
195 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
// +build ignore
package main
import (
// holds on to the eventual exit code
var exit int
func main() {
// load up the requested packages
pkgs, err := packages.Load(&packages.Config{
Mode: 0 |
packages.NeedTypes |
packages.NeedTypesInfo |
packages.NeedTypesSizes |
packages.NeedSyntax |
packages.NeedImports |
}, os.Args[1:]...)
if err != nil {
// check all of their atomic alignment
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
for _, arg := range gatherAtomicArguments(pkg) {
checkArgument(pkg, arg)
// exit with the correct code
// gatherAtomicArguments looks for calls to 64bit atomics and gathers their first
// argument as an ast expression.
func gatherAtomicArguments(pkg *packages.Package) (args []ast.Expr) {
for _, file := range pkg.Syntax {
ast.Inspect(file, func(node ast.Node) bool {
call, ok := node.(*ast.CallExpr)
if !ok {
return true
sel, ok := call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok {
return true
ident, ok := sel.X.(*ast.Ident)
if !ok {
return true
name, ok := pkg.TypesInfo.Uses[ident].(*types.PkgName)
if !ok || name.Imported().Path() != "sync/atomic" {
return true
switch sel.Sel.Name {
case "AddInt64", "AddUint64", "LoadInt64", "LoadUint64",
"StoreInt64", "StoreUint64", "SwapInt64", "SwapUint64",
"CompareAndSwapInt64", "CompareAndSwapUint64":
args = append(args, call.Args[0])
return true
return args
// checkArgument makes sure that the ast expression is not an address of some field
// access into a struct that is not 64 bit aligned.
func checkArgument(pkg *packages.Package, arg ast.Expr) {
// ensure the expression is an address of expression
unary, ok := arg.(*ast.UnaryExpr)
if !ok || unary.Op != token.AND {
// gather the fields through the whole selection (&
var fields []*types.Var
var root types.Type
var x = unary.X
for {
sel, ok := x.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok {
field, ok := pkg.TypesInfo.Selections[sel].Obj().(*types.Var)
if !ok || !field.IsField() {
fields = append(fields, field)
root = pkg.TypesInfo.Types[sel.X].Type
x = sel.X
if len(fields) == 0 {
// walk in reverse keeping track of the indicies walked through
// this helps deal with embedded fields, etc.
var indicies []int
for base := root; len(fields) > 0; fields = fields[:len(fields)-1] {
obj, index, _ := types.LookupFieldOrMethod(base, true, pkg.Types, fields[len(fields)-1].Name())
field, ok := obj.(*types.Var)
if !ok {
base = field.Type()
indicies = append(indicies, index...)
// derefrence the root to start off at the base struct
base, _, ok := deref(root)
if !ok {
// now walk forward keeping track of offsets and indirections
var offset int64
var sizes = types.SizesFor("gc", "arm")
for _, index := range indicies {
// get the next field type and keep track of if it was a pointer. if so
// then we need to reset our offset (it's guaranteed 64 bit aligned).
next, wasPtr, ok := deref(base.Field(index).Type())
if wasPtr {
offset = 0
} else {
offset += sizes.Offsetsof(structFields(base))[index]
// if we're no longer at a struct, we're done walking.
if !ok {
base = next
// check if the offset is aligned
if offset&7 == 0 {
// report an error and update the status code
file := pkg.Fset.File(arg.Pos())
line := file.Line(arg.Pos())
"%s:%d: address of non 64-bit aligned field passed to atomic (offset: %d)\n",
file.Name(), line, offset)
exit = 1
// deref takes a type that can be
// 1. an unnamed struct
// 2. a named struct
// 3. a pointer to an unnamed struct
// 4. a pointer to a named struct
// and returns the unnamed struct as well as if it was a pointer.
func deref(in types.Type) (*types.Struct, bool, bool) {
wasPtr := false
if ptr, ok := in.(*types.Pointer); ok {
wasPtr = true
in = ptr.Elem()
if named, ok := in.(*types.Named); ok {
in = named.Underlying()
out, ok := in.(*types.Struct)
return out, wasPtr, ok
// structFields gathers all of the fields of the passed in struct.
func structFields(in *types.Struct) []*types.Var {
out := make([]*types.Var, in.NumFields())
for i := range out {
out[i] = in.Field(i)
return out