I have a nixops network where I deploy containers using the `container` backend which uses `nixos-container` intenrally to deploy several containers to a certain host. During that time I removed and added new containers and while trying to deploy those to a different host I realized that it isn't guaranteed that each container gets the same IP address which is a problem as some parts of the deployment need to know which container is using which IP (i.e. to configure port forwarding on the host). With this change you can specify the container's IP like this (and don't have to use the arbitrarily used subnet): ``` $ nixos-container create test --config-file test-container.nix \ --local-address --host-address ```
381 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
381 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
#! @perl@
use strict;
use POSIX;
use File::Path;
use File::Slurp;
use Fcntl ':flock';
use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt);
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use Time::HiRes;
my $nsenter = "@utillinux@/bin/nsenter";
my $su = "@su@";
# Ensure a consistent umask.
umask 0022;
# Ensure $NIXOS_CONFIG is not set.
# Parse the command line.
sub showHelp {
print <<EOF;
Usage: nixos-container list
nixos-container create <container-name> [--nixos-path <path>] [--system-path <path>] [--config-file <path>] [--config <string>] [--ensure-unique-name] [--auto-start] [--bridge <iface>] [--port <port>] [--host-address <string>] [--local-address <string>]
nixos-container destroy <container-name>
nixos-container start <container-name>
nixos-container stop <container-name>
nixos-container terminate <container-name>
nixos-container status <container-name>
nixos-container update <container-name> [--config <string>] [--config-file <path>]
nixos-container login <container-name>
nixos-container root-login <container-name>
nixos-container run <container-name> -- args...
nixos-container show-ip <container-name>
nixos-container show-host-key <container-name>
exit 0;
my $systemPath;
my $nixosPath;
my $ensureUniqueName = 0;
my $autoStart = 0;
my $bridge;
my $port;
my $extraConfig;
my $signal;
my $configFile;
my $hostAddress;
my $localAddress;
"help" => sub { showHelp() },
"ensure-unique-name" => \$ensureUniqueName,
"auto-start" => \$autoStart,
"bridge=s" => \$bridge,
"port=s" => \$port,
"system-path=s" => \$systemPath,
"signal=s" => \$signal,
"nixos-path=s" => \$nixosPath,
"config=s" => \$extraConfig,
"config-file=s" => \$configFile,
"host-address=s" => \$hostAddress,
"local-address=s" => \$localAddress,
) or exit 1;
if (defined $hostAddress and !defined $localAddress or defined $localAddress and !defined $hostAddress) {
die "With --host-address set, --local-address is required as well!";
my $action = $ARGV[0] or die "$0: no action specified\n";
if (defined $configFile and defined $extraConfig) {
die "--config and --config-file are mutually incompatible. " .
"Please define on or the other, but not both";
# Execute the selected action.
mkpath("/etc/containers", 0, 0755);
mkpath("/var/lib/containers", 0, 0700);
if ($action eq "list") {
foreach my $confFile (glob "/etc/containers/*.conf") {
$confFile =~ /\/([^\/]+).conf$/ or next;
print "$1\n";
exit 0;
my $containerName = $ARGV[1] or die "$0: no container name specified\n";
$containerName =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/ or die "$0: invalid container name\n";
sub writeNixOSConfig {
my ($nixosConfigFile) = @_;
my $localExtraConfig = "";
if ($extraConfig) {
$localExtraConfig = $extraConfig
} elsif ($configFile) {
my $resolvedFile = abs_path($configFile);
$localExtraConfig = "imports = [ $resolvedFile ];"
my $nixosConfig = <<EOF;
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
{ boot.isContainer = true;
networking.hostName = mkDefault "$containerName";
networking.useDHCP = false;
write_file($nixosConfigFile, $nixosConfig);
