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// Copyright (C) 2021 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package monetary
import (
// Currency represents a currency for the purpose of representing amounts in
// that currency. Currency instances have a name, a symbol, and a number of
// supported decimal places of supported precision.
type Currency struct {
name string
symbol string
decimalPlaces int32
// NewCurrency creates a new Currency instance.
func NewCurrency(name, symbol string, decimalPlaces int32) *Currency {
return &Currency{name: name, symbol: symbol, decimalPlaces: decimalPlaces}
// Name returns the name of the currency.
func (c *Currency) Name() string {
// Symbol returns the symbol of the currency.
func (c *Currency) Symbol() string {
return c.symbol
var (
// StorjToken is the currency for the STORJ ERC20 token, which powers
// most payments on the current Storj network.
StorjToken = NewCurrency("STORJ Token", "STORJ", 8)
// USDollars is the currency of United States dollars, where fractional
// cents are not supported.
USDollars = NewCurrency("US dollars", "USD", 2)
// Bitcoin is the currency for the well-known cryptocurrency Bitcoin
// (a.k.a. BTC).
Bitcoin = NewCurrency("Bitcoin (BTC)", "BTC", 8)
// LiveGoats is the currency of live goats, which some Storj network
// satellites may elect to support for payments.
LiveGoats = NewCurrency("Live goats", "goats", 0)
// Error is a class of errors encountered in the monetary package.
Error = errs.Class("monetary error")
// Amount represents a monetary amount, encapsulating a value and a currency.
// The value of the Amount is represented in "base units", meaning units of the
// smallest indivisible portion of the given currency. For example, when
// the currency is USDollars, the base unit would be cents.
type Amount struct {
baseUnits int64
currency *Currency
// AsFloat returns the monetary value in currency units expressed as a
// floating point number. _Warning_ may lose precision! (float64 has the
// equivalent of 53 bits of precision, as defined by big.Float.)
func (a Amount) AsFloat() float64 {
return float64(a.baseUnits) * math.Pow10(int(-a.currency.decimalPlaces))
// AsBigFloat returns the monetary value in currency units expressed as an
// instance of *big.Float with precision=64. _Warning_ may lose precision!
func (a Amount) AsBigFloat() *big.Float {
return a.AsBigFloatWithPrecision(64)
// AsBigFloatWithPrecision returns the monetary value in currency units
// expressed as an instance of *big.Float with the given precision.
// _Warning_ this may lose precision if the specified precision is not
// large enough!
func (a Amount) AsBigFloatWithPrecision(p uint) *big.Float {
stringVal := a.AsDecimal().String()
bf, _, err := big.ParseFloat(stringVal, 10, p, big.ToNearestEven)
if err != nil {
// it does not appear that this is possible, after a review of
// decimal.Decimal{}.String() and big.ParseFloat().
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not parse output of Decimal.String() (%q) as big.Float: %v", stringVal, err))
return bf
// AsDecimal returns the monetary value in currency units expressed as an
// arbitrary precision decimal number.
func (a Amount) AsDecimal() decimal.Decimal {
d := decimal.NewFromInt(a.baseUnits)
return d.Shift(-a.currency.decimalPlaces)
// BaseUnits returns the monetary value expressed in its base units.
func (a Amount) BaseUnits() int64 {
return a.baseUnits
// Currency returns the currency of the amount.
func (a Amount) Currency() *Currency {
return a.currency
// Equal returns true if a and other are in the same currency and have the
// same value.
func (a Amount) Equal(other Amount) bool {
return a.currency == other.currency && a.baseUnits == other.baseUnits
// AmountFromBaseUnits creates a new Amount instance from the given count of
// base units and in the given currency.
func AmountFromBaseUnits(units int64, currency *Currency) Amount {
return Amount{
baseUnits: units,
currency: currency,
// AmountFromDecimal creates a new Amount instance from the given decimal
// value and in the given currency. The decimal value is expected to be in
// currency units.
// Example:
// AmountFromDecimal(decimal.NewFromFloat(3.50), USDollars) == Amount{baseUnits: 350, currency: USDollars}
func AmountFromDecimal(d decimal.Decimal, currency *Currency) Amount {
return AmountFromBaseUnits(d.Shift(currency.decimalPlaces).Round(0).IntPart(), currency)
// AmountFromString creates a new Amount instance from the given base 10
// value and in the given currency. The string is expected to give the
// value of the amount in currency units.
func AmountFromString(s string, currency *Currency) (Amount, error) {
d, err := decimal.NewFromString(s)
if err != nil {
return Amount{}, Error.Wrap(err)
return AmountFromDecimal(d, currency), nil
// AmountFromBigFloat creates a new Amount instance from the given floating
// point value and in the given currency. The big.Float is expected to give
// the value of the amount in currency units.
func AmountFromBigFloat(f *big.Float, currency *Currency) (Amount, error) {
dec, err := DecimalFromBigFloat(f)
if err != nil {
return Amount{}, err
return AmountFromDecimal(dec, currency), nil
// DecimalFromBigFloat creates a new decimal.Decimal instance from the given
// floating point value.
func DecimalFromBigFloat(f *big.Float) (decimal.Decimal, error) {
if f.IsInf() {
return decimal.Decimal{}, Error.New("Cannot represent infinite amount")
// This is probably not computationally ideal, but it should be the most
// straightforward way to convert (unless/until the decimal package adds
// a NewFromBigFloat method).
stringVal := f.Text('e', -1)
dec, err := decimal.NewFromString(stringVal)
return dec, Error.Wrap(err)