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2019-01-24 20:15:10 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package filestore_test
import (
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
storagenode: Include trash space when calculating space used This commit adds functionality to include the space used in the trash directory when calculating available space on the node. It also includes this trash value in the space used cache, with methods to keep the cache up-to-date as files are trashed, restored, and emptied. As part of the commit, the RestoreTrash and EmptyTrash methods have slightly changed signatures. RestoreTrash now also returns the keys that were restored, while EmptyTrash also returns the total disk space recovered. Each of these changes makes it possible to keep the cache up-to-date and know how much space is being used/recovered. Also changed is the signature of PieceStoreAccess.ContentSize method. Previously this method returns only the content size of the blob, removing the size of any header data. This method has been renamed `Size` and returns both the full disk size and content size of the blob. This allows us to only stat the file once, and in some instances (i.e. cache) knowing the full file size is useful. Note: This commit simply adds the trash size data to the piece size data we were already collecting. The piece size data is not accurate for all use-cases (e.g. because it does not contain piece header data); however, this commit does not fix that problem. Now that the ContentSize (Size) method returns the full size of the file, it should be easier to fix this problem in a future commit. Change-Id: I4a6cae09e262c8452a618116d1dc66b687f59f85
2019-12-21 13:11:24 +00:00
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
const (
namespaceSize = 32
keySize = 32
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
func TestStoreLoad(t *testing.T) {
const blobSize = 8 << 10
const repeatCount = 16
ctx := testcontext.New(t)
defer ctx.Cleanup()
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
store, err := filestore.NewAt(zaptest.NewLogger(t), ctx.Dir("store"))
require.NoError(t, err)
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
data := testrand.Bytes(blobSize)
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
temp := make([]byte, len(data))
refs := []storage.BlobRef{}
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
namespace := testrand.Bytes(32)
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
// store without size
for i := 0; i < repeatCount; i++ {
ref := storage.BlobRef{
Namespace: namespace,
Key: testrand.Bytes(32),
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
refs = append(refs, ref)
writer, err := store.Create(ctx, ref, -1)
require.NoError(t, err)
n, err := writer.Write(data)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, n, len(data))
require.NoError(t, writer.Commit(ctx))
// after committing we should be able to call cancel without an error
require.NoError(t, writer.Cancel(ctx))
// two commits should fail
require.Error(t, writer.Commit(ctx))
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
namespace = testrand.Bytes(32)
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
// store with size
for i := 0; i < repeatCount; i++ {
ref := storage.BlobRef{
Namespace: namespace,
Key: testrand.Bytes(32),
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
refs = append(refs, ref)
writer, err := store.Create(ctx, ref, int64(len(data)))
require.NoError(t, err)
n, err := writer.Write(data)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, n, len(data))
require.NoError(t, writer.Commit(ctx))
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
namespace = testrand.Bytes(32)
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
// store with larger size
ref := storage.BlobRef{
Namespace: namespace,
Key: testrand.Bytes(32),
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
refs = append(refs, ref)
writer, err := store.Create(ctx, ref, int64(len(data)*2))
require.NoError(t, err)
n, err := writer.Write(data)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, n, len(data))
require.NoError(t, writer.Commit(ctx))
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
namespace = testrand.Bytes(32)
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
// store with error
ref := storage.BlobRef{
Namespace: namespace,
Key: testrand.Bytes(32),
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
writer, err := store.Create(ctx, ref, -1)
require.NoError(t, err)
n, err := writer.Write(data)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, n, len(data))
require.NoError(t, writer.Cancel(ctx))
// commit after cancel should return an error
