/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef INCLUDED_OI_EXPORTERS_JSON_H #define INCLUDED_OI_EXPORTERS_JSON_H 1 #include #include #include #include namespace oi::exporters { class Json { public: Json(std::ostream& out); template void print(const Res& r) { auto begin = r.begin(); auto end = r.end(); return print(begin, end); } template void print(It& it, const It& end); void setPretty(bool pretty) { pretty_ = pretty; } private: std::string_view tab() const; std::string_view space() const; std::string_view endl() const; static std::string makeIndent(size_t depth); void printStringField(std::string_view name, std::string_view value, std::string_view indent); void printBoolField(std::string_view name, bool value, std::string_view indent); void printUnsignedField(std::string_view name, uint64_t value, std::string_view indent); void printPointerField(std::string_view name, uintptr_t value, std::string_view indent); template void printListField(std::string_view name, const Rng& range, std::string_view indent); void printFields(const result::Element&, std::string_view indent); template void printFields(const result::SizedElement&, std::string_view indent); bool pretty_ = false; std::ostream& out_; }; inline Json::Json(std::ostream& out) : out_(out) { } inline std::string_view Json::tab() const { return pretty_ ? " " : ""; } inline std::string_view Json::space() const { return pretty_ ? " " : ""; } inline std::string_view Json::endl() const { return pretty_ ? "\n" : ""; } inline std::string Json::makeIndent(size_t depth) { depth = std::max(depth, 1UL); return std::string((depth - 1) * 4, ' '); } inline void Json::printStringField(std::string_view name, std::string_view value, std::string_view indent) { out_ << tab() << '"' << name << '"' << ':' << space() << "\"" << value << "\"," << endl() << indent; } inline void Json::printBoolField(std::string_view name, bool value, std::string_view indent) { out_ << tab() << '"' << name << "\":" << space() << (value ? "true" : "false") << ',' << endl() << indent; } inline void Json::printUnsignedField(std::string_view name, uint64_t value, std::string_view indent) { out_ << tab() << '"' << name << "\":" << space() << value << ',' << endl() << indent; } inline void Json::printPointerField(std::string_view name, uintptr_t value, std::string_view indent) { out_ << tab() << '"' << name << "\":" << space() << "\"0x" << std::hex << value << std::dec << "\"," << endl() << indent; } template void Json::printListField(std::string_view name, const Rng& range, std::string_view indent) { out_ << tab() << '"' << name << '"' << ':' << space() << '['; bool first = true; for (const auto& el : range) { if (!std::exchange(first, false)) out_ << ',' << space(); out_ << '"' << el << '"'; } out_ << "]," << endl() << indent; } template void Json::printFields(const result::SizedElement& el, std::string_view indent) { printUnsignedField("size", el.size, indent); printFields(el.inner(), indent); } inline void Json::printFields(const result::Element& el, std::string_view indent) { printStringField("name", el.name, indent); printListField("typePath", el.type_path, indent); printListField("typeNames", el.type_names, indent); printUnsignedField("staticSize", el.static_size, indent); printUnsignedField("exclusiveSize", el.exclusive_size, indent); if (el.pointer.has_value()) printUnsignedField("pointer", *el.pointer, indent); if (const auto* s = std::get_if(&el.data)) { printUnsignedField("data", s->n, indent); } else if (const auto* p = std::get_if(&el.data)) { printPointerField("data", p->p, indent); } else if (const auto* str = std::get_if(&el.data)) { printStringField("data", *str, indent); } if (el.container_stats.has_value()) { printUnsignedField("length", el.container_stats->length, indent); printUnsignedField("capacity", el.container_stats->capacity, indent); } if (el.is_set_stats.has_value()) printBoolField("is_set", el.is_set_stats->is_set, indent); printBoolField("is_primitive", el.is_primitive, indent); } template void Json::print(It& it, const It& end) { const auto depth = it->type_path.size(); const auto thisIndent = pretty_ ? makeIndent(depth) : ""; const auto lastIndent = pretty_ ? makeIndent(depth - 1) : ""; out_ << '[' << endl() << thisIndent; bool first = true; while (it != end && it->type_path.size() >= depth) { if (!std::exchange(first, false)) out_ << ',' << endl() << thisIndent; out_ << '{' << endl() << thisIndent; printFields(*it, thisIndent); out_ << tab() << "\"members\":" << space(); if (++it != end && it->type_path.size() > depth) { print(it, end); } else { out_ << "[]" << endl(); } out_ << thisIndent << "}"; } if (depth == 1) { out_ << endl() << ']' << endl(); } else { out_ << endl() << lastIndent << tab() << ']' << endl(); } } } // namespace oi::exporters #endif