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// Copyright (C) 2021 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package main
import (
type cmdCp struct {
ex ulext.External
access string
recursive bool
transfers int
dryrun bool
progress bool
byteRange string
expires time.Time
metadata map[string]string
parallelism int
parallelismChunkSize memory.Size
maximumConcurrentPieces int
longTailMargin int
inmemoryEC bool
locs []ulloc.Location
func newCmdCp(ex ulext.External) *cmdCp {
return &cmdCp{ex: ex}
func (c *cmdCp) Setup(params clingy.Parameters) {
c.access = params.Flag("access", "Access name or value to use", "").(string)
c.recursive = params.Flag("recursive", "Peform a recursive copy", false,
clingy.Transform(strconv.ParseBool), clingy.Boolean,
c.transfers = params.Flag("transfers", "Controls how many uploads/downloads to perform in parallel", 1,
clingy.Transform(func(n int) (int, error) {
if n <= 0 {
return 0, errs.New("transfers must be at least 1")
return n, nil
c.dryrun = params.Flag("dry-run", "Print what operations would happen but don't execute them", false,
clingy.Transform(strconv.ParseBool), clingy.Boolean,
c.progress = params.Flag("progress", "Show a progress bar when possible", true,
clingy.Transform(strconv.ParseBool), clingy.Boolean,
c.byteRange = params.Flag("range", "Downloads the specified range bytes of an object. For more information about the HTTP Range header, see", "").(string)
c.parallelism = params.Flag("parallelism", "Deprecated", 1,
clingy.Transform(func(n int) (int, error) {
if n <= 0 {
return 0, errs.New("parallelism must be at least 1")
return n, nil
c.parallelismChunkSize = params.Flag("parallelism-chunk-size", "Deprecated", memory.Size(0),
clingy.Transform(func(n int64) (memory.Size, error) {
if n < 0 {
return 0, errs.New("parallelism-chunk-size cannot be below 0")
return memory.Size(n), nil
def := testuplink.DefaultConcurrentSegmentUploadsConfig()
c.maximumConcurrentPieces = params.Flag("maximum-concurrent-pieces", "Maximum concurrent pieces to upload at once per transfer", def.SchedulerOptions.MaximumConcurrent,
c.longTailMargin = params.Flag("long-tail-margin", "How many extra pieces to upload and cancel per segment", def.LongTailMargin,
c.inmemoryEC = params.Flag("inmemory-erasure-coding", "Keep erasure-coded pieces in-memory instead of writing them on the disk during upload", false,
c.expires = params.Flag("expires",
"Schedule removal after this time (e.g. '+2h', 'now', '2020-01-02T15:04:05Z0700')",
time.Time{}, clingy.Transform(parseHumanDate), clingy.Type("relative_date")).(time.Time)
c.metadata = params.Flag("metadata",
"optional metadata for the object. Please use a single level JSON object of string to string only",
nil, clingy.Transform(parseJSON), clingy.Type("string")).(map[string]string)
c.locs = params.Arg("locations", "Locations to copy (at least one source and one destination). Use - for standard input/output",
func (c *cmdCp) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
if len(c.locs) < 2 {
return errs.New("must have at least one source and destination path")
fs, err := c.ex.OpenFilesystem(ctx, c.access,
SchedulerOptions: scheduler.Options{
MaximumConcurrent: c.maximumConcurrentPieces,
LongTailMargin: c.longTailMargin,
Capacity: c.maximumConcurrentPieces,
KeyCapacity: 5,
IdleExpiration: 2 * time.Minute,
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() { _ = fs.Close() }()
if c.inmemoryEC {
ctx = fpath.WithTempData(ctx, "", true)
var eg errs.Group
for _, source := range c.locs[:len(c.locs)-1] {
eg.Add(c.dispatchCopy(ctx, fs, source, c.locs[len(c.locs)-1]))
return combineErrs(eg)
func (c *cmdCp) dispatchCopy(ctx context.Context, fs ulfs.Filesystem, source, dest ulloc.Location) error {
if !source.Remote() && !dest.Remote() {
return errs.New("at least one location must be a remote sj:// location")
// we ensure the source and destination are lexically directoryish
// if they map to directories. the destination is always converted to be
// directoryish if the copy is recursive or if there are multiple source paths
if fs.IsLocalDir(ctx, source) {
source = source.AsDirectoryish()
if c.recursive || len(c.locs) > 2 || fs.IsLocalDir(ctx, dest) {
dest = dest.AsDirectoryish()
if c.recursive {
if c.byteRange != "" {
return errs.New("unable to do recursive copy with byte range")
return c.copyRecursive(ctx, fs, source, dest)
// if the destination is directoryish, we add the basename of the source
// to the end of the destination to pick a filename.
