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// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package retain
import (
monkit ""
var (
mon = monkit.Package()
// Error is the default error class for retain errors.
Error = errs.Class("retain")
// Config defines parameters for the retain service.
type Config struct {
RetainTimeBuffer time.Duration `help:"allows for small differences in the satellite and storagenode clocks" default:"1h0m0s"`
RetainStatus Status `help:"allows configuration to enable, disable, or test retain requests from the satellite. Options: (disabled/enabled/debug)" default:"disabled"`
MaxConcurrentRetain int `help:"how many concurrent retain requests can be processed at the same time." default:"5"`
// Request contains all the info necessary to process a retain request.
type Request struct {
SatelliteID storj.NodeID
CreatedBefore time.Time
Filter *bloomfilter.Filter
// Status is a type defining the enabled/disabled status of retain requests.
type Status uint32
const (
// Disabled means we do not do anything with retain requests.
Disabled Status = iota + 1
// Enabled means we fully enable retain requests and delete data not defined by bloom filter.
// Debug means we partially enable retain requests, and print out pieces we should delete, without actually deleting them.
// Set implements pflag.Value.
func (v *Status) Set(s string) error {
switch s {
case "disabled":
*v = Disabled
case "enabled":
*v = Enabled
case "debug":
*v = Debug
return Error.New("invalid RetainStatus %q", s)
return nil
// Type implements pflag.Value.
func (*Status) Type() string { return "storj.RetainStatus" }
// String implements pflag.Value.
func (v *Status) String() string {
switch *v {
case Disabled:
return "disabled"
case Enabled:
return "enabled"
case Debug:
return "debug"
return "invalid"
// Service queues and processes retain requests from satellites.
type Service struct {
log *zap.Logger
config Config
mu sync.Mutex
queued map[storj.NodeID]Request
reqChan chan Request
semaphore chan struct{}
emptyTrigger chan struct{}
store *pieces.Store
// NewService creates a new retain service.
func NewService(log *zap.Logger, store *pieces.Store, config Config) *Service {
return &Service{
log: log,
config: config,
queued: make(map[storj.NodeID]Request),
reqChan: make(chan Request),
semaphore: make(chan struct{}, config.MaxConcurrentRetain),
emptyTrigger: make(chan struct{}),
store: store,
// Queue adds a retain request to the queue.
// It discards a request for a satellite that already has a queued request.
// true is returned if the request is queued and false is returned if it is discarded
func (s *Service) Queue(req Request) bool {
// subtract some time to leave room for clock difference between the satellite and storage node
req.CreatedBefore = req.CreatedBefore.Add(-s.config.RetainTimeBuffer)
// only queue retain request if we do not already have one for this satellite
if _, ok := s.queued[req.SatelliteID]; !ok {
s.queued[req.SatelliteID] = req
go func() { s.reqChan <- req }()
return true
return false
// Run listens for queued retain requests and processes them as they come in.
func (s *Service) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
for {
// exit if context has been canceled. Otherwise, block until an item can be added to the semaphore
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case s.semaphore <- struct{}{}:
// get the next request
var req Request
select {
case req = <-s.reqChan:
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
go func(ctx context.Context, req Request) {
err := s.retainPieces(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
s.log.Error("retain error", zap.Error(err))
delete(s.queued, req.SatelliteID)
queueLength := len(s.queued)
if queueLength == 0 {
s.emptyTrigger <- struct{}{}
// remove item from semaphore and free up process for another retain job
}(ctx, req)
// Wait blocks until the context is canceled or until the queue is empty.
func (s *Service) Wait(ctx context.Context) {
queueLength := len(s.queued)
if queueLength == 0 {
select {
case <-s.emptyTrigger:
case <-ctx.Done():
// Status returns the retain status.
func (s *Service) Status() Status {
return s.config.RetainStatus
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// On the correctness of using access.ModTime() in place of the more precise access.CreationTime()
// in retainPieces():
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Background: for pieces not stored with storage.FormatV0, the access.CreationTime() value can
// only be retrieved by opening the piece file, and reading and unmarshaling the piece header.
// This is far slower than access.ModTime(), which gets the file modification time from the file
// system and only needs to do a stat(2) on the piece file. If we can make Retain() work with
// ModTime, we should.
