#!/usr/bin/python import argparse import json import os import re import subprocess import sys verbose = False def warn(line): print('[WARN] ' + line, file=sys.stderr) def err(line): raise Exception(line) def dbg(line): if verbose: print('[DBG] ' + line, file=sys.stderr) def underline(string): return f'\033[4m{string}\033[0m' def do_meson_ver(new_ver): path = 'meson.build' with open(path, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() ver_lineno = -1 for lineno, line in enumerate(lines): ver_re = r"(^.*version:\s*')([0-9.]*)('.*$)" m = re.match(ver_re, line.rstrip()) if m: ver_lineno = lineno pre = m.group(1) ver = m.group(2) post = m.group(3) dbg(f'[{path}:{lineno+1}] {pre}{underline(ver)}{post}') break if ver_lineno < 0: err(f'[{path}] Failed to find verion') if new_ver is None or ver == new_ver: return ver print(f'[{path}:{ver_lineno+1}] Updating from {ver} to {new_ver}') lines[ver_lineno] = f'{pre}{new_ver}{post}\n' with open(path, 'w') as f: f.writelines(lines) return ver def get_rust_paths(): result = subprocess.run(['git', 'ls-files'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) lines = result.stdout.decode('utf-8').splitlines() paths = [] for line in lines: if line.endswith('Cargo.toml'): paths.append(line) return paths def cargo_path_to_crate(path): return path.split('/')[-2] def do_rust_ver(path, new_ver): with open(path, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() name_lineno = -1 ver_lineno = -1 name = None ver = None for lineno, line in enumerate(lines): workspace_re = r'(^\s*)(\[\s*workspace\s*\])(.*$)' name_re = r'(^\s*name\s*=\s*")(.*)(".*$)' ver_re = r'(^\s*version\s*=\s*")(.*)(".*$)' line = line.rstrip() m = re.match(workspace_re, line) if m: dbg(f'[{path}:{lineno}] SKIP: {m.group(1)}{underline(m.group(2))}{m.group(3)}') return None m = re.match(name_re, line) if m: name_lineno = lineno name = m.group(2) dbg(f'[{path}:{lineno+1}] {m.group(1)}{underline(name)}{m.group(3)}') else: m = re.match(ver_re, line) if m: ver_lineno = lineno pre = m.group(1) ver = m.group(2) post = m.group(3) dbg(f'[{path}:{lineno+1}] {pre}{underline(ver)}{post}') if name_lineno >= 0 and ver_lineno >= 0: break if name_lineno < 0 or ver_lineno < 0: err(f'[{path}] Failed to find name or version') if name != cargo_path_to_crate(path): warn(f'[{path}:{name_lineno}] name \"{name}\" does not match the path') if new_ver is None or ver == new_ver: return ver print(f'[{path}:{ver_lineno+1}] Updating from {ver} to {new_ver}') lines[ver_lineno] = f'{pre}{new_ver}{post}\n' with open(path, 'w') as f: f.writelines(lines) return ver def do_rust_deps(path, deps, new_deps): with open(path, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() in_dep = None block_depth = 0 crate = None need_write = False for lineno, line in enumerate(lines): line = line.rstrip() # determine whether in a dependencies section sect_re = r'^\s*\[([^\[\]]*)]\s*$' m = re.match(sect_re, line) if m: if block_depth != 0: err(f'[{path}:{lineno+1}] Unbalanced block_depth {block_depth}'); sect = m.group(1).strip() if sect.endswith('dependencies'): dbg(f'[{path}{lineno+1}] [{sect}]') in_dep = sect else: in_dep = None continue if not in_dep: continue # strip and store comment body = line comment_re = r'(^.*)(#.*$)' comment = "" m = re.match(comment_re, body) if m: body = m.group(1) comment = m.group(2) if len(body.strip()) == 0: continue # determine the current crate if block_depth == 0: crate_re = r'^\s*([^=\s]*)\s*=.*$' m = re.match(crate_re, body) if m: crate = m.group(1) crate_on_line = True else: warn(f'[{path}:{lineno+1}] Failed to find crate name') crate = None else: crate_on_line = False # do dumb nesting depth tracking block_depth += body.count('{') - body.count('}') block_depth += body.count('[') - body.count(']') if crate is None: continue # determine the crate version ver = None if crate_on_line: ver_re = r'(^[^=].*=\s*")([^"]*)("\s*$)' m = re.match(ver_re, body) if m: pre = m.group(1) ver = m.group(2) post = m.group(3) if ver is None: ver_re = r'(^.*version\s*=\s*")([^"]*)(".*$)' m = re.match(ver_re, body) if m: pre = m.group(1) ver = m.group(2) post = m.group(3) if ver is None: if block_depth == 0: warn(f'{path}:{lineno+1} no version') continue dbg(f'[{path}:{lineno+1}] {crate}: {pre}{underline(ver)}{post}') # check whether the version matches if crate in deps: if deps[crate] != ver: warn(f'[{path}:{lineno+1}] crate "{crate}" {ver} mismatches existing {deps[crate]}') else: deps[crate] = ver if crate in new_deps: new_ver = new_deps[crate] if ver != new_ver: print(f'[{path}:{lineno+1}] Updating dep {crate} = "{ver}" -> "{new_ver}"') lines[lineno] = f'{pre}{new_ver}{post}{comment}\n' need_write = True crate = None if block_depth != 0: err(f'[{path}:{lineno+1}] Unbalanced block_depth {block_depth}'); if need_write: with open(path, 'w') as f: f.writelines(lines) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='version-tool.py', description='Check and update versions. "version-tool.py > vers.json" to generate the template. Apply the edited version with "version-too.py -u vers.json"') parser.add_argument('-u', '--update', metavar='JSON', type=str, help='Update versions from the specified json file') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() global verbose verbose = args.verbose vers_key = '00-versions' rust_vers_key = '01-rust-versions' rust_deps_key = '02-rust-deps' vers = {} rust_vers = {} rust_deps = {} new_vers = {} new_rust_vers = {} new_rust_deps = {} if args.update: with open(args.update, 'r') as f: parsed = json.loads(f.read()) new_vers = parsed[vers_key] new_rust_vers = parsed[rust_vers_key] new_rust_deps = parsed[rust_deps_key] # package version vers['meson'] = do_meson_ver(new_vers.get('meson')) # rust crates implemented in the tree rust_paths = get_rust_paths() for path in rust_paths: name = cargo_path_to_crate(path) ver = do_rust_ver(path, new_rust_vers.get(name)) if ver: rust_vers[name] = ver # crates implemented in the tree are included as deps by default rust_deps.update(rust_vers) new_rust_deps.update(new_rust_vers) # rust dependencies for path in rust_paths: do_rust_deps(path, rust_deps, new_rust_deps) # if not updating, print out what's read if args.update is None: for crate in rust_vers: rust_deps.pop(crate) manifest = { vers_key: vers, rust_vers_key: rust_vers, rust_deps_key: rust_deps } print(json.dumps(manifest, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) main()