Jake Hillion db93feb180 incomplete: name type in compiler errors

We have a good type representation in the Type Graph of an incomplete type and
the underlying type that represents. However, this incomplete type still ends
up in the generated code as `void` which loses information. For example, a
container that can't contain void may fail to compile because it was
initialised with `void` but really its because the type it was supposed to be
initialised with (say, `Foo`) had incomplete debug information.

This change identifies that a type is incomplete in the output by generating it
as an incomplete type `struct Incomplete<struct Foo>`. This allows us to name
the type correctly in the TreeBuilder output and filter for incomplete types,
as well as getting appropriate compiler errors if it mustn't be incomplete.

Test Plan:
- CI
- Added a unit test to namegen.
- Enabled and added an extra pointers_incomplete test.

This change is tricky to test because it isn't really user visible. The types
still use their `inputName` which is unchanged in any successful output - this
change is used so the compiler fails with a more detailed error.
2024-01-09 15:08:25 +00:00

480 lines
15 KiB

#include "TypeGraphParser.h"
#include <string>
#include "oi/type_graph/TypeGraph.h"
namespace {
* Sets line to the contents of the current line.
* Advances input to the beginning of the next line.
bool getline(std::string_view& input, std::string_view& line) {
auto nextline = input.find('\n');
if (nextline == input.npos) {
return false;
line = input.substr(0, nextline);
input = input.substr(nextline + 1);
return true;
Primitive::Kind getKind(std::string_view kindStr) {
if (kindStr == "int8_t")
return Primitive::Kind::Int8;
if (kindStr == "int16_t")
return Primitive::Kind::Int16;
if (kindStr == "int32_t")
return Primitive::Kind::Int32;
if (kindStr == "int64_t")
return Primitive::Kind::Int64;
if (kindStr == "uint8_t")
return Primitive::Kind::UInt8;
if (kindStr == "uint16_t")
return Primitive::Kind::UInt16;
if (kindStr == "uint32_t")
return Primitive::Kind::UInt32;
if (kindStr == "uint64_t")
return Primitive::Kind::UInt64;
if (kindStr == "float")
return Primitive::Kind::Float32;
if (kindStr == "double")
return Primitive::Kind::Float64;
if (kindStr == "long double")
return Primitive::Kind::Float128;
if (kindStr == "bool")
return Primitive::Kind::Bool;
if (kindStr == "StubbedPointer")
return Primitive::Kind::StubbedPointer;
if (kindStr == "void")
return Primitive::Kind::Void;
throw TypeGraphParserError{"Invalid Primitive::Kind: " +
ContainerInfo& getContainerInfo(std::string_view name) {
if (name == "std::vector") {
static ContainerInfo info{"std::vector", SEQ_TYPE, "vector"};
info.stubTemplateParams = {1};
return info;
if (name == "std::map") {
static ContainerInfo info{"std::map", STD_MAP_TYPE, "utility"};
info.stubTemplateParams = {2, 3};
return info;
if (name == "std::pair") {
static ContainerInfo info{"std::pair", SEQ_TYPE, "utility"};
return info;
if (name == "std::allocator") {
static ContainerInfo info{"std::allocator", DUMMY_TYPE, "memory"};
return info;
throw TypeGraphParserError{"Unsupported container: " + std::string{name}};
Qualifier getQualifier(std::string_view line) {
if (line == "const") {
return Qualifier::Const;
throw TypeGraphParserError{"Unsupported qualifier: " + std::string{line}};
size_t stripIndent(std::string_view& line) {
auto indent = line.find_first_not_of(" ");
return indent;
bool tryRemovePrefix(std::string_view& line, std::string_view prefix) {
if (!line.starts_with(prefix))
return false;
return true;
void removePrefix(std::string_view& line, std::string_view prefix) {
if (!tryRemovePrefix(line, prefix))
throw TypeGraphParserError{"Unexpected line prefix. Expected '" +
std::string{prefix} + "'. Got '" +
std::string{line} + "'."};
std::optional<double> tryParseNumericAttribute(std::string_view line,
std::string_view marker) {
auto attrStartPos = line.find(marker);
if (attrStartPos == line.npos)
return {};
auto valStartPos = attrStartPos + marker.size();
auto valEndPos = line.find_first_not_of("0123456789.", valStartPos);
auto valStr = line.substr(valStartPos, valEndPos);
double val = std::stod(std::string{valStr}); // Makes a string copy :'(
return val;
double parseNumericAttribute(std::string_view line,
std::string_view type,
std::string_view marker) {
auto val = tryParseNumericAttribute(line, marker);
if (!val)
throw TypeGraphParserError{
std::string{type} + " must have a numeric attribute: '" +
std::string{marker} + "'. Got: '" + std::string{line} + "'"};
return *val;
std::optional<std::string_view> tryParseStringValue(std::string_view& input,
std::string_view marker,
