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// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package audit
import (
// ErrEmptyQueue is used to indicate that the queue is empty.
var ErrEmptyQueue = errs.Class("empty audit queue")
// Queue is a list of segments to audit, shared between the reservoir chore and audit workers.
// It is not safe for concurrent use.
type Queue struct {
queue []Segment
// NewQueue creates a new audit queue.
func NewQueue(segments []Segment) *Queue {
return &Queue{
queue: segments,
// Next gets the next item in the queue.
func (q *Queue) Next() (Segment, error) {
if len(q.queue) == 0 {
return Segment{}, ErrEmptyQueue.New("")
next := q.queue[0]
q.queue = q.queue[1:]
return next, nil
// Size returns the size of the queue.
func (q *Queue) Size() int {
return len(q.queue)
// ErrPendingQueueInProgress means that a chore attempted to add a new pending queue when one was already being added.
var ErrPendingQueueInProgress = errs.Class("pending queue already in progress")
// Queues is a shared resource that keeps track of the next queue to be fetched
// and swaps with a new queue when ready.
type Queues struct {
mu sync.Mutex
nextQueue *Queue
swapQueue func()
queueSwapped chan struct{}
// NewQueues creates a new Queues object.
func NewQueues() *Queues {
queues := &Queues{
nextQueue: NewQueue([]Segment{}),
return queues
// Fetch gets the active queue, clears it, and swaps a pending queue in as the new active queue if available.
func (queues *Queues) Fetch() *Queue {
if queues.nextQueue.Size() == 0 && queues.swapQueue != nil {
active := queues.nextQueue
if queues.swapQueue != nil {
} else {
queues.nextQueue = NewQueue([]Segment{})
return active
// Push waits until the next queue has been fetched (if not empty), then swaps it with the provided pending queue.
// Push adds a pending queue to be swapped in when ready.
// If nextQueue is empty, it immediately replaces the queue. Otherwise it creates a swapQueue callback to be called when nextQueue is fetched.
// Only one call to Push is permitted at a time, otherwise it will return ErrPendingQueueInProgress.
func (queues *Queues) Push(pendingQueue []Segment) error {
// do not allow multiple concurrent calls to Push().
// only one audit chore should exist.
if queues.swapQueue != nil {
return ErrPendingQueueInProgress.New("")
if queues.nextQueue.Size() == 0 {
queues.nextQueue = NewQueue(pendingQueue)
return nil
queues.queueSwapped = make(chan struct{})
queues.swapQueue = func() {
queues.nextQueue = NewQueue(pendingQueue)
queues.swapQueue = nil
return nil
// WaitForSwap blocks until the swapQueue callback is called or context is canceled.
// If there is no pending swap, it returns immediately.
func (queues *Queues) WaitForSwap(ctx context.Context) error {
if queues.swapQueue == nil {
return nil
// wait for swapQueue to be called or for context canceled
select {
case <-queues.queueSwapped:
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
// VerifyQueue controls manipulation of a database-based queue of segments to be
// verified; that is, segments chosen at random from all segments on the
// satellite, for which workers should perform audits. We will try to download a
// stripe of data across all pieces in the segment and ensure that all pieces
// conform to the same polynomial.
type VerifyQueue interface {
Push(ctx context.Context, segments []Segment, maxBatchSize int) (err error)
Next(ctx context.Context) (Segment, error)
// ReverifyQueue controls manipulation of a queue of pieces to be _re_verified;
// that is, a node timed out when we requested an audit of the piece, and now
// we need to follow up with that node until we get a proper answer to the
// audit. (Or until we try too many times, and disqualify the node.)
type ReverifyQueue interface {
Insert(ctx context.Context, piece PieceLocator) (err error)
GetNextJob(ctx context.Context) (job ReverificationJob, err error)
Remove(ctx context.Context, piece PieceLocator) (wasDeleted bool, err error)
// ByStreamIDAndPosition allows sorting of a slice of segments by stream ID and position.
type ByStreamIDAndPosition []Segment
func (b ByStreamIDAndPosition) Len() int {
return len(b)
func (b ByStreamIDAndPosition) Less(i, j int) bool {
comparison := b[i].StreamID.Compare(b[j].StreamID)
if comparison < 0 {
return true
if comparison > 0 {
return false
return b[i].Position.Less(b[j].Position)
func (b ByStreamIDAndPosition) Swap(i, j int) {
b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i]