if ($action eq "create") {
# Acquire an exclusive lock to prevent races with other
# invocations of ‘nixos-container create’.
my $lockFN = "/run/lock/nixos-container";
open(my $lock, '>>', $lockFN) or die "$0: opening $lockFN: $!";
flock($lock, LOCK_EX) or die "$0: could not lock $lockFN: $!";
my $confFile = "/etc/containers/$containerName.conf";
my $root = "/var/lib/containers/$containerName";
# Maybe generate a unique name.
if ($ensureUniqueName) {
my $base = $containerName;
for (my $nr = 0; ; $nr++) {
$confFile = "/etc/containers/$containerName.conf";
$root = "/var/lib/containers/$containerName";
last unless -e $confFile || -e $root;
$containerName = "$base-$nr";
die "$0: container ‘$containerName’ already exists\n" if -e $confFile;
# Due to interface name length restrictions, container names must
# be restricted too.
die "$0: container name ‘$containerName’ is too long\n" if length $containerName > 11;
# Get an unused IP address.
my %usedIPs;
foreach my $confFile2 (glob "/etc/containers/*.conf") {
my $s = read_file($confFile2) or die;
$usedIPs{$1} = 1 if $s =~ /^HOST_ADDRESS=([0-9\.]+)$/m;
$usedIPs{$1} = 1 if $s =~ /^LOCAL_ADDRESS=([0-9\.]+)$/m;
unless (defined $hostAddress) {
my $ipPrefix;
for (my $nr = 1; $nr < 255; $nr++) {
$ipPrefix = "10.233.$nr";
$hostAddress = "$ipPrefix.1";
$localAddress = "$ipPrefix.2";
last unless $usedIPs{$hostAddress} || $usedIPs{$localAddress};
$ipPrefix = undef;
die "$0: out of IP addresses\n" unless defined $ipPrefix;
my @conf;
push @conf, "PRIVATE_NETWORK=1\n";
push @conf, "HOST_ADDRESS=$hostAddress\n";
push @conf, "LOCAL_ADDRESS=$localAddress\n";
push @conf, "HOST_BRIDGE=$bridge\n";
push @conf, "HOST_PORT=$port\n";
push @conf, "AUTO_START=$autoStart\n";
write_file($confFile, \@conf);
print STDERR "host IP is $hostAddress, container IP is $localAddress\n";
# The per-container directory is restricted to prevent users on
# the host from messing with guest users who happen to have the
# same uid.
my $profileDir = "/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-container";
mkpath($profileDir, 0, 0700);
$profileDir = "$profileDir/$containerName";
mkpath($profileDir, 0, 0755);
# Build/set the initial configuration.
if (defined $systemPath) {
system("nix-env", "-p", "$profileDir/system", "--set", $systemPath) == 0
or die "$0: failed to set initial container configuration\n";
} else {
mkpath("$root/etc/nixos", 0, 0755);
my $nixenvF = $nixosPath // "<nixpkgs/nixos>";
my $nixosConfigFile = "$root/etc/nixos/configuration.nix";
writeNixOSConfig $nixosConfigFile;
system("nix-env", "-p", "$profileDir/system",
"-I", "nixos-config=$nixosConfigFile", "-f", "$nixenvF",
"--set", "-A", "system") == 0
or die "$0: failed to build initial container configuration\n";
print "$containerName\n" if $ensureUniqueName;
exit 0;
my $root = "/var/lib/containers/$containerName";
my $profileDir = "/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-container/$containerName";
my $gcRootsDir = "/nix/var/nix/gcroots/per-container/$containerName";
my $confFile = "/etc/containers/$containerName.conf";
if (!-e $confFile) {
if ($action eq "destroy") {
exit 0;
} elsif ($action eq "status") {
print "gone\n";
die "$0: container ‘$containerName’ does not exist\n" ;
# Return the PID of the init process of the container.
sub getLeader {
my $s = `machinectl show "$containerName" -p Leader`;
chomp $s;
$s =~ /^Leader=(\d+)$/ or die "unable to get container's main PID\n";
return int($1);
sub isContainerRunning {
my $status = `systemctl show 'container\@$containerName'`;
return $status =~ /ActiveState=active/;
sub terminateContainer {
my $leader = getLeader;
system("machinectl", "terminate", $containerName) == 0
or die "$0: failed to terminate container\n";
