StorageTBPricestring`help:"price user should pay for storing TB per month" default:"10"`
EgressTBPricestring`help:"price user should pay for each TB of egress" default:"45"`
ObjectPricestring`help:"price user should pay for each object stored in network per month" default:"0.0000022"`
BonusRateint64`help:"amount of percents that user will earn as bonus credits by depositing in STORJ tokens" default:"10"`
CouponValueint64`help:"coupon value in cents" default:"5500"`
CouponDurationint64`help:"duration a new coupon is valid in months/billing cycles" default:"2"`
CouponProjectLimitmemory.Size`help:"project limit to which increase to after applying the coupon, 0 B means not changing it from the default" default:"0 B"`
MinCoinPaymentint64`help:"minimum value of coin payments in cents before coupon is applied" default:"5000"`