[info] type_name = "std::unordered_set" stub_template_params = [1,2,3] ctype = "UNORDERED_SET_TYPE" header = "unordered_set" # Old: typeName = "std::unordered_set<" ns = ["namespace std"] numTemplateParams = 1 replaceTemplateParamIndex = [1, 2] allocatorIndex = 3 [codegen] decl = """ template void getSizeType(const %1% &container, size_t& returnArg); """ func = """ template void getSizeType(const %1% &container, size_t& returnArg) { constexpr size_t nodeSize = sizeof(typename %1%::node_type); size_t bucketCount = container.bucket_count(); size_t numElems = container.size(); SAVE_SIZE(sizeof(%1%) + (numElems * nodeSize) + (bucketCount * sizeof(uintptr_t))); SAVE_DATA((uintptr_t)nodeSize); SAVE_DATA((uintptr_t)bucketCount); SAVE_DATA((uintptr_t)numElems); // The double ampersand is needed otherwise this loop doesn't work with vector for (auto&& it: container) { getSizeType(it, returnArg); } } """ traversal_func = """ auto tail = returnArg .write((uintptr_t)&container) .write(container.bucket_count()) .write(container.size()); for (const auto &it : container) { tail = tail.delegate([&ctx, &it](auto ret) { return OIInternal::getSizeType(ctx, it, ret); }); } return tail.finish(); """ [[codegen.processor]] type = "types::st::VarInt" func = """ el.pointer = std::get(d.val).value; """ [[codegen.processor]] type = "types::st::VarInt" func = """ // Using the container's capacity to temporarily store the number of buckets // TODO: Is there another way to pass a value across processors? el.container_stats.emplace(result::Element::ContainerStats { .capacity = std::get(d.val).value, }); """ [[codegen.processor]] type = "types::st::List::type>" func = """ #ifdef __GLIBCXX__ /* Use libstdc++ implementation __details to compute the size of Nodes and Buckets. * * See the source of : * https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/latest-doxygen/a00536_source.html */ using OI_Hash_node = std::__detail::_Hash_node::value>; using OI_bucket = std::__detail::_Hash_node_base; static constexpr size_t element_size = sizeof(OI_Hash_node); static constexpr size_t bucket_size = sizeof(OI_bucket); #else static_assert(false && "No known element_size for sets. See types/set_type.toml"); #endif auto list = std::get(d.val); // Reading the bucket count that was stored in `capacity` by the processor above. size_t bucket_count = el.container_stats->capacity; el.exclusive_size += bucket_count * bucket_size; el.exclusive_size += list.length * (element_size - sizeof(T0)); // Overwrite the bucket count stored in `capacity` with the actual container's values. el.container_stats.emplace(result::Element::ContainerStats { .capacity = list.length, .length = list.length, }); static constexpr auto childField = make_field("[]"); for (size_t i = 0; i < list.length; i++) stack_ins(childField); """