/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "oi/TreeBuilder.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "oi/ContainerInfo.h" #include "oi/DrgnUtils.h" #include "oi/Metrics.h" #include "oi/OICodeGen.h" #include "oi/PaddingHunter.h" #include "rocksdb/db.h" #include "rocksdb/options.h" #include "rocksdb/statistics.h" extern "C" { #include #include } /* Tag indicating if the pointer has been followed or skipped */ enum class TrackPointerTag : uint64_t { /* The content has been skipped. * It prevents double counting the footprint of a node the JIT code has seen * before, double counting content being stored inline, or getting stuck in an * infinite loop when processing circular linked list. */ skipped = 0, followed = 1, }; TreeBuilder::TreeBuilder(Config c) : config{std::move(c)} { buffer = std::make_unique(); auto testdbPath = "/tmp/testdb_" + std::to_string(getpid()); if (auto status = rocksdb::DestroyDB(testdbPath, {}); !status.ok()) { LOG(FATAL) << "RocksDB error while destroying database: " << status.ToString(); } const int twoMinutes = 120; rocksdb::Options options; options.compression = rocksdb::kZSTD; options.create_if_missing = true; options.statistics = rocksdb::CreateDBStatistics(); options.stats_dump_period_sec = twoMinutes; options.PrepareForBulkLoad(); options.OptimizeForSmallDb(); if (auto status = rocksdb::DB::Open(options, testdbPath, &db); !status.ok()) { LOG(FATAL) << "RocksDB error while opening database: " << status.ToString(); } } struct TreeBuilder::Variable { struct drgn_type* type; std::string_view name; std::string typePath; std::optional isset = std::nullopt; bool isStubbed = false; }; struct TreeBuilder::DBHeader { /** * Version of the database schema. See TreeBuilder.h for more info. */ Version version; /** * List of IDs corresponding to the root of the probed objects. */ std::vector rootIDs; MSGPACK_DEFINE_ARRAY(version, rootIDs) }; struct TreeBuilder::Node { struct ContainerStats { /** * The number of elements currently present in the container * (e.g. `std::vector::size()`). */ size_t length; /** * The maximum number of elements the container can * currently hold (e.g. `std::vector::capacity()`). */ size_t capacity; /** * The static size (see comment for `staticSize` below for clarification on * what this means) of each element in a container. For example, if this * node corresponds to a `std::vector` then `elementStaticSize` * would be `sizeof(int)`. */ size_t elementStaticSize; MSGPACK_DEFINE_ARRAY(length, capacity, elementStaticSize) }; /** * The unique identifier for this node, used as the key for this * node's entry in RocksDB. */ NodeID id; /** * Roughly corresponds to the name you would use to refer to this node in * the code (e.g. variable name, member name, etc.). In some cases there is * no meaningful name (e.g. the elements of a vector, the node behind a * `typedef`) and this is left empty. */ std::string_view name{}; /** * The type of this node, as it would be written in the code * (e.g. `std::vector`, `float`, `MyStruct`). */ std::string typeName{}; std::string typePath{}; bool isTypedef{}; /** * The compile-time-determinable size (i.e. memory footprint measured in * bytes) of this node, essentially corresponding to `sizeof(TYPE)`. * Just like the semantics of `sizeof`, this is inherently inclusive of the * type's members (if it is a `struct`, `class`, or `union`). */ size_t staticSize{}; /** * The size (i.e. memory usage measured in bytes) of the dynamically * allocated data used by this node (e.g. the heap-allocated memory * associated with a `std::vector`). This includes the `dynamicSize` of all * children (whether they be `struct`/`class` members, or the elements of a * container). */ size_t dynamicSize{}; std::optional paddingSavingsSize{std::nullopt}; std::optional pointer{std::nullopt}; std::optional containerStats{std::nullopt}; /** * Range of this node's children (start is inclusive, end is exclusive) * * If this node represents