sternenseemann 8f07082141 haskell.compiler.ghc901: build using ghc8102BinaryMinimal on arm
ghc8102Binary doesn't build on hydra on arm since it exceeds the maximum
output size. This change works around this issue by using the minimal
version of that compiler instead.
2021-05-07 15:13:37 +02:00

190 lines
6.9 KiB

{ buildPackages, pkgs, newScope, stdenv }:
# These are attributes in compiler and packages that don't support integer-simple.
integerSimpleExcludes = [
nativeBignumIncludes = [
haskellLib = import ../development/haskell-modules/lib.nix {
inherit (pkgs) lib;
inherit pkgs;
callPackage = newScope {
inherit haskellLib;
overrides = pkgs.haskell.packageOverrides;
bootstrapPackageSet = self: super: {
mkDerivation = drv: super.mkDerivation (drv // {
doCheck = false;
doHaddock = false;
enableExecutableProfiling = false;
enableLibraryProfiling = false;
enableSharedExecutables = false;
enableSharedLibraries = false;
# Use this rather than `rec { ... }` below for sake of overlays.
inherit (pkgs.haskell) compiler packages;
in {
lib = haskellLib;
compiler = {
ghc865Binary = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/8.6.5-binary.nix { };
ghc8102Binary = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/8.10.2-binary.nix {
llvmPackages = pkgs.llvmPackages_9;
ghc8102BinaryMinimal = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/8.10.2-binary.nix {
llvmPackages = pkgs.llvmPackages_9;
minimal = true;
ghc884 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/8.8.4.nix {
# aarch64 ghc865Binary gets SEGVs due to haskell#15449 or similar
bootPkgs = if stdenv.isAarch64 then
inherit (buildPackages.python3Packages) sphinx;
buildLlvmPackages = buildPackages.llvmPackages_7;
llvmPackages = pkgs.llvmPackages_7;
ghc8104 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/8.10.4.nix {
# aarch64 ghc865Binary gets SEGVs due to haskell#15449 or similar
bootPkgs = if stdenv.isAarch64 || stdenv.isAarch32 then
inherit (buildPackages.python3Packages) sphinx;
buildLlvmPackages = buildPackages.llvmPackages_9;
llvmPackages = pkgs.llvmPackages_9;
ghc901 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/9.0.1.nix {
# aarch64 ghc8102Binary exceeds max output size on hydra
bootPkgs = if stdenv.isAarch64 || stdenv.isAarch32 then
inherit (buildPackages.python3Packages) sphinx;
buildLlvmPackages = buildPackages.llvmPackages_10;
llvmPackages = pkgs.llvmPackages_10;
ghcHEAD = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/head.nix {
bootPkgs = packages.ghc884; # no binary yet
inherit (buildPackages.python3Packages) sphinx;
buildLlvmPackages = buildPackages.llvmPackages_10;
llvmPackages = pkgs.llvmPackages_10;
libffi = pkgs.libffi;
# The integer-simple attribute set contains all the GHC compilers
# build with integer-simple instead of integer-gmp.
integer-simple = let
integerSimpleGhcNames = pkgs.lib.filter
(name: ! builtins.elem name integerSimpleExcludes)
(pkgs.lib.attrNames compiler);
in pkgs.recurseIntoAttrs (pkgs.lib.genAttrs
(name: compiler.${name}.override { enableIntegerSimple = true; }));
# Starting from GHC 9, integer-{simple,gmp} is replaced by ghc-bignum
# with "native" and "gmp" backends.
native-bignum = let
nativeBignumGhcNames = pkgs.lib.filter
(name: builtins.elem name nativeBignumIncludes)
(pkgs.lib.attrNames compiler);
in pkgs.recurseIntoAttrs (pkgs.lib.genAttrs
(name: compiler.${name}.override { enableNativeBignum = true; }));
# Default overrides that are applied to all package sets.
packageOverrides = self : super : {};
# Always get compilers from `buildPackages`
packages = let bh = buildPackages.haskell; in {
ghc865Binary = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules {
buildHaskellPackages = bh.packages.ghc865Binary;
ghc = bh.compiler.ghc865Binary;
compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.6.x.nix { };
packageSetConfig = bootstrapPackageSet;
ghc8102Binary = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules {
buildHaskellPackages = bh.packages.ghc8102Binary;
ghc = bh.compiler.ghc8102Binary;
compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.10.x.nix { };
packageSetConfig = bootstrapPackageSet;
ghc8102BinaryMinimal = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules {
buildHaskellPackages = bh.packages.ghc8102BinaryMinimal;
ghc = bh.compiler.ghc8102BinaryMinimal;
compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.10.x.nix { };
packageSetConfig = bootstrapPackageSet;
ghc884 = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules {
buildHaskellPackages = bh.packages.ghc884;
ghc = bh.compiler.ghc884;
compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.8.x.nix { };
ghc8104 = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules {
buildHaskellPackages = bh.packages.ghc8104;
ghc = bh.compiler.ghc8104;
compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.10.x.nix { };
ghc901 = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules {
buildHaskellPackages = bh.packages.ghc901;
ghc = bh.compiler.ghc901;
compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-9.0.x.nix { };
ghcHEAD = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules {
buildHaskellPackages = bh.packages.ghcHEAD;
ghc = bh.compiler.ghcHEAD;
compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-head.nix { };
# The integer-simple attribute set contains package sets for all the GHC compilers
# using integer-simple instead of integer-gmp.
integer-simple = let
integerSimpleGhcNames = pkgs.lib.filter
(name: ! builtins.elem name integerSimpleExcludes)
(pkgs.lib.attrNames packages);
in pkgs.lib.genAttrs integerSimpleGhcNames (name: packages.${name}.override {
ghc = bh.compiler.integer-simple.${name};
buildHaskellPackages = bh.packages.integer-simple.${name};
overrides = _self : _super : {
integer-simple = null;
integer-gmp = null;
native-bignum = let
nativeBignumGhcNames = pkgs.lib.filter
(name: builtins.elem name nativeBignumIncludes)
(pkgs.lib.attrNames compiler);
in pkgs.lib.genAttrs nativeBignumGhcNames (name: packages.${name}.override {
ghc = bh.compiler.native-bignum.${name};
buildHaskellPackages = bh.packages.native-bignum.${name};
overrides = _self : _super : {
integer-gmp = null;