
75 lines
2.8 KiB
Protocol Buffer
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
package satellite.delegated_repair;
import "gogo.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "metainfo.proto";
import "orders.proto";
import "pointerdb.proto";
service RepairCoordinator {
rpc RepairJob(RepairJobRequest) returns (RepairJobResponse) {}
message RepairJobRequest {
// When not the first request, this will include the result of the last job
RepairJobResult last_job_result = 1;
message RepairJobResponse {
// When a job is available, this will be filled in
RepairJobDefinition new_job = 1;
// Otherwise, client should wait this many milliseconds and then try again
int32 come_back_in_millis = 2;
message RepairJobDefinition {
// Identifier for this job
bytes job_id = 1;
// Signed GET orders for all believed-healthy pieces to be downloaded
repeated metainfo.AddressedOrderLimit get_orders = 2;
// Private piece key to use for fetching
bytes private_key_for_get = 3;
// Signed PUT orders for all possible pieces to be uploaded (not including
// piece numbers in get_orders)
repeated metainfo.AddressedOrderLimit put_orders = 4;
// Private piece key to use for storing
bytes private_key_for_put = 5;
// Redundancy scheme used by the segment to be repaired
pointerdb.RedundancyScheme redundancy = 6;
// Size of the segment to be repaired
int64 segment_size = 7;
// Target piece count (worker should try to upload enough pieces so that
// this count is achieved)
int32 desired_piece_count = 8;
// Job expiration time
google.protobuf.Timestamp expiration_time = 9 [(gogoproto.stdtime) = true, (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message RepairJobResult {
// Identifier for this job, as given in RepairJobResponse
bytes job_id = 1;
// Set nonzero only if the segment could not be reconstructed because of
// too few pieces available.
int32 irreparable_pieces_retrieved = 2;
// Set only if the segment could not be reconstructed.
string reconstruct_error = 3;
// Set only if new pieces could not be stored to any new nodes.
string store_error = 4;
// PieceHashes signed by storage nodes which were used to accomplish repair
repeated orders.PieceHash new_pieces_stored = 5;
// A copy of the put_orders list as provided in the corresponding
// RepairJobDefinition
repeated metainfo.AddressedOrderLimit put_orders = 6;
// Pieces which should be _removed_ from the pointer. This will include
// pieces for which the expected owning storage node returned a "not found"
// error, as well as pieces which were downloaded but failed their
// validation check.
repeated int32 delete_piece_nums = 7;