Jake Hillion db93feb180 incomplete: name type in compiler errors

We have a good type representation in the Type Graph of an incomplete type and
the underlying type that represents. However, this incomplete type still ends
up in the generated code as `void` which loses information. For example, a
container that can't contain void may fail to compile because it was
initialised with `void` but really its because the type it was supposed to be
initialised with (say, `Foo`) had incomplete debug information.

This change identifies that a type is incomplete in the output by generating it
as an incomplete type `struct Incomplete<struct Foo>`. This allows us to name
the type correctly in the TreeBuilder output and filter for incomplete types,
as well as getting appropriate compiler errors if it mustn't be incomplete.

Test Plan:
- CI
- Added a unit test to namegen.
- Enabled and added an extra pointers_incomplete test.

This change is tricky to test because it isn't really user visible. The types
still use their `inputName` which is unchanged in any successful output - this
change is used so the compiler fails with a more detailed error.
2024-01-09 15:08:25 +00:00

707 lines
20 KiB

#include "test_drgn_parser.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <regex>
#include "oi/OIParser.h"
#include "oi/SymbolService.h"
#include "oi/type_graph/NodeTracker.h"
#include "oi/type_graph/Printer.h"
#include "oi/type_graph/TypeGraph.h"
#include "oi/type_graph/Types.h"
using namespace type_graph;
// TODO setup google logging for tests so it doesn't appear on terminal by
// default
SymbolService* DrgnParserTest::symbols_ = nullptr;
void DrgnParserTest::SetUpTestSuite() {
symbols_ = new SymbolService{TARGET_EXE_PATH};
void DrgnParserTest::TearDownTestSuite() {
delete symbols_;
DrgnParser DrgnParserTest::getDrgnParser(TypeGraph& typeGraph,
DrgnParserOptions options) {
DrgnParser drgnParser{typeGraph, options};
return drgnParser;
drgn_type* DrgnParserTest::getDrgnRoot(std::string_view function) {
irequest req{"entry", std::string{function}, "arg0"};
auto* drgnRoot = symbols_->getRootType(req)->type.type;
return drgnRoot;
std::string DrgnParserTest::run(std::string_view function,
DrgnParserOptions options) {
TypeGraph typeGraph;
auto drgnParser = getDrgnParser(typeGraph, options);
auto* drgnRoot = getDrgnRoot(function);
Type& type = drgnParser.parse(drgnRoot);
std::stringstream out;
NodeTracker tracker;
Printer printer{out, tracker, typeGraph.size()};
return out.str();
void DrgnParserTest::test(std::string_view function,
std::string_view expected,
DrgnParserOptions options) {
auto actual = run(function, options);
expected.remove_prefix(1); // Remove initial '\n'
EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual);
void DrgnParserTest::test(std::string_view function,
std::string_view expected) {
// Enable options in unit tests so we get more coverage
DrgnParserOptions options = {
.chaseRawPointers = true,
.readEnumValues = true,
test(function, expected, options);
std::pair<size_t, size_t> globMatch(std::string_view pattern,
std::string_view str) {
size_t i = 0;
size_t j = 0;
size_t prevWildcardIdx = -1;
size_t backtrackIdx = -1;
size_t patternLineStart = 0;
size_t strLineStart = 0;
while (i < str.size()) {
if (i + 1 < str.size() && str[i] == '\n')
strLineStart = i + 1;
if (j + 1 < pattern.size() && pattern[j] == '\n')
patternLineStart = j + 1;
if (j < pattern.size() && str[i] == pattern[j]) {
// Exact character match
} else if (j < pattern.size() && pattern[j] == '*') {
// Wildcard
backtrackIdx = i + 1;
prevWildcardIdx = j++;
} else if (prevWildcardIdx != static_cast<size_t>(-1)) {