a container, `children` contains all * of the container's elements. * If this node represents a `struct` or `class`, `children` * contains all of its members. * If this node is a `typedef` or a pointer, `children` should contain a * single entry corresponding to the referenced type. */ std::optional> children{std::nullopt}; std::optional isset{std::nullopt}; /** * An estimation of the "exclusive size" of a type, trying to * attribute every byte once and only once to types in the tree. */ size_t exclusiveSize{}; MSGPACK_DEFINE_ARRAY(id, name, typeName, typePath, isTypedef, staticSize, dynamicSize, paddingSavingsSize, containerStats, pointer, children, isset, exclusiveSize) }; TreeBuilder::~TreeBuilder() { /* FB: Remove error IDs, Strobelight doesn't handle them yet */ std::erase(rootIDs, ERROR_NODE_ID); /* * Now that all the Nodes have been inserted in the DB, * we can insert the DBHeader with the proper list of rootIDs. */ const DBHeader header{.version = VERSION, .rootIDs = std::move(rootIDs)}; auto serializedHeader = serialize(header); rocksdb::WriteOptions options{}; options.disableWAL = true; if (auto status = db->Put(options, std::to_string(ROOT_NODE_ID), serializedHeader); !status.ok()) { LOG(ERROR) << "RocksDB error while writing DBHeader: " << status.ToString(); } if (auto status = db->Close(); !status.ok()) { LOG(ERROR) << "RocksDB error while closing database: " << status.ToString(); } delete db; } bool TreeBuilder::emptyOutput() const { return std::ranges::all_of(rootIDs, [](auto& id) { return id == ERROR_NODE_ID; }); } void TreeBuilder::build(const std::vector& data, const std::string& argName, struct drgn_type* type, const TypeHierarchy& typeHierarchy) { th = &typeHierarchy; oidData = &data; oidDataIndex = 3; // HACK: OID's first 3 outputs are dummy 0s ObjectIntrospection::Metrics::Tracing _("build_tree"); VLOG(1) << "Building tree..."; { auto& rootID = rootIDs.emplace_back(nextNodeID++); try { process(rootID, {.type = type, .name = argName, .typePath = argName}); } catch (...) { // Mark the failure using the error node ID rootID = ERROR_NODE_ID; throw; } } VLOG(1) << "Finished building tree"; rocksdb::CompactRangeOptions opts; rocksdb::Status s = db->CompactRange(opts, nullptr, nullptr); if (!s.ok()) { LOG(FATAL) << "RocksDB error while compacting: " << s.ToString(); } VLOG(1) << "Finished compacting db"; // Were all object sizes consumed? if (oidDataIndex != oidData->size()) { LOG(WARNING) << "WARNING: some object sizes not consumed;" << "object tree may be inaccurate. " << "reported: " << oidData->size() << " consumed " << oidDataIndex; } else { VLOG(1) << "Consumed all object sizes: " << oidDataIndex; } th = nullptr; oidData = nullptr; } void TreeBuilder::dumpJson() { if (!config.jsonPath.has_value()) { LOG(ERROR) << "No output path was provided for JSON"; return; } std::ofstream output(*config.jsonPath); output << '['; for (auto rootID : rootIDs) { if (rootID == ERROR_NODE_ID) { // On error, output an empty object to maintain offsets output << "{},"; } else { JSON(rootID, output); output << ','; } } /* Remove the trailing comma */ if (!rootIDs.empty()) { output.seekp(-1, std::ios_base::cur); } output << "]\n"; // Text files should end with a newline per POSIX VLOG(1) << "Finished writing JSON to disk"; } void TreeBuilder::setPaddedStructs( std::map* _paddedStructs) { this->paddedStructs = _paddedStructs; } static std::string drgnTypeToName(struct drgn_type* type) { if (type->_private.program != nullptr) { return drgn_utils::typeToName(type); } return type->_private.oi_name ? type->_private.oi_name : ""; } static struct drgn_error* drgnTypeSizeof(struct drgn_type* type, uint64_t* ret) { static struct drgn_error incompleteTypeError = { .code = DRGN_ERROR_TYPE, .needs_destroy = false, .errnum = 0, .path = NULL, .address = 0, .message = (char*)"cannot get size of incomplete type", }; if (drgn_type_kind(type) == DRGN_TYPE_FUNCTION) { *ret = sizeof(uintptr_t); return nullptr; } if (type->_private.program != nullptr) { return drgn_type_sizeof(type, ret); } // If type has no size, report an error to trigger a sizeMap lookup if (type->_private.oi_size == std::numeric_limits_private.size)>::max()) { return &incompleteTypeError; } *ret = type->_private.oi_size; return nullptr; } uint64_t TreeBuilder::getDrgnTypeSize(struct drgn_type* type) { uint64_t size = 0; struct drgn_error* err = drgnTypeSizeof(type, &size); BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT(err) { drgn_error_destroy(err); } BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT_END if (err == nullptr) { return size; } std::string typeName = drgnTypeToName(type); for (auto& [typeName2, size2] : th->sizeMap) if (typeName.starts_with(typeName2)) return size2; if (typeName.starts_with("basic_string, " "std::allocator >")) { return sizeof(std::string); } throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get size: " + std::to_string(err->code) + " " + err->message); } uint64_t TreeBuilder::next() { if (oidDataIndex >= oidData->size()) { throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected end of data"); } VLOG(3) << "next = " << (void*)(*oidData)[oidDataIndex]; return (*oidData)[oidDataIndex++]; } bool TreeBuilder::isContainer(const Variable& variable) { return th->containerTypeMap.contains(variable.type) || (drgn_type_kind(variable.type) == DRGN_TYPE_ARRAY && drgn_type_length(variable.type) > 0); } bool TreeBuilder::isPrimitive(struct drgn_type* type) { while (drgn_type_kind(type) == DRGN_TYPE_TYPEDEF) { auto entry = th->typedefMap.find(type); if (entry == th->typedefMap.end()) return false; type = entry->second; } return drgn_type_primitive(type) != DRGN_NOT_PRIMITIVE_TYPE; } static std::string_view drgnKindStr(struct drgn_type* type) { auto kind = OICodeGen::drgnKindStr(type); // -1 is for the null terminator kind.remove_prefix(sizeof("DRGN_TYPE_") - 1); return kind; } void TreeBuilder::setSize(TreeBuilder::Node& node, uint64_t dynamicSize, uint64_t memberSizes) { node.dynamicSize = dynamicSize; if (memberSizes > node.staticSize + node.dynamicSize) { // TODO handle this edge case in a more elegant way. // This can occur when handling bitfields or vector // (as we cannot accurately track sub-byte sizes currently) node.exclusiveSize = 0; } else { node.exclusiveSize = node.staticSize + node.dynamicSize - memberSizes; } } TreeBuilder::Node TreeBuilder::process(NodeID id, Variable variable) { Node node{ .id = id, .name = variable.name, .typeName = drgnTypeToName(variable.type), .typePath = std::move(variable.typePath), .staticSize = getDrgnTypeSize(variable.type), .isset = variable.isset, }; VLOG(2) << "Processing node [" << id << "] (name: '" << variable.name << "', typeName: '" << node.typeName << "', kind: " << drgnKindStr(variable.type) << ")" << (variable.isStubbed ? " STUBBED" : "") << (th->knownDummyTypeList.contains(variable.type) ? " DUMMY" : ""); // Default dynamic size to 0 and calculate fallback exclusive size setSize(node, 0, 0); if (!variable.isStubbed) { switch (drgn_type_kind(variable.type)) { case DRGN_TYPE_POINTER: if (config.features[Feature::ChaseRawPointers]) { // Pointers to incomplete types are stubbed out // See OICodeGen::enumeratePointerType if (th->knownDummyTypeList.contains(variable.type)) { break; } auto entry = th->pointerToTypeMap.find(variable.type); if (entry != th->pointerToTypeMap.end()) { auto innerTypeKind = drgn_type_kind(entry->second); if (innerTypeKind != DRGN_TYPE_FUNCTION) { node.pointer = next(); if (innerTypeKind == DRGN_TYPE_VOID) { break; } if (next() == (uint64_t)TrackPointerTag::skipped) { break; } } auto childID = nextNodeID++; auto child = process(childID, Variable{entry->second, "", ""}); node.children = {childID, childID + 1}; setSize(node, child.staticSize + child.dynamicSize, child.staticSize + child.dynamicSize); } } break; case DRGN_TYPE_TYPEDEF: { const static boost::regex standardIntegerRegex{ "((s?size)|(u?int(_fast|_least)?