Charlotte Van Petegem dfe3b739c7
zeroad: make sure hydra builds zeroad-unwrapped
Hydra hasn't built zeroad since the 0.0.24 bump:
This is due to the data package becoming larger than the output
limit. Even though the data package is already marked with
`hydraPlatforms = [];`, hydra still tried to build it, since it is a
dependency of `zeroad`. This makes it so `zeroad` isn't built by hydra
either. Only `zeroad-unwrapped` (which takes significant compilation
time) will be built by hydra.
2021-08-10 09:37:34 +02:00

25 lines
493 B

{ buildEnv, makeWrapper, zeroad-unwrapped, zeroad-data }:
assert zeroad-unwrapped.version == zeroad-data.version;
buildEnv {
name = "zeroad-${zeroad-unwrapped.version}";
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
paths = [ zeroad-unwrapped zeroad-data ];
pathsToLink = [ "/" "/bin" ];
postBuild = ''
for i in $out/bin/*; do
wrapProgram "$i" \
--set ZEROAD_ROOTDIR "$out/share/0ad"
meta = zeroad-unwrapped.meta // {
hydraPlatforms = [];