size_t rootIndent) {
std::string_view modifiedInput = input;
std::string_view line;
getline(modifiedInput, line);
size_t indent = stripIndent(line);
if (indent != rootIndent)
return {};
if (!tryRemovePrefix(line, marker))
return {};
auto val = line;
// Update input to point to after the value we have read
input = modifiedInput;
return val;
std::optional<std::string_view> tryParseInputName(std::string_view input) {
auto left = input.find_first_of('[');
auto right = input.find_last_of(']');
if (left == std::string_view::npos || right == std::string_view::npos)
return {};
return input.substr(left + 1, right - left - 1);
NodeId getId(std::string_view str, size_t* idLen = nullptr) {
if (idLen)
*idLen = 0;
if (str[0] != '[')
return -1;
auto closeBracket = str.find(']');
if (closeBracket == str.npos)
return -1;
auto idStr = str.substr(1, closeBracket);
NodeId id = std::stoi(std::string{idStr}); // Makes a string copy :'(
if (idLen)
*idLen = closeBracket + 2; // +2 for the trailing "] "
return id;
} // namespace
void TypeGraphParser::parse(std::string_view input) {
size_t rootIndent = input.find_first_not_of("[]0123456789 ");
while (!input.empty()) {
Type& type = parseType(input, rootIndent);
Type& TypeGraphParser::parseType(std::string_view& input, size_t rootIndent) {
std::string_view line;
getline(input, line);
size_t idLen = 0;
NodeId id = getId(line, &idLen);
size_t indent = stripIndent(line) + idLen;
if (indent != rootIndent)
throw TypeGraphParserError{"Unexpected indent for line: " +
auto nodeEndPos = line.find_first_of(": \n");
auto nodeTypeName = line.substr(0, nodeEndPos);
Type* type = nullptr;
if (NodeId refId = getId(nodeTypeName); refId != -1) {
auto it = nodesById_.find(refId);
if (it == nodesById_.end())
throw TypeGraphParserError{"Node ID referenced before definition: " +
type = &it->second.get();
} else if (nodeTypeName == "Incomplete") {
if (line[nodeEndPos] == ':') {
auto nameStartPos = line.find('[', nodeEndPos) + 1;
auto nameEndPos = line.find(']', nameStartPos);
auto underlyingTypeName =
line.substr(nameStartPos, nameEndPos - nameStartPos);
type =
&typeGraph_.makeType<Incomplete>(id, std::string(underlyingTypeName));
} else {
auto& underlyingType = parseType(input, indent + 2);
type = &typeGraph_.makeType<Incomplete>(id, underlyingType);
} else if (nodeTypeName == "Class" || nodeTypeName == "Struct" ||
nodeTypeName == "Union") {
// Format: "Class: MyClass (size: 12)"
Class::Kind kind;
if (nodeTypeName == "Class")
kind = Class::Kind::Class;
else if (nodeTypeName == "Struct")
kind = Class::Kind::Struct;
else if (nodeTypeName == "Union")
kind = Class::Kind::Union;
// Extract name
auto nameStartPos = line.find(' ') + 1;
auto nameEndPos = line.find('(', nameStartPos + 1);
auto name = line.substr(nameStartPos, nameEndPos - nameStartPos - 1);
auto size = parseNumericAttribute(line, nodeTypeName, "size: ");
auto align = tryParseNumericAttribute(line, "align: ");
Class& c = typeGraph_.makeType<Class>(id, kind, std::string{name}, size);
if (align)
nodesById_.insert({id, c});
parseParams(c, input, indent + 2);
parseParents(c, input, indent + 2);
parseMembers(c, input, indent + 2);
parseFunctions(c, input, indent + 2);
parseChildren(c, input, indent + 2);
type = &c;
} else if (nodeTypeName == "Container") {
// Format: "Container: std::vector (size: 24)
// Extract container type name
auto nameStartPos = line.find(' ') + 1;
auto nameEndPos = line.find('(', nameStartPos + 1);
auto name = line.substr(nameStartPos, nameEndPos - nameStartPos - 1);
auto& info = getContainerInfo(name);
auto size = parseNumericAttribute(line, nodeTypeName, "size: ");
Container& c = typeGraph_.makeType<Container>(id, info, size, nullptr);
nodesById_.insert({id, c});
parseParams(c, input, indent + 2);
parseUnderlying(c, input, indent + 2);
type = &c;
} else if (nodeTypeName == "Primitive") {
// Format: "Primitive: int32_t"
removePrefix(line, "Primitive: ");
auto kind = getKind(line);
type = &typeGraph_.makeType<Primitive>(kind);
} else if (nodeTypeName == "Enum") {
// Format: "Enum: MyEnum (size: 4)"
removePrefix(line, "Enum: ");
auto nameEndPos = line.find(' ');
auto name = line.substr(0, nameEndPos);
auto size = parseNumericAttribute(line, nodeTypeName, "size: ");
type = &typeGraph_.makeType<Enum>(std::string{name}, size);
} else if (nodeTypeName == "Array") {
// Format: "Array: (length: 5)
auto len = parseNumericAttribute(line, nodeTypeName, "length: ");
auto& elementType = parseType(input, indent + 2);
type = &typeGraph_.makeType<Array>(id, elementType, len);
} else if (nodeTypeName == "Typedef") {
// Format: "Typedef: myTypedef"
removePrefix(line, "Typedef: ");
auto name = line;