(8|16|32|64|128|ptr))|(ptrdiff))_" "t"}; // We don't expand typedefs for well-known integer types from `stdint.h` // to prevent our output from being extremely verbose. We treat them as // if they are primitives directly (hence this check coming *before* we // set `node.isTypedef`). if (boost::regex_match(node.typeName, standardIntegerRegex)) { break; } node.isTypedef = true; auto entry = th->typedefMap.find(variable.type); if (entry != th->typedefMap.end()) { auto childID = nextNodeID++; auto child = process(childID, Variable{entry->second, "", ""}); node.children = {childID, childID + 1}; setSize(node, child.dynamicSize, child.dynamicSize + child.staticSize); } } break; case DRGN_TYPE_CLASS: case DRGN_TYPE_STRUCT: case DRGN_TYPE_ARRAY: if (th->knownDummyTypeList.contains(variable.type)) { break; } else if (isContainer(variable)) { processContainer(variable, node); } else { drgn_type* objectType = variable.type; if (auto it = th->descendantClasses.find(objectType); it != th->descendantClasses.end()) { // The first item of data in dynamic classes identifies which // concrete type we should process it as, represented as an index // into the vector of child classes, or -1 to processes this type // as itself. const auto& descendants = it->second; auto val = next(); if (val != (uint64_t)-1) { objectType = descendants[val]; node.typeName = drgnTypeToName(objectType); node.staticSize = getDrgnTypeSize(objectType); } } auto entry = th->classMembersMap.find(objectType); if (entry == th->classMembersMap.end() || entry->second.empty()) { break; } const auto& members = entry->second; node.children = {nextNodeID, nextNodeID + members.size()}; nextNodeID += members.size(); auto childID = node.children->first; bool captureThriftIsset = th->thriftIssetStructTypes.contains(objectType); uint64_t memberSizes = 0; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < members.size(); i++) { std::optional isset; if (captureThriftIsset && i < members.size() - 1) { // Retrieve isset value for each member variable, except Thrift's // __isset field, which we assume comes last. // A value of -1 indicates a non-optional field for which we // don't record an isset value. auto val = next(); if (val != (uint64_t)-1) { isset = val; } } const auto& member = members[i]; auto child = process(childID++, Variable{member.type, member.member_name, member.member_name, isset, member.isStubbed}); node.dynamicSize += child.dynamicSize; memberSizes += child.dynamicSize + child.staticSize; } setSize(node, node.dynamicSize, memberSizes); } break; default: // The remaining types are all described entirely by their static size, // and hence need no special handling. break; } if (config.features[Feature::GenPaddingStats]) { auto entry = paddedStructs->find(node.typeName); if (entry != paddedStructs->end()) { entry->second.instancesCnt++; node.paddingSavingsSize = entry->second.savingSize; } } } rocksdb::WriteOptions options{}; options.disableWAL = true; auto status = db->Put(options, std::to_string(node.id), serialize(node)); if (!status.ok()) { throw std::runtime_error("RocksDB error while inserting node [" + std::to_string(node.id) + "]: " + status.ToString()); } return node; } void TreeBuilder::processContainer(const Variable& variable, Node& node) { VLOG(1) << "Processing container [" << node.id << "] of type '" << node.typeName << "'"; ContainerTypeEnum kind = UNKNOWN_TYPE; std::vector elementTypes; if (drgn_type_kind(variable.type) == DRGN_TYPE_ARRAY) { kind = ARRAY_TYPE; struct drgn_type* arrayElementType = nullptr; size_t numElems = 0; drgn_utils::getDrgnArrayElementType(variable.type, &arrayElementType, numElems); assert(numElems > 0); elementTypes.push_back( drgn_qualified_type{arrayElementType, (enum drgn_qualifiers)(0)}); } else { auto entry = th->containerTypeMap.find(variable.type); if (entry == th->containerTypeMap.end()) { throw std::runtime_error( "Could not find container information for type with name '" + node.typeName + "'"); } auto& [containerKind, templateTypes] = entry->second; kind = containerKind; for (const auto& tt : templateTypes) { elementTypes.push_back(tt); } } /** * Some containers (conditionally) store their contents *directly* inside * themselves (as opposed to having a pointer to heap-allocated memory). * `std::pair` and `std::array` are two trivial examples, but some types vary * whether their contents are stored inline or externally depending on * runtime conditions (usually the number of elements currently present in * the container). */ bool contentsStoredInline = false; // Initialize, then take a reference to the underlying value for convenience // so that we don't have to dereference the optional every time we want to use // it. auto& containerStats = node.containerStats.emplace(Node::ContainerStats{0, 0, 0}); for (auto& type : elementTypes) { containerStats.elementStaticSize += getDrgnTypeSize(type.type); } switch (kind) { case OPTIONAL_TYPE: contentsStoredInline = true; containerStats.length = containerStats.capacity = 1; if (next() == 0U) { containerStats.length = 0; return; } break; case FOLLY_OPTIONAL_TYPE: // TODO: Not sure why we are capturing pointer for folly::Optional but // not std::optional. Both are supposed to store data inline. contentsStoredInline = true; node.pointer = next(); containerStats.length = containerStats.capacity = 1; if (*node.pointer == 0) { containerStats.length = 0; return; } break; case WEAK_PTR_TYPE: // Do not handle weak pointers beyond their static size for now. break; case SHRD_PTR_TYPE: case UNIQ_PTR_TYPE: node.pointer = next(); containerStats.length = *node.pointer ? 1 : 0; containerStats.capacity = 1; if (next() == (uint64_t)TrackPointerTag::skipped) { return; } break; case TRY_TYPE: case REF_WRAPPER_TYPE: node.pointer = next(); containerStats.length = containerStats.capacity = 1; if (next() == (uint64_t)TrackPointerTag::skipped) { return; } break; case SORTED_VEC_SET_TYPE: case CONTAINER_ADAPTER_TYPE: { node.pointer = next(); // Copy the underlying container's sizes and stats directly into this // container adapter node.children = {nextNodeID, nextNodeID + 1}; nextNodeID += 1; auto childID = node.children->first; // elementTypes is only populated with the underlying container type for // container adapters auto containerType = elementTypes[0]; auto child = process( childID++, {.type = containerType.type, .name = "", .typePath = drgnTypeToName(containerType.type) + "[]"}); setSize(node, child.dynamicSize, child.dynamicSize + child.staticSize); node.containerStats = child.containerStats; return; } case STD_VARIANT_TYPE: { containerStats.length = containerStats.capacity = 1; containerStats.elementStaticSize = 0; for (auto& type : elementTypes) { auto paramSize = getDrgnTypeSize(type.type); containerStats.elementStaticSize = std::max(containerStats.elementStaticSize, paramSize); } node.dynamicSize = 0; // When a std::variant is valueless_by_exception, its index will be // std::variant_npos (i.e. 0xffffffffffffffff). // // libstdc++ and libc++ both optimise the storage required for# // std::variant's index value by using fewer than 8-bytes when possible. // e.g. for a std::variant, only three index values are required: // one each for A and B and one for variant_npos. variant_npos may be // represented internally by 0xff and only converted back to // 0xffffffffffffffff when index() is called. // // However, this conversion may be optimised away in the target process, // so we need to treat any invalid index as variant_npos. if (auto index = next(); index < elementTypes.size()) { // Recurse only into the type of the template parameter which // is currently stored in this variant node.children = {nextNodeID, nextNodeID + 1}; nextNodeID += 1; auto childID = node.children->first; auto elementType = elementTypes[index]; auto child = process( childID++, {.type = elementType.type, .name = "", .typePath = drgnTypeToName(elementType.type) + "[]"}); setSize(node, child.dynamicSize, child.dynamicSize + child.staticSize); } return; } case PAIR_TYPE: contentsStoredInline = true; containerStats.length = containerStats.capacity = 1; break; case SEQ_TYPE: case MICROLIST_TYPE: case FEED_QUICK_HASH_SET: case FEED_QUICK_HASH_MAP: case FB_HASH_MAP_TYPE: case FB_HASH_SET_TYPE: case MAP_SEQ_TYPE: case FOLLY_SMALL_HEAP_VECTOR_MAP: case REPEATED_FIELD_TYPE: node.pointer = next(); containerStats.capacity = next(); containerStats.length = next(); break; case LIST_TYPE: node.pointer = next(); containerStats.length = containerStats.capacity = next(); break; case FOLLY_IOBUFQUEUE_TYPE: node.pointer = next(); containerStats.length = containerStats.capacity = 0; if (next() == (uint64_t)TrackPointerTag::skipped) { return; } // Fallthrough to the IOBuf data if we have a valid pointer [[fallthrough]]; case FOLLY_IOBUF_TYPE: containerStats.capacity = next(); containerStats.length = next(); break; case FB_STRING_TYPE: node.pointer = next(); containerStats.capacity = next(); containerStats.length = next(); // Contents are either stored inline or have been seen before in the JIT // code. Set to true either way so as not to double count. contentsStoredInline = next() == 0; { constexpr int sharedCutOff = 255; if (containerStats.capacity < sharedCutOff) { // No sense in recording the pointer value if the string isn't // potentially shared. node.pointer.reset(); } } break; case STRING_TYPE: containerStats.capacity = next(); containerStats.length = next(); // Account for Small String Optimization (SSO) // LLVM libc++: sizeof(string) = 24, SSO cutoff = 22 // GNU libstdc++: sizeof(string) = 32, SSO cutoff = 15 { const int llvmSizeOf = 24; const int llvmSsoCutOff = 22; [[maybe_unused]] const int gnuSizeOf = 32; const int gnuSsoCutOff = 15; assert(node.staticSize == llvmSizeOf || node.staticSize == gnuSizeOf); size_t ssoCutoff = node.staticSize == llvmSizeOf ? llvmSsoCutOff : gnuSsoCutOff; contentsStoredInline = containerStats.capacity <= ssoCutoff; } break; case CAFFE2_BLOB_TYPE: // This is a weird one, need to ask why we just overwite size like this setSize(node, next(), 0); return; case ARRAY_TYPE: contentsStoredInline = true; containerStats.length = containerStats.capacity = next(); break; case SMALL_VEC_TYPE: { size_t maxInline = next(); containerStats.capacity = next(); containerStats.length = next(); contentsStoredInline = containerStats.capacity <= maxInline; } break; case BOOST_BIMAP_TYPE: // TODO: Hard to know the overhead of boost bimap. It isn't documented in // the boost docs. Need to look closer at the implementation. containerStats.length = containerStats.capacity = next(); break; case SET_TYPE: case STD_MAP_TYPE: // Account for node overhead containerStats.elementStaticSize += next(); containerStats.length = containerStats.capacity = next(); break; case UNORDERED_SET_TYPE: case STD_UNORDERED_MAP_TYPE: { // Account for node overhead containerStats.elementStaticSize += next(); size_t bucketCount = next(); // Both libc++ and libstdc++ define buckets as an array of raw pointers setSize(node, node.dynamicSize + bucketCount * sizeof(void*), 0); containerStats.length = containerStats.capacity = next(); } break; case F14_MAP: case F14_SET: // F14 maps/sets don't actually store their contents inline, but the // intention of setting this to `true` is to skip the usual calculation // performed to determine `node.dynamicSize`, since F14 maps very // conveniently provide a `getAllocatedMemorySize()` method which we can // use instead. contentsStoredInline = true; setSize(node, node.dynamicSize + next(), 0); containerStats.capacity = next(); containerStats.length = next(); break; case RADIX_TREE_TYPE: case MULTI_MAP_TYPE: case BY_MULTI_QRT_TYPE: containerStats.length = containerStats.capacity = next(); break; case THRIFT_ISSET_TYPE: // Dummy container containerStats.elementStaticSize = 0; break; default: throw std::runtime_error("Unknown container (type was 