[info] type_name = "std::stack" ctype = "CONTAINER_ADAPTER_TYPE" header = "stack" underlying_container_index = 1 # Old: typeName = "std::stack<" ns = ["namespace std"] replaceTemplateParamIndex = [] underlyingContainerIndex = 1 [codegen] decl = """ template void getSizeType(const %1% &container, size_t& returnArg); """ func = """ template void getSizeType(const %1% &containerAdapter, size_t& returnArg) { SAVE_DATA((uintptr_t)&containerAdapter); // Only record the overhead of this container adapter - don't count the // underlying container as that will be taken care of in its own // getSizeType() function SAVE_SIZE(sizeof(%1%) - sizeof(Container)); const Container &container = get_container(containerAdapter); getSizeType(container, returnArg); } """