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2018-04-25 19:04:12 +01:00
node('node') {
2018-04-25 19:04:12 +01:00
try {
currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS"
2018-04-25 19:04:12 +01:00
stage('Checkout') {
checkout scm
echo "Current build result: ${currentBuild.result}"
2018-04-25 19:04:12 +01:00
stage('Run Versions Test') {
try {
echo "Running Versions test"
env.STORJ_SIM_POSTGRES = 'postgres://postgres@postgres:5432/teststorj?sslmode=disable'
env.STORJ_SIM_REDIS = 'redis:6379'
sh 'docker run --rm -d --name postgres postgres:9.6'
sh 'docker run --rm -d --name redis redis:latest'
sh '''until $(docker logs postgres | grep "database system is ready to accept connections" > /dev/null)
do printf '.'
sleep 5
sh 'docker exec postgres createdb -U postgres teststorj'
// fetch the remote master branch
sh 'git fetch --no-tags --progress -- +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master'
sh 'docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) --rm -i -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD --entrypoint $PWD/scripts/ -e STORJ_SIM_POSTGRES -e STORJ_SIM_REDIS --link redis:redis --link postgres:postgres -e CC=gcc storjlabs/golang:1.13.5'
throw err
finally {
sh 'docker stop postgres || true'
sh 'docker stop redis || true'
stage('Build Binaries') {
sh 'make binaries'
stash name: "storagenode-binaries", includes: "release/**/storagenode*.exe"
echo "Current build result: ${currentBuild.result}"
stage('Build Windows Installer') {
node('windows') {
checkout scm
unstash "storagenode-binaries"
bat 'installer\\windows\\build.bat'
stash name: "storagenode-installer", includes: "release/**/storagenode*.msi"
echo "Current build result: ${currentBuild.result}"
stage('Sign Windows Installer') {
unstash "storagenode-installer"
sh 'make sign-windows-installer'
echo "Current build result: ${currentBuild.result}"
2018-04-25 19:04:12 +01:00
stage('Build Images') {
sh 'make images'
echo "Current build result: ${currentBuild.result}"
stage('Push Images') {
echo 'Push to Repo'
sh 'make push-images'
echo "Current build result: ${currentBuild.result}"
stage('Upload') {
sh 'make binaries-upload'
echo "Current build result: ${currentBuild.result}"
2018-04-25 19:04:12 +01:00
catch (err) {
echo "Caught errors! ${err}"
echo "Setting build result to FAILURE"
2018-04-25 19:04:12 +01:00
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
slackSend color: 'danger', message: "@channel ${env.BRANCH_NAME} build failed during stage ${env.STAGE_NAME} ${env.BUILD_URL}"
mail from: '',
replyTo: '',
to: '',
subject: "storj/storj branch ${env.BRANCH_NAME} build failed",
body: "Project build log: ${env.BUILD_URL}"
2018-04-25 19:04:12 +01:00
throw err
finally {
stage('Cleanup') {
sh 'make clean-images'
2018-04-25 19:04:12 +01:00