on a derivation with a meta.license attribute which does not satisfy the license predicate. With this adapter you can abort any install which depends on software which are not free by default. You can try it with MPlayer, because MPlayer depends of win32codecs flagged as "unfree". svn path=/nixpkgs/trunk/; revision=18530
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/* This file contains various functions that take a stdenv and return
a new stdenv with different behaviour, e.g. using a different C
compiler. */
{dietlibc, fetchurl, runCommand}:
rec {
# Override the compiler in stdenv for specific packages.
overrideGCC = stdenv: gcc: stdenv //
{ mkDerivation = args: stdenv.mkDerivation (args // { NIX_GCC = gcc; });
# Add some arbitrary packages to buildInputs for specific packages.
# Used to override packages in stenv like Make. Should not be used
# for other dependencies.
overrideInStdenv = stdenv: pkgs: stdenv //
{ mkDerivation = args: stdenv.mkDerivation (args //
{ buildInputs = (if args ? buildInputs then args.buildInputs else []) ++ pkgs; }
# Override the setup script of stdenv. Useful for testing new
# versions of the setup script without causing a rebuild of
# everything.
# Example:
# randomPkg = import ../bla { ...
# stdenv = overrideSetup stdenv ../stdenv/generic/setup-latest.sh;
# };
overrideSetup = stdenv: setup: stdenv.regenerate setup;
# Return a modified stdenv that uses dietlibc to create small
# statically linked binaries.
useDietLibC = stdenv: stdenv //
{ mkDerivation = args: stdenv.mkDerivation (args // {
NIX_CFLAGS_LINK = "-static";
# libcompat.a contains some commonly used functions.
NIX_LDFLAGS = "-lcompat";
# These are added *after* the command-line flags, so we'll
# always optimise for size.
(if args ? NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE then args.NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE else "")
+ " -Os -s -D_BSD_SOURCE=1";
configureFlags =
(if args ? configureFlags then args.configureFlags else "")
+ " --disable-shared"; # brrr...
NIX_GCC = import ../build-support/gcc-wrapper {
inherit stdenv;
libc = dietlibc;
inherit (stdenv.gcc) gcc binutils nativeTools nativePrefix;
nativeLibc = false;
isDietLibC = true;
} // {inherit fetchurl;};
# Return a modified stdenv that uses klibc to create small
# statically linked binaries.
useKlibc = stdenv: klibc: stdenv //
{ mkDerivation = args: stdenv.mkDerivation (args // {
NIX_CFLAGS_LINK = "-static";
# These are added *after* the command-line flags, so we'll
# always optimise for size.
(if args ? NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE then args.NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE else "")
+ " -Os -s";
configureFlags =
(if args ? configureFlags then args.configureFlags else "")
+ " --disable-shared"; # brrr...
NIX_GCC = runCommand "klibc-wrapper" {} ''
ensureDir $out/bin
ln -s ${klibc}/bin/klcc $out/bin/gcc
ln -s ${klibc}/bin/klcc $out/bin/cc
ensureDir $out/nix-support
echo 'PATH=$PATH:${stdenv.gcc.binutils}/bin' > $out/nix-support/setup-hook
isKlibc = true;
isStatic = true;
} // {inherit fetchurl;};
# Return a modified stdenv that tries to build statically linked
# binaries.
makeStaticBinaries = stdenv: stdenv //
{ mkDerivation = args: stdenv.mkDerivation (args // {
NIX_CFLAGS_LINK = "-static";
configureFlags =
(if args ? configureFlags then args.configureFlags else "")
+ " --disable-shared"; # brrr...
isStatic = true;
} // {inherit fetchurl;};
/* Modify a stdenv so that the specified attributes are added to
every derivation returned by its mkDerivation function.
stdenvNoOptimise =
addAttrsToDerivation = extraAttrs: stdenv: stdenv //
{ mkDerivation = args: stdenv.mkDerivation (args // extraAttrs); };
/* Return a modified stdenv that perfoms the build under $out/.build
instead of in $TMPDIR. Thus, the sources are kept available.
This is useful for things like debugging or generation of
dynamic analysis reports. */
keepBuildTree = stdenv:
{ prePhases = "moveBuildDir";
moveBuildDir =
ensureDir $out/.build
cd $out/.build
} stdenv;
cleanupBuildTree = stdenv:
{ postPhases = "cleanupBuildDir";
# Get rid of everything that isn't a gcno file or a C source
# file. This also includes the gcda files; we're not
# interested in coverage resulting from the package's own test
# suite.
cleanupBuildDir =
find $out/.build/ -type f -a ! \
\( -name "*.c" -o -name "*.h" -o -name "*.gcno" \) \
| xargs rm -f --
} stdenv;
/* Return a modified stdenv that builds packages with GCC's coverage
instrumentation. The coverage note files (*.gcno) are stored in
$out/.build, along with the source code of the package, to enable
programs like lcov to produce pretty-printed reports.
addCoverageInstrumentation = stdenv:
{ NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-O0 --coverage";
# This is an uberhack to prevent libtool from removing gcno
# files. This has been fixed in libtool, but there are
# packages out there with old ltmain.sh scripts.
# See http://www.mail-archive.com/libtool@gnu.org/msg10725.html
postUnpack =
for i in $(find -name ltmain.sh); do
substituteInPlace $i --replace '*.$objext)' '*.$objext | *.gcno)'
# Object files instrumented with coverage analysis write
# runtime coverage data to <path>/<object>.gcda, where <path>
# is the location where gcc originally created the object
# file. That would be /tmp/nix-build-<something>, which will
# be long gone by the time we run the program. Furthermore,
# the <object>.gcno files created at compile time are also
# written there. And to make nice coverage reports with lcov,
# we need the source code. So we have to use the
# `keepBuildTree' adapter as well.
(cleanupBuildTree (keepBuildTree stdenv));
/* Replace the meta.maintainers field of a derivation. This is useful
when you want to fork to update some packages without disturbing other
e.g.: in all-packages.nix:
# remove all maintainers.
defaultStdenv = replaceMaintainersField allStdenvs.stdenv pkgs [];
replaceMaintainersField = stdenv: pkgs: maintainers: stdenv //
{ mkDerivation = args:
(stdenv.mkDerivation args)
{ meta.maintainers = maintainers; };
/* Use the trace output to report all processed derivations with their
license name.
traceDrvLicenses = stdenv: stdenv //
{ mkDerivation = args:
pkg = stdenv.mkDerivation args;
printDrvPath = val: let
drvPath = builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext pkg.drvPath;
license =
if pkg ? meta && pkg.meta ? license then
builtins.trace "@:drv:${toString drvPath}:${builtins.exprToString license}:@"
in pkg // {
outPath = printDrvPath pkg.outPath;
drvPath = printDrvPath pkg.drvPath;
/* Abort if the license predicate is not verified for a derivation
declared with mkDerivation.
One possible predicate to avoid all non-free packages can be achieved
with the following function:
isFree = license: with builtins;
if isNull license then true
else if isList license then lib.all isFree license
else license != "non-free" && license != "unfree";
This adapter can be defined on the defaultStdenv definition. You can
use it by patching the all-packages.nix file or by using the override
feature of ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix .
validateLicenses = licensePred: stdenv: stdenv //
{ mkDerivation = args:
pkg = stdenv.mkDerivation args;
license =
if pkg ? meta && pkg.meta ? license then
validate = arg:
if licensePred license then arg
else abort "
Error while building ${builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext pkg.drvPath}:
The license predicate is not verified.
bad license: ${builtins.exprToString license}
in pkg // {
outPath = validate pkg.outPath;
drvPath = validate pkg.drvPath;