// No match, backtrack to previous wildcard
i = ++backtrackIdx;
j = prevWildcardIdx + 1;
} else {
// No match
return {patternLineStart, strLineStart};
while (j < pattern.size() && pattern[j] == '*') {
// If the pattern has been fully consumed then it's a match
return {j, i};
std::string prefixLines(std::string_view str,
std::string_view prefix,
size_t maxLen) {
std::string res;
res += prefix;
for (size_t i = 0; i < maxLen && i < str.size(); i++) {
char c = str[i];
res += c;
if (c == '\n') {
res += prefix;
if (str.size() > maxLen)
res += "...";
return res;
void DrgnParserTest::testGlob(std::string_view function,
std::string_view expected,
DrgnParserOptions options) {
auto actual = run(function, options);
expected.remove_prefix(1); // Remove initial '\n'
auto [expectedIdx, actualIdx] = globMatch(expected, actual);
if (expected.size() != expectedIdx) {
ADD_FAILURE() << prefixLines(expected.substr(expectedIdx), "-", 10000)
<< "\n"
<< prefixLines(actual.substr(actualIdx), "+", 10000);
void DrgnParserTest::testMultiCompiler(
std::string_view function,
[[maybe_unused]] std::string_view expectedClang,
[[maybe_unused]] std::string_view expectedGcc,
DrgnParserOptions options) {
#if defined(__clang__)
test(function, expectedClang, options);
test(function, expectedGcc, options);
void DrgnParserTest::testMultiCompilerGlob(
std::string_view function,
[[maybe_unused]] std::string_view expectedClang,
[[maybe_unused]] std::string_view expectedGcc,
DrgnParserOptions options) {
#if defined(__clang__)
testGlob(function, expectedClang, options);
testGlob(function, expectedGcc, options);
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, SimpleStruct) {
test("oid_test_case_simple_struct", R"(
[1] Pointer
[0] Struct: SimpleStruct [ns_simple::SimpleStruct] (size: 16)
Member: a (offset: 0)
Primitive: int32_t
Member: b (offset: 4)
Primitive: int8_t
Member: c (offset: 8)
Primitive: int64_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, SimpleClass) {
test("oid_test_case_simple_class", R"(
[1] Pointer
[0] Class: SimpleClass [ns_simple::SimpleClass] (size: 16)
Member: a (offset: 0)
Primitive: int32_t
Member: b (offset: 4)
Primitive: int8_t
Member: c (offset: 8)
Primitive: int64_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, SimpleUnion) {
test("oid_test_case_simple_union", R"(
[1] Pointer
[0] Union: SimpleUnion [ns_simple::SimpleUnion] (size: 8)
Member: a (offset: 0)
Primitive: int32_t
Member: b (offset: 0)
Primitive: int8_t
Member: c (offset: 0)
Primitive: int64_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, Inheritance) {
test("oid_test_case_inheritance_access_public", R"(
[4] Pointer
[0] Class: Public [ns_inheritance_access::Public] (size: 8)
Parent (offset: 0)
[1] Class: Base [ns_inheritance_access::Base] (size: 4)
Member: base_int (offset: 0)
[3] Typedef: int32_t
[2] Typedef: __int32_t
Primitive: int32_t
Member: public_int (offset: 4)
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, InheritanceMultiple) {
test("oid_test_case_inheritance_multiple_a", R"(
[6] Pointer
[0] Struct: Derived_2 [ns_inheritance_multiple::Derived_2] (size: 24)
Parent (offset: 0)
[1] Struct: Base_1 [ns_inheritance_multiple::Base_1] (size: 4)
Member: a (offset: 0)
Primitive: int32_t
Parent (offset: 4)
[2] Struct: Derived_1 [ns_inheritance_multiple::Derived_1] (size: 12)
Parent (offset: 0)
[3] Struct: Base_2 [ns_inheritance_multiple::Base_2] (size: 4)
Member: b (offset: 0)
Primitive: int32_t
Parent (offset: 4)
[4] Struct: Base_3 [ns_inheritance_multiple::Base_3] (size: 4)
Member: c (offset: 0)
Primitive: int32_t
Member: d (offset: 8)
Primitive: int32_t
Parent (offset: 16)
[5] Struct: Base_4 [ns_inheritance_multiple::Base_4] (size: 4)
