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// Copyright (C) 2022 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package oidc
import (
// DB defines a collection of resources that fall under the scope of OIDC and OAuth operations.
// architecture: Database
type DB interface {
// OAuthClients returns an API for the oauthclients repository.
OAuthClients() OAuthClients
// OAuthCodes returns an API for the oauthcodes repository.
OAuthCodes() OAuthCodes
// OAuthTokens returns an API for the oauthtokens repository.
OAuthTokens() OAuthTokens
// OAuthClients defines an interface for creating, updating, and obtaining information about oauth clients known to our
// system.
type OAuthClients interface {
// Get returns the OAuthClient associated with the provided id.
Get(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (OAuthClient, error)
// Create creates a new OAuthClient.
Create(ctx context.Context, client OAuthClient) error
// Update modifies information for the provided OAuthClient.
Update(ctx context.Context, client OAuthClient) error
// Delete deletes the identified client from the database.
Delete(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) error
// OAuthClient defines a concrete representation of an oauth client.
type OAuthClient struct {
ID uuid.UUID `json:"id"`
Secret []byte `json:"secret"`
UserID uuid.UUID `json:"userID"`
RedirectURL string `json:"redirectURL"`
AppName string `json:"appName"`
AppLogoURL string `json:"appLogoURL"`
// GetID returns the clients id.
func (o OAuthClient) GetID() string {
return o.ID.String()
// GetSecret returns the clients secret.
func (o OAuthClient) GetSecret() string {
return string(o.Secret)
// GetDomain returns the allowed redirect url associated with the client.
func (o OAuthClient) GetDomain() string {
return o.RedirectURL
// GetUserID returns the owners' user id.
func (o OAuthClient) GetUserID() string {
return o.UserID.String()
// OAuthCodes defines a set of operations allowed to be performed against oauth codes.
type OAuthCodes interface {
// Get retrieves the OAuthCode for the specified code. Implementations should only return unexpired, unclaimed
// codes. Once a code has been claimed, it should be marked as such to prevent future calls from exchanging the
// value for an access tokens.
Get(ctx context.Context, code string) (OAuthCode, error)
// Create creates a new OAuthCode.
Create(ctx context.Context, code OAuthCode) error
// Claim marks that the provided code has been claimed and should not be issued to another caller.
Claim(ctx context.Context, code string) error
// OAuthTokens defines a set of operations that ca be performed against oauth tokens.
type OAuthTokens interface {
// Get retrieves the OAuthToken for the specified kind and token value. This can be used to look up either refresh
// or access tokens that have not expired.
Get(ctx context.Context, kind OAuthTokenKind, token string) (OAuthToken, error)
// Create creates a new OAuthToken. If the token already exists, no value is modified and nil is returned.
Create(ctx context.Context, token OAuthToken) error
// RevokeAccountManagementTokenV0 revokes a v0 account management token by setting its expires_at time to zero.
RevokeAccountManagementTokenV0(ctx context.Context, token string) error
// OAuthTokenKind defines an enumeration of different types of supported tokens.
type OAuthTokenKind int8
const (
// KindUnknown is used to represent an entry for which we do not recognize the value.
KindUnknown = 0
// KindAccessToken represents an access token within the database.
KindAccessToken = 1
// KindRefreshToken represents a refresh token within the database.
KindRefreshToken = 2
// KindAccountManagementTokenV0 represents an account management token within the database.
KindAccountManagementTokenV0 = 3
// OAuthCode represents a code stored within our database.
type OAuthCode struct {
ClientID uuid.UUID
UserID uuid.UUID
Scope string
RedirectURL string
Challenge string
ChallengeMethod string
Code string
CreatedAt time.Time
ExpiresAt time.Time
ClaimedAt *time.Time
// OAuthToken represents a token stored within our database (either access / refresh).
type OAuthToken struct {
ClientID uuid.UUID
UserID uuid.UUID
Scope string
Kind OAuthTokenKind
Token string
CreatedAt time.Time
ExpiresAt time.Time
// NewDB constructs a database using the provided dbx db.
func NewDB(dbxdb *dbx.DB) DB {
return &db{
clients: &clientsDBX{
db: dbxdb,
codes: &codesDBX{
db: dbxdb,
tokens: &tokensDBX{
db: dbxdb,
type db struct {
clients OAuthClients
codes OAuthCodes
tokens OAuthTokens
func (d *db) OAuthClients() OAuthClients {
return d.clients
func (d *db) OAuthCodes() OAuthCodes {
func (d *db) OAuthTokens() OAuthTokens {
return d.tokens
var _ DB = &db{}