require.Error(t, writer.Commit(ctx))
_, err = store.Open(ctx, ref)
require.Error(t, err)
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
// try reading all the blobs
for _, ref := range refs {
reader, err := store.Open(ctx, ref)
require.NoError(t, err)
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
size, err := reader.Size()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, size, int64(len(data)))
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
_, err = io.ReadFull(reader, temp)
require.NoError(t, err)
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
require.NoError(t, reader.Close())
require.Equal(t, data, temp)
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
// delete the blobs
for _, ref := range refs {
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
err := store.Delete(ctx, ref)
require.NoError(t, err)
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
// try reading all the blobs
for _, ref := range refs {
_, err := store.Open(ctx, ref)
require.Error(t, err)
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
func TestDeleteWhileReading(t *testing.T) {
const blobSize = 8 << 10
ctx := testcontext.New(t)
defer ctx.Cleanup()
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
store, err := filestore.NewAt(zaptest.NewLogger(t), ctx.Dir("store"))
require.NoError(t, err)
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
data := testrand.Bytes(blobSize)
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
ref := storage.BlobRef{
Namespace: []byte{0},
Key: []byte{1},
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
writer, err := store.Create(ctx, ref, -1)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = writer.Write(data)
require.NoError(t, err)
// loading uncommitted file should fail
_, err = store.Open(ctx, ref)
require.Error(t, err, "loading uncommitted file should fail")
// commit the file
err = writer.Commit(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err, "commit the file")
// open a reader
reader, err := store.Open(ctx, ref)
require.NoError(t, err, "open a reader")
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
// double close, just in case
defer func() { _ = reader.Close() }()
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
// delete while reading
err = store.Delete(ctx, ref)
require.NoError(t, err, "delete while reading")
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
// opening deleted file should fail
_, err = store.Open(ctx, ref)
require.Error(t, err, "opening deleted file should fail")
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
// read all content
result, err := ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
require.NoError(t, err, "read all content")
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
// finally close reader
err = reader.Close()
require.NoError(t, err)
// should be able to read the full content
require.Equal(t, data, result)
// collect trash
gStore := store.(interface {
GarbageCollect(ctx context.Context) error
_ = gStore.GarbageCollect(ctx)
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
// flaky test, for checking whether files have been actually deleted from disk
err = filepath.Walk(ctx.Dir("store"), func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
if info.IsDir() {
return nil
return errs.New("found file %q", path)
2018-09-28 07:59:27 +01:00
if err != nil {
func writeABlob(ctx context.Context, t testing.TB, store storage.Blobs, blobRef storage.BlobRef, data []byte, formatVersion storage.FormatVersion) {
var (
blobWriter storage.BlobWriter
err error
switch formatVersion {
case filestore.FormatV0:
fStore, ok := store.(interface {
TestCreateV0(ctx context.Context, ref storage.BlobRef) (_ storage.BlobWriter, err error)
require.Truef(t, ok, "can't make a WriterForFormatVersion with this blob store (%T)", store)
blobWriter, err = fStore.TestCreateV0(ctx, blobRef)
case filestore.FormatV1:
blobWriter, err = store.Create(ctx, blobRef, int64(len(data)))
t.Fatalf("please teach me how to make a V%d blob", formatVersion)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, formatVersion, blobWriter.StorageFormatVersion())
_, err = blobWriter.Write(data)
require.NoError(t, err)
size, err := blobWriter.Size()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, int64(len(data)), size)
err = blobWriter.Commit(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
func verifyBlobHandle(t testing.TB, reader storage.BlobReader, expectDataLen int, expectFormat storage.FormatVersion) {
assert.Equal(t, expectFormat, reader.StorageFormatVersion())
size, err := reader.Size()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, int64(expectDataLen), size)
func verifyBlobInfo(ctx context.Context, t testing.TB, blobInfo storage.BlobInfo, expectDataLen int, expectFormat storage.FormatVersion) {