Member: e (offset: 0)
Primitive: int32_t
Member: f (offset: 20)
Primitive: int32_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, Container) {
[13] Pointer
[0] Class: vector<int, std::allocator<int> > [std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >] (size: 24)
Primitive: int32_t
[1] Class: allocator<int> [std::allocator<int>] (size: 1)
Primitive: int32_t
Parent (offset: 0)
[3] Typedef: __allocator_base<int>
[2] Class: new_allocator<int> [__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<int>] (size: 1)
Primitive: int32_t
Function: new_allocator
Function: new_allocator
Function: allocate
Function: deallocate
Function: _M_max_size
Function: allocator
Function: allocator
Function: operator=
Function: ~allocator
Function: allocate
Function: deallocate
Parent (offset: 0)
[9] Pointer
[0] Class: vector<int, std::allocator<int> > [std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >] (size: 24)
Primitive: int32_t
[1] Class: allocator<int> [std::allocator<int>] (size: 1)
Parent (offset: 0)
[2] Class: new_allocator<int> [__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<int>] (size: 1)
Primitive: int32_t
Function: new_allocator
Function: new_allocator
Function: allocate
Function: deallocate
Function: _M_max_size
Function: allocator
Function: allocator
Function: operator=
Function: ~allocator
Function: allocate
Function: deallocate
Parent (offset: 0)
// TODO test vector with custom allocator
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, Enum) {
test("oid_test_case_enums_scoped", R"(
Enum: ScopedEnum (size: 4)
Enumerator: 0:CaseA
Enumerator: 1:CaseB
Enumerator: 2:CaseC
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, EnumUint8) {
test("oid_test_case_enums_scoped_uint8", R"(
Enum: ScopedEnumUint8 (size: 1)
Enumerator: 2:CaseA
Enumerator: 3:CaseB
Enumerator: 4:CaseC
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, UnscopedEnum) {
test("oid_test_case_enums_unscoped", R"(
Enum: UNSCOPED_ENUM (size: 4)
Enumerator: -2:CASE_B
Enumerator: 5:CASE_A
Enumerator: 20:CASE_C
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, EnumNoValues) {
DrgnParserOptions options{
.readEnumValues = false,
Enum: ScopedEnum (size: 4)
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, Typedef) {
test("oid_test_case_typedefs_c_style", R"(
[2] Typedef: TdUInt64
[1] Typedef: uint64_t
[0] Typedef: __uint64_t
Primitive: uint64_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, Using) {
test("oid_test_case_typedefs_using", R"(
[2] Typedef: UsingUInt64
[1] Typedef: uint64_t
[0] Typedef: __uint64_t
Primitive: uint64_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, ArrayMember) {
test("oid_test_case_arrays_member_int10", R"(
[2] Pointer
[0] Struct: Foo10 [ns_arrays::Foo10] (size: 40)
Member: arr (offset: 0)
[1] Array: (length: 10)
Primitive: int32_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, ArrayRef) {
test("oid_test_case_arrays_ref_int10", R"(
[1] Pointer
[0] Array: (length: 10)
Primitive: int32_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, ArrayDirect) {
test("oid_test_case_arrays_direct_int10", R"(
[0] Pointer
Primitive: int32_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, Pointer) {
test("oid_test_case_pointers_struct_primitive_ptrs", R"(
[3] Pointer
[0] Struct: PrimitivePtrs [ns_pointers::PrimitivePtrs] (size: 24)
Member: a (offset: 0)
Primitive: int32_t
Member: b (offset: 8)
[1] Pointer
Primitive: int32_t
Member: c (offset: 16)
[2] Pointer
Primitive: void
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, PointerNoFollow) {
DrgnParserOptions options{
.chaseRawPointers = false,
[1] Pointer
