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// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package stripecoinpayments
import (
// CouponsDB is an interface for managing coupons table.
// architecture: Database
type CouponsDB interface {
// Insert inserts a coupon into the database.
Insert(ctx context.Context, coupon payments.Coupon) error
// Update updates coupon in database.
Update(ctx context.Context, couponID uuid.UUID, status payments.CouponStatus) error
// Get returns coupon by ID.
Get(ctx context.Context, couponID uuid.UUID) (payments.Coupon, error)
// List returns all coupons with specified status.
List(ctx context.Context, status payments.CouponStatus) ([]payments.Coupon, error)
// ListByUserID returns all coupons of specified user.
ListByUserID(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) ([]payments.Coupon, error)
// ListByUserIDAndStatus returns all coupons of specified user and status.
ListByUserIDAndStatus(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, status payments.CouponStatus) ([]payments.Coupon, error)
// ListByProjectID returns all active coupons for specified project.
ListByProjectID(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) ([]payments.Coupon, error)
// ListPending returns paginated list of coupons with specified status.
ListPaged(ctx context.Context, offset int64, limit int, before time.Time, status payments.CouponStatus) (payments.CouponsPage, error)
// AddUsage creates new coupon usage record in database.
AddUsage(ctx context.Context, usage CouponUsage) error
// TotalUsage gets sum of all usage records for specified coupon.
TotalUsage(ctx context.Context, couponID uuid.UUID) (int64, error)
// GetLatest return period_end of latest coupon charge.
GetLatest(ctx context.Context, couponID uuid.UUID) (time.Time, error)
// ListUnapplied returns coupon usage page with unapplied coupon usages.
ListUnapplied(ctx context.Context, offset int64, limit int, before time.Time) (CouponUsagePage, error)
// ApplyUsage applies coupon usage and updates its status.
ApplyUsage(ctx context.Context, couponID uuid.UUID, period time.Time) error
// PopulatePromotionalCoupons is used to populate promotional coupons through all active users who already have a project
// and do not have a promotional coupon yet. And updates project limits to selected size.
PopulatePromotionalCoupons(ctx context.Context, users []uuid.UUID, duration int, amount int64, projectLimit memory.Size) error
// CouponUsage stores amount of money that should be charged from coupon for billing period.
type CouponUsage struct {
CouponID uuid.UUID
Amount int64
Status CouponUsageStatus
Period time.Time
// CouponUsageStatus indicates the state of the coupon usage.
type CouponUsageStatus int
const (
// CouponUsageStatusUnapplied is a default coupon usage state.
CouponUsageStatusUnapplied CouponUsageStatus = 0
// CouponUsageStatusApplied status indicates that coupon usage was used.
CouponUsageStatusApplied CouponUsageStatus = 1
// CouponUsagePage holds coupons usages and
// indicates if there is more data available
// and provides next offset.
type CouponUsagePage struct {
Usages []CouponUsage
Next bool
NextOffset int64
// ensures that coupons implements payments.Coupons.
var _ payments.Coupons = (*coupons)(nil)
// coupons is an implementation of payments.Coupons.
// architecture: Service
type coupons struct {
service *Service
// Create attaches a coupon for payment account.
func (coupons *coupons) Create(ctx context.Context, coupon payments.Coupon) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx, coupon)(&err)
return Error.Wrap(coupons.service.db.Coupons().Insert(ctx, coupon))
// ListByUserID return list of all coupons of specified payment account.
func (coupons *coupons) ListByUserID(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) (_ []payments.Coupon, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx, userID)(&err)
couponList, err := coupons.service.db.Coupons().ListByUserID(ctx, userID)
return couponList, Error.Wrap(err)
// PopulatePromotionalCoupons is used to populate promotional coupons through all active users who already have
// a project, payment method and do not have a promotional coupon yet.
// And updates project limits to selected size.
func (coupons *coupons) PopulatePromotionalCoupons(ctx context.Context, duration int, amount int64, projectLimit memory.Size) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx, duration, amount, projectLimit)(&err)
const limit = 50
before := time.Now()
cusPage, err := coupons.service.db.Customers().List(ctx, 0, limit, before)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
// taking only users that attached a payment method.
var usersIDs []uuid.UUID
for _, cus := range cusPage.Customers {
params := &stripe.PaymentMethodListParams{
Type: stripe.String(string(stripe.PaymentMethodTypeCard)),
Customer: stripe.String(cus.ID),
paymentMethodsIterator := coupons.service.stripeClient.PaymentMethods.List(params)
for paymentMethodsIterator.Next() {
// if user has at least 1 payment method - break a loop.
usersIDs = append(usersIDs, cus.UserID)
if err = paymentMethodsIterator.Err(); err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
err = coupons.service.db.Coupons().PopulatePromotionalCoupons(ctx, usersIDs, duration, amount, projectLimit)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
for cusPage.Next {
if err = ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
cusPage, err = coupons.service.db.Customers().List(ctx, cusPage.NextOffset, limit, before)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
// we have to wait before each iteration because
// Stripe has rate limits - 100 read and 100 write operations per second per secret key.
var usersIDs []uuid.UUID
for _, cus := range cusPage.Customers {
params := &stripe.PaymentMethodListParams{
Type: stripe.String(string(stripe.PaymentMethodTypeCard)),
Customer: stripe.String(cus.ID),
paymentMethodsIterator := coupons.service.stripeClient.PaymentMethods.List(params)
for paymentMethodsIterator.Next() {
usersIDs = append(usersIDs, cus.UserID)
if err = paymentMethodsIterator.Err(); err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
err = coupons.service.db.Coupons().PopulatePromotionalCoupons(ctx, usersIDs, duration, amount, projectLimit)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
return nil
// AddPromotionalCoupon is used to add a promotional coupon for specified users who already have
// a project and do not have a promotional coupon yet.
// And updates project limits to selected size.
func (coupons *coupons) AddPromotionalCoupon(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, duration int, amount int64, projectLimit memory.Size) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx, userID, duration, amount, projectLimit)(&err)
return Error.Wrap(coupons.service.db.Coupons().PopulatePromotionalCoupons(ctx, []uuid.UUID{userID}, duration, amount, projectLimit))