0x" + std::to_string(kind) + ")"); break; } if (!contentsStoredInline) { setSize(node, node.dynamicSize + containerStats.elementStaticSize * containerStats.capacity, 0); } // A cutoff value used to sanity-check our results. If a container // is larger than this, chances are that we've read uninitialized data, // or there's a bug in Codegen. constexpr size_t CONTAINER_SIZE_THRESHOLD = 1ULL << 38; if (containerStats.elementStaticSize * containerStats.capacity >= CONTAINER_SIZE_THRESHOLD) { throw std::runtime_error( "Container size exceeds threshold, this is likely due to reading " "uninitialized data in the target process"); } if (std::ranges::all_of( elementTypes.cbegin(), elementTypes.cend(), [this](auto& type) { return isPrimitive(type.type); })) { VLOG(1) << "Container [" << node.id << "] contains only primitive types, skipping processing its members"; return; } auto numChildren = containerStats.length * elementTypes.size(); if (numChildren == 0) { VLOG(1) << "Container [" << node.id << "] has no children"; return; } node.children = {nextNodeID, nextNodeID + numChildren}; VLOG(1) << "Container [" << node.id << "]'s children cover range [" << node.children->first << ", " << node.children->second << ")"; nextNodeID += numChildren; auto childID = node.children->first; uint64_t memberSizes = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < containerStats.length; i++) { for (auto& type : elementTypes) { auto child = process(childID++, {.type = type.type, .name = "", .typePath = drgnTypeToName(type.type) + "[]"}); node.dynamicSize += child.dynamicSize; memberSizes += child.dynamicSize + child.staticSize; } } setSize(node, node.dynamicSize, memberSizes); } template std::string_view TreeBuilder::serialize(const T& data) { buffer->clear(); msgpack::pack(*buffer, data); // It is *very* important that we construct the `std::string_view` with an // explicit length, since `buffer->data()` may contain null bytes. return std::string_view(buffer->data(), buffer->size()); } void TreeBuilder::JSON(NodeID id, std::ofstream& output) { std::string data; auto status = db->Get(rocksdb::ReadOptions(), std::to_string(id), &data); if (!status.ok()) { throw std::runtime_error("RocksDB error while reading node [" + std::to_string(id) + "]: " + status.ToString()); } Node node; msgpack::unpack(data.data(), data.size()).get().convert(node); // Remove all backslashes to ensure the output is valid JSON std::replace(node.typePath.begin(), node.typePath.end(), '\\', ' '); std::replace(node.typeName.begin(), node.typeName.end(), '\\', ' '); output << "{"; output << "\"name\":\"" << node.name << "\","; output << "\"typePath\":\"" << node.typePath << "\","; output << "\"typeName\":\"" << node.typeName << "\","; output << "\"isTypedef\":" << (node.isTypedef ? "true" : "false") << ","; output << "\"staticSize\":" << node.staticSize << ","; output << "\"dynamicSize\":" << node.dynamicSize << ","; output << "\"exclusiveSize\":" << node.exclusiveSize; if (node.paddingSavingsSize.has_value()) { output << ","; output << "\"paddingSavingsSize\":" << *node.paddingSavingsSize; } if (node.pointer.has_value()) { output << ","; output << "\"pointer\":" << *node.pointer; } if (node.containerStats.has_value()) { output << ","; output << "\"length\":" << node.containerStats->length << ","; output << "\"capacity\":" << node.containerStats->capacity << ","; output << "\"elementStaticSize\":" << node.containerStats->elementStaticSize; } if (node.isset.has_value()) { output << ","; output << "\"isset\":" << (*node.isset ? "true" : "false"); } if (node.children.has_value()) { output << ","; output << "\"members\":["; auto [childIDStart, childIDEnd] = *node.children; assert(childIDStart < childIDEnd); // Trailing commas are disallowed in JSON, so we pull // out the first iteration of the loop. JSON(childIDStart, output); for (auto childID = childIDStart + 1; childID < childIDEnd; childID++) { output << ","; JSON(childID, output); } output << "]"; } output << "}"; }