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// Copyright (C) 2021 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package ulfs
import (
// ListOptions describes options to the List command.
type ListOptions struct {
Recursive bool
Pending bool
Expanded bool
func (lo *ListOptions) isRecursive() bool { return lo != nil && lo.Recursive }
func (lo *ListOptions) isPending() bool { return lo != nil && lo.Pending }
// RemoveOptions describes options to the Remove command.
type RemoveOptions struct {
Pending bool
func (ro *RemoveOptions) isPending() bool { return ro != nil && ro.Pending }
// Filesystem represents either the local Filesystem or the data backed by a project.
type Filesystem interface {
Close() error
Open(ctx clingy.Context, loc ulloc.Location) (MultiReadHandle, error)
Create(ctx clingy.Context, loc ulloc.Location) (WriteHandle, error)
Move(ctx clingy.Context, source, dest ulloc.Location) error
Remove(ctx context.Context, loc ulloc.Location, opts *RemoveOptions) error
List(ctx context.Context, prefix ulloc.Location, opts *ListOptions) (ObjectIterator, error)
IsLocalDir(ctx context.Context, loc ulloc.Location) bool
Stat(ctx context.Context, loc ulloc.Location) (*ObjectInfo, error)
// object info
// ObjectInfo is a simpler *uplink.Object that contains the minimal information the
// uplink command needs that multiple types can be converted to.
type ObjectInfo struct {
Loc ulloc.Location
IsPrefix bool
Created time.Time
ContentLength int64
Expires time.Time
Metadata uplink.CustomMetadata
// uplinkObjectToObjectInfo returns an objectInfo converted from an *uplink.Object.
func uplinkObjectToObjectInfo(bucket string, obj *uplink.Object) ObjectInfo {
return ObjectInfo{
Loc: ulloc.NewRemote(bucket, obj.Key),
IsPrefix: obj.IsPrefix,
Created: obj.System.Created,
ContentLength: obj.System.ContentLength,
Expires: obj.System.Expires,
Metadata: obj.Custom,
// uplinkUploadInfoToObjectInfo returns an objectInfo converted from an *uplink.Object.
func uplinkUploadInfoToObjectInfo(bucket string, upl *uplink.UploadInfo) ObjectInfo {
return ObjectInfo{
Loc: ulloc.NewRemote(bucket, upl.Key),
IsPrefix: upl.IsPrefix,
Created: upl.System.Created,
ContentLength: upl.System.ContentLength,
Expires: upl.System.Expires,
Metadata: upl.Custom,
// read handles
// MultiReadHandle allows one to read different sections of something.
// The offset parameter can be negative to signal that the offset should
// start that many bytes back from the end. Any negative value for length
// indicates to read up to the end.
// TODO: A negative offset requires a negative length, but there is no
// reason why that must be so.
type MultiReadHandle interface {
SetOffset(offset int64) error
NextPart(ctx context.Context, length int64) (ReadHandle, error)
Info(ctx context.Context) (*ObjectInfo, error)
// ReadHandle is something that can be read from distinct parts possibly
// in parallel.
type ReadHandle interface {
Info() ObjectInfo
// write handles
// WriteHandle is anything that can be written to with commit/abort semantics.
type WriteHandle interface {
Commit() error
Abort() error
// uplinkWriteHandle implements writeHandle for *uplink.Uploads.
type uplinkWriteHandle uplink.Upload
// newUplinkWriteHandle constructs an *uplinkWriteHandle from an *uplink.Upload.
func newUplinkWriteHandle(dl *uplink.Upload) *uplinkWriteHandle {
return (*uplinkWriteHandle)(dl)
func (u *uplinkWriteHandle) raw() *uplink.Upload {
return (*uplink.Upload)(u)
func (u *uplinkWriteHandle) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { return u.raw().Write(p) }
func (u *uplinkWriteHandle) Commit() error { return u.raw().Commit() }
func (u *uplinkWriteHandle) Abort() error { return u.raw().Abort() }
// osWriteHandle implements writeHandle for *os.Files.
type osWriteHandle struct {
fh *os.File
done bool
// newOSWriteHandle constructs an *osWriteHandle from an *os.File.
func newOSWriteHandle(fh *os.File) *osWriteHandle {
return &osWriteHandle{fh: fh}
func (o *osWriteHandle) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { return o.fh.Write(p) }
func (o *osWriteHandle) Commit() error {
if o.done {
return nil
o.done = true
return o.fh.Close()
func (o *osWriteHandle) Abort() error {
if o.done {
return nil
o.done = true
return errs.Combine(
// genericWriteHandle implements writeHandle for an io.Writer.
type genericWriteHandle struct{ w io.Writer }
// newGenericWriteHandle constructs a *genericWriteHandle from an io.Writer.
func newGenericWriteHandle(w io.Writer) *genericWriteHandle {
return &genericWriteHandle{w: w}
func (g *genericWriteHandle) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { return g.w.Write(p) }
func (g *genericWriteHandle) Commit() error { return nil }
func (g *genericWriteHandle) Abort() error { return nil }
// object iteration
// ObjectIterator is an interface type for iterating over objectInfo values.
type ObjectIterator interface {
Next() bool
Err() error
Item() ObjectInfo
// filteredObjectIterator removes any iteration entries that do not begin with the filter.
// all entries must begin with the trim string which is removed before checking for the
// filter.
type filteredObjectIterator struct {
trim ulloc.Location
filter ulloc.Location
iter ObjectIterator
func (f *filteredObjectIterator) Next() bool {
for {
if !f.iter.Next() {
return false
loc := f.iter.Item().Loc
if !loc.HasPrefix(f.trim) {
return false
if loc.HasPrefix(f.filter.AsDirectoryish()) || loc == f.filter {
return true
func (f *filteredObjectIterator) Err() error { return f.iter.Err() }
func (f *filteredObjectIterator) Item() ObjectInfo {
item := f.iter.Item()
item.Loc = item.Loc.RemovePrefix(f.trim)
return item
// emptyObjectIterator is an objectIterator that has no objects.
type emptyObjectIterator struct{}
func (emptyObjectIterator) Next() bool { return false }
func (emptyObjectIterator) Err() error { return nil }
func (emptyObjectIterator) Item() ObjectInfo { return ObjectInfo{} }