# Wait for the leader process to exit
# TODO: As for any use of PIDs for process control where the process is
# not a direct child of ours, this can go wrong when the pid gets
# recycled after a PID overflow.
# Relying entirely on some form of UUID provided by machinectl
# instead of PIDs would remove this risk.
# See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/32992#discussion_r158586048
while ( kill 0, $leader ) { Time::HiRes::sleep(0.1) }
sub startContainer {
system("systemctl", "start", "container\@$containerName") == 0
or die "$0: failed to start container\n";
sub stopContainer {
system("systemctl", "stop", "container\@$containerName") == 0
or die "$0: failed to stop container\n";
sub restartContainer {
# Run a command in the container.
sub runInContainer {
my @args = @_;
my $leader = getLeader;
exec($nsenter, "-t", $leader, "-m", "-u", "-i", "-n", "-p", "--", @args);
die "cannot run ‘nsenter’: $!\n";
# Remove a directory while recursively unmounting all mounted filesystems within
# that directory and unmounting/removing that directory afterwards as well.
# NOTE: If the specified path is a mountpoint, its contents will be removed,
# only mountpoints underneath that path will be unmounted properly.
sub safeRemoveTree {
my ($path) = @_;
system("find", $path, "-mindepth", "1", "-xdev",
"(", "-type", "d", "-exec", "mountpoint", "-q", "{}", ";", ")",
"-exec", "umount", "-fR", "{}", "+");
system("rm", "--one-file-system", "-rf", $path);
if (-e $path) {
system("umount", "-fR", $path);
system("rm", "--one-file-system", "-rf", $path);
if ($action eq "destroy") {
die "$0: cannot destroy declarative container (remove it from your configuration.nix instead)\n"
unless POSIX::access($confFile, &POSIX::W_OK);
terminateContainer if (isContainerRunning);
safeRemoveTree($profileDir) if -e $profileDir;
safeRemoveTree($gcRootsDir) if -e $gcRootsDir;
system("chattr", "-i", "$root/var/empty") if -e "$root/var/empty";
safeRemoveTree($root) if -e $root;
unlink($confFile) or die;
elsif ($action eq "restart") {
elsif ($action eq "start") {
elsif ($action eq "stop") {
elsif ($action eq "terminate") {
elsif ($action eq "status") {
print isContainerRunning() ? "up" : "down", "\n";
elsif ($action eq "update") {
my $nixosConfigFile = "$root/etc/nixos/configuration.nix";
# FIXME: may want to be more careful about clobbering the existing
# configuration.nix.
if ((defined $extraConfig && $extraConfig ne "") ||
(defined $configFile && $configFile ne "")) {
writeNixOSConfig $nixosConfigFile;
system("nix-env", "-p", "$profileDir/system",
"-I", "nixos-config=$nixosConfigFile", "-f", "<nixpkgs/nixos>",
"--set", "-A", "system") == 0
or die "$0: failed to build container configuration\n";
if (isContainerRunning) {
print STDERR "reloading container...\n";
system("systemctl", "reload", "container\@$containerName") == 0
or die "$0: failed to reload container\n";
elsif ($action eq "login") {
exec("machinectl", "login", "--", $containerName);
elsif ($action eq "root-login") {
runInContainer("@su@", "root", "-l");
elsif ($action eq "run") {
shift @ARGV; shift @ARGV;
# Escape command.
my $s = join(' ', map { s/'/'\\''/g; "'$_'" } @ARGV);
runInContainer("@su@", "root", "-l", "-c", "exec " . $s);
elsif ($action eq "show-ip") {
my $s = read_file($confFile) or die;
$s =~ /^LOCAL_ADDRESS=([0-9\.]+)(\/[0-9]+)?$/m or die "$0: cannot get IP address\n";
print "$1\n";
elsif ($action eq "show-host-key") {
my $fn = "$root/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub";
$fn = "$root/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.pub" unless -e $fn;
exit 1 if ! -f $fn;
print read_file($fn);
else {
die "$0: unknown action ‘$action’\n";