Escape things by default in derivation names (i.e. digit cannot be the first character etc.) Update Quicklisp (tracking upstream); list new missing dependencies Add some minimal README about ql-to-nix
37 lines
1.5 KiB
37 lines
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args @ { fetchurl, ... }:
rec {
baseName = ''let-plus'';
version = ''20170124-git'';
description = ''Destructuring extension of LET*.'';
deps = [ args."alexandria" args."anaphora" ];
src = fetchurl {
url = ''http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/let-plus/2017-01-24/let-plus-20170124-git.tgz'';
sha256 = ''1hfsw4g36vccz2lx6gk375arjj6y85yh9ch3pq7yiybjlxx68xi8'';
packageName = "let-plus";
overrides = x: {
postInstall = ''
find "$out/lib/common-lisp/" -name '*.asd' | grep -iv '/let-plus[.]asd${"$"}' |
while read f; do
env -i \
NIX_LISP_PRELAUNCH_HOOK="nix_lisp_run_single_form '(progn
(asdf:load-system :$(basename "$f" .asd))
(asdf:perform (quote asdf:compile-bundle-op) :$(basename "$f" .asd))
(ignore-errors (asdf:perform (quote asdf:deliver-asd-op) :$(basename "$f" .asd)))
)'" \
"$out"/bin/*-lisp-launcher.sh ||
mv "$f"{,.sibling}; done || true
/* (SYSTEM let-plus DESCRIPTION Destructuring extension of LET*. SHA256 1hfsw4g36vccz2lx6gk375arjj6y85yh9ch3pq7yiybjlxx68xi8 URL
http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/let-plus/2017-01-24/let-plus-20170124-git.tgz MD5 1180608e4da53f3866a99d4cca72e3b1 NAME let-plus TESTNAME NIL FILENAME
let-plus DEPS ((NAME alexandria FILENAME alexandria) (NAME anaphora FILENAME anaphora)) DEPENDENCIES (alexandria anaphora) VERSION 20170124-git SIBLINGS
NIL) */