VMs were starving, many of the daemons were unable to complete their tasks resulting in tests failures. Turned off verbose output from k8s components as it consumes even more resources, and useful error messages actually drown in debug-clutter
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{ system ? builtins.currentSystem }:
with import ../../lib/testing.nix { inherit system; };
with pkgs.lib;
mkKubernetesBaseTest =
{ name, domain ? "my.zyx", test, machines
, pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { inherit system; }
, certs ? import ./certs.nix { inherit pkgs; externalDomain = domain; kubelets = attrNames machines; }
, extraConfiguration ? null }:
masterName = head (filter (machineName: any (role: role == "master") machines.${machineName}.roles) (attrNames machines));
master = machines.${masterName};
extraHosts = ''
${master.ip} etcd.${domain}
${master.ip} api.${domain}
${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (machineName: "${machines.${machineName}.ip} ${machineName}.${domain}") (attrNames machines)}
in makeTest {
inherit name;
nodes = mapAttrs (machineName: machine:
{ config, pkgs, lib, nodes, ... }:
mkMerge [
virtualisation.memorySize = mkDefault 1536;
virtualisation.diskSize = mkDefault 4096;
networking = {
inherit domain extraHosts;
primaryIPAddress = mkForce machine.ip;
firewall = {
allowedTCPPorts = [
10250 # kubelet
trustedInterfaces = ["docker0"];
extraCommands = concatMapStrings (node: ''
iptables -A INPUT -s ${node.config.networking.primaryIPAddress} -j ACCEPT
'') (attrValues nodes);
programs.bash.enableCompletion = true;
environment.variables = {
ETCDCTL_CERT_FILE = "${certs.worker}/etcd-client.pem";
ETCDCTL_KEY_FILE = "${certs.worker}/etcd-client-key.pem";
ETCDCTL_CA_FILE = "${certs.worker}/ca.pem";
ETCDCTL_PEERS = "https://etcd.${domain}:2379";
services.flannel.iface = "eth1";
services.kubernetes.apiserver.advertiseAddress = master.ip;
(optionalAttrs (any (role: role == "master") machine.roles) {
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [
2379 2380 # etcd
443 # kubernetes apiserver
services.etcd = {
enable = true;
certFile = "${certs.master}/etcd.pem";
keyFile = "${certs.master}/etcd-key.pem";
trustedCaFile = "${certs.master}/ca.pem";
peerClientCertAuth = true;
listenClientUrls = [""];
listenPeerUrls = [""];
advertiseClientUrls = ["https://etcd.${config.networking.domain}:2379"];
initialCluster = ["${masterName}=https://etcd.${config.networking.domain}:2380"];
initialAdvertisePeerUrls = ["https://etcd.${config.networking.domain}:2380"];
(import ./kubernetes-common.nix { inherit (machine) roles; inherit pkgs config certs; })
(optionalAttrs (machine ? "extraConfiguration") (machine.extraConfiguration { inherit config pkgs lib nodes; }))
(optionalAttrs (extraConfiguration != null) (extraConfiguration { inherit config pkgs lib nodes; }))
) machines;
testScript = ''
mkKubernetesMultiNodeTest = attrs: mkKubernetesBaseTest ({
machines = {
machine1 = {
roles = ["master"];
ip = "";
machine2 = {
roles = ["node"];
ip = "";
} // attrs // {
name = "kubernetes-${attrs.name}-multinode";
mkKubernetesSingleNodeTest = attrs: mkKubernetesBaseTest ({
machines = {
machine1 = {
roles = ["master" "node"];
ip = "";
} // attrs // {
name = "kubernetes-${attrs.name}-singlenode";
in {
inherit mkKubernetesBaseTest mkKubernetesSingleNodeTest mkKubernetesMultiNodeTest;