var base string
if dest.Directoryish() && !source.Std() {
// we undirectoryish the source so that we ignore any trailing slashes
// when finding the base name.
var ok bool
base, ok = source.Undirectoryish().Base()
if !ok {
return errs.New("destination is a directory and cannot find base name for source %q", source)
dest = joinDestWith(dest, base)
if !dest.Std() {
fmt.Fprintln(clingy.Stdout(ctx), copyVerb(source, dest), source, "to", dest)
var bar *mpb.Bar
if c.progress && !dest.Std() {
progress := mpb.New(mpb.WithOutput(clingy.Stdout(ctx)))
defer progress.Wait()
var namer barNamer
bar = newProgressBar(progress, namer.NameFor(source, dest), 1, 1)
defer func() {
return c.copyFile(ctx, fs, source, dest, bar)
func (c *cmdCp) copyRecursive(ctx context.Context, fs ulfs.Filesystem, source, dest ulloc.Location) error {
if source.Std() || dest.Std() {
return errs.New("cannot recursively copy to stdin/stdout")
iter, err := fs.List(ctx, source, &ulfs.ListOptions{
Recursive: true,
if err != nil {
return err
var (
limiter = sync2.NewLimiter(c.transfers)
es errs.Group
mu sync.Mutex
fprintln := func(w io.Writer, args ...interface{}) {
defer mu.Unlock()
fmt.Fprintln(w, args...)
fprintf := func(w io.Writer, format string, args ...interface{}) {
defer mu.Unlock()
fmt.Fprintf(w, format, args...)
addError := func(err error) {
if err == nil {
defer mu.Unlock()
type copyOp struct {
src ulloc.Location
dest ulloc.Location
var verb string
var verbing string
var namer barNamer
var ops []copyOp
for iter.Next() {
item := iter.Item().Loc
rel, err := source.RelativeTo(item)
if err != nil {
return err
dest := joinDestWith(dest, rel)
verb = copyVerb(item, dest)
verbing = copyVerbing(item, dest)
namer.Preview(item, dest)
ops = append(ops, copyOp{src: item, dest: dest})
if err := iter.Err(); err != nil {
return errs.Wrap(err)
fprintln(clingy.Stdout(ctx), verbing, len(ops), "files...")
var progress *mpb.Progress
if c.progress {
progress = mpb.New(mpb.WithOutput(clingy.Stdout(ctx)))
defer progress.Wait()
for i, op := range ops {
i := i
op := op
ok := limiter.Go(ctx, func() {
var bar *mpb.Bar
if progress != nil {
bar = newProgressBar(progress, namer.NameFor(op.src, op.dest), i+1, len(ops))
defer func() {
} else {
fprintf(clingy.Stdout(ctx), "%s %s to %s (%d of %d)\n", verb, op.src, op.dest, i+1, len(ops))
if err := c.copyFile(ctx, fs, op.src, op.dest, bar); err != nil {
addError(errs.New("%s %s to %s failed: %w", verb, op.src, op.dest, err))
if !ok {
if progress != nil {
// Wait for all of the progress bar output to complete before doing
// additional output.
