# - Find zstd # Find the zstd compression library and includes # # zstd_INCLUDE_DIRS - where to find zstd.h, etc. # zstd_LIBRARIES - List of libraries when using zstd. # zstd_FOUND - True if zstd found. find_path(zstd_INCLUDE_DIRS zstd.h HINTS ${zstd_ROOT_DIR}/include) # Don't merge these two `find_library`! This is to give priority to the static library. # See "Professional CMake", page 300, for more info. find_library(zstd_LIBRARIES libzstd.a HINTS ${zstd_ROOT_DIR}/lib) find_library(zstd_LIBRARIES zstd HINTS ${zstd_ROOT_DIR}/lib) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(zstd DEFAULT_MSG zstd_LIBRARIES zstd_INCLUDE_DIRS) mark_as_advanced( zstd_LIBRARIES zstd_INCLUDE_DIRS) if(zstd_FOUND AND NOT (TARGET zstd::zstd)) add_library (zstd::zstd UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_target_properties(zstd::zstd PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${zstd_LIBRARIES} INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${zstd_INCLUDE_DIRS} COMPILE_DEFINITIONS -DZSTD) endif()