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# Storj Basic Testplan Template
## [Title]
> Here we give the title for the Testplan, f.e if the feature is a **"New Button"**, the title could be **New Button Testplan**
## [Background]
> An introduction to the Testplan i.e what the Testplan is going to cover, or the feature to be implemented along with a link to the design document, figma design even if it is private
## [Test Scenarios]
>What task or feature are we trying to test? Label each scenario with an ID for easy tracking f.e 1. Example Feature
## [Test Cases]
>Determine test cases for said scenario ex. positive and negative testing
>Label each test cases with an ID for easy tracking f.e Test Case X 1.1,
>Test Case Y 1.2, Test Case Z 1.3 etc.
## [Description]
> Here users describe what happens in the test cases f.e what the user does in each test and what the user should expect as end result
> Can write this as a conditional statement f.e if user clicks this button, then modal should open
## [Comments]
> In this section users can input their own comments f.e improvements needed, actual outcomes for said tests etc and feature requests
## [Test Plan Table]
> In this section users should move input from the previous four sections and fix it into a table
| Test Scenario | Test Case | Test Description | Comments |
| :---------------- | :------------ | :--------------- | :---------- |
| 1. Test Scenario 1 | Test Case 1.1 | TC1.1 Description | TC1.1 Comment |
| | Test Case 1.2 | TC1.2 Descriotion | TC1.2 Comment |
| 2. Test Scenario 2 | Test Case 2.1 | TC2.1 Description | TC2.1 Comment |
| | Test Case 2.2 | TC2.2 Descriotion | TC2.2 Comment |
## [Open Issues]
> In this section, separate from comments, any issues can be brought up from the design document. Also, any questions/issues that could help the test plan in the future should be brought up as well.