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* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Static Types
* OI employs a data segment to transfer information about the probed object to
* the debugger. Static Types are used with the `-ftyped-data-segment` feature
* to provide a compile time description of the contents of this data segment.
* DataBuffer represents any type with two methods: `void write_byte(uint8_t)`,
* which writes a given byte to the buffer; and, `size_t offset()`, which
* returns the number of bytes written. Each Static Type holds a DataBuffer
* which describes where to write data, and has no other fields. DataBuffers
* should remain pointer sized enabling trivial copies.
* Writing to an object of a given static type returns a different type which
* has had that part written. When there is no more to write, the type will
* return a Unit. There are two ways to write data from the JIT code into a
* static type:
* - .write(): This works if you can write an entire object from one input. For
* example, VarInt::write(0) returns a Unit, and
* Pair<VarInt, VarInt>::write(0) returns a VarInt.
* - .delegate(): This handles the remainder of the cases where you need to do
* something more complicated. For example:
* ```
* using ComplexType = Pair<VarInt, VarInt>;
* Pair<ComplexType, VarInt>::delegate([](auto ret) {
* return ret.write(0).write(1);
* }).write(2);
* ```
* In this case, `ret` is of type `ComplexType`. After the two
* writes, the inner function returns `Unit`. Delegate then
* internally converts this unit to a `VarInt`.
* DEFINE_DESCRIBE controls the additional feature of dynamic descriptions of
* types. If defined when this header is included, static types provide a
* dynamic description of their type as the constexpr field `describe`. Compound
* types compose appropriately.
namespace oi::types::st {
#include "oi/types/dy.h"
* Unit
* Represents the case of having completely written the type, or having nothing
* of interest to write. Examples are after having written the final element of
* the object, after having completely delegated a field, or having a field of
* a struct that makes sense structurally but holds no interesting data.
template <typename DataBuffer>
class Unit {
Unit(DataBuffer db) : _buf(db) {
size_t offset() {
return _buf.offset();
template <typename F>
Unit<DataBuffer> consume(F const& cb) {
return cb(*this);
static constexpr types::dy::Unit describe{};
* Allows you to cast the Unit type to another Static Type. Think very
* carefully before using it. It is private so that only friends can access
* it. Good use cases are Pair::write and Pair::delegate to cast the result to
* the second element. Bad use cases are within a type handler because the
* type doesn't quite fit.
template <typename T>
T cast() {
return T(_buf);
DataBuffer _buf;
template <typename DB, typename T1, typename T2>
friend class Pair;
template <typename DB, typename T>
friend class ListContents;
* VarInt
* Represents a variable length integer. The only primitive type at present,
* used for all data transfer.
template <typename DataBuffer>
class VarInt {
VarInt(DataBuffer db) : _buf(db) {
Unit<DataBuffer> write(uint64_t val) {
while (val >= 0x80) {
_buf.write_byte(0x80 | (val & 0x7f));
val >>= 7;
return Unit<DataBuffer>(_buf);
template <typename F>
Unit<DataBuffer> consume(F const& cb) {
return cb(*this);
static constexpr types::dy::VarInt describe{};
DataBuffer _buf;
* Pair<T1,T2>
* Represents a pair of types. Can be combined to hold an arbitrary number of
* types, e.g. Pair<VarInt, Pair<VarInt, VarInt>> allows you to write three
* integers.
template <typename DataBuffer, typename T1, typename T2>
class Pair {
Pair(DataBuffer db) : _buf(db) {
template <class U>
T2 write(U val) {
Unit<DataBuffer> second = T1(_buf).write(val);
return second.template cast<T2>();
template <typename F>
T2 delegate(F const& cb) {
T1 first = T1(_buf);
Unit<DataBuffer> second = cb(first);
return second.template cast<T2>();
template <typename F>
Unit<DataBuffer> consume(F const& cb) {
return cb(*this);
static constexpr types::dy::Pair describe{T1::describe, T2::describe};
DataBuffer _buf;
* Sum<Types...>
* Represents a tagged union of types.
template <typename DataBuffer, typename... Types>
class Sum {
* Selector<I, Elements...>
* Selects the Ith type of Elements... and makes it available at ::type.
template <size_t I, typename... Elements>
struct Selector;
template <size_t I, typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct Selector<I, Head, Tail...> {
using type = typename std::conditional<
I == 0,
typename Selector<I - 1, Tail...>::type>::type;
template <size_t I>
struct Selector<I> {
using type = int;
Sum(DataBuffer db) : _buf(db) {
template <size_t I>
typename Selector<I, Types...>::type write() {
Pair<DataBuffer, VarInt<DataBuffer>, typename Selector<I, Types...>::type>
return buf.write(I);
template <size_t I, typename F>
Unit<DataBuffer> delegate(F const& cb) {
auto tail = write<I>();
return cb(tail);
template <typename F>
Unit<DataBuffer> consume(F const& cb) {
return cb(*this);
static constexpr std::array<types::dy::Dynamic, sizeof...(Types)> members{
static constexpr types::dy::Sum describe{members};
DataBuffer _buf;
* ListContents<T>
* Repeatedly delegate instances of type T, writing them one after the other.
* Terminate with a call to finish().
template <typename DataBuffer, typename T>
class ListContents {
ListContents(DataBuffer db) : _buf(db) {
template <typename F>
ListContents<DataBuffer, T> delegate(F const& cb) {
T head = T(_buf);
Unit<DataBuffer> tail = cb(head);
return tail.template cast<ListContents<DataBuffer, T>>();
Unit<DataBuffer> finish() {
return {_buf};
DataBuffer _buf;
* List<T>
* Holds the length of a list followed by the elements. Write the length of the
* list first then that number of elements.
* BEWARE: There is NO static or dynamic checking that you write the number of
* elements promised.
template <typename DataBuffer, typename T>
class List
: public Pair<DataBuffer, VarInt<DataBuffer>, ListContents<DataBuffer, T>> {
List(DataBuffer db)
: Pair<DataBuffer, VarInt<DataBuffer>, ListContents<DataBuffer, T>>(db) {
template <typename F>
Unit<DataBuffer> consume(F const& cb) {
return cb(*this);
static constexpr types::dy::List describe{T::describe};
} // namespace oi::types::st