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# Generated REST API design
Requires setting 'Authorization' header for requests.
Example of request
curl -i -L \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <key>' \
-X GET \
## Successful responses
All the requests a non-empty body for the resource that we're interacting with.
"project": {
"name": "My Awesome Project",
"description": "it is perfect"
## Error responses
When an API endpoint returns an error (status code 4XX) it contains a JSON error response with 1 error field:
"error": "authorization key format is incorrect. Should be 'Bearer <key>'"
### Project Management API Endpoints
#### GET /api/v0/projects/
Gets users projects.
!!!WARNING!!! Project ID is used as encryption salt. Please don't send it to anyone. We're going to fix it soon.
A successful response body:
"name":"My First Project",
"storageLimit":"150.00 GB",
"bandwidthLimit":"150.00 GB",
#### GET /api/v0/projects/bucket-rollup/projectID={uuid string}&bucket={string}&since={Date Timestamp like '2006-01-02T15:00:00Z'}&before={Date Timestamp like '2006-01-02T15:00:00Z'}
Gets project's single bucket usage by bucket ID.
!!!WARNING!!! Project ID is used as encryption salt. Please don't send it to anyone. We're going to fix it soon.
A successful response body:
#### GET /api/v0/projects/bucket-rollups/projectID={uuid string}&since={Date Timestamp like '2006-01-02T15:00:00Z'}&before={Date Timestamp like '2006-01-02T15:00:00Z'}
Gets project's all buckets usage.
!!!WARNING!!! Project ID is used as encryption salt. Please don't send it to anyone. We're going to fix it soon.
A successful response body:
#### POST /api/v0/projects/create
Creates new Project with given info.
!!!WARNING!!! Project ID is used as encryption salt. Please don't send it to anyone. We're going to fix it soon.
Request body example:
"name": "new project"
A successful response body:
"name":"new project",
"storageLimit":"15 GB",
"bandwidthLimit":"15 GB",
#### PATCH /api/v0/projects/update/{uuid string}
Updates project with given info.
!!!WARNING!!! Project ID is used as encryption salt. Please don't send it to anyone. We're going to fix it soon.
Request body example:
"name": "awesome project",
"description": "random stuff",
"bandwidthLimit": 1000000000,
"storageLimit": 1000000000
A successful response body:
"name":"awesome project",
"description":"random stuff",
"storageLimit":"1 GB",
"bandwidthLimit":"1 GB",
### Macaroon API key API Endpoints
#### POST /api/v0/apikeys/create
Creates new macaroon API key.
!!!WARNING!!! Project ID is used as encryption salt. Please don't send it to anyone. We're going to fix it soon.
Request body example:
"name": "new api key",
"projectID": "229193d4-0d71-49e8-b9a1-b367b74ed3e3"
A successful response body:
"key": "13YqdodV5HKad2anjvy6ibtxRtHuD5hUJdsLRpRdQrT4vZ9C2wPJjsQ42L8SeTqMHeW97cwYgxT2FnDjEf3b7Mg5dfUcxm8N157Esq9",
"keyInfo": {
"id": "d7a60196-688a-4edc-a561-fd859d04e5a1",
"projectId": "229193d4-0d71-49e8-b9a1-b367b74ed3e3",
"partnerId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"userAgent": null,
"name": "new api key",
"createdAt": "2022-05-06T14:14:30.076498+03:00"
### User Endpoints
#### GET /api/v0/users/
Returns User entity by request context.
A successful response body:
"id": "00fe2cef-9412-4c9c-bc42-e57cc062bb7d",
"fullName": "Test",
"shortName": "",
"email": "",
"partnerId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"userAgent": null,
"projectLimit": 1,
"isProfessional": false,
"position": "",
"companyName": "",
"employeeCount": "",
"haveSalesContact": false,
"paidTier": false,
"isMFAEnabled": false,
"mfaRecoveryCodeCount": 0