; node did not send piece hash as requested")
return OutcomeFailure, nil
if pieceOriginalLimit == nil {
logger.Info("ReverifyPiece: audit failure; node did not send original order limit as requested")
return OutcomeFailure, nil
// check for the correct size
if int64(len(pieceData)) != pieceSize {
logger.Info("ReverifyPiece: audit failure; downloaded piece has incorrect size", zap.Int64("expected-size", pieceSize), zap.Int("received-size", len(pieceData)))
outcome = OutcomeFailure
// continue to run, so we can check if the piece was legitimately changed before
// blaming the node
} else {
// check for a matching hash
downloadedHash := pkcrypto.SHA256Hash(pieceData)
if !bytes.Equal(downloadedHash, pieceHash.Hash) {
logger.Info("ReverifyPiece: audit failure; downloaded piece does not match hash", zap.ByteString("downloaded", downloadedHash), zap.ByteString("expected", pieceHash.Hash))
outcome = OutcomeFailure
// continue to run, so we can check if the piece was legitimately changed
// before blaming the node
} else {
// check that the order limit and hash sent by the storagenode were
// correctly signed (order limit signed by this satellite, hash signed
// by the uplink public key in the order limit)
signer := signing.SigneeFromPeerIdentity(verifier.auditor)
if err := signing.VerifyOrderLimitSignature(ctx, signer, pieceOriginalLimit); err != nil {
return OutcomeFailure, nil
if err := signing.VerifyUplinkPieceHashSignature(ctx, pieceOriginalLimit.UplinkPublicKey, pieceHash); err != nil {
return OutcomeFailure, nil
if err := verifier.checkIfSegmentAltered(ctx, segment); err != nil {
logger.Debug("ReverifyPiece: audit source segment changed during reverification", zap.Error(err))
return OutcomeNotNecessary, nil
if outcome == OutcomeFailure {
return OutcomeFailure, nil
return OutcomeSuccess, nil
// GetPiece uses the piecestore client to download a piece (and the associated
// original OrderLimit and PieceHash) from a node.
func (verifier *Verifier) GetPiece(ctx context.Context, limit *pb.AddressedOrderLimit, piecePrivateKey storj.PiecePrivateKey, cachedIPAndPort string, pieceSize int32) (pieceData []byte, hash *pb.PieceHash, origLimit *pb.OrderLimit, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
// determines number of seconds allotted for receiving data from a storage node
timedCtx := ctx
if verifier.minBytesPerSecond > 0 {
maxTransferTime := time.Duration(int64(time.Second) * int64(pieceSize) / verifier.minBytesPerSecond.Int64())
if maxTransferTime < verifier.minDownloadTimeout {
maxTransferTime = verifier.minDownloadTimeout
var cancel func()
timedCtx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, maxTransferTime)
defer cancel()
targetNodeID := limit.GetLimit().StorageNodeId
log := verifier.log.With(zap.Stringer("node-id", targetNodeID), zap.Stringer("piece-id", limit.GetLimit().PieceId))
var ps *piecestore.Client
// if cached IP is given, try connecting there first
if cachedIPAndPort != "" {
nodeAddr := storj.NodeURL{
ID: targetNodeID,
Address: cachedIPAndPort,
ps, err = piecestore.Dial(timedCtx, verifier.dialer, nodeAddr, piecestore.DefaultConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("failed to connect to audit target node at cached IP", zap.String("cached-ip-and-port", cachedIPAndPort), zap.Error(err))
// if no cached IP was given, or connecting to cached IP failed, use node address
if ps == nil {
nodeAddr := storj.NodeURL{
ID: targetNodeID,
Address: limit.GetStorageNodeAddress().Address,
ps, err = piecestore.Dial(timedCtx, verifier.dialer, nodeAddr, piecestore.DefaultConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, Error.Wrap(err)
defer func() {
err := ps.Close()
if err != nil {
log.Error("audit verifier failed to close conn to node", zap.Error(err))
downloader, err := ps.Download(timedCtx, limit.GetLimit(), piecePrivateKey, 0, int64(pieceSize))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, Error.Wrap(err)
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, Error.Wrap(downloader.Close())) }()
buf := make([]byte, pieceSize)
_, err = io.ReadFull(downloader, buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, Error.Wrap(err)
hash, originLimit := downloader.GetHashAndLimit()
return buf, hash, originLimit, nil