import json import os import pathlib import sys import toml def is_thrift_test(config): return "thrift_definitions" in config def get_case_name(test_suite, test_case): return f"{test_suite}_{test_case}" def get_target_oid_func_name(test_suite, test_case): case_name = get_case_name(test_suite, test_case) return f"oid_test_case_{case_name}" def get_target_oil_func_name(test_suite, test_case): case_name = get_case_name(test_suite, test_case) return f"oil_test_case_{case_name}" def get_namespace(test_suite): return f"ns_{test_suite}" def add_headers(f, custom_headers, thrift_headers): f.write( """ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include """ ) for header in custom_headers: f.write(f"#include <{header}>\n") for header in thrift_headers: f.write(f'#include "{header}"\n') def add_test_setup(f, config): ns = get_namespace(config["suite"]) # fmt: off f.write( f"\n" f'{config.get("raw_definitions", "")}\n' f"namespace {ns} {{\n" f"#pragma clang diagnostic push\n" f"#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-private-field\"\n" f'{config.get("definitions", "")}\n' f"#pragma clang diagnostic pop\n" ) # fmt: on def get_param_str(param, i): if "]" in param: # Array param if ")" in param: # "int(&)[5]" -> "int (&a0)[5]" start, end = param.split(")") return f"{start}a{i}){end}" # "int[5]" -> "int a0[5]" # "int[5][10]" -> "int a0[5][10]" type_name, array_size = param.split("[", 1) return f"{type_name} a{i}[{array_size}" # Non-array param, e.g. "int&" -> "int& a0" return f"{param} a{i}" def define_traceable_func(name, params, body): return ( f"\n" # f' extern "C" {{\n' f' extern "C" void __attribute__((noinline)) {name}({params}) {{\n' f"{body}" f" }}\n" # f" }}\n" ) cases = config["cases"] for case_name, case in cases.items(): if "target_function" in case: # This test case is using a custom function - don't generate a # target func for it continue # generate getter for an object of this type param_types = ", ".join( f"std::remove_cvref_t<{param}>" for param in case["param_types"] ) if "arg_types" in case: arg_types = ", ".join(case["arg_types"]) else: arg_types = param_types f.write( f"\n" f" std::tuple<{arg_types}> get_{case_name}() {{\n" f'{case["setup"]}\n' f" }}\n" ) # generate oid and oil targets params_str = ", ".join( get_param_str(param, i) for i, param in enumerate(case["param_types"]) ) oid_func_body = ( ' std::cout << "(" << getpid() << ") " << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << " ["' ) for i in range(len(case["param_types"])): oid_func_body += f' << " " << (uintptr_t)&a{i}' oid_func_body += ' << "]" << std::endl;\n' f.write( define_traceable_func( get_target_oid_func_name(config["suite"], case_name), params_str, oid_func_body, ) ) oil_func_body = ( f" oi::GeneratorOptions opts{{\n" f" .configFilePaths = configFiles,\n" f' .sourceFileDumpPath = "oil_jit_code.cpp",\n' f" .debugLevel = 3,\n" f" }};\n\n" ) oil_func_body += " auto pr = oi::exporters::Json(std::cout);\n" oil_func_body += " pr.setPretty(true);\n" for i in range(len(case["param_types"])): oil_func_body += f" auto ret{i} = oi::result::SizedResult(*oi::setupAndIntrospect(a{i}, opts));\n" oil_func_body += f" pr.print(ret{i});\n" f.write( define_traceable_func( get_target_oil_func_name(config["suite"], case_name), params_str, oil_func_body, ) ) f.write(f"}} // namespace {ns}\n") def add_common_code(f): f.write( """ void usage(const std::string &argv0) { std::cerr << "usage: " << argv0 << " oid CASE ITERATIONS" << std::endl; std::cerr << " " << argv0 << " oil CASE CONFIG_FILE..." << std::endl; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 4) { usage(argv[0]); return -1; } std::string mode = argv[1]; std::string test_case = argv[2]; int