assert.Equal(t, expectFormat, blobInfo.StorageFormatVersion())
stat, err := blobInfo.Stat(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, int64(expectDataLen), stat.Size())
func tryOpeningABlob(ctx context.Context, t testing.TB, store storage.Blobs, blobRef storage.BlobRef, expectDataLen int, expectFormat storage.FormatVersion) {
reader, err := store.Open(ctx, blobRef)
require.NoError(t, err)
verifyBlobHandle(t, reader, expectDataLen, expectFormat)
require.NoError(t, reader.Close())
blobInfo, err := store.Stat(ctx, blobRef)
require.NoError(t, err)
verifyBlobInfo(ctx, t, blobInfo, expectDataLen, expectFormat)
blobInfo, err = store.StatWithStorageFormat(ctx, blobRef, expectFormat)
require.NoError(t, err)
verifyBlobInfo(ctx, t, blobInfo, expectDataLen, expectFormat)
reader, err = store.OpenWithStorageFormat(ctx, blobInfo.BlobRef(), blobInfo.StorageFormatVersion())
require.NoError(t, err)
verifyBlobHandle(t, reader, expectDataLen, expectFormat)
require.NoError(t, reader.Close())
func TestMultipleStorageFormatVersions(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testcontext.New(t)
defer ctx.Cleanup()
store, err := filestore.NewAt(zaptest.NewLogger(t), ctx.Dir("store"))
require.NoError(t, err)
const blobSize = 1024
var (
data = testrand.Bytes(blobSize)
namespace = testrand.Bytes(namespaceSize)
v0BlobKey = testrand.Bytes(keySize)
v1BlobKey = testrand.Bytes(keySize)
v0Ref = storage.BlobRef{Namespace: namespace, Key: v0BlobKey}
v1Ref = storage.BlobRef{Namespace: namespace, Key: v1BlobKey}
// write a V0 blob
writeABlob(ctx, t, store, v0Ref, data, filestore.FormatV0)
// write a V1 blob
writeABlob(ctx, t, store, v1Ref, data, filestore.FormatV1)
// look up the different blobs with Open and Stat and OpenWithStorageFormat
tryOpeningABlob(ctx, t, store, v0Ref, len(data), filestore.FormatV0)
tryOpeningABlob(ctx, t, store, v1Ref, len(data), filestore.FormatV1)
// write a V1 blob with the same ID as the V0 blob (to simulate it being rewritten as
// V1 during a migration), with different data so we can distinguish them
differentData := make([]byte, len(data)+2)
copy(differentData, data)
copy(differentData[len(data):], "\xff\x00")
writeABlob(ctx, t, store, v0Ref, differentData, filestore.FormatV1)
// if we try to access the blob at that key, we should see only the V1 blob
tryOpeningABlob(ctx, t, store, v0Ref, len(differentData), filestore.FormatV1)
// unless we ask specifically for a V0 blob
blobInfo, err := store.StatWithStorageFormat(ctx, v0Ref, filestore.FormatV0)
require.NoError(t, err)
verifyBlobInfo(ctx, t, blobInfo, len(data), filestore.FormatV0)
reader, err := store.OpenWithStorageFormat(ctx, blobInfo.BlobRef(), blobInfo.StorageFormatVersion())
require.NoError(t, err)
verifyBlobHandle(t, reader, len(data), filestore.FormatV0)
require.NoError(t, reader.Close())
// delete the v0BlobKey; both the V0 and the V1 blobs should go away
err = store.Delete(ctx, v0Ref)
require.NoError(t, err)
reader, err = store.Open(ctx, v0Ref)
require.Error(t, err)
assert.Nil(t, reader)
storagenode: Include trash space when calculating space used This commit adds functionality to include the space used in the trash directory when calculating available space on the node. It also includes this trash value in the space used cache, with methods to keep the cache up-to-date as files are trashed, restored, and emptied. As part of the commit, the RestoreTrash and EmptyTrash methods have slightly changed signatures. RestoreTrash now also returns the keys that were restored, while EmptyTrash also returns the total disk space recovered. Each of these changes makes it possible to keep the cache up-to-date and know how much space is being used/recovered. Also changed is the signature of PieceStoreAccess.ContentSize method. Previously this method returns only the content size of the blob, removing the size of any header data. This method has been renamed `Size` and returns both the full disk size and content size of the blob. This allows us to only stat the file once, and in some instances (i.e. cache) knowing the full file size is useful. Note: This commit simply adds the trash size data to the piece size data we were already collecting. The piece size data is not accurate for all use-cases (e.g. because it does not contain piece header data); however, this commit does not fix that problem. Now that the ContentSize (Size) method returns the full size of the file, it should be easier to fix this problem in a future commit. Change-Id: I4a6cae09e262c8452a618116d1dc66b687f59f85
2019-12-21 13:11:24 +00:00
// Check that the SpaceUsedForBlobs and SpaceUsedForBlobsInNamespace methods on
// filestore.blobStore work as expected.
