mirror of
synced 2024-12-13 12:07:17 +00:00
No need to process it and it confuses the script.
290 lines
8.1 KiB
Executable File
290 lines
8.1 KiB
Executable File
import argparse
import json
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
verbose = False
def warn(line):
print('[WARN] ' + line, file=sys.stderr)
def err(line):
raise Exception(line)
def dbg(line):
if verbose:
print('[DBG] ' + line, file=sys.stderr)
def underline(string):
return f'\033[4m{string}\033[0m'
def do_meson_ver(new_ver):
path = 'meson.build'
with open(path, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
ver_lineno = -1
for lineno, line in enumerate(lines):
ver_re = r"(^.*version:\s*')([0-9.]*)('.*$)"
m = re.match(ver_re, line.rstrip())
if m:
ver_lineno = lineno
pre = m.group(1)
ver = m.group(2)
post = m.group(3)
dbg(f'[{path}:{lineno+1}] {pre}{underline(ver)}{post}')
if ver_lineno < 0:
err(f'[{path}] Failed to find verion')
if new_ver is None or ver == new_ver:
return ver
print(f'[{path}:{ver_lineno+1}] Updating from {ver} to {new_ver}')
lines[ver_lineno] = f'{pre}{new_ver}{post}\n'
with open(path, 'w') as f:
return ver
def get_rust_paths():
result = subprocess.run(['git', 'ls-files'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
lines = result.stdout.decode('utf-8').splitlines()
paths = []
for line in lines:
# ignore root Cargo.toml
if line.endswith('Cargo.toml') and '/' in line:
return paths
def cargo_path_to_crate(path):
return path.split('/')[-2]
def do_rust_ver(path, new_ver):
with open(path, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
name_lineno = -1
ver_lineno = -1
name = None
ver = None
for lineno, line in enumerate(lines):
workspace_re = r'(^\s*)(\[\s*workspace\s*\])(.*$)'
name_re = r'(^\s*name\s*=\s*")(.*)(".*$)'
ver_re = r'(^\s*version\s*=\s*")(.*)(".*$)'
line = line.rstrip()
m = re.match(workspace_re, line)
if m:
dbg(f'[{path}:{lineno}] SKIP: {m.group(1)}{underline(m.group(2))}{m.group(3)}')
return None
m = re.match(name_re, line)
if m:
name_lineno = lineno
name = m.group(2)
dbg(f'[{path}:{lineno+1}] {m.group(1)}{underline(name)}{m.group(3)}')
m = re.match(ver_re, line)
if m:
ver_lineno = lineno
pre = m.group(1)
ver = m.group(2)
post = m.group(3)
dbg(f'[{path}:{lineno+1}] {pre}{underline(ver)}{post}')
if name_lineno >= 0 and ver_lineno >= 0:
if name_lineno < 0 or ver_lineno < 0:
err(f'[{path}] Failed to find name or version')
if name != cargo_path_to_crate(path):
warn(f'[{path}:{name_lineno}] name \"{name}\" does not match the path')
if new_ver is None or ver == new_ver:
return ver
print(f'[{path}:{ver_lineno+1}] Updating from {ver} to {new_ver}')
lines[ver_lineno] = f'{pre}{new_ver}{post}\n'
with open(path, 'w') as f:
return ver
def do_rust_deps(path, deps, new_deps):
with open(path, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
in_dep = None
block_depth = 0
crate = None
need_write = False
for lineno, line in enumerate(lines):
line = line.rstrip()
# determine whether in a dependencies section
sect_re = r'^\s*\[([^\[\]]*)]\s*$'
m = re.match(sect_re, line)
if m:
if block_depth != 0:
err(f'[{path}:{lineno+1}] Unbalanced block_depth {block_depth}');
sect = m.group(1).strip()
if sect.endswith('dependencies'):
dbg(f'[{path}{lineno+1}] [{sect}]')
in_dep = sect
in_dep = None
if not in_dep:
# strip and store comment
body = line
comment_re = r'(^.*)(#.*$)'
comment = ""
m = re.match(comment_re, body)
if m:
body = m.group(1)
comment = m.group(2)
if len(body.strip()) == 0:
# determine the current crate
if block_depth == 0:
crate_re = r'^\s*([^=\s]*)\s*=.*$'
m = re.match(crate_re, body)
if m:
crate = m.group(1)
crate_on_line = True
warn(f'[{path}:{lineno+1}] Failed to find crate name')
crate = None
crate_on_line = False
# do dumb nesting depth tracking
block_depth += body.count('{') - body.count('}')
block_depth += body.count('[') - body.count(']')
if crate is None:
# determine the crate version
ver = None
if crate_on_line:
ver_re = r'(^[^=].*=\s*")([^"]*)("\s*$)'
m = re.match(ver_re, body)
if m:
pre = m.group(1)
ver = m.group(2)
post = m.group(3)
if ver is None:
ver_re = r'(^.*version\s*=\s*")([^"]*)(".*$)'
m = re.match(ver_re, body)
if m:
pre = m.group(1)
ver = m.group(2)
post = m.group(3)
if ver is None:
if block_depth == 0:
warn(f'{path}:{lineno+1} no version')
dbg(f'[{path}:{lineno+1}] {crate}: {pre}{underline(ver)}{post}')
# check whether the version matches
if crate in deps:
if deps[crate] != ver:
warn(f'[{path}:{lineno+1}] crate "{crate}" {ver} mismatches existing {deps[crate]}')
deps[crate] = ver
if crate in new_deps:
new_ver = new_deps[crate]
if ver != new_ver:
print(f'[{path}:{lineno+1}] Updating dep {crate} = "{ver}" -> "{new_ver}"')
lines[lineno] = f'{pre}{new_ver}{post}{comment}\n'
need_write = True
crate = None
if block_depth != 0:
err(f'[{path}:{lineno+1}] Unbalanced block_depth {block_depth}');
if need_write:
with open(path, 'w') as f:
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='version-tool.py',
description='Check and update versions. "version-tool.py > vers.json" to generate the template. Apply the edited version with "version-too.py -u vers.json"')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--update', metavar='JSON', type=str,
help='Update versions from the specified json file')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
global verbose
verbose = args.verbose
vers_key = '00-versions'
rust_vers_key = '01-rust-versions'
rust_deps_key = '02-rust-deps'
vers = {}
rust_vers = {}
rust_deps = {}
new_vers = {}
new_rust_vers = {}
new_rust_deps = {}
if args.update:
with open(args.update, 'r') as f:
parsed = json.loads(f.read())
new_vers = parsed[vers_key]
new_rust_vers = parsed[rust_vers_key]
new_rust_deps = parsed[rust_deps_key]
# package version
vers['meson'] = do_meson_ver(new_vers.get('meson'))
# rust crates implemented in the tree
rust_paths = get_rust_paths()
for path in rust_paths:
name = cargo_path_to_crate(path)
ver = do_rust_ver(path, new_rust_vers.get(name))
if ver:
rust_vers[name] = ver
# crates implemented in the tree are included as deps by default
# rust dependencies
for path in rust_paths:
do_rust_deps(path, rust_deps, new_rust_deps)
# if not updating, print out what's read
if args.update is None:
for crate in rust_vers:
manifest = { vers_key: vers,
rust_vers_key: rust_vers,
rust_deps_key: rust_deps }
print(json.dumps(manifest, sort_keys=True, indent=4))