[0] Struct: PrimitivePtrs [ns_pointers::PrimitivePtrs] (size: 24)
Member: a (offset: 0)
Primitive: int32_t
Member: b (offset: 8)
Primitive: StubbedPointer
Member: c (offset: 16)
Primitive: StubbedPointer
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, PointerIncomplete) {
test("oid_test_case_pointers_incomplete_raw", R"(
[1] Pointer
[0] Incomplete: [IncompleteType]
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, Cycle) {
test("oid_test_case_cycles_raw_ptr", R"(
[2] Pointer
[0] Struct: RawNode [ns_cycles::RawNode] (size: 16)
Member: value (offset: 0)
Primitive: int32_t
Member: next (offset: 8)
[1] Pointer
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, ClassTemplateInt) {
test("oid_test_case_templates_int", R"(
[1] Pointer
[0] Class: TemplatedClass1<int> [ns_templates::TemplatedClass1<int>] (size: 4)
Primitive: int32_t
Member: val (offset: 0)
Primitive: int32_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, ClassTemplateTwo) {
test("oid_test_case_templates_two", R"(
[3] Pointer
[0] Class: TemplatedClass2<ns_templates::Foo, int> [ns_templates::TemplatedClass2<ns_templates::Foo, int>] (size: 12)
[1] Struct: Foo [ns_templates::Foo] (size: 8)
Member: a (offset: 0)
Primitive: int32_t
Member: b (offset: 4)
Primitive: int32_t
Primitive: int32_t
Member: tc1 (offset: 0)
[2] Class: TemplatedClass1<ns_templates::Foo> [ns_templates::TemplatedClass1<ns_templates::Foo>] (size: 8)
Member: val (offset: 0)
Member: val2 (offset: 8)
Primitive: int32_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, ClassTemplateValue) {
test("oid_test_case_templates_value", R"(
[2] Pointer
[0] Struct: TemplatedClassVal<3> [ns_templates::TemplatedClassVal<3>] (size: 12)
Value: 3
Primitive: int32_t
Member: arr (offset: 0)
[1] Array: (length: 3)
Primitive: int32_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, TemplateEnumValue) {
[1] Pointer
[0] Class: MyClass<ns_enums_params::MyNS::ScopedEnum::One> [ns_enums_params::MyClass<ns_enums_params::MyNS::ScopedEnum::One>] (size: 4)
Value: ns_enums_params::MyNS::ScopedEnum::One
Enum: ScopedEnum (size: 4)
[1] Pointer
[0] Class: MyClass<(ns_enums_params::MyNS::ScopedEnum)1> [ns_enums_params::MyClass<(ns_enums_params::MyNS::ScopedEnum)1>] (size: 4)
Value: ns_enums_params::MyNS::ScopedEnum::One
Enum: ScopedEnum (size: 4)
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, TemplateEnumValueGaps) {
[1] Pointer
[0] Class: ClassGaps<ns_enums_params::MyNS::EnumWithGaps::Twenty> [ns_enums_params::ClassGaps<ns_enums_params::MyNS::EnumWithGaps::Twenty>] (size: 4)
Value: ns_enums_params::MyNS::EnumWithGaps::Twenty
Enum: EnumWithGaps (size: 4)
[1] Pointer
[0] Class: ClassGaps<(ns_enums_params::MyNS::EnumWithGaps)20> [ns_enums_params::ClassGaps<(ns_enums_params::MyNS::EnumWithGaps)20>] (size: 4)
Value: ns_enums_params::MyNS::EnumWithGaps::Twenty
Enum: EnumWithGaps (size: 4)
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, TemplateEnumValueNegative) {
[1] Pointer
[0] Class: ClassGaps<ns_enums_params::MyNS::EnumWithGaps::MinusTwo> [ns_enums_params::ClassGaps<ns_enums_params::MyNS::EnumWithGaps::MinusTwo>] (size: 4)
Value: ns_enums_params::MyNS::EnumWithGaps::MinusTwo
Enum: EnumWithGaps (size: 4)
[1] Pointer
[0] Class: ClassGaps<(ns_enums_params::MyNS::EnumWithGaps)-2> [ns_enums_params::ClassGaps<(ns_enums_params::MyNS::EnumWithGaps)-2>] (size: 4)
Value: ns_enums_params::MyNS::EnumWithGaps::MinusTwo
Enum: EnumWithGaps (size: 4)
// TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, ClassFunctions) {
// test("TestClassFunctions", R"(
//[0] Pointer
//[1] Class: ClassFunctions (size: 4)
// Member: memberA (offset: 0)
// Primitive: int32_t
// Function: foo (virtuality: 0)