func TestStoreSpaceUsed(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testcontext.New(t)
defer ctx.Cleanup()
store, err := filestore.NewAt(zaptest.NewLogger(t), ctx.Dir("store"))
require.NoError(t, err)
var (
namespace = testrand.Bytes(namespaceSize)
otherNamespace = testrand.Bytes(namespaceSize)
sizesToStore = []memory.Size{4093, 0, 512, 1, memory.MB}
storagenode: Include trash space when calculating space used This commit adds functionality to include the space used in the trash directory when calculating available space on the node. It also includes this trash value in the space used cache, with methods to keep the cache up-to-date as files are trashed, restored, and emptied. As part of the commit, the RestoreTrash and EmptyTrash methods have slightly changed signatures. RestoreTrash now also returns the keys that were restored, while EmptyTrash also returns the total disk space recovered. Each of these changes makes it possible to keep the cache up-to-date and know how much space is being used/recovered. Also changed is the signature of PieceStoreAccess.ContentSize method. Previously this method returns only the content size of the blob, removing the size of any header data. This method has been renamed `Size` and returns both the full disk size and content size of the blob. This allows us to only stat the file once, and in some instances (i.e. cache) knowing the full file size is useful. Note: This commit simply adds the trash size data to the piece size data we were already collecting. The piece size data is not accurate for all use-cases (e.g. because it does not contain piece header data); however, this commit does not fix that problem. Now that the ContentSize (Size) method returns the full size of the file, it should be easier to fix this problem in a future commit. Change-Id: I4a6cae09e262c8452a618116d1dc66b687f59f85
2019-12-21 13:11:24 +00:00
spaceUsed, err := store.SpaceUsedForBlobs(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, int64(0), spaceUsed)
storagenode: Include trash space when calculating space used This commit adds functionality to include the space used in the trash directory when calculating available space on the node. It also includes this trash value in the space used cache, with methods to keep the cache up-to-date as files are trashed, restored, and emptied. As part of the commit, the RestoreTrash and EmptyTrash methods have slightly changed signatures. RestoreTrash now also returns the keys that were restored, while EmptyTrash also returns the total disk space recovered. Each of these changes makes it possible to keep the cache up-to-date and know how much space is being used/recovered. Also changed is the signature of PieceStoreAccess.ContentSize method. Previously this method returns only the content size of the blob, removing the size of any header data. This method has been renamed `Size` and returns both the full disk size and content size of the blob. This allows us to only stat the file once, and in some instances (i.e. cache) knowing the full file size is useful. Note: This commit simply adds the trash size data to the piece size data we were already collecting. The piece size data is not accurate for all use-cases (e.g. because it does not contain piece header data); however, this commit does not fix that problem. Now that the ContentSize (Size) method returns the full size of the file, it should be easier to fix this problem in a future commit. Change-Id: I4a6cae09e262c8452a618116d1dc66b687f59f85
2019-12-21 13:11:24 +00:00
spaceUsed, err = store.SpaceUsedForBlobsInNamespace(ctx, namespace)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, int64(0), spaceUsed)
storagenode: Include trash space when calculating space used This commit adds functionality to include the space used in the trash directory when calculating available space on the node. It also includes this trash value in the space used cache, with methods to keep the cache up-to-date as files are trashed, restored, and emptied. As part of the commit, the RestoreTrash and EmptyTrash methods have slightly changed signatures. RestoreTrash now also returns the keys that were restored, while EmptyTrash also returns the total disk space recovered. Each of these changes makes it possible to keep the cache up-to-date and know how much space is being used/recovered. Also changed is the signature of PieceStoreAccess.ContentSize method. Previously this method returns only the content size of the blob, removing the size of any header data. This method has been renamed `Size` and returns both the full disk size and content size of the blob. This allows us to only stat the file once, and in some instances (i.e. cache) knowing the full file size is useful. Note: This commit simply adds the trash size data to the piece size data we were already collecting. The piece size data is not accurate for all use-cases (e.g. because it does not contain piece header data); however, this commit does not fix that problem. Now that the ContentSize (Size) method returns the full size of the file, it should be easier to fix this problem in a future commit. Change-Id: I4a6cae09e262c8452a618116d1dc66b687f59f85
2019-12-21 13:11:24 +00:00
spaceUsed, err = store.SpaceUsedForBlobsInNamespace(ctx, otherNamespace)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, int64(0), spaceUsed)
var totalSoFar memory.Size
for _, size := range sizesToStore {
contents := testrand.Bytes(size)