if len(es) > 0 {
for _, e := range es {
fprintln(clingy.Stdout(ctx), e)
return errs.New("recursive %s failed (%d of %d)", verb, len(es), len(ops))
return nil
func (c *cmdCp) copyFile(ctx context.Context, fs ulfs.Filesystem, source, dest ulloc.Location, bar *mpb.Bar) (err error) {
if c.dryrun {
return nil
if dest.Remote() && source.Remote() {
return fs.Copy(ctx, source, dest)
offset, length, err := parseRange(c.byteRange)
if err != nil {
return errs.Wrap(err)
mrh, err := fs.Open(ctx, source)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() { _ = mrh.Close() }()
wh, err := fs.Create(ctx, dest, &ulfs.CreateOptions{
Expires: c.expires,
Metadata: c.metadata,
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() { _ = wh.Abort() }()
return errs.Wrap(c.copy(
source, dest,
wh, mrh,
offset, length,
func copyVerbing(source, dest ulloc.Location) (verb string) {
return copyVerb(source, dest) + "ing"
func copyVerb(source, dest ulloc.Location) (verb string) {
switch {
case dest.Remote():
return "upload"
case source.Remote():
return "download"
return "copy"
func joinDestWith(dest ulloc.Location, suffix string) ulloc.Location {
dest = dest.AppendKey(suffix)
// if the destination is local and directoryish, remove any
// trailing slashes that it has. this makes it so that if
// a remote file is name "foo/", then we copy it down as
// just "foo".
if dest.Local() && dest.Directoryish() {
dest = dest.Undirectoryish()
return dest
func (c *cmdCp) copy(
ctx context.Context,
source, dest ulloc.Location,
dst ulfs.WriteHandle,
src ulfs.MultiReadHandle,
offset, length int64,
bar *mpb.Bar) error {
if offset != 0 {
if err := src.SetOffset(offset); err != nil {
return err
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
defer func() { _ = src.Close() }()
defer func() { _ = dst.Abort() }()
rh, err := src.NextPart(ctx, length)
if err != nil {
return errs.Wrap(err)
defer func() { _ = rh.Close() }()
var w io.Writer = dst
if bar != nil {
bar.SetTotal(rh.Info().ContentLength, false)
pw := bar.ProxyWriter(w)
defer func() { _ = pw.Close() }()
w = pw
_, err = sync2.Copy(ctx, w, rh)
if err == nil {
err = dst.Commit()
cmd/uplink: better error handling for parallel transfer Few improvements were made to how we are handling errors while doing parallel upload/download for single object: * unhide error under 'context canceled' which was shown in most of cases * add part number to error message * don't try to commit if any error occurs while operation * combine errors into more readable form, example: --- failed to download part 3: uplink: eestream: failed to download stripe 0: error retrieving piece 00: ecclient: piecestore: rpc: tcp connector failed: rpc: dial tcp i/o timeout ... error retrieving piece 89: ecclient: piecestore: rpc: tcp connector failed: rpc: dial tcp i/o timeout failed to download part 1: uplink: eestream: failed to download stripe 0: error retrieving piece 01: io: read/write on closed pipe ... error retrieving piece 97: io: read/write on closed pipe failed to download part 2: uplink: eestream: failed to download stripe 0: error retrieving piece 00: io: read/write on closed pipe ... error retrieving piece 01: ecclient: piecestore: rpc: tcp connector failed: rpc: dial tcp operation was canceled error retrieving piece 96: io: read/write on closed pipe main.(*cmdCp).parallelCopy:418 main.(*cmdCp).copyFile:262 main.(*cmdCp).Execute:156 main.(*external).Wrap:123*Environment).dispatchDesc:126*Environment).dispatch:53 main.main:26 runtime.main:250 --- Change-Id: I9bb70b3f754567761fa8d17bef8ef59b0709e33b
2022-05-27 14:16:58 +01:00
return errs.Wrap(err)
func newProgressBar(progress *mpb.Progress, name string, which, total int) *mpb.Bar {
const counterFmt = " % .2f / % .2f"
const percentageFmt = "%.2f "
const speedFmt = "% .2f"