// Function: bar (virtuality: 0)
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, StructAlignment) {
GTEST_SKIP() << "Alignment not reported by drgn yet";
test("oid_test_case_alignment_struct", R"(
[1] Pointer
[0] Struct: Align16 [ns_alignment::Align16] (size: 16, align: 16)
Member: c (offset: 0)
Primitive: int8_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, MemberAlignment) {
GTEST_SKIP() << "Alignment not reported by drgn yet";
test("oid_test_case_alignment_member_alignment", R"(
[1] Pointer
[0] Struct: MemberAlignment [ns_alignment::MemberAlignment] (size: 64)
Member: c (offset: 0)
Primitive: int8_t
Member: c32 (offset: 32, align: 32)
Primitive: int8_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, VirtualFunctions) {
[1] Pointer
[0] Class: A [ns_inheritance_polymorphic::A] (size: 16)
Member: _vptr$A (offset: 0)
Primitive: StubbedPointer
Member: int_a (offset: 8)
Primitive: int32_t
Function: ~A (virtual)
Function: myfunc (virtual)
Function: A
Function: A
[1] Pointer
[0] Class: A [ns_inheritance_polymorphic::A] (size: 16)
Member: _vptr.A (offset: 0)
Primitive: StubbedPointer
Member: int_a (offset: 8)
Primitive: int32_t
Function: operator=
Function: A
Function: A
Function: ~A (virtual)
Function: myfunc (virtual)
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, BitfieldsSingle) {
test("oid_test_case_bitfields_single", R"(
[1] Pointer
[0] Struct: Single [ns_bitfields::Single] (size: 4)
Member: bitfield (offset: 0, bitsize: 3)
Primitive: int32_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, BitfieldsWithinBytes) {
test("oid_test_case_bitfields_within_bytes", R"(
[1] Pointer
[0] Struct: WithinBytes [ns_bitfields::WithinBytes] (size: 2)
Member: a (offset: 0, bitsize: 3)
Primitive: int8_t
Member: b (offset: 0.375, bitsize: 5)
Primitive: int8_t
Member: c (offset: 1, bitsize: 7)
Primitive: int8_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, BitfieldsStraddleBytes) {
test("oid_test_case_bitfields_straddle_bytes", R"(
[1] Pointer
[0] Struct: StraddleBytes [ns_bitfields::StraddleBytes] (size: 3)
Member: a (offset: 0, bitsize: 7)
Primitive: int8_t
Member: b (offset: 1, bitsize: 7)
Primitive: int8_t
Member: c (offset: 2, bitsize: 2)
Primitive: int8_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, BitfieldsMixed) {
test("oid_test_case_bitfields_mixed", R"(
[1] Pointer
[0] Struct: Mixed [ns_bitfields::Mixed] (size: 12)
Member: a (offset: 0)
Primitive: int32_t
Member: b (offset: 4, bitsize: 4)
Primitive: int8_t
Member: c (offset: 4.5, bitsize: 12)
Primitive: int16_t
Member: d (offset: 6)
Primitive: int8_t
Member: e (offset: 8, bitsize: 22)
Primitive: int32_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, BitfieldsMoreBitsThanType) {
GTEST_SKIP() << "drgn errors out";
test("oid_test_case_bitfields_more_bits_than_type", R"(
[1] Pointer
[0] Struct: MoreBitsThanType [ns_bitfields::MoreBitsThanType] (size: 4)
Member: a (offset: 0, bitsize: 8)
Primitive: int8_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, BitfieldsZeroBits) {
test("oid_test_case_bitfields_zero_bits", R"(
[1] Pointer
[0] Struct: ZeroBits [ns_bitfields::ZeroBits] (size: 2)
Member: b1 (offset: 0, bitsize: 3)
Primitive: int8_t
Member: b2 (offset: 1, bitsize: 2)
Primitive: int8_t
TEST_F(DrgnParserTest, BitfieldsEnum) {
test("oid_test_case_bitfields_enum", R"(
[1] Pointer
[0] Struct: Enum [ns_bitfields::Enum] (size: 4)
Member: e (offset: 0, bitsize: 2)
Enum: MyEnum (size: 4)
Enumerator: 0:One
Enumerator: 1:Two
Enumerator: 2:Three
Member: f (offset: 0.25, bitsize: 4)
Enum: MyEnum (size: 4)
Enumerator: 0:One
Enumerator: 1:Two
Enumerator: 2:Three
// TODO test virtual classes