blobRef := storage.BlobRef{Namespace: namespace, Key: testrand.Bytes(keySize)}
blobWriter, err := store.Create(ctx, blobRef, int64(len(contents)))
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = blobWriter.Write(contents)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = blobWriter.Commit(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
totalSoFar += size
storagenode: Include trash space when calculating space used This commit adds functionality to include the space used in the trash directory when calculating available space on the node. It also includes this trash value in the space used cache, with methods to keep the cache up-to-date as files are trashed, restored, and emptied. As part of the commit, the RestoreTrash and EmptyTrash methods have slightly changed signatures. RestoreTrash now also returns the keys that were restored, while EmptyTrash also returns the total disk space recovered. Each of these changes makes it possible to keep the cache up-to-date and know how much space is being used/recovered. Also changed is the signature of PieceStoreAccess.ContentSize method. Previously this method returns only the content size of the blob, removing the size of any header data. This method has been renamed `Size` and returns both the full disk size and content size of the blob. This allows us to only stat the file once, and in some instances (i.e. cache) knowing the full file size is useful. Note: This commit simply adds the trash size data to the piece size data we were already collecting. The piece size data is not accurate for all use-cases (e.g. because it does not contain piece header data); however, this commit does not fix that problem. Now that the ContentSize (Size) method returns the full size of the file, it should be easier to fix this problem in a future commit. Change-Id: I4a6cae09e262c8452a618116d1dc66b687f59f85
2019-12-21 13:11:24 +00:00
spaceUsed, err := store.SpaceUsedForBlobs(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, int64(totalSoFar), spaceUsed)
storagenode: Include trash space when calculating space used This commit adds functionality to include the space used in the trash directory when calculating available space on the node. It also includes this trash value in the space used cache, with methods to keep the cache up-to-date as files are trashed, restored, and emptied. As part of the commit, the RestoreTrash and EmptyTrash methods have slightly changed signatures. RestoreTrash now also returns the keys that were restored, while EmptyTrash also returns the total disk space recovered. Each of these changes makes it possible to keep the cache up-to-date and know how much space is being used/recovered. Also changed is the signature of PieceStoreAccess.ContentSize method. Previously this method returns only the content size of the blob, removing the size of any header data. This method has been renamed `Size` and returns both the full disk size and content size of the blob. This allows us to only stat the file once, and in some instances (i.e. cache) knowing the full file size is useful. Note: This commit simply adds the trash size data to the piece size data we were already collecting. The piece size data is not accurate for all use-cases (e.g. because it does not contain piece header data); however, this commit does not fix that problem. Now that the ContentSize (Size) method returns the full size of the file, it should be easier to fix this problem in a future commit. Change-Id: I4a6cae09e262c8452a618116d1dc66b687f59f85
2019-12-21 13:11:24 +00:00
spaceUsed, err = store.SpaceUsedForBlobsInNamespace(ctx, namespace)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, int64(totalSoFar), spaceUsed)
storagenode: Include trash space when calculating space used This commit adds functionality to include the space used in the trash directory when calculating available space on the node. It also includes this trash value in the space used cache, with methods to keep the cache up-to-date as files are trashed, restored, and emptied. As part of the commit, the RestoreTrash and EmptyTrash methods have slightly changed signatures. RestoreTrash now also returns the keys that were restored, while EmptyTrash also returns the total disk space recovered. Each of these changes makes it possible to keep the cache up-to-date and know how much space is being used/recovered. Also changed is the signature of PieceStoreAccess.ContentSize method. Previously this method returns only the content size of the blob, removing the size of any header data. This method has been renamed `Size` and returns both the full disk size and content size of the blob. This allows us to only stat the file once, and in some instances (i.e. cache) knowing the full file size is useful. Note: This commit simply adds the trash size data to the piece size data we were already collecting. The piece size data is not accurate for all use-cases (e.g. because it does not contain piece header data); however, this commit does not fix that problem. Now that the ContentSize (Size) method returns the full size of the file, it should be easier to fix this problem in a future commit. Change-Id: I4a6cae09e262c8452a618116d1dc66b687f59f85
2019-12-21 13:11:24 +00:00
spaceUsed, err = store.SpaceUsedForBlobsInNamespace(ctx, otherNamespace)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, int64(0), spaceUsed)
// Check that ListNamespaces and WalkNamespace work as expected.