auto& underlyingType = parseType(input, indent + 2);
type = &typeGraph_.makeType<Typedef>(id, std::string{name}, underlyingType);
nodesById_.insert({id, *type});
} else if (nodeTypeName == "Pointer") {
// Format: "Pointer"
auto& pointeeType = parseType(input, indent + 2);
type = &typeGraph_.makeType<Pointer>(id, pointeeType);
nodesById_.insert({id, *type});
} else if (nodeTypeName == "Dummy") {
// Format: "Dummy (size: 4)"
auto size = parseNumericAttribute(line, nodeTypeName, "size: ");
std::string inputName{*tryParseInputName(line)};
type = &typeGraph_.makeType<Dummy>(id, size, 0, inputName);
} else if (nodeTypeName == "DummyAllocator") {
// Format: "DummyAllocator (size: 8)"
auto size = parseNumericAttribute(line, nodeTypeName, "size: ");
std::string inputName{*tryParseInputName(line)};
auto& typeToAlloc = parseType(input, indent + 2);
type = &typeGraph_.makeType<DummyAllocator>(
id, typeToAlloc, size, 0, inputName);
} else {
throw TypeGraphParserError{"Unsupported node type: " +
return *type;
template <typename T>
void TypeGraphParser::parseParams(T& c,
std::string_view& input,
size_t rootIndent) {
std::string_view origInput = input;
for (std::string_view line; getline(input, line); origInput = input) {
size_t indent = stripIndent(line);
if (indent != rootIndent)
// Format: "Param"
if (!tryRemovePrefix(line, "Param"))
auto value = tryParseStringValue(input, "Value: ", rootIndent + 2);
Type& type = parseType(input, rootIndent + 2);
TemplateParam param{type};
if (value)
param.value = value;
if (auto qualStr =
tryParseStringValue(input, "Qualifiers: ", rootIndent + 2);
qualStr) {
Qualifier qual = getQualifier(*qualStr);
param.qualifiers[qual] = true;
// No more params for us - put back the line we just read
input = origInput;
void TypeGraphParser::parseParents(Class& c,
std::string_view& input,
size_t rootIndent) {
std::string_view origInput = input;
for (std::string_view line; getline(input, line); origInput = input) {
size_t indent = stripIndent(line);
if (indent != rootIndent)
// Format: "Parent (offset: 0)"
if (!tryRemovePrefix(line, "Parent "))
auto offset = parseNumericAttribute(line, "Parent", "offset: ");
Type& type = parseType(input, rootIndent + 2);
c.parents.emplace_back(type, offset * 8);
// No more parents for us - put back the line we just read
input = origInput;
void TypeGraphParser::parseMembers(Class& c,
std::string_view& input,
size_t rootIndent) {
std::string_view origInput = input;
for (std::string_view line; getline(input, line); origInput = input) {
size_t indent = stripIndent(line);
if (indent != rootIndent)
// Format: "Member: memberName (offset: 0)"
if (!tryRemovePrefix(line, "Member: "))
auto nameEndPos = line.find(' ');
auto name = line.substr(0, nameEndPos);
auto offset = parseNumericAttribute(line, "Member", "offset: ");
auto align = tryParseNumericAttribute(line, "align: ");
auto bitsize = tryParseNumericAttribute(line, "bitsize: ");
Type& type = parseType(input, rootIndent + 2);
Member member{type, std::string{name}, static_cast<uint64_t>(offset * 8)};
if (align)
member.align = static_cast<uint64_t>(*align);
if (bitsize)
member.bitsize = static_cast<uint64_t>(*bitsize);
// No more members for us - put back the line we just read
input = origInput;
void TypeGraphParser::parseFunctions(Class& c,
std::string_view& input,
size_t rootIndent) {
std::string_view origInput = input;
for (std::string_view line; getline(input, line); origInput = input) {
size_t indent = stripIndent(line);
if (indent != rootIndent)
// Format: "Function: funcName"
if (!tryRemovePrefix(line, "Function: "))
auto name = line;
Function func{std::string{name}};
// No more functions for us - put back the line we just read
input = origInput;
void TypeGraphParser::parseChildren(Class& c,
std::string_view& input,
size_t rootIndent) {
std::string_view origInput = input;
for (std::string_view line; getline(input, line); origInput = input) {
size_t indent = stripIndent(line);
if (indent != rootIndent)
// Format: "Child"
if (!tryRemovePrefix(line, "Child"))
Type& type = parseType(input, rootIndent + 2);
auto* childClass = dynamic_cast<Class*>(&type);
if (!childClass)
throw TypeGraphParserError{"Invalid type for child"};
// No more children for us - put back the line we just read
input = origInput;
void TypeGraphParser::parseUnderlying(Container& c,
std::string_view& input,
size_t rootIndent) {
std::string_view origInput = input;
std::string_view line;
getline(input, line);
size_t indent = stripIndent(line);
if (indent != rootIndent) {
input = origInput;
// Format: "Underlying"
if (!tryRemovePrefix(line, "Underlying")) {
input = origInput;
Type& type = parseType(input, rootIndent + 2);