Upstream changes to the build system required adjusting many packages' dependencies. On the Nixpkgs side, we no longer propagate the dependency on cmake (to reduce closure size), so downstream dependencies had to be adjusted for most packages that depend on kdelibs.
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{ stdenv, kde, kdelibs, qimageblitz, libdbusmenu_qt, xorg, lm_sensors
, pciutils, libraw1394, libusb1, python, libqalculate, akonadi
, xkeyboard_config, kdepimlibs, pam, boost, gpsd, prison
, libjpeg, pkgconfig, kactivities, qjson, udev, fetchurl
kde {
#todo: wayland, xmms, libusb isn't found
#note: xorg.libXft is needed to build kfontview and kfontinst though this isn't reflected in the build log
buildInputs =
[ kdelibs qimageblitz libdbusmenu_qt xorg.libxcb xorg.xcbutilimage libjpeg
xorg.xcbutilrenderutil xorg.xcbutilkeysyms xorg.libpthreadstubs xorg.libXdmcp
xorg.libxkbfile xorg.libXcomposite xorg.libXtst
xorg.libXdamage xorg.libXft
python boost qjson lm_sensors /* gpsd */ libraw1394 pciutils udev
akonadi pam libusb1 libqalculate kdepimlibs prison
patches = [ ./files/ksysguard-0001-disable-signalplottertest.patch ];
preConfigure =
# Fix incorrect path to kde4-config.
substituteInPlace startkde.cmake --replace '$bindir/kde4-config' ${kdelibs}/bin/kde4-config
# Fix the path to the keyboard configuration files.
substituteInPlace kcontrol/keyboard/xkb_rules.cpp \
--replace /usr/share/X11 ${xkeyboard_config}/etc/X11
enableParallelBuilding = false; # frequent problems on Hydra
meta = {
description = "KDE workspace components such as Plasma, Kwin and System Settings";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2;