func TestStoreTraversals(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testcontext.New(t)
defer ctx.Cleanup()
store, err := filestore.NewAt(zaptest.NewLogger(t), ctx.Dir("store"))
require.NoError(t, err)
// invent some namespaces and store stuff in them
type namespaceWithBlobs struct {
namespace []byte
blobs []storage.BlobRef
const numNamespaces = 4
recordsToInsert := make([]namespaceWithBlobs, numNamespaces)
var namespaceBase = testrand.Bytes(namespaceSize)
for i := range recordsToInsert {
// give each namespace a similar ID but modified in the last byte to distinguish
recordsToInsert[i].namespace = make([]byte, len(namespaceBase))
copy(recordsToInsert[i].namespace, namespaceBase)
recordsToInsert[i].namespace[len(namespaceBase)-1] = byte(i)
// put varying numbers of blobs in the namespaces
recordsToInsert[i].blobs = make([]storage.BlobRef, i+1)
for j := range recordsToInsert[i].blobs {
recordsToInsert[i].blobs[j] = storage.BlobRef{
Namespace: recordsToInsert[i].namespace,
Key: testrand.Bytes(keySize),
blobWriter, err := store.Create(ctx, recordsToInsert[i].blobs[j], 0)
require.NoError(t, err)
// also vary the sizes of the blobs so we can check Stat results
_, err = blobWriter.Write(testrand.Bytes(memory.Size(j)))
require.NoError(t, err)
err = blobWriter.Commit(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// test ListNamespaces
gotNamespaces, err := store.ListNamespaces(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
sort.Slice(gotNamespaces, func(i, j int) bool {
return bytes.Compare(gotNamespaces[i], gotNamespaces[j]) < 0
sort.Slice(recordsToInsert, func(i, j int) bool {
return bytes.Compare(recordsToInsert[i].namespace, recordsToInsert[j].namespace) < 0
for i, expected := range recordsToInsert {
require.Equalf(t, expected.namespace, gotNamespaces[i], "mismatch at index %d: recordsToInsert is %+v and gotNamespaces is %v", i, recordsToInsert, gotNamespaces)
// test WalkNamespace
for _, expected := range recordsToInsert {
// this isn't strictly necessary, since the function closure below is not persisted
// past the end of a loop iteration, but this keeps the linter from complaining.
expected := expected
// keep track of which blobs we visit with WalkNamespace
found := make([]bool, len(expected.blobs))
err = store.WalkNamespace(ctx, expected.namespace, func(info storage.BlobInfo) error {
gotBlobRef := info.BlobRef()
assert.Equal(t, expected.namespace, gotBlobRef.Namespace)
// find which blob this is in expected.blobs
blobIdentified := -1
for i, expectedBlobRef := range expected.blobs {
if bytes.Equal(gotBlobRef.Key, expectedBlobRef.Key) {
found[i] = true
blobIdentified = i
// make sure this is a blob we actually put in
require.NotEqualf(t, -1, blobIdentified,
"WalkNamespace gave BlobRef %v, but I don't remember storing that",
// check BlobInfo sanity
stat, err := info.Stat(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
nameFromStat := stat.Name()
fullPath, err := info.FullPath(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
basePath := filepath.Base(fullPath)
assert.Equal(t, nameFromStat, basePath)
assert.Equal(t, int64(blobIdentified), stat.Size())
assert.False(t, stat.IsDir())
return nil
require.NoError(t, err)
// make sure all blobs were visited
for i := range found {
assert.True(t, found[i],
"WalkNamespace never yielded blob at index %d: %v",
i, expected.blobs[i])
// test WalkNamespace on a nonexistent namespace also
namespaceBase[len(namespaceBase)-1] = byte(numNamespaces)
err = store.WalkNamespace(ctx, namespaceBase, func(info storage.BlobInfo) error {
t.Fatal("this should not have been called")
return nil
require.NoError(t, err)
// check that WalkNamespace stops iterating after an error return
iterations := 0
expectedErr := errs.New("an expected error")
err = store.WalkNamespace(ctx, recordsToInsert[numNamespaces-1].namespace, func(info storage.BlobInfo) error {
if iterations == 2 {
return expectedErr
return nil
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, err, expectedErr)
assert.Equal(t, 2, iterations)