movingAverage := ewma.NewMovingAverage()
prepends := []decor.Decorator{decor.Name(name + " ")}
if total > 1 {
prepends = append(prepends, decor.Name(fmt.Sprintf("(%d of %d)", which, total)))
prepends = append(prepends, decor.CountersKiloByte(counterFmt))
appends := []decor.Decorator{
decor.MovingAverageSpeed(decor.SizeB1024(1024), speedFmt, movingAverage),
return progress.AddBar(0,
func parseRange(r string) (offset, length int64, err error) {
r = strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimSpace(r), "bytes=")
if r == "" {
return 0, -1, nil
if strings.Contains(r, ",") {
return 0, 0, errs.New("invalid range: must be single range")
idx := strings.Index(r, "-")
if idx < 0 {
return 0, 0, errs.New(`invalid range: no "-"`)
start, end := strings.TrimSpace(r[:idx]), strings.TrimSpace(r[idx+1:])
var starti, endi int64
if start != "" {
starti, err = strconv.ParseInt(start, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, errs.New("invalid range: %w", err)
if end != "" {
endi, err = strconv.ParseInt(end, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, errs.New("invalid range: %w", err)
switch {
case start == "" && end == "":
return 0, 0, errs.New("invalid range")
case start == "":
return -endi, -1, nil
case end == "":
return starti, -1, nil
case starti < 0:
return 0, 0, errs.New("invalid range: negative start: %q", start)
case starti > endi:
return 0, 0, errs.New("invalid range: %v > %v", starti, endi)
return starti, endi - starti + 1, nil
cmd/uplink: better error handling for parallel transfer Few improvements were made to how we are handling errors while doing parallel upload/download for single object: * unhide error under 'context canceled' which was shown in most of cases * add part number to error message * don't try to commit if any error occurs while operation * combine errors into more readable form, example: --- failed to download part 3: uplink: eestream: failed to download stripe 0: error retrieving piece 00: ecclient: piecestore: rpc: tcp connector failed: rpc: dial tcp i/o timeout ... error retrieving piece 89: ecclient: piecestore: rpc: tcp connector failed: rpc: dial tcp i/o timeout failed to download part 1: uplink: eestream: failed to download stripe 0: error retrieving piece 01: io: read/write on closed pipe ... error retrieving piece 97: io: read/write on closed pipe failed to download part 2: uplink: eestream: failed to download stripe 0: error retrieving piece 00: io: read/write on closed pipe ... error retrieving piece 01: ecclient: piecestore: rpc: tcp connector failed: rpc: dial tcp operation was canceled error retrieving piece 96: io: read/write on closed pipe main.(*cmdCp).parallelCopy:418 main.(*cmdCp).copyFile:262 main.(*cmdCp).Execute:156 main.(*external).Wrap:123*Environment).dispatchDesc:126*Environment).dispatch:53 main.main:26 runtime.main:250 --- Change-Id: I9bb70b3f754567761fa8d17bef8ef59b0709e33b
2022-05-27 14:16:58 +01:00
// combineErrs makes a more readable error message from the errors group.
func combineErrs(group errs.Group) error {
if len(group) == 0 {
return nil
errstrings := make([]string, len(group))
for i, err := range group {
errstrings[i] = err.Error()
return fmt.Errorf("%s", strings.Join(errstrings, "\n"))
type barNamer struct {
longestTotalLen int
func (n *barNamer) Preview(src, dst ulloc.Location) {
if src.Local() {
func (n *barNamer) NameFor(src, dst ulloc.Location) string {
if src.Local() {
return n.nameFor(src)
return n.nameFor(dst)
func (n *barNamer) preview(loc ulloc.Location) {
locLen := len(loc.String())
if locLen > n.longestTotalLen {
n.longestTotalLen = locLen
func (n *barNamer) nameFor(loc ulloc.Location) string {
name := loc.String()
if n.longestTotalLen > 0 {
pad := n.longestTotalLen - len(loc.String())
name += strings.Repeat(" ", pad)
return name