iterations = 1; if (mode == "oid") { if (argc != 4) { usage(argv[0]); return -1; } std::istringstream iss(argv[3]); iss >> iterations; if ( { usage(argv[0]); return -1; } } else if (mode == "oil") { for (int i = 3; i < argc; i++) { configFiles.emplace_back(argv[i]); } } else { usage(argv[0]); return -1; } """ ) def add_dispatch_code(f, config): ns = get_namespace(config["suite"]) for case_name in config["cases"]: case_str = get_case_name(config["suite"], case_name) oil_func_name = get_target_oil_func_name(config["suite"], case_name) oid_func_name = get_target_oid_func_name(config["suite"], case_name) f.write( f' if (test_case == "{case_str}") {{\n' f" auto val = {ns}::get_{case_name}();\n" f" for (int i=0; i configFiles;") for config in test_configs: add_test_setup(f, config) add_common_code(f) for config in test_configs: add_dispatch_code(f, config) add_footer(f) def get_probe_name(probe_type, func_name, args): return probe_type + ":" + func_name + ":" + args def add_tests(f, config): for case_name, case in config["cases"].items(): add_oid_integration_test(f, config, case_name, case) add_oil_integration_test(f, config, case_name, case) def add_oid_integration_test(f, config, case_name, case): probe_type = case.get("type", "entry") args = case.get("args", "arg0") func_name = get_target_oid_func_name(config["suite"], case_name) if "target_function" in case: func_name = case["target_function"] probe_str = get_probe_name(probe_type, func_name, args) case_str = get_case_name(config["suite"], case_name) exit_code = case.get("expect_oid_exit_code", 0) cli_options = ( "{" + ", ".join(f'"{option}"' for option in case.get("cli_options", ())) + "}" ) config_prefix = case.get("config_prefix", "") config_suffix = case.get("config_suffix", "") f.write( f"\n" f"TEST_F(OidIntegration, {case_str}) {{\n" f"{generate_skip(case, 'oid')}" f' std::string configPrefix = R"--({config_prefix})--";\n' f' std::string configSuffix = R"--({config_suffix})--";\n' f" ba::io_context ctx;\n" f" auto [target, oid] = runOidOnProcess(\n" f" {{\n" f" .ctx = ctx,\n" f' .targetArgs = "oid {case_str}",\n' f' .scriptSource = "{probe_str}",\n' f" }},\n" f" {cli_options},\n" f" std::move(configPrefix), std::move(configSuffix));\n" f" ASSERT_EQ(exit_code(oid), {exit_code});\n" f" EXPECT_EQ(target.proc.running(), true);\n" ) if "expect_json" in case: try: json.loads(case["expect_json"]) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as error: print( f"\x1b[31m`expect_json` value for test case {config['suite']}.{case_name} was invalid JSON: {error}\x1b[0m", file=sys.stderr, ) sys.exit(1) f.write( f"\n" f" std::stringstream expected_json_ss;\n" f' expected_json_ss << R"--({case["expect_json"]})--";\n' f" bpt::ptree expected_json, actual_json;\n" f" bpt::read_json(expected_json_ss, expected_json);\n" f' bpt::read_json("oid_out.json", actual_json);\n' f" compare_json(expected_json, actual_json);\n" ) if "expect_stdout" in case: f.write( f' std::string stdout_regex = R"--({case["expect_stdout"]})--";\n' f" EXPECT_THAT(stdout_, MatchesRegex(stdout_regex));\n" ) if "expect_stderr" in case: f.write( f' std::string stderr_regex = R"--({case["expect_stderr"]})--";\n' f" EXPECT_THAT(stderr_, MatchesRegex(stderr_regex));\n" ) if "expect_not_stdout" in case: f.write( f' std::string not_stdout_regex = R"--({case["expect_not_stdout"]})--";\n' f" EXPECT_THAT(stdout_, Not(MatchesRegex(not_stdout_regex)));\n" ) if "expect_not_stderr" in case: f.write( f' std::string not_stderr_regex = R"--({case["expect_not_stderr"]})--";\n' f" EXPECT_THAT(stderr_, Not(MatchesRegex(not_stderr_regex)));\n" ) f.write(f"}}\n") def add_oil_integration_test(f, config, case_name, case): case_str = get_case_name(config["suite"], case_name) exit_code = case.get("expect_oil_exit_code", 0) if "oil_disable" in case or "target_function" in case: return config_prefix = case.get("config_prefix", "") config_suffix = case.get("config_suffix", "") f.write( f"\n" f"TEST_F(OilIntegration, {case_str}) {{\n" f"{generate_skip(case, 'oil')}" f' std::string configPrefix = R"--({config_prefix})--";\n' f' std::string configSuffix = R"--({config_suffix})--";\n' f" ba::io_context ctx;\n" f" auto target = runOilTarget({{\n" f" .ctx = ctx,\n" f' .targetArgs = "oil {case_str}",\n' f" }}, std::move(configPrefix), std::move(configSuffix));\n\n" f" ASSERT_EQ(exit_code(target), {exit_code});\n" ) key = "expect_json" if "expect_json_v2" in case: key = "expect_json_v2" if key in case: try: json.loads(case[key]) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as error: print( f"\x1b[31m`expect_json` value for test case {config['suite']}.{case_name} was invalid JSON: {error}\x1b[0m", file=sys.stderr, ) sys.exit(1) f.write( f"\n" f" std::stringstream expected_json_ss;\n" f' expected_json_ss << R"--({case[key]})--";\n' f" auto result_json_ss = std::stringstream(stdout_);\n" f" bpt::ptree expected_json, actual_json;\n" f" bpt::read_json(expected_json_ss, expected_json);\n" f" bpt::read_json(result_json_ss, actual_json);\n" f" compare_json(expected_json, actual_json);\n" ) f.write(f"}}\n") def generate_skip(case, specific): possibly_skip = "" skip_reason = case.get("skip", False) specific_skip_reason = case.get(f"{specific}_skip", False) if specific_skip_reason or skip_reason: possibly_skip += " if (!run_skipped_tests) {\n" possibly_skip += " GTEST_SKIP()" if type(specific_skip_reason) == str: possibly_skip += f' << "{specific_skip_reason}"' elif type(skip_reason) == str: possibly_skip += f' << "{skip_reason}"' possibly_skip += ";\n" possibly_skip += " }\n" return possibly_skip def gen_runner(output_runner_name, test_configs): with open(output_runner_name, "w") as f: f.write( "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \n" '#include "runner_common.h"\n' "\n" "namespace ba = boost::asio;\n" "namespace bpt = boost::property_tree;\n" "\n" "using ::testing::MatchesRegex;\n" "\n" "extern bool run_skipped_tests;\n" ) for config in test_configs: add_tests(f, config) def gen_thrift(test_configs): for config in test_configs: if not is_thrift_test(config): continue output_thrift_name = f"{config['suite']}.thrift" with open(output_thrift_name, "w") as f: f.write(config["thrift_definitions"]) print(f"Thrift out: {output_thrift_name}") def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 4: print("Usage: OUTPUT_TARGET OUTPUT_RUNNER INPUT1 [INPUT2 ...]") exit(1) output_target = sys.argv[1] output_runner = sys.argv[2] inputs = sys.argv[3:] print(f"Output target: {output_target}") print(f"Output runner: {output_runner}") print(f"Input files: {inputs}") test_configs = [] test_suites = set() while len(inputs) > 0: test_path = inputs.pop() if test_path.endswith(".toml"): test_suite = pathlib.Path(test_path).stem if test_suite in test_suites: raise Exception(f"Test suite {test_suite} is defined multiple times") test_suites.add(test_suite) config = toml.load(test_path) config["suite"] = test_suite test_configs += [config] elif os.path.isdir(test_path): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(test_path): for name in files: if name.endswith(".toml"): path = os.path.join(root, name) print("Found definition file at {path}") inputs.append(path) else: raise Exception( "Test definition inputs must have the '.toml' extension or be a directory" ) gen_target(output_target, test_configs) gen_runner(output_runner, test_configs) gen_thrift(test_configs) if __name__ == "__main__": main()