storagenode: Include trash space when calculating space used This commit adds functionality to include the space used in the trash directory when calculating available space on the node. It also includes this trash value in the space used cache, with methods to keep the cache up-to-date as files are trashed, restored, and emptied. As part of the commit, the RestoreTrash and EmptyTrash methods have slightly changed signatures. RestoreTrash now also returns the keys that were restored, while EmptyTrash also returns the total disk space recovered. Each of these changes makes it possible to keep the cache up-to-date and know how much space is being used/recovered. Also changed is the signature of PieceStoreAccess.ContentSize method. Previously this method returns only the content size of the blob, removing the size of any header data. This method has been renamed `Size` and returns both the full disk size and content size of the blob. This allows us to only stat the file once, and in some instances (i.e. cache) knowing the full file size is useful. Note: This commit simply adds the trash size data to the piece size data we were already collecting. The piece size data is not accurate for all use-cases (e.g. because it does not contain piece header data); however, this commit does not fix that problem. Now that the ContentSize (Size) method returns the full size of the file, it should be easier to fix this problem in a future commit. Change-Id: I4a6cae09e262c8452a618116d1dc66b687f59f85
2019-12-21 13:11:24 +00:00
func TestEmptyTrash(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testcontext.New(t)
defer ctx.Cleanup()
store, err := filestore.NewAt(zaptest.NewLogger(t), ctx.Dir("store"))
require.NoError(t, err)
size := memory.KB
type testfile struct {
data []byte
formatVer storage.FormatVersion
type testref struct {
key []byte
files []testfile
type testnamespace struct {
namespace []byte
refs []testref
namespaces := []testnamespace{
namespace: testrand.Bytes(namespaceSize),
refs: []testref{
// Has v0 and v1
key: testrand.Bytes(keySize),
files: []testfile{
data: testrand.Bytes(size),
formatVer: filestore.FormatV0,
data: testrand.Bytes(size),
formatVer: filestore.FormatV1,
// Has v0 only
key: testrand.Bytes(keySize),
files: []testfile{
data: testrand.Bytes(size),
formatVer: filestore.FormatV0,
// Has v1 only
key: testrand.Bytes(keySize),
files: []testfile{
data: testrand.Bytes(size),
formatVer: filestore.FormatV0,
namespace: testrand.Bytes(namespaceSize),
refs: []testref{
// Has v1 only
key: testrand.Bytes(keySize),
files: []testfile{
data: testrand.Bytes(size),
formatVer: filestore.FormatV0,
for _, namespace := range namespaces {
for _, ref := range namespace.refs {
blobref := storage.BlobRef{
Namespace: namespace.namespace,
Key: ref.key,
for _, file := range ref.files {
var w storage.BlobWriter
if file.formatVer == filestore.FormatV0 {
fStore, ok := store.(interface {
TestCreateV0(ctx context.Context, ref storage.BlobRef) (_ storage.BlobWriter, err error)
require.Truef(t, ok, "can't make TestCreateV0 with this blob store (%T)", store)
w, err = fStore.TestCreateV0(ctx, blobref)
} else if file.formatVer == filestore.FormatV1 {
w, err = store.Create(ctx, blobref, int64(size))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, w)
_, err = w.Write(
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, w.Commit(ctx))
requireFileMatches(ctx, t, store,, blobref, file.formatVer)
// Trash the ref
require.NoError(t, store.Trash(ctx, blobref))
// Restore the first namespace
var expectedFilesEmptied int64
for _, ref := range namespaces[0].refs {
for range ref.files {
emptiedBytes, keys, err := store.EmptyTrash(ctx, namespaces[0].namespace, time.Now().Add(time.Hour))
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expectedFilesEmptied*int64(size), emptiedBytes)
assert.Equal(t, int(expectedFilesEmptied), len(keys))
func TestTrashAndRestore(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testcontext.New(t)
defer ctx.Cleanup()
store, err := filestore.NewAt(zaptest.NewLogger(t), ctx.Dir("store"))
require.NoError(t, err)
size := memory.KB
type testfile struct {
data []byte
formatVer storage.FormatVersion
type testref struct {
key []byte
files []testfile
type testnamespace struct {
namespace []byte
refs []testref
namespaces := []testnamespace{
namespace: testrand.Bytes(namespaceSize),
refs: []testref{
// Has v0 and v1
key: testrand.Bytes(keySize),
files: []testfile{
data: testrand.Bytes(size),
formatVer: filestore.FormatV0,
data: testrand.Bytes(size),
formatVer: filestore.FormatV1,
// Has v0 only
key: testrand.Bytes(keySize),
files: []testfile{
data: testrand.Bytes(size),
formatVer: filestore.FormatV0,