// Possibility of mismatch: We do not force or require piece file modification times to be equal to
// or close to the CreationTime specified by the uplink, but we do expect that piece files will be
// written to the filesystem _after_ the CreationTime. We make the assumption already that storage
// nodes and satellites and uplinks have system clocks that are very roughly in sync (that is, they
// are out of sync with each other by less than an hour of real time, or whatever is configured as
// RetainTimeBuffer). So if an uplink is not lying about CreationTime and it uploads a piece that
// makes it to a storagenode's disk as quickly as possible, even in the worst-synchronized-clocks
// case we can assume that `ModTime > (CreationTime - RetainTimeBuffer)`. We also allow for storage
// node operators doing file system manipulations after a piece has been written. If piece files
// are copied between volumes and their attributes are not preserved, it will be possible for their
// modification times to be changed to something later in time. This still preserves the inequality
// relationship mentioned above, `ModTime > (CreationTime - RetainTimeBuffer)`. We only stipulate
// that storage node operators must not artificially change blob file modification times to be in
// the past.
// If there is a mismatch: in most cases, a mismatch between ModTime and CreationTime has no
// effect. In certain remaining cases, the only effect is that a piece file which _should_ be
// garbage collected survives until the next round of garbage collection. The only really
// problematic case is when there is a relatively new piece file which was created _after_ this
// node's Retain bloom filter started being built on the satellite, and is recorded in this
// storage node's blob store before the Retain operation has completed. Then, it might be possible
// for that new piece to be garbage collected incorrectly, because it does not show up in the
// bloom filter and the node incorrectly thinks that it was created before the bloom filter.
// But if the uplink is not lying about CreationTime and its clock drift versus the storage node
// is less than `RetainTimeBuffer`, and the ModTime on a blob file is correctly set from the
// storage node system time, then it is still true that `ModTime > (CreationTime -
// RetainTimeBuffer)`.
// The rule that storage node operators need to be aware of is only this: do not artificially set
// mtimes on blob files to be in the past. Let the filesystem manage mtimes. If blob files need to
// be moved or copied between locations, and this updates the mtime, that is ok. A secondary effect
// of this rule is that if the storage node's system clock needs to be changed forward by a
// nontrivial amount, mtimes on existing blobs should also be adjusted (by the same interval,
// ideally, but just running "touch" on all blobs is sufficient to avoid incorrect deletion of
// data).
func (s *Service) retainPieces(ctx context.Context, req Request) (err error) {
// if retain status is disabled, return immediately
if s.config.RetainStatus == Disabled {
return nil
defer mon.Task()(&ctx, req.SatelliteID, req.CreatedBefore, req.Filter.Size())(&err)
numDeleted := 0
satelliteID := req.SatelliteID
filter := req.Filter
createdBefore := req.CreatedBefore
s.log.Debug("Prepared to run a Retain request.",
zap.Time("createdBefore", createdBefore),
zap.Int64("filterSize", filter.Size()),
zap.String("satellite", satelliteID.String()))
err =, satelliteID, func(access pieces.StoredPieceAccess) error {
// We call Gosched() when done because the GC process is expected to be long and we want to keep it at low priority,
// so other goroutines can continue serving requests.
defer runtime.Gosched()
// See the comment above the retainPieces() function for a discussion on the correctness
// of using ModTime in place of the more precise CreationTime.
mTime, err := access.ModTime(ctx)
if err != nil {
s.log.Warn("failed to determine mtime of blob", zap.Error(err))
// but continue iterating.
return nil
if !mTime.Before(createdBefore) {
return nil
pieceID := access.PieceID()
if !filter.Contains(pieceID) {
s.log.Debug("About to delete piece id",
zap.String("satellite", satelliteID.String()),
zap.String("pieceID", pieceID.String()),
zap.String("status", s.config.RetainStatus.String()))
// if retain status is enabled, delete pieceid
if s.config.RetainStatus == Enabled {
if err =, satelliteID, pieceID); err != nil {
s.log.Warn("failed to delete piece",
zap.String("satellite", satelliteID.String()),
zap.String("pieceID", pieceID.String()),
return nil
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
return nil
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
s.log.Debug("Deleted pieces during retain", zap.Int("num deleted", numDeleted), zap.String("retain status", s.config.RetainStatus.String()))
return nil