// Has v1 only
key: testrand.Bytes(keySize),
files: []testfile{
data: testrand.Bytes(size),
formatVer: filestore.FormatV0,
namespace: testrand.Bytes(namespaceSize),
refs: []testref{
// Has v1 only
key: testrand.Bytes(keySize),
files: []testfile{
data: testrand.Bytes(size),
formatVer: filestore.FormatV0,
for _, namespace := range namespaces {
for _, ref := range namespace.refs {
blobref := storage.BlobRef{
Namespace: namespace.namespace,
Key: ref.key,
for _, file := range ref.files {
var w storage.BlobWriter
if file.formatVer == filestore.FormatV0 {
fStore, ok := store.(interface {
TestCreateV0(ctx context.Context, ref storage.BlobRef) (_ storage.BlobWriter, err error)
require.Truef(t, ok, "can't make TestCreateV0 with this blob store (%T)", store)
w, err = fStore.TestCreateV0(ctx, blobref)
} else if file.formatVer == filestore.FormatV1 {
w, err = store.Create(ctx, blobref, int64(size))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, w)
_, err = w.Write(
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, w.Commit(ctx))
requireFileMatches(ctx, t, store,, blobref, file.formatVer)
// Trash the ref
require.NoError(t, store.Trash(ctx, blobref))
// Verify files are gone
for _, file := range ref.files {
_, err = store.OpenWithStorageFormat(ctx, blobref, file.formatVer)
require.Error(t, err)
require.True(t, os.IsNotExist(err))
// Restore the first namespace
storagenode: Include trash space when calculating space used This commit adds functionality to include the space used in the trash directory when calculating available space on the node. It also includes this trash value in the space used cache, with methods to keep the cache up-to-date as files are trashed, restored, and emptied. As part of the commit, the RestoreTrash and EmptyTrash methods have slightly changed signatures. RestoreTrash now also returns the keys that were restored, while EmptyTrash also returns the total disk space recovered. Each of these changes makes it possible to keep the cache up-to-date and know how much space is being used/recovered. Also changed is the signature of PieceStoreAccess.ContentSize method. Previously this method returns only the content size of the blob, removing the size of any header data. This method has been renamed `Size` and returns both the full disk size and content size of the blob. This allows us to only stat the file once, and in some instances (i.e. cache) knowing the full file size is useful. Note: This commit simply adds the trash size data to the piece size data we were already collecting. The piece size data is not accurate for all use-cases (e.g. because it does not contain piece header data); however, this commit does not fix that problem. Now that the ContentSize (Size) method returns the full size of the file, it should be easier to fix this problem in a future commit. Change-Id: I4a6cae09e262c8452a618116d1dc66b687f59f85
2019-12-21 13:11:24 +00:00
var expKeysRestored [][]byte
for _, ref := range namespaces[0].refs {
for range ref.files {
expKeysRestored = append(expKeysRestored, ref.key)
sort.Slice(expKeysRestored, func(i int, j int) bool { return expKeysRestored[i][0] < expKeysRestored[j][0] })
restoredKeys, err := store.RestoreTrash(ctx, namespaces[0].namespace)
sort.Slice(restoredKeys, func(i int, j int) bool { return restoredKeys[i][0] < restoredKeys[j][0] })
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expKeysRestored, restoredKeys)
// Verify pieces are back and look good for first namespace
for _, ref := range namespaces[0].refs {
blobref := storage.BlobRef{
Namespace: namespaces[0].namespace,
Key: ref.key,
for _, file := range ref.files {
requireFileMatches(ctx, t, store,, blobref, file.formatVer)
// Verify pieces in second namespace are still missing (were not restored)
for _, ref := range namespaces[1].refs {
blobref := storage.BlobRef{
Namespace: namespaces[1].namespace,
Key: ref.key,
for _, file := range ref.files {
r, err := store.OpenWithStorageFormat(ctx, blobref, file.formatVer)
require.Error(t, err)
require.Nil(t, r)
func requireFileMatches(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, store storage.Blobs, data []byte, ref storage.BlobRef, formatVer storage.FormatVersion) {
r, err := store.OpenWithStorageFormat(ctx, ref, formatVer)
require.NoError(t, err)
buf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, buf, data)